Lecture № 15. Lesson as the main form of organization of school education: structure and types. 

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Lecture № 15. Lesson as the main form of organization of school education: structure and types.


1. Definition of the lesson

2. Classification of the lesson


In the domestic school, the lesson remains the main form of organization of training. In the form of a lesson, it is possible to effectively organize not only educational and cognitive, but also other developmental activities of students.

A lesson is a form of the organization of the educational process, in which the teacher organizes the cognitive and other activities of the constant group of students (class) within the specified time, taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using the types, means and methods of work that create favorable conditions for all pupils mastered the basics of the studied subject, as well as for the upbringing and development of cognitive and creative abilities, the spiritual forces of the students.

In each lesson, it is possible to distinguish its main components (the explanation of the new material, fixation, repetition, testing of knowledge, skills, skills) that characterize the various activities of the teacher and students. These components can perform in various combinations and determine the construction of the lesson, the relationship between the stages of the lesson, i.e., its structure.

The structure of the lesson is understood as the ratio of the components of the lesson in their specific sequence and the relationship between themselves. The structure of the lesson depends on the didactic purpose, the content of the teaching material, the age characteristics of the students and the characteristics of the class as a collective. The variety of structures of lessons assumes a variety of their types.

There is no generally accepted classification of types of lessons in modern didactics. This is due to a number of circumstances, above all the complexity and versatility of the process of interaction between the teacher and students that occurs in the lesson.

Consider some of the existing classifications of types of lessons.

1. Classification of lessons on two criteria: the content and method of conducting (I.N. Kazantsev). According to the first criterion (content), the lessons of mathematics, for example, are divided into lessons of arithmetic, algebra, geometry and trigonometry, and inside them depending on the content of the topics taught. By the way of conducting classes, lessons are divided into lessons:

2. Classification of lessons on the logical content of the work and the main stages of the educational process (S.V. Ivanov):


Classification of lessons on the purpose of the organization, the content of the study material and the level of student learning (M.I. Makhmutov). In accordance with this approach, five types of lessons are distinguished:

4. Classification of lessons according to the prevailing component of the lesson (VI Zhuravlev). According to this classification, lessons are divided into mixed (combined) and special. Combined in their structure contain all the components of the lesson. In the structure of special lessons, one component prevails. Special lessons include:



5. Classification of lessons for the didactic purpose (B.P. Esipov, G.I. Shchukin, etc.):

Lesson familiarizing students with new material or communicating (learning) new knowledge. This is a lesson, the content of which is a new material, unknown to the students, which includes a relatively wide range of questions and requires considerable time for its study. In such lessons, depending on their content, specific didactic goal and students' readiness for independent work, the teacher himself sets forth new material or conducts independent work of students under his guidance. The structure of the lesson of acquaintance with the new material: the repetition of the previous material, which is the basis for studying the new; the teacher's explanation of the new material and work with the textbook; check of understanding and primary consolidation of knowledge; assignment to the house.

The lesson of fixing knowledge. The content of the curriculum at the lesson is a rethinking of previously acquired knowledge with a view to their more solid assimilation. Students in some cases comprehend and deepen their knowledge of new sources; in others they solve new tasks for the rules known to them; in the third, they reproduce the previously acquired knowledge verbally and in writing; in the fourth, they make reports on certain issues from the passed for the purpose of deeper and their steady assimilation, etc. Structurally, such lessons involve the passage of the following stages: checking the homework; the performance of oral and written exercises; checking the completion of tasks; assignment to the house.

With the lessons of consolidating knowledge, the lessons of developing and consolidating skills and abilities are closely related. The process of consolidating skills goes on several lessons in a row. From the lesson to the lesson, the material should become more complex, so that it can really be seen that the students are more successful in coping with this learning task.

Lessons of generalization and systematization of knowledge  systematizes and reproduces the most significant questions from the previous material, compensates for the existing gaps in students' knowledge and reveals the most important ideas of the course being studied. Such lessons are held at the end of the study of individual topics, sections and training courses in general. Their mandatory elements are the entry and the conclusion of the teacher. The very repetition and generalization can be carried out in the form of stories, short messages, reading individual places from the textbook or a conversation between the teacher and the students.

The lessons of checking knowledge, skills and control (control) allow the teacher to reveal the level of students' training in a certain area; to establish shortcomings in mastering the material; outline the way forward. Control lessons require the student to apply all of his knowledge, skills and skills on this topic.

Verification can be carried out either verbally or in writing.

In the practice of the school the most common were combined or mixed lessons, which solve several didactic tasks at once. The approximate structure of the combined lesson:

• checking homework and interviewing students;

• study of new material;

• initial verification of assimilation;

• fixing new knowledge in the course of training exercises;

• a repetition of what was previously studied as a conversation;

• checking and assessing students' knowledge;

• homework



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