Lecture № 2 An individual in modern society and its problems 

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Lecture № 2 An individual in modern society and its problems


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An individual as a scientific category. An explanation of the concept of an individual term in pedagogy, psychology, philosophy. Psycho-pedagogical characteristic of an individual, components of personality. Formation time of the individual. Object and subject of activity of the individual. Cultural heritage of the individual. Contemporary social and cultural conditions and their effects on personality. Current requirements for future teacher. Interest in pedagogical profession, understanding of its role in society is the leading motive for future professional teacher consider as a profession and professional self-improvement.

Interpersonal relations in the whole pedagogical process. The concept of individual-oriented education and the perspective of pedagogical activity.

A teacher is a leading member of the educational process of various levels and types of educational institutions.

Main notions: personality, personality of a future doctor, interdisciplinary relationship, subject matter and subject.

Continuous education as a condition for the development of a personality The essence of the concept of "continuous education". Continuous education is a prerequisite for sustainable development. Continuous education as a matter of value. Continuing education is a process that provides access to education. Effectiveness of continuous education.

Readiness for continuous education. Education, skill, skills and cognitive activity are the main conditions for the formation of an individual's readiness for continuous education: motivational, cognitive, and behavioral components.

The essence of continuous education in professional activities of a teacher. The essence of education in the professional activities of a teacher and the opportunities of the educational process in the higher educational institutions in the formation of personal preparedness for continuous education.

The formation process of personality in readiness for continuous education. Continuing education as a factor in the acquisition of professional skills and training for future professionals.

Basic concepts: continuous education, personality preparedness for continuous education, continuous education.


1. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of an individual

2. Interest in pedagogical activity

3. Modern requirements to the future teacher

4. Continuous education as a condition for the development of an individual

Purpose: to form students' views on the problem of the personality in modern educational space and the universal values ​​and national idea.

The problem of an individual is one of the main issues of social and human sciences. As a result of the relationship between a person and a society, the notion of an individual has a special place. Along with the notion of man, the notion of an individual, individuality, individual is often used.

The term "individual" is used as a personal representative of the human race as a biological creature. An individual is one of many people. When using an individual term, the individual's personality is ignored. An individual can be called a newborn or an old man. All of them are representatives of the human race.

Individuality is the distinctive features of a person that differentiates people from others, matched and unmatched. Individuality is distinguished from his temperament, his / her habits, habits, and interests, qualities of cognitive processes (perception, memory, thinking, speech, and imagination), abilities, and self-styled styles. It is impossible to find two people with the same psychological traits in the world. Obviously, people do not even repeat one another physiologically. For example XIX century. The scientific discovery that was discovered at the end of the story is that the immense picture of the thumbs of the people on earth is not the same as that of physiology. Although the fingerprints of all human beings are the same, it is unbelievable that all the images on the outer skin can be different, even though they all contain capillaries, skin, cells, muscles, and nerve fibers.

The uniqueness of man is its individuality. Individuality and personality are not same. In the interconnection, most often the natural, inherent characteristics of the individual (temperament) are taken into account, and the individual is the social character of a person. It is evaluated by an individual depending on his / her self-fulfillment, achievements, and behavior. One of the many aspects of the individuality of a person is the one manifestation. For example, the intensity, speed, finesse, and personality of a human being are inherent in personality but are not part of his personality, since this quality does not play an important role in the activities and relationships of individuals interacting with.

The main purpose of the upbringing is to form a harmonious and well-developed person. In psychological and pedagogical literature, K. K.  Platonov, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Lentev, etc., have studied and interpreted the notion of the individual in the work of the individual.

A person is a complex, multilateral phenomenon in public life, a part of the system of public relations. A person in psychology refers to a particular society, nation, or community that has some kind of activity, understands its own environment, and has a psychological trait. The individual is a person of public significance. Anyone becoming an individual in life becomes a person only through social and labor activities.

A person is a system of socially significant quality of the individual, his / her social values, and the ability to realize those values. As a physical person, the person is characterized by the level of his consciousness, the harmony of his consciousness with the public consciousness. Through personal qualities, a person is involved in public relations. Psychological and pedagogical literature has a constant idea of ​​a personality:

- Everyone can be a person.

- The person separates from animals, the notion of an individual in relation to animals is not applied.

- Personality is the result of historical development.

- Personality distinguishes one person from the second person.

Person has their own characteristics:

In pedagogical dictionaries, the concept of a person is regarded as a subject of social relations and conscious behavior. A person can express himself in three directions:

- in action;

- interacts with others;

The well-known psychologist K.K. Platonov systematized the quality of the person and considered its hierarchical structure. He believes that in any quality of a person, there are parts of the congenital (biological, hereditary) and congenital (social) components. According to their relationship, the personality is divided into 4 groups or hierarchical levels.

The 4th, the lower biological structure, the temperament, the age and gender of the human being, have no social characteristics;

At the 3rd, the psychological processes (feelings, perception, imagination, memory, memory, thinking, will) that are formed through training on the basis of biological symbols;

Level 2 includes the knowledge, skills, skills, habits that are created through the training of the person at the practical level;

1st, top level, social orientation (education, outlook, attitudes, interests, wishes, goals, social orientation, values, moral principles). These orientations reflect the human relationship to the environment, himself.

The core of the person  is its "I" system. Everyone must self-educate, develop and improve the "I"- system. Therefore, it is important for future teachers to work with their own "I", to develop their skills, to develop their skills, to cultivate their character, and to cultivate their culture on the basis of universal values, first of all from the student's youth to form a child's personality.

Person and universal values ​​and national idea.

A person can not only accept what is in the world but also influences on the changing environment and the development of society on the basis of self-awareness, intelligence, and active activity.

With the rapid development of modern information technology, people have access to any scientific, economic, social, psychological, and medical news in every corner of the globe. As a result, world's universal knowledge is expanding.

Worldview of every person is a system of human attitudes, social relations, nature, attitudes to self, and the form of its orientation. And through the world of man, his values, life's ideals and principles are observed.

All people share common peace, human rights, environment, lack of hunger, health, and so on. Certainly, values ​​are needed.

And such general human values ​​cannot be formed by chance, it is necessary to organize it in the form of systematic upbringing. For this purpose, the following tasks are important for the upbringing of the younger generation:

- Worldwide contradictions affect everyone on a daily basis, taking into account the contribution of each person to the solution of such conflicts;

- Ensure understanding of the necessity of strengthening interethnic, international and interstate relations in solving universal human problems;

- Ensuring mutual co-operation of the science and culture, all countries, people for the world peace, for preservation of the environment.

The future of the nation is his generation. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically conduct national oriented activities that will promote the upbringing of the younger generation and the proper formation of world knowledge. The younger generation has a great influence on the national spirit of great thinking, wise words of great people in national education.

Problems of the formation of a multicultural personality in the world educational space. What is the global educational space? Its structure includes national educational systems, whose goals, objectives, cultural traditions, philosophical foundations are different. The interaction and interaction of such educational systems enable each person to feel themselves as part of the global educational space, contributing to the expansion of world-wide knowledge, spiritual enrichment, and culture.

However, in this globalization process, it is important that each nation has its own identity, traditions, language and religion, and that it does not lose its place at the crossroads of other cultures. One of the key ways in which Kazakhstan is to develop its own identity is to preserve our centuries-old national values ​​and educate and educate younger generation. In this regard, the great writer Mukhtar Auezov said: "The Chinese people are proud of their Great Chinese wall, while the Egyptians proud of their pyramids and the Italians with music, we can be proud of national values ​​and rich language.

"The success of the person's activities depends on their culture, because cultural knowledge is the basis of its value orientation, the formation of human personality, its culture beginning with childhood, education and upbringing." National education is a way for everybody to have their own national identity, national culture, but first of all, everyone should know the traditions, language and history of their nation, but there is no restriction on learning another language and getting to know other cultures. It is very important that people are forming  as a multicultural person.

Taking into account the national peculiarities of each country as a multicultural personality:

- adaptation and adaptation of a person to different cultures, values, rich in traditions;

- strengthening the aspirations of people to live in cooperation with different cultures.

Strengthening friendship and understanding among people while respecting the cultural diversity of every nation is one of the most important aspects of cultivating a culture. But formation of that multicultural person is carried out in the educational process and one of its results. Through the process of education, human beings can get acquainted with the world of culture and learn cultural values.

The content of education is diversified, varied and supplemented by the cultural heritage of different peoples, on the basis of the constantly developing branches of science and human life. At present, not every individual is a citizen of one nationality; he must be a citizen of the world. That is why more and more space is devoted to the "world educational space". Having a culture of humanity does not depend on its nationality. What kind of nationality should be based on a common human culture?

The formation of multi-cultural personality affects all educational institutions, educational systems, social institutions. This is a continuous process. It is formed not only in the size of one institution, but also on the basis of his / her life experience in the person's self-education. Mass media, art, and politics have a great influence on the formation of multi-cultural personality.

Interethnic communication culture and tolerance.

At present, the spiritual wealth of people, their socialization is becoming an actual issue, because their adaptation to social relations that define their direction of life must be based on interpersonal relationships, and interpersonal relationships on the principles of humanism. Human development as a personality is influenced by its growing family, national traditions and social environment. Along with the personal psychological peculiarities of any individual, there will be national peculiarities of national consciousness, tyranny, and love for mother tongue.

It is obvious that national education will be realized through the national language. Language is a means of communication, communication with people. And acquaintance with the culture of other nationalities is realized by knowing the language of that nation. For this reason, modern foreign language schools, along with native speakers, also learn foreign languages. Foreign language teaching is not just for education, it is a practical necessity, it is a requirement of time. But respect for the native language of national consciousness development. It is clear that such great ideas as to the value of the language and the value of the people in the people's destiny are still relevant today:

The process of integration into the global educational space is based on the integration and co-operation of all cultures. In this regard, there is a problem of intercultural communication. More than 130 nationalities live together in Kazakhstan. Being native to the national peculiarities, they interact with one another in social, social, cultural and language interactions. In these relations, national culture, national mentality is evident. Respecting these differences, the fact that representatives of different nationalities have a tolerant relationship with other nationalities can be a guarantee of their successful achievement of common goals in education.

The concept of tolerance means "patience" in Latin as "tolerantio". Tolerance is one of the concepts used in the pedagogical lecture. The notion of tolerance in psychological and pedagogical literature:

- Lack of relief or weakening as a result of sensitivity reduction to the influence of any adverse, negative factors;

- the ability of a person to withstand a variety of life difficulties, without losing psychological inclination.

That is, tolerance means patience, calmness, tolerance, tolerance to any problem, and trying to resolve all issues by peaceful means.

Tolerance is one of the most important qualities of teachers. The teacher's tolerance is based on the ability to properly evaluate the situation on the one hand, and on the other hand, to predict pedagogical ethics from the quake. Forming tolerance is one of the most important professional tasks of the teacher.

Personality of the teacher - and the role of tutor, teacher, and counselor. The thinkers of every nation demanded that in every age be regarded as a unified process that would not undermine the teaching process. Because upbringing affects a person's entire destiny, he wants the spiritual foundation of his life. "The most important thing for a person is education, not education. Education without upbringing is a double enemy of humanity, which in the future will lead to his death", - al-Farabi's words are becoming relevant in our fast society.

Competitive teacher is a professional, competent, creative, competent person who is able to make quick and correct decisions before searching for new scientific knowledge.

The professional competence of a future teacher depends on the ability to succeed in self-realization, and the ability to develop and improve oneself. Only through the formation of this ability, the teacher can achieve good results and achieve the peak of pedagogical work.

Choosing the future profession is one of the most complex steps and one of the most important solutions in human life. Being able to choose a lifelong affair is a great deal of responsibility. The correctly chosen profession defines the essence of human life, its success. When choosing a business, one should take into account his / her interests, abilities, will, tendency and flexibility. Development of professional skills is never too late, but it should be started at school age.

One of the most important means of human life is labor. Through labor, a person realizes his inner potential and contributes to the prosperity and prosperity of the society and the motherland. The right choice of work that one likes is one of the ways to be successful. The only thing that pleases the person is to motivate and satisfy the desire for life, to achieve success. A person who does what he likes does not get tired of doing such a thing, but rather enjoys a great deal of inspiration. These statements must be based on the thoughts of great people.

When a teacher is a schoolchild, he teaches different qualities that he can teach his / her personality. One of them is his love for the child.

Successful teacher work depends on a child's love. It is desirable to have a child friendly, caring, and respectful of the child's pedagogical needs. To be a teacher there is not enough love for the child, the development of teacher training depends on the individual's intent, ability and abilities. It depends, of course, on the personality traits and its individual behavior.

Love for the child can not be understood one-way. Y. Altynsarin wrote: "Teacher will have contact with children, if they do not understand something, then the teacher should blame himself for failing to blame the disciples." In our opinion, love for the child is, first of all, his desire to learn more about his profession and to learn more about his subject. The ability to base the science on the child's mind is the ability to influence the child by creating an inward need for the development of science and education. This is one of the peculiarities of the individual, depending on the tendency. A certain human tendency depends on his abilities. It is referred to as the mental ability of the individual to show the result of certain actions. Capacity development depends on the character, action. The effectiveness of the action depends on several related skills.

The parent responsible for educating a child is a teacher. Being a teacher is the key to the future of children. It is the teacher's duty to prepare them for life, to get closer to the good and to the bad, to make the truth clear.

Teacher is a fundamental principle that not only educates the student but also contributes to the maturity, spiritual growth, literary and cultural development of the nation, its people.

Teacher is universal education, healthy, specialist. He is a dignified, sacred profession, a master of his profession, and a good, humble, kind, kind, generous person.

What is the nature of the teacher? It is summed up in Zhumabayev's methodology: "The teacher is overwhelmed by the fact that when he speaks different words and words, the child is in the middle. The skill of a teacher is not a quick expression of all the knowledge he has acquired, but is a step forward. Teacher's speech should be compact, energetic, and interesting in teaching. Only then can he take care of the child. Otherwise, the child's anxious situation will be different. Playing with children, sitting quietly, and talking to each other is a result of a lack of compassion and incompetence of a teacher. "


Control questions:

1. What is the difference between the concept of an individual, an individuality, a person?

2. What is the core of the concept of an individual?

3. What is universal human values?

4. What are the national education issues?

5. What is the global educational space?

6. What is the difference between national values and universal values?

7. Who is a multicultural person?

8. How do you understand the culture of interethnic communication?

9. What is tolerance?



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3. Kaliev K. Traditions and customs of the Kazakh people. Almaty. 1991.

4.Table Teacher Training - Almaty: Education, 2006. - 248 p.

5.Tuleubekova R. About moral education. Almaty, 1994




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