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abn; rkt; wpn; ftr; msl; AAM; def; acft; cbt; GE; rd/min; gnr; hel; sys; MANPADS; ATAS; BVR; AMRAAM; gnd; HE; nuc; TN; FAE; SAP; GP; LDGP; frag; AD; fus; tgt; rel; pcht; LGB; GBU; whd; CBU; SFW; TMD; proj; armd; kt; atk; op; gp of tks; HVM; FLIR; FFAR; lchr.


Дополните английские эквиваленты, используя приведенные ниже слова и словосочетания.


поступать на вооружение -... service; использовать на вертолетах пулеметы на турельной установке и в подвесных контейнерах - to use... machine guns on helicopters; производить высокоточное управляемое оружие - to produce...; относиться к категории ракет с дальностью, превышающей дальность прямой геометрической видимости - to belong to... category; осуществлять сбрасывание и прицеливание традиционным способом -... in the traditional way; классифицировать по характеру применения - to class...; размещать бомбы в бомбовом отсеке с помощью бомбодержателей или замков - to carry in the bomb bay by...; проводить бомбометание серией или залпом -... bombs in...; обеспечить замедление падения бомб при бомбометании с малых высот - to ensure... at...; размещать бомбы с лазерной системой наведения на различных точках подвески - to suspend... at various...; прибегать к бомбометанию по площади - to go for...; представлять собой сбрасываемый контейнер с большим количеством бомб малого калибра - to be... with a large number of...; изготавливать кассетную бомбу в варианте для воспрещения занятия района противником - to manufacture...; вести бомбометание на любых высотах с горизонтального полета, пикирования и кабрирования - to deliver bombs at...; разрабатывать кассетные боеприпасы разбрасывающего действия - to develop...; уделять внимание проблеме уничтожения нескольких целей за один заход для нанесения удара - to direct attention toward the problem of...; разрабатывать авиационную неуправляемую ракету со складывающимся стабилизатором - to develop...; нести кассетную боевую часть со стреловидными поражающими элементами - to carry....


precision-guided weapons; laser-guided bombs; to enter; pintle- and pod-mounted; stations; beyond visual range; a flechette warhead; a folding-fin aircraft rocket; all altitudes with level, dive and toss release; a droppable casing; dispenser weapon; to release and aim; racks and shackles; according to the filler; to drop in train or salvo; destroying a number of separate targets in a single firing run; retardation of bombs; low-level release; area coverage; smaller submunitions; dispenser system weapons; a cluster bomb unit in the denial version.


Найдите в тексте эквиваленты словосочетаний.


в результате совершенствования появились боеприпасы для поражения целей сверху с малых высот; авиационное стрелково-пушечное вооружение; временные ограничения, связанные с малой продолжительностью периода, в течение которого можно вести стрельбу; для защиты вертолетов в бою; старые запасы бомб можно легко приспособить для применения в условиях боевых действий ХХI века; на внешних узлах подвески под крылом или фюзеляжем; иметь буквенное обозначение; на основе кассетных бомб были разработаны кассетные боеприпасы разбрасывающего действия; бомбовые кассеты, сбрасываемые вне досягаемости средств ПВО противника; бомбовые кассеты, снаряженные боевыми элементами специального назначения со средствами искусственного интеллекта; пробивать броневую защиту цели за счет кинетической энергии; нести кассетную боевую часть со стреловидными поражающими элементами.





It was the gun which led the way in abn weaponry to be followed by the bomb and abn rkt. Over the years, however, these simple categories have become more complex and developments have produced precision-guided wpns and submunition dispensers, overflight and stand-off wpns.




About the only wpn which has remained, essentially, the same is the abn gun, which reigned supreme as the principal ftr wpn until the mid-1950s, when the first air-to-air msls (AAMs) entered service. Such were the advances that by the mid-1960s, several major nations had entirely abandoned the abn gun in air def acft. Yet from the reality of modern air cbt in the late-1960s, the lessons of history were re-learnt and guns rapidly re-introduced. The resurgence was led by General Electric's 20 mm M61 Vulcan rotary cannon. This wpn was rapidly integrated on board a Phantom and has been on virtually every major US ftr since. Of course, the M61 is not the only GE product. The company produces a wide range of abn wpns varying from 30 mm down to 7.62 mm with the rate of fire from 300 up to 6000 rd/min that can be selected by the gnr.

Lighter wpns, including pintle- and pod-mounted machine guns, are used on hels. They can also be installed in chin turrets and are available in single- to six-barrel forms.

Fixed-wing acft can carry heavier cannon than the average hel, but firing opportunities are generally restricted in duration. Number of barrels is usually from five to seven.



Short-Range AAMs


Defending battlefield hels are variants of man-portable air def sys (MANPADS) msls. First in the field was the General Dynamics FIM-92 in a version known as Air-to-Air Stinger (ATAS). Undoubtedly the classic 'dogfight' AAM must be the AIM-9 Sidewinder series.


Beyond Visual Range AAMs


The AIM-7 Sparrow series has been the classic 'yardstick' in the medium-range, beyond visual range (BVR) category. The US follow-up to Sparrow is the AIM-120 AMRAAM which is a true 'fire-and-forget' msl.




The original element of air-to-gnd weaponry is the bomb and it still remains so albeit with a little more sophistication. One often hears talks of 'iron' or 'dumb ' bombs and these refer to conventional high-explosive (HE) bombs released and aimed in the traditional way.

In essence, bombs remain unchanged from 50 years ago and older stocks may well find themselves updated for the 2000s with a new fusing sys. They are classified according to filler as nuc, TN, HE, FAE, fire, drill, practice, and chemical. HE bombs, in turn, are classed according to use as SAP, GP, low-drag GP, frag, and AD.

Bombs are carried by racks or shackles in the acft's bomb bay, or as external stores at stations under the wing or fus and can be released singly or in pairs in preselected intervals, or in train or salvo.

In the use of unguided bombs, the principal advances have been made in terms of low-level delivery, area coverage and tgt penetration. Low-level rel demands retardation of the bomb to ensure adequate separation from the launch acft at detonation. Braking is achieved by means of a conventional pcht, by metal airbrakes or by an air-inflatable retarder.

The need to ensure more accuracy led, during the Vietnam war, to the development of the laser-guided bomb (LGB) and its associated laser designator sys, usually pod-mounted under the wing of the carrier acft. Texas Instruments is a US leader in LGBs, with its Paveway sys fitted to many US bombs (with the designator GBU).

Where accuracy is not so important, another way of obtaining kills is to go for area coverage and the cluster bomb fits this niche. Effectively, it is a droppable casing containing a large number of smaller submunitions which, when released, cover a large area. Whds may be simple HE, delayed-action mines or armor-piercing. In the US, such wpns are assigned the designator 'CBU' (Cluster Bomb Unit) usually with a secondary name relating to its role. The CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition is one example. The best known is probably the 222 kg Rockeye, which releases 247 armor-piercing bomblets. In the denial version of the bomb 87 bomblets explode on impact and the remaining 160 detonate later at individually preset times.



Dispenser Weapons


From the cluster bomb came the dispenser sys wpn, which is available in several forms: overflight laydown; stand-off dispensers with 'smart' submunitions; or sophisticated cluster bombs with dedicated submunitions for specific roles.

Textron Defense Systems' CBU-97 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW) is one of the latter examples. It consists of the SUU-64 Tactical Munition Dispenser (TMD) containing ten BLU-108 submunitions. Each submunition contains four 'smart' projs, which are capable of detecting and penetrating moving armd tgts. The wpn can be delivered at airspeeds between 20 and 650 kts at all altitudes with level, dive or toss rels.

Air-to-Ground Missiles


From the various permutations of what may be called 'bombs' it is a short step to the air-to-gnd msl. Systems of this class include categories covering dedicated conventional land atk, anti-armor, anti-radiation and anti-ship ops.

In the past most air-to-gnd guided wpns have been designed to atk a single tgt, such as a bridge or concrete emplacement. Attention is now being directed toward the problem of destroying a number of separate tgts in a single firing run, such as a gp of tks. The sys that has gained favor in the US is the Hypervelocity Missile (HVM), with a FLIR sensor tracking both tgts and msls and generating corrective signals that are transmitted over a laser data-link. The msl defeats the armor of the tgt by means of its kinetic energy.


Unguided rockets


In recent years the high cost of guided wpns has encouraged the further development of unguided rkts. The starting point for several new designs was the US Navy 70 mm Folding-Fin Aircraft Rocket (FFAR), the third generation of which can take a flechette whd. Rkts are housed in 4 to 36-tube pod-mounted lchrs which are usually suspended from the underside of the wings.

Some abn lchrs are short racks, others are streamlined pylons.


To summarize, abn wpn systems are gradually providing day/night op, longer ranges and higher kill probabilities against a broad spectrum of tgts.




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()Can you classify these weapons according to the principle of relative location of the launcher and the target?

() What weapons do you understand by bombs?

() How can you classify rockets and missiles?

() What is the classification of rockets and missiles according to the principle of guidance?

() What types of weapons does aerial armory include?

() How are rockets and missiles classed according to the range? 

() What do you mean by guns?

() What are these principles?






безраздельно господствовать в качестве основного вооружения истребителей; to abandon the airborne gun; выбирать скорострельность; to use lighter weapons including pintle- and pod-mounted mgs; размещать в подфюзеляжной турельной установке, закрепленной в носовой части; to belong to the category of beyond visual range weapons; действовать по принципу "выстрелил-забыл"; to release and aim bombs in the traditional way; приспособить для ведения будущих боевых действий с помощью новых систем взрывателей; to classify according to filler and use; нести авиационные фугасные бомбы на различных точках внешней подвески; to achieve retardation by air-inflatable retarder; авиационная бомба с лазерной системой наведения, размещаемая в подвесном контейнере; to assign a designator; выпускать кассетные боеприпасы в различных вариантах; to detonate bomblets at individually preset times; снаряжать боевой частью с неконтактным взрывателем; to deliver cluster bombs with level, dive and toss releases; уничтожать за один заход группу целей; to take a flechette warhead; размещать НУРы в 36-ствольном пусковом контейнере. 



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