Text 3.Japan stores sunlight in crystals 

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Text 3.Japan stores sunlight in crystals

  Japan has managed to store the Sun's energy for 61 days in an important development in the use of solar power. Scientists have produced a stable chemical compound to store the energy and claimed it as a world breakthrough after 20 years' research.

  Led by Professor Zenichi Yoshida of the engineering department of Kyoto university, they claim the compound will overcome the greatest hurdle to the practical use of solar power: the production of energy when the Sun is not shining.

 The new compound has not been named but takes the form of a yellow crystal which is made by combining a petroleum derivative, called norbornadiene with methyl radicals and a substance named cyano.

  It changes its molecular structure when exposed to sunshine. Professor Yoshida said that when a small catalyst of silver was applied to it the substance reverted to its original molecular structure, generating heat at any required moment. If produced in liquid form, the compound would retain the energy for 61 days without a boost of sunshine.

 The temperature of the compound does not rise when solar energy is stored. The energy takes the form of molecular change at normal temperatures.

 In this way energy is not lost through the dissipation of heat, a

spokesman for Kyoto university explained. Professor Yoshida said initial tests showed that 2.2 Ib of the substance would conserve 92,000 calories. The research team said a solar heater with a surface of a square meter could store 85 million calories of energy a year. The compound could also be transported while it stored energy. If the compound was produced in solid form, it could store energy for indefinite periods if the silver catalyst was not applied. However, it would have to be produced in a more impure liquid for practical use.

 Professor Yoshida said the new compound could be used to store energy for heating, cooling and eventually the generation of electrical power. There was little wastage and no pollution.


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Text 4.


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insulate – cover or separate (smth) with nonconducting materials to prevent loss of heat, prevent passage of electricity, etc.

insulator – device for insulating, esp. a device of porcelain used for supporting bare electric wires and cables

offbeat – unusual; unconventional

Fahrenheit – name of a thermometer scale with freezing-point at 32° and boiling-point at-212°


Text 4.Floating insulators


   Floating casually on the water, the light-blue Sebra Solar Petals look like a decorator's offbeat addition to an outdoor swimming pool. Despite their lily-pad appearance, the light weight disks have a practical side: they heat pool water using energy from the sun.

  Manufactured, by Engineering & Research Association, Inc. of Tucson, Ariz., the solar petals make use of a scientific principle commonly referred to as the "greenhouse effect". The sun's rays penetrate the petals, which then trap this heat radiation below the surface. Tiny air bubbles between the two plastic sheets of the disks help to maintain this

heat and raise the temperature of a pool as much as 12 degrees Fahrenheit.

  The petals also significantly reduce water evaporation, and at night they slow the loss of heat built up during the day. Unlike one-piece pool-heating covers, the Sebra Solar Petals can easily be dropped into a pool and removed by one person. They can also be stored more conveniently and can be temporarily stacked in bright sunlight without danger.



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