List of topics for candidate exam 

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List of topics for candidate exam

Topics for candidate exams


List of topics for candidate exam

1. Мои научные интересы и научная деятельность. Моя кафедра.

2. Перспективы моей научной карьеры.

3. Университеты как научные центры. Ведущие научные школы в моей области знаний.

4. Наука в исторической перспективе (появление и развитие моей научной области).

5. Современное состояние науки в моей области знаний.

6. Роль иностранного языка в международном сотрудничестве и решении научных проблем.

7. Международные и российские программы поддержки молодых ученых.

8. Вопросы научной этики и гражданской ответственности ученых.

  1. My scientific interests and scientific works. My department.

My scientific interests and the dissertation are devoted to the risk management in sphere of innovation and investment. Adam Smith is the patron saint of classical economics, Keynes of Keynesian economics, and Joseph Schumpeter is the patron saint of innovation economics. Innovation is a major force for business, economic and social progress. The issues of innovation development are increasingly dealt with in various scientific works. However, there is a wide range of problems which have not been solved yet, for instance the risk management in sphere of innovation and investment. There is a lot of foreign literature on this subject, especially in English. I can read the works of foreign writers, scientific books, magazines in original. Due to numerous sources in English my dissertation can become more profound and interesting.

I study at the faculty of International Graduate School of Management, at the department of international economic relations. Our faculty was founded in 1994 and now it includes four departments: international business, international management, organization theory and my department – International Economic Relations.

Professors, lecturers, postgraduate students and students of my department conduct scientific research in different spheres: accounting, audit, financial analysis, risk management. All the professors, lecturers, postgraduate students and students of my department write and publish scientific papers, monographs and textbooks under the direction of professor Okorokov V.R. The works of our department are presented at many international scientific venues, published in economical journals, monographs and textbooks.    


Topics for candidate exams


List of topics for candidate exam

1. Мои научные интересы и научная деятельность. Моя кафедра.

2. Перспективы моей научной карьеры.

3. Университеты как научные центры. Ведущие научные школы в моей области знаний.

4. Наука в исторической перспективе (появление и развитие моей научной области).

5. Современное состояние науки в моей области знаний.

6. Роль иностранного языка в международном сотрудничестве и решении научных проблем.

7. Международные и российские программы поддержки молодых ученых.

8. Вопросы научной этики и гражданской ответственности ученых.

  1. My scientific interests and scientific works. My department.

My scientific interests and the dissertation are devoted to the risk management in sphere of innovation and investment. Adam Smith is the patron saint of classical economics, Keynes of Keynesian economics, and Joseph Schumpeter is the patron saint of innovation economics. Innovation is a major force for business, economic and social progress. The issues of innovation development are increasingly dealt with in various scientific works. However, there is a wide range of problems which have not been solved yet, for instance the risk management in sphere of innovation and investment. There is a lot of foreign literature on this subject, especially in English. I can read the works of foreign writers, scientific books, magazines in original. Due to numerous sources in English my dissertation can become more profound and interesting.

I study at the faculty of International Graduate School of Management, at the department of international economic relations. Our faculty was founded in 1994 and now it includes four departments: international business, international management, organization theory and my department – International Economic Relations.

Professors, lecturers, postgraduate students and students of my department conduct scientific research in different spheres: accounting, audit, financial analysis, risk management. All the professors, lecturers, postgraduate students and students of my department write and publish scientific papers, monographs and textbooks under the direction of professor Okorokov V.R. The works of our department are presented at many international scientific venues, published in economical journals, monographs and textbooks.    



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