Lecture №5 . General and professional culture of the teacher. 

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Lecture №5 . General and professional culture of the teacher.


Copy of the typical curriculum:

The essence of pedagogical activity and its structure. The subject of the teaching activity is the pedagogical process. Functional types of progressive learning in pedagogical process management. Functions of pedagogical activity. Teaching professional-pedagogical skills.

Peculiarities of teacher-teacher and tutor activity. Professional-pedagogical orientation of the personality of the person. Professionally important properties of the teacher. Collective character of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical work.

General and professional culture of the teacher: essence, uniqueness, interconnection. Pedagogical etiquette and teacher's ethics are the basis of the relationship between the subjects of the pedagogical process.

Key words: pedagogical activity, types of pedagogical activity, functions, professional-pedagogical skills, professional qualities, pedagogical creativity.

Pedagogical education system

The concept of pedagogical education system. Staff of pedagogy of Kazakhstan: current situation and problems. "The State Program of Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020" and the formation of a formal teacher.

Continuous pedagogical education is a condition of success of a teacher in professional development and self-realization. Continuous pedagogical education system: pre-vocational training - basic vocational education - professional development - post-graduate vocational education. Multilevel teacher training in continuing pedagogical education system. Present-day pedagogical work reflects the professional growth of my talent. Factors and circumstances of student-preparedness in continuous pedagogical education in higher education teaching process.

Key concepts: pedagogical education system, pedagogical staff, system of continuous pedagogical education, readiness of the person for continuous pedagogical education.



1. The essence of general and professional culture of the teacher.

2. Pedagogical education system

Purpose: to acquaint future teachers with the characteristics of pedagogical activity, professional qualities of teaching and pedagogical education system

 The essence of pedagogical activity - the purpose, motives, actions, unity of the result, the purpose of which is a system-making nature. (A.N. Leontiev)

The pedagogical activity of the teacher is made by scientists V.A. Mjerikov and M.R. Ermolenko divided into two basic types. He is teaching and educating.

Training is a teacher's special effort to guide the student's cognitive activities at school. Training is the main component of the pedagogical process.

Teaching in the pedagogical process is a process of interaction of the teacher with students. Even though this activity takes place in any form, it requires active participation of the educational process. In the process of preparing and implementing the learning process, the teacher performs the following activities: systematically analyzes information provided to students on the one hand, and on the other hand, organizes the teaching methodology and educational process efficiently.

According to I.P. Podlasiy the subject of the learning activity is to be able to organize the learning curriculum, and in turn, the pedagogical management of teachers consists of the following components:

- planning of own and student activities in the organization of different forms of learning;

- Encouraging the student to acquire knowledge and to learn how to apply it in practice;

- Quality control of students' tasks;

- Learning outcomes, forecasting of future results;

The next kind of teacher activity is educational work. It is a kind of activity aimed at managing different types of activities that promote the proper development of the student, and the formation of an educational environment.

Training and education are two sides of one process. They do not go without one another. Education does not have educational implications. In contrast, elements of education are used in the upbringing. however, it should be noted that there are differences. It should be noted that there is a time-consuming process that is limited and education is a continuous process. Training is easier than organizing and implementation rather than upbringing.

Scientists N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Sladen, A.I. Shcherbakova show the following educational and educational process:

1. Diagnostic function of pedagogical activity. It is closely connected with the recognition of the student and the definition of his / her development, level of education. The educational process should be sensitive to the psychological development of the student, the level of mental and moral education, student interests, out-of-school activities.

2. Orientation - pedagogical function of pedagogical activity. It is evident in the qualification of the teacher to determine the educational direction, the specific goals, objectives of different levels and predict the outcome. This function allows you to improve the objectives, methods and forms of educational process.

3. Structural-planning function of pedagogical activity. This is closely related to the teacher's predictive function. For example, if the teacher plans to strengthen the student's collective relationship, the teacher should first of all plan the content of the educational work. To accomplish this, the teacher needs to master the psychology, pedagogy, ways of organizing the team and develop their creative imagination. Accordingly, this function provides:

- Organizing and selecting content of the student learning material;

- planning of the student's activities;

- planning activities in the process of interaction with the student;

4. Organizational function of pedagogical activity. It is closely related to the ability of the student to engage in a planned educational work and stimulate it. To do that, the teacher must identify specific tasks of trainee education, plan to work together, and correct the responsibilities of the student and monitor the course of action.

5. Informative-explanatory function of pedagogical activity. Its importance is determined by the fact that all educational process is based on the information process. Knowledge acquisition, attitude towards the world, moral and aesthetic thinking are the basic way to develop a student. In this case, the teacher is not only the organizer of educational - educational process, but also as a distributor of scientific, moral and aesthetic information.

6. Communicative-stimulating function of pedagogical activity. It reflects how a teacher's moral culture, personality, relationship culture affects the learners. With his active involvement of the teacher, the student is inspired by his motivation. This is a kind of love, love, care for the child.

7. Assessment of pedagogical activity - analytical function. In carrying out pedagogical activity, a teacher should analyze the teaching and upbringing, identify the deficiencies with the good, and compare the results with the tasks. Unfortunately, in most cases, this function of teachers does not go smoothly.

8. Creative - research function of pedagogical activity. This function is found in the work of every wise, thought-provoking teacher. After all, using the teacher's pedagogical theory requires a lot of creativity. The second aspect of this activity is closely related to the understanding and development of new ideas that are beyond the definition of theoretical or advanced it.

9. Gnostic function of pedagogical activity involves the study of the following:

- Methods that affect other people and their content.

- Young and individual - psychological features of people;

- to know the peculiarities and consequences, goodness and shortcomings of his actions;

Control questions

1. What is the difference between professional activity and pedagogical activity?

2. What is the difference between the concept of profession and profession?

3. What qualities are characteristic of a professional's personality?

4. What is the structure of action?


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