V Расскажите о своей профессии . 

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V Расскажите о своей профессии .





I Прочтите и запомните следующие слова и выражения:

responsible – ответственный

to be comprised of – состоять из

fungi – грибы; плесень

algae – морские водоросли

to interact – взаимодействовать

timber industry – лесообрабатывающая промышленность

local authorities – местные власти

landowner – землевладелец

seedling – саженец

to prevent – предотвращать, оберегать

to combat – бороться

infestation – инвазия (заражение паразитами)

to measure – измерять

to be involved in – быть вовлечённым в

thinning – прореживание (растений, посевов)

extracting – извлечение

processing – обработка

II Прочтите и переведите текст.

Choosing a career is not an easy task. After school you have to decide on your future profession. And this decision is one of the most important in a person’s life. I made up my mind to become a forestry engineer at school and I have never regretted since then.

I’m a student of Gomel State University, biological faculty. And I am studying forestry. My future profession is both useful and responsible. Forests are complex ecosystems, comprised of thousands of organisms, both plants and animals, but also insects, fungi, algae, and bacteria. The way we manage our natural resources is based upon our understanding of how these organisms live and interact with each other. It is also based on our understanding of the non-living components of the forest environment, such as geology, soil, water, fire, and climatology.

Foresters work for the timber industry, government agencies, local authorities, urban parks and private landowners. The duties of forest engineers include control of growing seedlings for woodland creation or regeneration projects, preventing and combating insect infestation, disease, forest and grassland fires. They are specialists in measuring and modeling the growth of forests. Forest engineers may be involved in wildlife conservation. Forestry also includes the development of better methods for the planting, protecting, thinning, controlled burning, extracting, and processing of timber.

To cut a long story short a professional forest manager should have a vast knowledge of every form of life in a forest from mushrooms to wild animals. A good forest engineers should not only manage but be able to do all the necessary work by themselves.

So as you may see my future career is far from being easy, but there is no doubt that it’s very important and interesting.


III Опровергните следующие утверждения.

1. Choosing a career is a very easy task. 2. Forests are simple ecosystems. 3. Forest engineers are not involved in wildlife conservation. 4. A professional forest manager should have a vast knowledge of geography. 5. The career of a forester is quite easy.


IV Закончите следующие предложения.

1. Forests are complex ecosystems, comprised of …... 2. The way we manage our natural resources is based upon …... 3. Foresters work for …... 4. The duties of forest engineers include …... 5. Forest engineers may be involved in …... 6. А professional forest manager should have a vast knowledge of …... 7. A good forest engineers should not only manage …...


V Ответьте на вопросы.

1.What are you studying? 2. Forests are complex ecosystems, aren’t they? 3. What is our management of natural resources based upon? 4. Where do foresters work? 5. What do the duties of forest engineers include? 6. What does forestry also include? 7. Is your future profession important and interesting?




I Прочтите и запомните следующие слова и выражения:

a fairly young science – достаточно молодая наука

roots – истоки, корни

to define – определять, давать определение

mental – умственный, психический

behavior – поведение

to be devoted to – быть посвящённым

practical issues – зд. практические вопросы

to achieve – достигать

marital happiness – счастье в браке

to overcome – преодолеть, побороть

anxiety – беспокойство

to raise children – воспитывать детей

to deal with – иметь дело с

wide range – широкий спектр

to explore – исследовать

link – связь

hereditary – наследственный

influence – влияние

throughout – в течение

to conduct experiments – проводить эксперименты

perception – восприятие

to be influenced by – быть под влиянием

inner – внутренний

treat – лечение

to cope with – справляться с

a sudden flash – зд. внезапный порыв

to be of some help – приносить пользу

biological psychologist – биологические психологи

developmental psychology – эволюционная психология, психология развития

general experimental psychology – общая практическая психология

personality and social psychology – личностная и социальная психология

organizational (industrial) psychology – организационная (промышленная) психология

clinical psychology – клиническая психология



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