Phraseological unit as a newspaper title and its functions 

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Phraseological unit as a newspaper title and its functions

The role of the title in capturing reader’s attention is great. Studding, the role the title we came to the conclusion that the title has the following functions:

1) Estimating function, this can be divided into two subgroups:) positive estimation:blood. The Economist. Feb. 3rd - 9th, 2001.of approval. The Economist. Aug. 26 - Sept. 1, 2000.) negative estimationheadlines, certainly, informs on positive facts. Using phraseological units in headline can realize negative estimation, hereunder prepares the reader to receive corresponding information.Blood Newsweek. Nov. 22nd, 1993.the rocks. The Economist. Aug. 26th - Sept. 1st, 2000.many leaders, so little point. The Wall Street Journal. Sep. 8-9, 2000.and buildings societies stand to take your money. The Times. Nov. 15 2002. What went wrong in Oldham,, The week. Jun. 23, 2001.some linguists emphasize one more type of estimation: zero or neutral estimation.

) Advertising function.function of the headline consists in giving the short information of the entitled text.on its own hook. The economist. Jan. 30 - Feb. 5, 1993.the man trying to Sell the Freedom party. The Wall Street. Sep. 8-9, 2000.One in crisis as backers hit the brackers. The Wall Street. Sep. 8-9, 2000.gets help to find the wqy ahead. The Times. Nov. 15,

.little Jaz, a litlle blues. The Times. Nov. 15, 2002.mergers go wrong. The Economist. July 22² - 28, 2000.

) Expressive function.headline leads the reader in situation, gives him a landmark, about the article, influences upon reader.phraseological units in headline gives expressiveness.Bank¢s new brooms. The Economist. Jan.30 ~Feb. 5, 1993.with ¢troubling¢ties hold USA Today, Nov. 30, 2001in a spin. The Economist. July 22nd - 28¢, 2000on wheels. The Economist. Aug. 26 - Sept. 1st, 2000.units in headline cause advertising function of the headline. Such headline attracts attention of the reader, does not contain information, allowing beforehand judge about contents of the article.the shadows. The Economist. Aug. 26th -Sept. 1st, 2000. The worn. The Economists. Feb. 3rd - 9th, The Economists. Jan. 30 th - Feb. 5th, I.V. Arnold one of the style forming features of the newspaper lexicon, is the use of the proper names: toponyms, anthroponomy, names of the instructions, organization and etc. the use of the proper names (the name of the politicians, organization and etc), has the neglect occurrence.


Conclusion is science, about phraseological units, which are firm word combinations with complicated semantically structure.forming the phrase, the human factors plays an enormous role, science suppressing majority of phraseolgical units are connected with human being, with varied sphere of his activity. Phraseological units fill the lexical system of the language, which cannot completely provide the description of human activity, and in most cases are single indication of human, characteristics, his activities, conditions situations etc.base to making phraseology, can lie any semantic sign of the subject or phenomena surrounding reality, finding the reflection in semantic as word- combination as a whole, or separate words, connotation and functional stylistic meanings are defined by contents of the ²internal image of the phrase, as well as by the nature of the semantic shift in it.process of making phraseological units, word- combinations may change their meaning.share the definition given by V.V. Vinogradov gives such definition to the functional style: ²Style is a public realized, functional conditioned, intrinsically united collection of devoices of the use,and combinations of the communication means in sphere of that or other national or international language. Correlative with other such way of talking, which serves for other integer, executes other functions in speech public practical person given folk².of linguistics define five main functional styles:

) The style of the artistic prose;

) Scientific style;

) newspaper-style;

) Publicity style;

) Style official document, or officially business style.newspaper style may be defined as a system of interrelated lexical, phraseolodical and grammatical means, which is perceived by the community speaking the language as a separate unity that serves the purpose of the informing and instructing the reader.headline is an integral part of newspaper publication the first thing with what the reader faces - a name of publication. Headline is a first signal, spurring you to read the material or postpone the newspaper aside. Anticipating text, headline carries certain information on contents of publicity work.of headline expresses the theme of the text. Theme of the text included in its central idea. Some headlines of the newspaper text actualized the analytical estimation of situations, reflected in it.phraseological units in headline can realize negative estimation.units in headline cause advertising and intriuging function of the headline.


is a branch of linguistics, studying the word groups. The word ²phreaseological units² has very different meaning. In linguistics literature the term has come to be for whole ensemble of expressions where the meaning of one element is dependent of the other, irrespective of the structure and the properties of the unit.qualification paper is devoted to study the role of phraseological unit in the language and use of phrraseologucal units as a newspaper title.of the qualification paper is determined by the necessity phraseological units in newspaper title.linguistic phenomenon, which is phraseological unit, will be investigated in modern methods. The analysis will be used to achieve the aim and tasks put forward in this qualification paper. The aim and hypothesis require solving the following tasks:

to study semantic peculiarities of phraseological units.

to investigate functional styles, in particularly features of newspaper style.

to analyze peculiarities of the title and the role of the phraseological unit in Newspaper style.importance of qualification paper consists in the material of phraseological units which deals with functional style and newspaper title. Practical value of the qualification paper is that in the results of the paper can be used in course of lexicology, phraseology and stylistics besides the material of the paper can be while preparing for seminars by the discipline named above, writing the course papers and qualification papers.structure of qualification paper consists of introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion, summary and bibliography.chapter I consist of 3 paragraphs:

. Phraseology as a science.

. Semantic structure of the phraseological units.

. Classification of the phraseological units.chapter 2 consists of 3 paragraphs:

. Functional style.

. Classification of functional style.

. Features of new style.3 consists of paragraphs:

. Peculiarities of the title.

. Role of the title in revealing conceptual information of the text.

. Phraselogical unit as a newspaper title.the conclusion, we present the results of the qualification paper. Summary includes theoretical and practical results of the qualification paper. In the bibliography we give the list of used books and other literature.

The list of used literature


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