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Naval Aviation


The Royal Navy had achieved its own air arm almost in a series of inspired experimental lurches. “Empress”, “Engadine” and “Riviera” were converted cross-Channel ferries. “Ark Royal” was a collier, bought off the stocks at Blyth in Northumberland and completed as a seaplane carrier. “Manxman”was a converted packet, “Nairana” an Australian mail steamer, “Pegasus” the Great Eastern steamer “Stockholm”, “Campania” a converted Cunard liner.

In March 1917 the large cruiser “Furious” had her forward 18-inch gun removed and replaced by a flying off deck, on which Squadron Commander Edwin Dunning made his historic first deck landing, off Scapa Flow, on 2 August 1917. “Argus” the word’s first true carrier, with a flush flight deck 550 feet (168 m) long from Stem to Stern, was converted from the ex-Italian Liner “Conte Rosso”; from “Argus’s” deck in October 1919, Commander Richard Bell Davies lead the fist squadron to be embarked on a carrier. But by then, the Royal Naval Air Service had ceased to exist.

When the case for a “unified air service” was debated in 1917, the Admiralty through indifference, or lingering doubts about the value of air power at sea, did not fight the Navy’s corner with any force or conviction. When the Air Force Bill became law on 1 April 1918, the Royal Naval Air Service was abolished at stroke, and all its resources – more than 100 air stations, some 55.000 officer and men, any over 2.500 aircraft – were transferred to the newly-created Royal Air Force.

“Air” officer who stayed in the Navy, with dual RNRAF ranks, suffered perennially from an occupational unease, constantly aware that their long-term career prospects were in Jeopardy because they were aircrew. Having let control of their air arm go the RAF, the Navy spent the best part of the next 20 years trying to wrest it back.



1) a packet – суденышко, посудина

2) unease = uneasiness – неудобство, беспокойство, стесненность

3) perennially – всегда, вечно, постоянно

4) to wrest – (1) вырывать, выдергивать; (2) получать ценой больших усилий; вырвать (победу у врага); (3) искажать, извращать


How Do Aircraft Fly?



thrust                                                             Venturi                                                        

speed up                                                    



Push through                                                  

Push over                                                     

take off roll                                                       

- лобовое сопротивление

- сила тяги

- принцип Вентури

- ускорять

- воздушный поток

-кривизна профиля крыла

-   проталкивать                                                          -разрезать (воздушный поток)

- разбег при взлете (до скорости




Найдите в тексте эквиваленты словосочетаний.


давление воздуха над крылом ниже, чем под крылом; если скорость жидкости увеличивается, то давление, которое она оказывает на окружающих, уменьшается; принцип Вентури; сохранение энергии воздушного потока; изогнутая поверхность крыла; кривизна профиля крыла способствует ускорению потока молекул воздуха; создавать подъемную силу больше массы ЛА; разбег при взлете; увеличивать скорость воздушного потока при снижении давления.

Подберите синонимы.


Passenger         to haste

To propel         compulsion

To examine      wayfarer

Force                to inspect

Aircraft             to accelerate

To speed over   aviation






Every day millions of people board aircraft headed for destinations around the world. It's puzzling how an aircraft made of metal, much heavier than air, can safely and effortlessly lift hundreds of passengers miles into the sky and propel them at speeds over 500 knots to points thousands of miles away. In this article we will briefly examine the laws of nature that allow this to be accomplished.

Every student pilot is first taught about the four forces acting upon an aircraft in flight: weight, lift, drag and thrust. The downward force of weight must be overcome by an upward acting aerodynamic force called lift.

The wing lifts the aircraft by producing an air pressure above the wing which is lower than that below the wing. This lower pressure pulls or lifts the aircraft upward. In the 1700s a Swiss mathematician named Daniel Bernoulli discovered the principle of a venturi, or that as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure it exerts on its surroundings decreases. The basis for this is in the conservation of energy of an airstream. The potential energy of a gas is proportional to its pressure, just like a compressed spring. As the speed of the air is increased the kinetic energy increases, resulting in a potential energy or pressure decrease to conserve the total energy.A wing has a curved upper surface referred to as camber. Air molecules traveling over the top of the wing are forced to speed up by this camber in the same way air molecules in a venturi are sped up. The increased airstream speed over the top of the wing decreases the air pressure and produces the lift necessary to overcome weight.

In order for the airstream to be pushed over the wing, the aircraft must be pushed through the atmosphere. On the takeoff roll, the aircraft accelerates until reaching a speed with sufficient airflow over the wings to produce the required lift.

Hopefully this cursory explanation has answered some basic questions about how an aircraft flies.


1. Ответьте на вопросы.


1.Is it puzzling how an aircraft made of metal effortlessly can lift hundreds of pas sengers miles into the sky?

2.What are the four forces acting upon an aircraft?

3.Who discovered the principle of a venturi?

4.What produces the lift necessary to overcome weight?

5.What is the conservation of energy of an airstream?



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