Согласование времен , косвенная речь 

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Согласование времен , косвенная речь

(!) Если глагол в главном предложении стоит в одном из прошедших времен, то и глагол в придаточном предложении должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен  


При обращении прямой речи в косвенную в придаточном предложении время меняется в соответствии с данной схемой:

Present Simple—---- Past Simple Present Continuous— Past Continuous   Действие придаточного предложения происходит одновременно с действием главного
Present Simple –––– Past Past Simple –––––– Perfect   Действие придаточного предложения предшествует действию главного
Future ------   Future-in –the Past Действие придаточного предложения совершается позже действия главного.


Употребляя простые предложения в роли придаточных дополнительных при главном предложении в прошедшем времени, изменяйте времена следующим образом:


                                  Sequence of Tenses

                He lives in New York. I thought that he lived in New York. Одновременное действие
                 Mother is sleeping. I knew that mother was sleeping.   Одновременное действие
              He has returned from London. I knew that he had returned from London   Предшествующее действие
He bought a new car. I heard that he had bought a new car. Предшествующее действие
                    He will send us a letter. I supposed that he would send us a letter. Последующее действие

I. Выберите ту грамматическую форму, которую вы употребили бы при переводе дополнительных придаточных предложений:

1.   Джейн сказала, что живет в Бостоне.

            a) lived        b) lives)   c) has been living


2.    Сестра написала мне, что она окончила школу.

             a) has left     b) had left       c) left


3.    Вопрос заключается в том, приедет ли она в Москву.

             a) will come  b) would come c) comes


4.    Он сказал, что вернется сюда завтра.

             a) comes        b) will be back c) would be back


5.    Он говорит, что пойдет на прогулку скоро.

     a) would go   b) goes          c) will go


6. Мой дядя говорит, что он только что вернулся с Кавказа.

     a) had come   b)has come    c) came


7. Он сказал, что придет на станцию проводить меня     a) comes   b) will come    c) would come



II. Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках.


1. She says that lectures on art (посещаются) by many students.

a) were attended

b) are attended

c) are attending


2. He said that he (учится) at the University.

a) is studying

b) studies

c) studied


3. He said that he (будет слушать) to the tape

a) will listen

b) would listen

c) will be listened


4. You asked what Mike (собирался сделать) before six.

a) was going to do

b) had been going to do

c) is going to do


5. Ann asked if I (написала) a letter to my parents.

a) was writing

b) am writing

c) had written


6. I thought it (на улице теплее) warmer outside.

a) is

b) was being

c) was

7. I know you (изучал) French at school.

a) learns

b) learnt

c) was learning.



III. Вставьте подходящую форму глагола:


1. Mike hoped that Jack …. him with his car.

a) would help 

b) will help

c) helped


2. We didn’t know the score, but we were sure their team … the game.

a) has lost

b) had lost

c) lost


3. Yesterday Tom heard that his friend … for five days.

a) was ill

b) has been ill 

c) had been ill


4. He gave all his money to me because he … me.

a) would trust

b) trusted 

c) had trusted


5. We were told that Andrew… to enter that University.

a) is going      

b) went

c) was going


6. The student wasn’t able to do the translation because he … some special terms.

a) hadn’t known

b) didn’t know

c) doesn’t know


7. Ann said her friend … English fluently.

a) speaks

b) spoke

c) is speaking


8.  We thought you … it.

a) know

b) knew

c) knows

9. I looked out and saw that it ….

a) is raining

b) was raining

c) will be raining


10. The telegram said the foreign guests … on Monday.

a) will come

b) would come

c) come


IV. Поставьте правильную форму глагола:

1. Mike said that he always (watch TV) in the evening.

2. Ann said that she often (forget) something at home.

3. She remembered that they (leave) for Tomsk.

4. We knew that their child (be interested) in history.

5. Mike said that he (collect) insects.

6. Mary said that she (receive) a letter from England the day before.

7. The man told us that he (be) to Scotland.

8. The people told me that the train (arrive) ten minutes ago.

9. I said that I (be busy) in two days.

10. The doctor said that he (come) earlier next time.



При переводе прямой речи в косвенную одновременно с временным сдвигом меняются обстоятельства времени

Direct speech Indirect speech
today yesterday the day before yesterday tomorrow the day after tomorrow ago last month next this, these here   that day the day before two days before the next day two days later, in two days before the month before the following that, those there



V. Завершите предложения, выбрав правильный вариант:

1. She said she was writing a letter …

a) at that time

b) by that time


2. He said he was busy …

a) now

b) at the moment


3. He said he would return the book …

a) tomorrow

b) the next day


4. She told me she had seen me at the theatre …

V. yesterday

VI. the day before


5. She was sure she would become a student …

a) next year the following year

b) the following year



4 Indirect commands

Keep quiet! Don’t make noise!

He told me He asked me to keep quiet and not to make noise



VI. Передайте следующие повелительные предложения в косвенной речи:


1. Father said to his son: “Pass me the sugar, please”.

2. I said to Mike: “ Send me a telegram as soon as you arrive”

3. “Don’t be late for dinner,” said mother to us.

4. Jane said to us: “Please tell me all you know about it”.

5. She said to Nick: “Please don’t say anything about it to your sister.”

6. “Please help me with this work, Henry”, said Robert.

7. Mother said to her son: “Don’t forget to buy a bottle of milk”.

8. “Promise to come and see me”, said Jane to Alice.

9. “ Don’t eat too much ice-cream”, said Nick’s mother to him.

10. “Don’t be afraid of my dog”, said the man to Kate.


4 Общие вопросы в косвенной речи вводятся с помощью союзов if или whether соответствующих в русском языке частице ли. Mary asked me: “Will you be here tomorrow?’ Mary asked me if (whether) I would be there the next day.



VII. Передайте следующие общие вопросы в косвенной речи:


1. I said to the man: “Are you living in a hotel?

2. Jack said to his friend: “Did you send her a telegram yesterday?”

3. He said to me: “Will you see your friends before you leave St. Petersburg?

4. She said to me: “Are you listening to me?”

5. I said to her: “Can you give me their address?”

6. I said to my mother: “Did anybody come to see me?”

7. Mary said to Peter: “Will you show your photo to Dick?”


4 Порядок слов в косвенном вопросе такой же, как в повествовательном предложении, т. е. сказуемое ставится после подлежащего.    Сравните: He said to me: “What are you doing?”                       He asked me what I was doing.      


VIII. Передайте следующие специальные вопросы в косвенной речи:


1. I said to him: “How long are you going to stay there?”

2. I said to him: “How long will it take you to get there?”

3. They said to him: “What time does the train start?”

4. Ann said to Mike: “When did you leave London?”

5. She asked Sally: “What will you do after dinner?”

6. Adam said to me: “Where did you see such trees?

7. Mother said to me: “Who has brought this parcel?”

8. Peter said to his friends: “When are you leaving St.Petersburg?”

9. I asked him: “ When did you come home yesterday?”

10. Mary asked Tom: “What time will you come here tomorrow?”



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