L ecture №6 The essence of competence in the professional training of the teacher 

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L ecture №6 The essence of competence in the professional training of the teacher


Copy of Typical Curriculum:

Concepts of "power", "recovery", "resistance." History of development of teaching in modern pedagogy. Modern strategic directions in the development of education. The essence of the vocabulary-pedagogical competence of the text. Characteristics of teachers' competencies. Formation of the main competencies in the preparation of future teaching: methodological, general, cultural, professional, disciplined. Requirements for the quality of the new forming teacher training. Competitiveness of the teacher in the market of educational services

Key concepts: "competence", "competence", "competence point", description of pedagogical competence, main teacher's main findings.

Pedagogical practice as a factor of professional training of future teachers. Modern interpretation of pedagogical practice in the new paradigm of education. General education and vocational education as a space for a holistic development of professional development of future legacy. Pedagogical practice as a starting point for professional adaptation. The system of pedagogical practices in the new pedagogical process. The orientation, complexity, continuity, emotional characteristics of pedagogical practitioner. Purpose and tasks of different pedagogical practitioners. The content of pedagogical practice. Requirements for the organization of pedagogical practice. The meaning and content of the "school day" as a pedagogical practice. Modernization of content and forms of pedagogical practice. Acquisition of professional pedagogical competence as an important result of pedagogical practice.

Basic trends: pedagogical practice, system of pedagogical practices, goals and objectives of pedagogical practice, continuity of pedagogical practice.



1. Concepts of "competence", "competence", "competence point"

2. Description of teacher competence

3. Competitiveness of a teacher


Purpose: To acquaint future teachers with the importance of pedagogical competence. To introduce future teachers to the main goals and objectives of pedagogical practice and to explain students their leading role in the social function of the teacher's work and the formation of student identity.

The strength to upbringing a teaching profession is its professional competence. The concept of "competence" in the field of education was discussed in the foreign literature of 1960-1970, and in our country in the literature in the late 1980s. Kudaybergenova K.S. about the concept of "competence". "The Nature of Competence in Self-Development" states that "competence" means the ability to make a reputable decision on a particular matter, considering the meaning of a well-known area of ​​knowledge. "

Competence - a combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, personal qualities in a particular area (Latin "competeo" - come, fit, can).

Competence is the overall abilities of the trainee who is trained on the basis of knowledge, experience, value, inclination.

Competence is the accumulated ability used to solve life or professional problems in any industry.

Indicator of professional competence of the teacher - his mastery of his professional skills and his professional activity. Professionalism is a set of skills and knowledge that can be used in practice and in new learning situations.

Comparing the notion "qualification" and "competence", O.B. Khovov points out that the second term has a broader meaning than the first term. This is because of the inclusiveness, co-operation, ability to communicate, learning, evaluating, logical thinking, receiving and using information, such as pure professional education and business skills that describe her qualifications. business. In this view, the author uses the term "competence" to refer to an additional characteristic of the level of vocational training, based on the actions and the personality of a specialist on the basis of social and communicative actual attributes. This conforms to the concept of humanism, but its features can not solve the problem of systematization.


Competence is the ability and ability of the individual to perform certain tasks in accordance with the theoretical knowledge and practical experience. It should be noted that the concept of "readiness" is used to describe the meaning of everything that has been done and that everything is ready for something. These values bring about the essence and content of competence. Competence is based on the uniqueness of theory and practice. It is not an inaccurate knowledge of the subject, but rather the active involvement of the individual in cognition, attitudes, and action, the ability to propose and solve specific issues, analyze the outcome of the process, and continually make rational adjustments. The pedagogical competence of the teacher is the unity of theoretical and practical training in the implementation of pedagogical activity.

Nothing that the 12-year education concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the main objective of forming the professional personal competence of the teaching staff, the 12-year education also shows that the teacher must master the following competencies.

Today we should not forget that graduates of high schools - employees of different tomorrow's institutions. The practical value of competency modelling consists of the following: This model of competence has "firm decisiveness." This means that the competency model assumes that people will be able to perform their duties, including their professional circumstances. Here is a brief summary of some of the theoretically advanced review of the well-tested competency model.

The professional competence of the teacher on N.V. Kuzmina:


According to A.Markova, the professional competence of the teacher is as follows:



Competency places the first place not just the information literacy of the future specialist, but the ability to correctly solve the problem. If we consider the formation of a future teacher's competence within the framework of the secondary vocational education system, then it is possible to speak about knowledge, skills, abilities and possibilities, in one word, how much a specialist is trained in pedagogical activity. We consider professional competence as communicative, informational, regulatory and intellectual-pedagogical competence.

Communicative competence of a teacher is a professional integrative character, the emotional stability of the main parts of it (with flexibility); extraterrestrial level (indicates the level and rational guidance); possibility of combination of direct and returns; language education; Ability to listen; ability to reward; politeness; common abilities.

Information competence includes the amount of information she / she knows about the work experience of pupils and their parents, other teachers.

Regulatory competence implies the ability of a teacher to manage his or her own activities. It includes targeting, planning, steady activity and self-esteem, reflection, action. The main factor of action is humanism, value.

Complexity of analysis, analysis, synthesis, comparisons, summarization, clarification of intelligence-pedagogical competence can be considered in the form of intelligence, analogy, imagination, elasticity and punctuality of thinking ability.

Operational competence is defined by a set of skills in the realization of necessary professional activity of a teacher: predictive, project,  subject-methodological, organizational, pedagogical improvisation, expertise.

Famous scientists S.E. Shishov and V.A.  Kalnei believes that education institutions should build the following competences in the younger generation:

Control questions:

1. What is the professional competence of a teacher?

2. Describe the structure and types of teacher professional competence?

3. What are the components of the teacher's theoretical preparation?

4. What qualifications are the content of the teacher's practical training?

5. What is the relationship between professional competence and pedagogical skills?



1. Stankin M.I. Psychology of communication: course lector. M. - 2000. - 304 p.

2. Entering into pedagogical activity. A.S. Robotova, T.V. Leonteva, and others. - M., 2000. - 208 p.

3. Victor Pekelis. The source of human abilities.Almaty, 1976. -196 p.



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