The phrase “hand the Kaiser” became popular 

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The phrase “hand the Kaiser” became popular

A in 1960s                         B in the First World War

C in the Second World War D in 1970s


40. We can use the phrase “we did it once at Bannockburn”

A whenever the abilities of the company is questioned              B to remind an incident

C to provide encouragement or uplift spirits in difficult times   D to express irony


Where have all the – gone?


A to express nostalgia       B to change the subject of conversation      

C to remind about smth    D to express sarcasm


Music, maestro, please


A to change the subject of conversation  B to interrupt a melodramic moment

C to attract smb’s attention                      D to express doubt


As every schoolboy knows


A to humiliate smb                                               B to show your self-confidence

C to comment on a fact of common knowledge  D to express sarcasm


The phrase “do you come here often-only in the mating season ” was popularized by


A a comic actor and writer B a film-star

C an economist                 D a singer


The end of civilization as we know it


A to interrupt a melodramic moment       B to continue working whatever is happening

C to threaten smb                                     D to suggest a person is over-reacting


Calling all cars

A to alert all available police in cars to go to a crime      B to call for a taxi

C to encourage smb                                                         D to blame smb


Man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do


A sarcastic remark saying that you are lazy         B to express displeasure

C to reference to a task that can’t be avoided     D to provide encouragement or uplift spirits in difficult times


48. now cut that out! is used


A in books                         B in films

C in TV-series                   D in TV-shows


The phrase “we have ways of making you talk” is the caricature to


A Germans            B French

C Russians             D Chinese


Would you buy a used car from this man? was used


A to precise the meaning of just heard                        B to remind an incident

C as a metaphor that questions the person’s honesty      D to show your self-confidence



The phrase “don’t you just love being in control?” is from

A a car TV advertising      B a mobile phone TV advertising

C a razor TV advertising   D a gas company TV advertising


The phrase «flavour of the week/day/month can carecterize


A a remarkable place         B someone who enjoys a short period of popularity

C a light-minded person   D a very popular film-star


What’s the synonym to the phrase “it ain’t over until it’s over?


A Wait and see      B Are you threatening me?

C hold the onions  D don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched


The phrase “less is definitely more” appeared thanks to

A a singer              B a comedian

C an architect        D a writer


The phrase “live long and prosper” is


A a salutation        B a re-election slogan

C a comic twist     D a metaphor


Often/ always a bridesmaid but never a bride

A to express disappointment        B to express sarcasm

C to express envy                         D to express jealousy


Softly, softly, catchee monkey


A to suggest to catch a monkey                                                  B to start a conversation

C to suggest a quiet approach in the apprehension of a thief                  D to express sarcasm


The phrase “so stupid he/she can’t chew gum and walk at the same time” is

A a sarcastic remark          B a comic description

C a comic twist                 D a metaphor


The phrase “every day and in every way, I’m getting better and better” appeared thanks to

A an American comedian B a German actress

C an English singer           D a French pharmacist


The phrase “get thar fustest with the mostest” means

Adon’t count your chickens before they’re hatched                  B move fast, occupy territory, win big

C alert all available police in cars to go to a crime           Dlive long and prosper


The phrase “if anything can go wrong, it will” commonly known as

A Murphy’s Law              B Jack’ metaphor

C Mary’ catchphrase         D Mike’s Law



The phrase “if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen” means

A don’t disturb your mother while she is coocking B go for a walk

C change your activity      D don’t take on responsibilities your’re not able to handle


The phrase “just do it” was popularized by

A Nike                   B Adidas

C Puma      D McDonalds


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