Lecture №14. Personality of the teacher 

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Lecture №14. Personality of the teacher


1. Socio-moral orientation.

2. Professional-pedagogical orientation.

3. Cognitive orientation.


Socio-moral orientation is related to the teacher's value orientations system, among which a special place is occupied by humanistic orientations: the pedagogy of cooperation, the upbringing of civic activity in children, the focus on the personality of the child, etc. Therefore, here the beliefs, ideals, tastes, and sympathies of the teacher are translated.

The social and moral orientation is also connected with the properties and characteristics of the individual.


A special role here belongs to the social activity of the teacher, high citizenship (intolerance to moral vices, a sense of duty, responsibility, the desire to improve their pedagogical competence, etc.).

2. Professional-pedagogical orientation.

The professionally pedagogical orientation is, as it were, the pivot around which the main professionally significant properties of the teacher's personality are concentrated. This orientation consists of:


Thus, the above parameters determine the different qualities and properties of the person: love of children, vigilance and observation, pedagogical tact, imagination, justice, exactingness, enthusiasm, endurance, efficiency, dedication, etc.

Pedagogical duty is a concept where the requirements to the personality of the teacher as a professional are concentrated (to carry out labor functions, to properly build relationships with others, to correctly treat their profession and society as a whole). Such requirements are a kind of code of pedagogical morality.

The highest manifestation of pedagogical duty is the dedication of the teacher (V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko, J. Korchak).

Important is the level of the teacher's relationship with people around him, where debt, responsibility, and components of the pedagogical tactics are manifested. Here the teacher chooses tactics of behavior, style, tone, balance of his actions, etc.

Cognitive orientation.

Personal qualities are prerequisites for the cognitive activity of the teacher himself, where his spiritual interests and needs are reflected. These needs reflect the level of knowledge, self-assertion of their activities. The desire for education is one of the most exalting human needs of spirituality. The teacher must learn all his life, because pedagogical education must be continuous.

Motivational and regulatory factors rely on the independent and even cognitive activity of the teacher. A common characteristic of the cognitive orientation is the culture of scientific and pedagogical thinking. The main sign - dialectical - is manifested in the desire to see in each pedagogical phenomenon a contradiction that the teacher must triumphantly resolve.

The culture of the teacher's thinking also manifests itself in his cognitive activity:

A good teacher is not guided by unambiguous assessments (good or bad), does not draw conclusions from single facts, on the contrary, it is characterized by deep reflection, the desire to analyze contradictions, and actively seek ways to solve them correctly.

All considered types of personal orientation should correspond to modern educational processes.


Control questions

1. What is the difference between social and cognitive orientation?

2. What does include the cognitive activity?

3. What is pedagogical professional orientation?



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