Most people are worried about the problem of overpopulation. Others think that the situation is not as terrible as it seems to be. 

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Most people are worried about the problem of overpopulation. Others think that the situation is not as terrible as it seems to be.


At the present time the earth accommodates more than 6 billion people. The world's population is growing so fast because people live longer owing to better medical care and nutrition. Besides, more babies are born, especially in developing countries. But how can overpopulation threaten people's life on Earth?
In my opinion, overpopulation makes the standard of living worse. The world's population increases faster than the food supply. Each year millions of deaths occur from starvation, especially in Africa, Asia and Latin America. If the world's population continuous growing, it will be very difficult to produce enough food and goods. More people need more water, minerals, shelter and clothes. Population growth is another reason for environmental problems as the more people there are on Earth, the more they pollute. They drive cars, throw away litter, cut down forests, use electricity, build roads and plants and deplete the planet's resources.
On the other hand, in many European countries the average woman has only one child. In many big cities fertility rates are falling because some people think that it is rather expensive to have a child. Most young women dream of making a career. So they say they have much to lose by becoming mothers. As a result, families are getting smaller and smaller.
To sum up, the real situation is not so bad. To my mind, the problem of overpopulation can be solved if there is population control in some countries. Anyway, nobody knows what will happen to the human race in ten or twenty years.


Some people are convinced that the concept of pacifism may become reality, while others say it is a kind of Utopia.

Humans have always been competing for better life. Pacifists believe that war and violence are always wrong. But is it really possible to create the world where nonviolence, love and patience rule or is it just a dream?
I strongly feel that since nuclear weapons appeared, people have understood that war cannot be used to settle confrontations. To my mind, the costs of war are so substantial that better ways of resolving disputes must be found. Fortunately, some countries have already adopted pacifism to conduct foreign policy. They reject war and stick to a neutral role. Some pacifists say it is necessary to establish a world government in order to prevent and control international aggression.
In theory, people are creating a "peace-loving" society. In practice, there are still some military conflicts and tension between different countries. Civilization is still far from establishing a world government. What is more, the modern world is not perfect enough to avert wars. But I'm convinced that nonviolent action is morally superior and more effective.
To conclude, everybody wants to live in a peaceful world. That is why people must reduce regional and international conflicts and avoid all attributes which could tend to war. I believe that international disputes can and must be peacefully resolved. All in all, any violence is morally wrong.



Some people say that gambling is just entertainment, while others are convinced that it ruins gamblers* lives.


For centuries people have spent a lot of money trying to beat the laws of probability. Some of us find gambling quite innocent. But most people believe that gambling is one of the worst temptations that exist in this world. This problem is taking on greater proportions as gambling, especially online gambling, becomes more popular.
I have always wondered what makes people risk their money or possessions. Of course, everybody hopes to gain an income. Some people even succeed in winning additional money or material goods. Others consider gambling to be a form of recreation. They enjoy gambling for the thrill of it, and they both have fun and earn a little money.
But while some people enjoy the entertainment value of a horse track or casino, others can become addicted to gambling which threatens their financial and family's well-being. Many gamblers are possessed by the idea of getting rich quick. They often continue risking their money even after repeated losses. In my opinion, an addiction to gambling is like an addiction to any other thing. However, since it does not have any physical signs, most people discover that their relatives or friends are addicted only when it becomes too late. What is more, many people say that casinos contribute to crime because some gamblers resort to stealing.
To conclude, gambling must be banned or at least heavily controlled. Unfortunately, quitting gambling is just as hard as quitting smoking or taking drugs. I believe that gambling addicts must receive medical treatment. Otherwise they may ruin their lives and the lives of their nearest and dearest.


Some people say that in the modern world we are losing our sense of spirituality. Others are convinced that people still need faith.

In the past faith played a central role in people's daily lives. But the situation is quite different today. A lot of people never attend religious services of any kind and some of them say they have no religion at all. But what could have brought about such a dramatic break from tradition and how can it influence our way of life?
I have always wondered what role faith plays in our lives. In my opinion, faith can help people cope with difficult emotions or moral decisions. When everything goes wrong and you feel extremely unhappy, faith can help. I think that a person who believes in God has courage, hope, confidence, calmness and assuring trust that all will come out well. Faith helps people overcome all difficulties and remain optimistic whatever happens.
Unfortunately, scientific advances have made many people question their religious beliefs. The terrible events of the 20th century have also made others question the existence of God. A lot of people say that science is more important than religion because it tries to solve the problems connected with reducing pollution, protecting biological diversity, saving energy and natural recourses and many others. But I strongly feel that if we want to resolve the global crisis and to improve our cultural, social, economic and political systems, we need faith and spirituality.
To conclude, people need to change their attitudes, values and beliefs. Faith can help us become kinder, more generous and responsible. I believe that it will make our lives much happier.



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