Chronology of the creation of the theory of ether dynamics of the relict systems. 

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Chronology of the creation of the theory of ether dynamics of the relict systems.

Chronology of the creation of the theory of ether dynamics of the relict systems.

In 1851, I.D. Yakushkin created a intelligible theory, assuming that there is a particle similar to a point, and only in the process of movement is it endowed with an attribute of space, like a line. Dynamism is already evident in these arguments.    In 1905, D.I. Mendeleev, unsuccessfully, attempted a chemical understanding of the world ether in his article published in the collection of the Academy of Sciences of Russia.                                                                                                        In 1922, the cryptographer Felix de Grosser tried unsuccessfully to unravel the pentogram from the Carolingian Bible, designed in the Middle Ages by the scientific school of academician Alcuin, during the period of the scientific Renaissance. And his colleague, scientist Alain Desgri, predicted a new level of discovery in science, who “decipher” it is not clear how a working “magic” square consisting of fancifully written five words read from the right to left and left to right, from top to bottom as well as from the bottom up.                                              In 2007, using the A-4 format declared by the method of electrochemical graphitization, the researcher Leonid Mikhailovich Kolchanov by logical-empirical method managed to create quantitative characteristics of this square in the amount of 713 from thermally expanded graphite, through A-4 xerox on paper media, calling it a possible matrix and Binary positioning, having already twisted back a new construction back to back, the work of the “magic” squares of which became possible as an integral, geometrized circuit in the volume stated a format Obemnaya work matrix of thermally expanded graphite author called: razdray (armature side) as the degree of repulsion of two matrices bearing one and the -zhe charge. In the ether of dynamics, unlike charges repel each other, in electrodynamics they are pulled up.It was necessary to explain theoretically why this binary matrix, placed in front of the screen of the harmful TV monitor generation, twists pixel, photon radiation during R & D. That is, the matrix turns out to work with space. Theoretically, we had to expand the terminology of concepts about space, and behind it, to supplement work in this time, on the basis of the R & D conducted, as a real non-conventional unit of the relic space, where the work of the dynamic ether filling the relic (relic-not spoiled by man-made factors) space is just a shame it was not to notice.The evidentiary base of the ether of the dynamics of the relict space had to be expanded, especially in 2005 the book “Anti-Einstein”, Moscow, was published, because of “Yauza”, V.I. Boyarintsev, professor, Ph.D., MIPT, where he simply asks the scientific world to begin to study the work of the dynamic ether, and of course analyzes the errors of the "physics of the past." It was necessary to create two heavy work, to substantiate the work of 15 clusters (iconic inventions) designed by your humble servant..


The theory of dynamically existing ether rests on four postulates:


1. The correct interpretation of the work of the ether dynamic pentogram from the Carolingian Bible on thermally expanded graphite of the stated format.


2. Post cross the figurative requirements of two axes, in the case of indirect division of a somatic cell (amitoz), at the level of the nucleus of this cell.


3. The presence of a dynamic requirement for a soliton – electron orbit of the nucleus of a hydrogen (protium) atom fixed in a bubble chamber.


4. The presence of gravity rift when taking into account the parameters of the planet Earth and its natural expansions, since speaking of the mass of the planet Earth as a whole is not correct. Quantum biochemistry - Leonid Kolchanov.



                         Explanatory note

Dear colleagues!                  

Our colleague in the shop in the 19th century, N. Tesla had no theory behind his inventions, so he was accused of heresy when his car carriage with two antennas on the roof, charging the batteries, started and drove off. In the 18th century, the Russian thinker Yakushkin I.D. as it could in my head to fit the "unit", likened to a mathematical point endowed with the attribute of space only in the process of motion. Well, what do we do!?! We are obsessed with traditional atomistics, which must be considered all as a stage in gaining knowledge for our not perfect civilization. DI Mendeleev tried to explain the ether (ether) with the help of chemical laws in his monograph from 1905, but he did not succeed, other approaches are needed here. At me behind the back of 10 years work of creation of the theory of a uniform field of which Einstein could only dream in his years, and. And so I'm not afraid of attacks from the commission on the false science from the RAS. But it's time to think about printing a book with a DSP stamp for military representatives and that's why. As soon as the autumn of 2018 comes after the elections the new administration of the south of the Tyumen region, it is necessary to "smoke" somehow not for the purpose of the research institutes that have moved into the technopark, from which the region's administration milk the rent, the mercantile moment. Technopark or, rather, all that is left of it, one room is "headed" by a man who used to head the department of shirts at TsUM. I, Kolchanov Leonid Mikhailovich, in principle, is ready to lead the Tyumen Technopark, since I do not need to create anything, everything has already been created on paper of the A-4 format. It is only through the designer that the format of drawings of innovative clusters having a defense cut-off of interest will increase. And military experts from the RF Ministry of Defense, while visiting the technopark, choose what they like. And then it turned out as in the old English history, with the inventor Oliver Hevirside, who helped to design a non-bearing radio with a low frequency of work, so the British scouts did not fall asleep on the information transfer, like the Russians in the 40's. After his death in 1925, the special agents lost his papers from his cottage. I suggest that you do not do this with me, but I propose that all my designs be placed on the walls of the Tyumen Technopark, of course with a key debris of the content. The choice for military specialists will be very large, as it is a through technology, but you can understand it if you understand the theory of a single field, which I wrote 10 years ago. I call it the theory of aether dynamics, but the essence of this does not change.


In general, the Tyumen Technopark is necessary for me status and media display by the military representative from the Air Force, the Navy and the VCS especially.

 Why VCS especially, because the graphite matrix, designed by me, twists any radiation coming from the ACS reactor, whether it is a relic cosmic radiation from which our poor cosmonauts cannot hide anywhere on the ACS, especially during the period of the Sun's activity. Nuclear submarines in the Russian Navy and on stratospheric fighter jets of a new generation. At the nuclear power plant there are dosimeters, but unfortunately this means is not individual protection (laughter and yes only), but a means of measurement. I propose means of individual protection, everywhere where there is a hint of a radiating factor, harmful especially for men of childbearing age. Covering the theoretical part of the graphite matrix and the way it is activated, military specialists will be able to produce a graphite matrix for specific needs, in their more specific tasks. All this is real, we need to grasp the main thing-the theory of a single field. The light is young colleagues! And not training, a little light and on a military mission, where there is relic, stratospheric radiation on the ACS or radiation from a mini reactor to a submarine. But after all, all these situational tasks are solved in a flash, if we master the ricochet technologies, which literally fell on our heads just recently.

 My older brother, in the same specialty as I was with you at the beginning, once peeped at the tractor plant the original suspension and. And now it stands on the new BMP - "Kurganets". Creativity of a colleague, the magnitude of a constant and to frame the creative person is a useless task, and perhaps not necessary. Unique through clusters have already been created, we just need to help somehow formalize in the Tyumen Technopark, in the fall of 2018, with the planned change of government in the south of the Tyumen region. If not, why then colleagues, all this tinsel with marble palaces, fitted for techno parks. I do not need marble palaces like some civilian from the RAS or accounts. Dear members of the Nobel Committee! I like to help break through the ricochet technologies that literally accompany the theory of a single field (Ether Dynamics) described by me for you in this file. In our world entered a different physics - subatomic!

Dear friends! We create an alternative platform for the Future of Russia, and the wrap will stick itself. It's not even that the RAS is a rotten tooth requiring somatic removal tactics, so that inflammation does not spread to surrounding tissues. From a toothache, even patients shoot in medical practice, yes, yes. There are two categories of scientists: kissed by God and not kissed by God, and this is not a figural act of thought, but a literal one. What is the RAS and what happened to it was predicted back in 1945 by A. Fleming, the creator of penicillin, quoting his words: "If the palaces defeat the scientist, then the end will come to him," the quotation is shortened. K.E. Tsiolkovsky's home life was turned into a laboratory. And your obedient servant wrote the evidentiary base of the theory of a unified field on the toilet. Everything simply comes from below-the top comes in, a joke. What is a doctoral dissertation in the USSR: this is a disparate, incomparable knowledge. And what is the Doctor of Science in the RAS network: this is the sum of not comparable, disparate knowledge. If this is even simpler for our hypothetical future, which we feel with one place, it is given to us. And we need the whole theory, that is, the theory of a single field, or the theory of a single field or as opposed to the theory of electrodynamics-the theory of the dynamics of dynamics, which your humble servant wrote for 10 years, since the evidence base is thin and simply not given, you need solitude, you do not need a figurative kiss of God. Well, stealth technology is what let me ask you.Stealth technology is all about the ricochet theory of ether dynamics, arbitrary from it, for what. FOR SURVIVING the nation and preserving its national code. Here Andrey Pavlovich Devyatov screams, you need the ORDA to survive through numerous China in this world.But 500 years ago, a handful of 500 Ermak Cossacks defeated TYUMEN (ь) -10,000 Tatars near the Chuvash cape, that under the city of  Tobolsk, at the confluence of the Irtysh River in the Tobol River. Why?!?Yes, because they owned the technology of volley fire and volley smoke, the prototype of our legendary "Katyusha", "Grada" and "Pinocchio". Give AP Devyatov a greeting from me, there are no two greetings and. And tell him to carefully read the evidence base of a single field that I sent him on NET and. And let him no longer go to China, and even so his eyes narrow already from ignorance. Know How to know the escorts that we can send, or we may not send, them... In the stratagem, China never heard will never be ahead of Russia. It so happened historically. Copy copy, we do not mind. And the last, be wiser. That at you it turned out you need not the opportunity, but the sum of opportunities. And the sum of the possibilities is always the fulness of time by the apostle Paul. Therefore, if God sees that you are trying, then your undertakings will not remain unnoticed to them. But the state and its commander-in-chief are tangent, tangential. The main thing is the heavenly office and its veto or not a veto.

Dear colleagues!

 Rumors have reached us that rumors have reached you that in scientific minds the quantization of space and time behind the mountains. Do not believe it. Quantization of space and time, the same inescapable reality as a fly caught in a cooked jam at the dacha when you were drinking tea on the outdoor terrace of your dacha.

In our world, another physics breaks in, more delicate-subatomic!

That is, in the futuristic terms, the post-industrial society is moving forward - intuitively!. But it's not God that the pots are burned, but ordinary mortals like us, God's task is to instruct others. In space, there are no straight lines, there is no beginning and there is no end, that is, everything is not straightforward, or geometrically less linear in V. Lobachevsky, J. Boyay, K. Gauss and A. Riemann. And this means time as a real and not a conditional physical unit is not linear and continuous, that is, there is an ether a dynamic substance filling the relic space in which only the somatic cell of a person is able to correctly share and multiply

P.S. I send you a matrix-background background for your personal desktop PC, for the prevention of dry eye syndrome from photon radiation Dry eye syndrome gives cataract with age, so black glasses on rest on the southern sea is not a whim, but a physiological need. In the meantime, I play alone, since everything is so launched in the "marble palaces" of the RAS. My requisites are in my autobiography.

Yours faithfully - Leonid Kolchanov, the author of the theory of ether dynamics

(the theory of a unified field) of the relic space, the constructor of the structures of

the forming systems.



The radiation goes to the cornea of the eye of the young operator-schoolboy of PC and causes dry eye syndrome and causes a micro-burn of the cornea of the eyes. Everything begins with the laziness and wiping of the eyes with the child's hand, especially in children who are keen on watching.

Winter, 2018 year.

The space.

You probably will be surprised by my colleagues, why it is the sensitive model of the ether theory of dynamics. The thing is this. If we take as an example how DI Mendeleev created a system of elements of our nature, then everything began with sensory cognition in his head during sleep. Then the columns of the elements on paper came, that is, it is easier to logically comprehend the sensitive work of his brain on paper, In the form of a table of elements. The logical thinking, evolutionarily younger and from the point of view of normal human physiology is reasonable and secondary. Sensitive insight is a picture in the head of information and its more capacious in terms of information. There is an image, and even more an upholstery. The sensory image of the table of elements in D. Mendeleev's head has smoothly passed into the logical, deliberate similarity of this table of elements. And then only a legend went about him and a beard was removed. When in the Soviet 80s I was "pressed" by the Communists, I just managed to create a sensitive method of the theory of ethers. But my brother Kolchanov Nikolai Alexandrovich at the expense of the protégé of a communist mom and personal acquaintance with the ex-president of the RAS Osipov I., made his career. He is an academician, simultaneous and director of the Institute of Genetics of the SB RAS. And this is not a special case of practice, a combination of posts and academic title. It is a general rule to combine the incompatible, embedded in the RAS even as much under LP Beria! Such people bronze by definition and. And they live by signing reviews to others. But we will pass into the real mode of events, relating to the subject matter of the word and deed. During the 13th and 14th of September, 2017, there is an abnormally powerful ejection from the Sun planet streaming radiation, which was not taken into account in the calculations of specialists from "ROSKOSMOS". This event is layered by a ricochet on the flight of the ACS, launched into orbit with our astronauts, who trivially do not know where to go during the radiation storm affecting their good health. Officially, through the media, this quotation was said directly, neither more nor less. In 2015, (16.09) on Schepkina # 42, I sent a packet of documents on technology, according to which it is possible to fix on the level of the inner plating of the ACS (orbital space station) on the whole surface, thereby protecting the space of the ACS and its inhabitants, before the start. But in "ROSCOSMOS" it seems like they do not think about the preventive lever for preserving the health of the cosmonaut. It's like about not having a regular radiation accident to offer PyC (anti-chemical suit) and say that it keeps from radiation, in a dashing 70 years. That is, there is a substitution and. And indifference. The conscience should be included in the functional duties of cosmophysiologists. But after all, no one drives us. Yes, and why repeat the situation like Herman Titov, (Yuri Gagarin was then just lucky) when, during the time of his launch into orbit, there was a sun dependent background radiation surge (radiation) at the time of its flight in orbit. We again step on the same rake! I personally am not to blame for the fact that those who deal with such issues do not fit recently discovered states of matter in their minds: torsion fields and the matrix of the possible, on the basis of which the graphic matrix that twists radiation within the space of the ACS operates. The speed of particles coming from the Sun for this matrix is not the limit, not to mention the speed of light. Classical physics began to crack at the seams, even before my forerunner, D.Sc. VI Boyarintsev published his concept in the book "Anti-Einstein". The beginning was laid down by the knight of quantum physics-Paul Dirac. Academician AE Akimov worked on torsion fields, but for another purpose, not knowing that torsion fields twist radiation rays and thereby shielding spaces from "overload". My package of technological documents looks like this and lies under the cloth in "ROMSKOSMOS" on Shchepkina No. 42.

Next, a self-portrait of the animated artist G.Rayshev is presented, where a drawing of a time-independent work is finished, the ether of a dynamic generator of a multi-stage biological form in the space of this picture. The most interesting thing about design, is that the generator's work is separated from the flow of time


The law of a quadrature of a circle, of great Leonardo da Vinci. (A solution of secret, mirror to handwriting the scientist). 6.                                                    

 The quadrature of a circle of Leonardo is a curve - as a principle of drawing of a matrix, the law which has come to us centuries later is more true and by miracle has escaped in Leonardo picture after action of proceeding which was started against it by fathers of a city of Venice. After this Leonardo became very cautious and all the are great guesses it has started to immortalise through pictures and symbols. The symbol a virtue-viansciy the person is not a symmetry symbol as confirm modern a history. The symbol a virtue-viansky the person, is more true a symbol of two a virtue-viansciy person, and it is two power conditions of the person supplementing each other and concerning bio-energetics of the person even more precisely and you are convinced of it, having read the head how the vanguard technology has been created. The strict square in a symbol - a picture virtue-vianskiy the person is frameworks of a writing of the matrix, graphite module or a matrix possible. The circle in a picture a symbol a virtue-viansckiy the person is a power whirlwind, more truly the designated borders of the power whirlwind going from the generator of the multistage biological form is more exact from the matrix, graphite module with biologically active mere verbiage. Deduced by graphite on the paper carrier we use words as biologically active form which twists space with not observable speed and the frequency characteristics.And one more riddle - Leonardo solution this mirror a collar topsy-turvy the image of the text which can be read only by means of a mirror. What here a secret we will try to understand and we my reader. The text, that is words of a matrix of the possible generator in our designing of the multistage biological form looks through our visualisation, as though on the contrary, that is the mirror image of a word, what means it? And we will see in great Leonardo record, what he somehow tried to inform this moment through records to us - why? In general all it means that Leonardo felt word action as matrixes possible already as generator of a word with the multistage biological form, but only not in a plane, and a volume with that and on the other hand mirrors. And «binary razdray» we will use this principle in the devices that a ather dynamic to field worked a volume every which way.Н At mechanical level analogue of the given scheme is Archimedes spiral. A A electro to chimics a graphite we will put a matrix a back to a back the text (symbolics) outside that will create effect local a antropos inversions on structural working units of sheet of the carrier of graphite generators of the multistage form. The matrix will work for us volume to every which way. The matrix or Absolute Anything on G.I.Shipovu creates a secondary quantum whirlwind with to geometrically the impuls a volume moment up to A.Ejnshtejn.  Here this secondary quantum whirlwind, in changed                                           



Quantitative characteristics also will feel, escaping such creatures as snakes, bugs, louses, cockroaches, pincers and at the big quantitative characteristics tuberculosis microbes first of all. Yes misters there is an alternative of Pasteurization. That turns out if it to transfer on practice, non-polluting disinfection Turns out!!! Microbes on the area торсионного fields of the generator created by a matrix as - that perish. They cannot probably overcome physical space created in volume a mode secondary quantum whirlwinds (how many generators so much and whirlwinds). And all to it fault a electrochimicaly, graphite a matrix with high-frequency characteristics. Taking into account quantitative characteristics on format А-4 it is possible to contain from 700 до11000тысяч generators of the multistage biological form taking into account the law of a quadrature of a circle of Leonardo da Vinci. Therefore if orientacio to volume a matrix in the form of a box that in it will not be a foodstuff from for biolodgy a disinfection (bread will dry out as a cracker).Bеnzine in a petrol tank spoils long will not be will evaporate if over a tank in car salon to put the device of the given type. If a high-frequency matrix to enclose in swimming trunks атомщика working for the nuclear reactor then radiation in the form of radiation will not reach genital bodies of this person (groin). At quonte -mechanical level radioactive radiation will twist on the limited sight of speed not observed to ours. If to sustain average frequencies a graphite matrixes with a generator to construction of electro chemistry a graphite a way (x-copying) that through energetically active points of a body of the person located saggital a method endo visceral to spatially-wave structurization it is possible to transform back power defective diseases of the person согласуясь with rainbow laws, rainbow Laws it is seven colours and simultaneously seven base frequencies of a body of the person. Integrated bag all a frequencies of a human body makes 100000 hertz. Behind rainbow laws there is a strict observance of frequency of work on levels of a body of the person. We only create a frequency quantum whirlwind to tyre out medical-oncological time in the form of a beam. And what is then a primary quantum whirlwind or whirlwinds? It is that stream of time which then it is selective at beam level puts on weight the person, initially – torsion and creates such o torsion the system as the person. Here this fact was noticed also on the self-portrait in 1979 a animal by the artist from a S.Peterburg a G. Rajshev. It has represented waves of density of time as a background for the radio body. So we will sum up and we will designate the resume. In the beginning there was an atom? Anything similar!!! In the beginning there was a word. This level of a reality of biologically active matter can be simulated in the form of the multistage biological form when one supplements or strengthens consistently. 7.

The modern physics of structures, names this level of a matter Absolute Anything or the Matrix Possible. Last term was included into our life thoroughly more-graphite matrix, a silver matrix, a gold matrix. Letters as biologically active symbols, to have a polar of positive and negative depending on a writing so or этак. Этак means in accuracy «to on the contrary».Word so it is necessary to consider and mean the mirror image of letters as though «a collar - topsy-turvy», as though all on the contrary, and it is strict to on the contrary. Why so? The matter is that polarity of letters as biologically active symbols a orientacio to cross-section planes of a writing of letters on the paper carrier. That is it is possible to tell that it is strictly cross-section, and from this trans-verse and mirror contrast of letters at a writing or deducing. Here this cross-section polarity or «binary razdray» also was accented in the records logic-empirically by Leonardo da Vinci. Even its autobiographer could not understand this moment in its biography hinting at future of this secret in manuscripts of the great scientist, it was Vazari. The letter is biologically active in a word. The mere verbiage can create already forward, dependent multistage biological form. And it already the generator, a cinema to proector of the multistage form. Work of this generator already creates quantum whirlwinds at level not observed for a human eye. That here speaks? Our eye cannot distinguish at all flashing shots at cinema from a cinema a proector to with frequency 24 shots in a second. It is necessary to recognise logiko-empirically that сочетанная the multistage biological form structures space at level not observed for a human eye. Binary раздрай or cross-section polarity, to be exact a razdray to polar strengthens several times action wave structurate which works in this or that party that is spatially instead of on a plane and will be already called as us technically:

A space –volume the structuration (the Item of Century С)    8.

That that it works in both parties from plane sheet for it the word the spatial answers. That that it has frequency characteristics tells a word wolume

The word a structuration designates that it gives to space structure befor to produce natural characteristics.

Through space we on very big speeds exhaust selective beam time in an organism of energetically defective person with the help us of the designed devices. Classics speak to us that the problem consists it is that to make time spiral. But a question how to twist this spiral, «to be sun» or «a none to be sun» very much and it is very important. If we twist time to sun, that is right a centripetal point clockwise for a beam as real physical unit we will hook on selective time without problems and we will force to work through turning space in the interests. 

 For these the listed sensitive characteristics it is enough to make an inclination of letters in the generator to the right!!!                                                                        

The inclination of letters to the right, observance of the law of a quadrature of a circle at deducing of matrix modules and application «domains means: that is graphite, silver and gold with characteristics not subject to magnetic terrestrial fields will give us good luck in manufacturing of those of 10 kinds of products about which mankind dreams to have in a life in the near future. This chapter speaks about that and proves that Leonardo felt and knew a for mirror, other- wordly polarity of a word. It proves all that it closely has approached to concept торсионный the word generator. But it was not its time. Now this our time, Leonardo would relieve people of a cancer having created primary preventive maintenance of a cancer as disease with infringement harmonous power, a torsion to anatomy. But during its time the technology electrochemical to be graphite (x-copyings) for creation of quantitative characteristics a torsion to generators of a word in the form of a matrix has not been created. In the end of a life he it understood that none will reach this level of development of technics of our time. Space and Leonardo –as they are fastened. Leonardro da Vinci was the first who has dared to comprehend a torsion of technologies as they directly are fastened with secret of the space which prospect he sharply felt as the artist. Maestro Leonardo also felt cross-section polarity of the words written by graphite as a hand and through a mirror, that is is strict to on the contrary. Yes, yes this that cross-section polarity where two charges with the same name make a start, and heteronymic are drawn. It is a basis of spatially-wave modulation of space. Leonardo felt that sacral words as that change space if them to place strictly cross-section that is against each other and simultaneously on one axis that is is strict polarly. This guess has come to it at work of the text with a mirror (effect of a mirror). It simply has not deepened thought in this direction or has not wanted to deepen or was not in time that it is more -more probable. It simply has not sufficed on it physically. But its texts written strictly «to on the contrary» through a mirror already then have been written by a graphite pencil instead of paints. And we know that with you that graphite strengthens cross-section polarity of words twice overcoming the magnetic moment of the Earth in work. Leonardo as the scientist guessed that words are biologically active form, the proof to it the collar on against». Befor any invention which is прорывным on a basis to transparent a technologies is its mirror experiences with letters and words, and also with texts written«, the sum of knowledge on the basis of the previous technologies is necessary. Here it at Leonardo also was not near at hand, so and in a head.The scientific guess leans on what that basis, let though minimum, but the necessary. In it its incompleteness in a writing also consists, well and is final not up to the end research of "strange" words.     



Спекаемый к задней стенке матричной плоскости в ламинаторе,порошковый графит создает термически расширенный, графитовый сердечник,припекаясь тонким слоем к бумажному носителю любого формата и частоты. Так создаются раздрай характеристики эфир динамического поля предлагаемой матрицы.Термин эфир динамика введен профессором В.И. Бояринцевым в 2000гду, он предтеча эфир динамики. Издал книгу «Антиэйнштейн» в из-ве «Яуза» г.Москва,в 2001году.                                                                                  11.


      Design features of structures of the forming

 not a linear geometry of a sacrals to  latin a  words.13.

Further we will describe a filling principle a live sacral word of graphite modules at designing an aether of the dynamic generator of the form and a word. The word unlike chaotic atom is biologically active form. If to compare a word to atom of substance the atom of substance is "anarchist" of process of structurization and plays this process last role. As the active biological form bears a word, in cross-section polarity with infinitely negative difference of potentials. The word as processes formation of a mode of real time, in the set volume of space. Sensitive people notice that time at theatre and time theatre at scoring of identical product goes to cinema differently. At a word writing cross-section polarity in relation to the plane paper carrier is put by a graphite pencil or the copier separate letters. If the text readable an eye - that is positive cross-section polarity of letters. If the text is written in Leonardo da Vinci's style, mirror, strictly «to on the contrary» it will be negative cross-section polarity. Cross-section, as in relation to the paper carrier on which letters by a graphite pencil or the copier «electrochemical graphite» are put. Cross-section polarity in the text will be brought to naught if graphite is replaced with ink, but it never will be equal to zero. Infinitely negative weight cross-section polarly located words, because of infinitesimal size is not taken into account. The carrier of infinitely negative weight of a word hypothetically and not hypothetically is the special class a neitrino to which in our experiences with not observable speed twists cathodic radiations going from TV and computer monitors. At a start the impulse-antineitrino from the cathodic end of an electron beam tube goes a continuous stream of this phenomenon and stitches our eyes and a brain that is not safe. Not observable twisting of space is carried out by working unit consisting of 25 letters with their organisation in a strict plane square. Letters, going from left to right, form biologically active forms of "word", as a source an impulse - the generator with feed from the External Factor. Space rotation goes with speed of an equal double velocity of light and as torsion to generators are in regular intervals distributed on the area of the screen of the monitor the twisting of a beam stream goes on all area a little to constante of radiations. The big angular speed plus negative weight of a special class a neutrino will neutralise an impulse a anti neitrino.

All focus consists that ours a tordion as the working element a aether dinamic the generator is not lonely, it plus to with an impulse, going stably from the aether dinamic to factor». We will agree with you that a word a tordion it will be replaced with an impulse – anti tordion then it is logically possible to explain that at us occurs by practical consideration. In this process us gains also that structurally forming space for the account a aether generator the generator has not linear, stationary character a right to centripetal point of type a cross-wise. So, us the designed space in a format a aether dinamic to fields to prossesses three properties:

1. A structur to organization; 2. The Stationar; 3 Non linear;   14.                      

This space twists strictly clockwise to be in the consent with time course.

 A constante it is provided with the stable impulse going from a aether dinamic factor. Nonlinear character miscalculates a none to Euclide of geometry where there is a torsion of Richchi and a parabola of Rimana. But where the stream of the twirled radiation, from the cathodic end of the tube, flying on the screen of the TV and further, in our eyes with brain oppression nevertheless disappears.

All is very simple: the more angular speed of rotation of space, the is more displacement factor a aether dinamic, than the fields formed in ours aather dinamic of generators. In our devices at our type of space there is a threefold factor of displacement.

 The table of a type of spaces and the formula of not inertial force of rotation is applied. If to take not calibrated graphite module as the generator of the multistage form which have been eaten away in a plane mode on sheet of format А4 with capital letters it will not work as is not present an inclination of letters either to the right or to the left. It appears, letters have a static or dynamic condition. The word consisting of letters, bears or dynamics in time forward or fades in a statics or at an inclination of letters to the left bears negative dynamics in time.

 The word has a static or dynamic condition. After all knowingly in Cyrillics near to the printing (static) letter, there was an unprintable (dynamic) letter. If we will recollect calligraphy lessons at school the inclination of letters to the right was obligatory, so inventor Ford, deducing by hand the surname felt and knew that the inclination of letters is a live dynamic condition.

 Henry Ford has written it in the will that the firm logo Ford should be written his hand with a characteristic inclination to the right. Here such wish on a course of time in the form of an inscription by cars we also see now. In Russian orthodox tradition at a text writing the new thought begins with a new paragraph with a space of a line and it knowingly. So the thought in the form of the offer is formed on a paper separately in plane volume.

As it is noticed that in Russian tradition deletion of words in line goes a none linear from right to left, and on the contrary from left to right circular a torsion coils by hand.

The resume: here in what force of an inclination of letters - a correct message in a correct direction in time. If to speak the modern language the format of real time without an inclination of letters does not remain, as time at us to right a centripetel point, judging by an hour hand of hours.

 At an inclination of letters to the right, there is a wish on a course of time from a mode of real time, at an inclination of letters to the left there is a wish against time course.                   

Letters with an inclination to the right even probably push time course forward, in the form of events with the set semantic vector.

Letters with an inclination, to the left hold a divine course of time. Probably, it is subconscious protection against the accelerated rhythm of a life.

 Metaphor: «Time enters into a brain, the brain gives rise to a word, the word operates a life» remains actual especially now when there is a synthesis of all sciences for success of research of this area. A word a sparrow you will let out you will catch - this popular wisdom speaks for that fact that the said word any more does not belong to the person said it. Then to whom it belongs or is even more exact whom is picked up. And it belongs, the word as biologically active form with harmonous power structure uniform an aether to a dynamic field and works this word on a miscellaneous. In our case the word should work on structure of live space, is more true on correction of its structure in the necessary direction for correct ability to live of the person.

The component in an aether dynamic "traps" of graphite type on paper and plastic carriers is designed a aether dinamic. From for infinitely great speed we should to keep an aether dynamic to wave as that is information important to a component, taken of an aether. For this purpose figure, working elements of designing matrixes should work a right to centripetal point of cross-wise.

 For operation of this sensitive in the relation to a mechanism aether the inclination of working elements of all integrate matrixes with an inclination of working elements to the right is exposed. Frequency mechanisms a rezekcion an aether of a dynamic wave are considered. It turns out, as a matter of fact that longitudinal an aether dynamic to wave goes on a twisting to the areas of hit of a graphite trap of a matrix with the necessary frequency characteristic. Carriers an aether of a dynamic wave are a tordions, which are independent in the work of the magnetic moment of the Earth and it is very important in work with an aether. To It - that and we choose not of the magneic dependent materials in the working design.

The aether dynamics a razdraj - polarity of a sacral word,was is opened Leonardo da Vinci, used by icon painters in the Moscow Russia, at dual position «a back to a back», a uniform plane and to now linear a geometrical of facetted the form, will transform in volume the set a space.                                                  15.

The base to matrix graphite type, for labour from a techn ogenic to little x-ray

To understand value and specificity of work a generator aether as independent mechanism, it is necessary to know that each form is the moment of force which has created it in the beginning ways.                                                                 

Formation of life-giving, stationary, live space occurs in a selective point of the moment of collision of a longitudinal wave a vector - of time and vertical, slantwise a linear wave a vector - gravitation to creation of effect of formation of a quonte -mechanical whirlwind of live space in limits a geometricality works graphite an aether of the generator of the multistage biological form.

It is logical to assume that with an inclination of letters to the right, made a hand of the person it is necessary to consider pencil record it is necessary to consider more biologically active, than record by a ball-point pen.

 As crosswise crossed, with an inclination of vertical gravitation to the right and a longitudinal wave aether of a component of time a integrate, the planetary scale of live structurization within the bottom layers of atmosphere on a planet the Earth precisely works. The moment of formation of a quantum impulse of energy in the crosswise processor of the graphite generator occurs approximately as the transfer paper leaves an information trace on a white paper: occurs slantwise linear «to be fusing» a integrate, slantwise a linear information component containing in "ubiquitous" gravitation on the empty carrier of space with system, to limitation a features of this geometrically isolated space. Time as physical unit is real it is deduced from this process for frame works of the crosswise processor structuring space. The refore, speeds of work of the graphite generator are not observed by our consciousness.



     Chapter number 2

The crosswise, an aether the dynamic a require of a 1. kernel a cage, for differenciality, a selective absorption of time, separately taken a cage of an animal origin and its dependence on a vector of a magnetic the ground of the Earth.

 The cage a centre as sign to part a somatic cage participates one of the first in the crosswise requirement of a kernel of cage and an axial mutual consent a part to cage.Topographical the cellular centre to be in interfasa a mitosis, more often near to a kernel of an animal cage. It consists of two small little bodies- tsentrioli. Two центриоли the cellular centre are located at right angle to each other! In each cylinder to 9 tubules located in parallel. From shentrioli shoots for future affiliated центриолей at right angle depart.As that cage to centre consisting from two shentrioli, occupies a viscero plasma to focus of absorption of time by a cage (the geometrical centre of a cage).

Settling down near to a kernel of a somatic cage, tsentrioli  are on one axis with the centre of a kernel of this cage and the geometrical centre of a body of most this somatic cage!

This law of three participants of the crosswise requirement says that the magnetic axis of a magnetic field of the Earth works in respect of observance of the crosswise requirement which gives a command to parts a cages a kernel of this cage. Crosswise, in relation to a cross-section stream an aether of the dynamic time going in difference from a magnetic axis of the earth, along a vector from the West on the east. But the axis the north-south, coaxial with a magnetic field of the Earth goes from the mechanism of constant biogyroscopic movements of a kernel of a somatic cage.The kernel as though constantly "searches" for an axis the north-south»a magnetic field of the Earth.So it turns out that the crosswise requirement is set by a kernel of a somatic cage, especially in division - a mitosis.At amitotic division the crosswise requirement is not observed also a cage forcedly broken off literally, since a kernel on two affiliated, without the mechanism of transfer of a set of chromosomes. If to compare not biologically roughly that such a mitosis and that such amitotis division it is possible to tell that a mitosis - this cultural and not hasty cutting of a round loaf of bread by a knife. And amitotic division - is rapid and loaf rupture of a loaf of bread by hands.The cage to centre in the course of the division beginning, receives a command of a kernel and the first starts to disperse along a magnetic axis the north-south to cage poles in the first phases of indirect division - a mitosis.Then it starts to structure cage cytoplasm the escalating with the help achromatical threads approximately so: from two polar a tsentrioli growth of microtubules simultaneously with a divergence tsentrioli to poles and


formations of a spindle with radiance from shentrioly to a peripheral contour of acage begins.The system a axle extensions one end to the cage middle hooks on the doubled chromosomes, and by other end is hooked to dipolar the doubled cellular centre of a cage strictly on an axis the north-south.Chromosomes are split on affiliated and to be line, is crosswise in relation to the located axis a axle thread, that is is strict on an axis the West-east. Razdray to chromosom on dipolar the south-north to axle a begins threads still before the crosswise command on to tie up will work shitoplasms of the cage on affiliated delimitation across on the West-east.So why the cage to centre, the kernel centre, the centre of a body of the cage are on one axis. All is simple! Because they carry out mutually axial consent magnetic, field Axes, a magnetic field of the Earth with an axis an aether of a dynamic stream of time.The cage lives in time under condition of a convergence and reading to it of two real not conditional physical sizes, from which main, this selective time. Therefore, the bio gyroscopicae a mechanism of a kernel of a somatic cage lets out a cross the figurative requirement, forcing to execute an axial mutual consent the core to part a cages.Command: "become" - in a system, goes and the aether of dynamic time the laser - biologically in a projection a viscera plasma focus of a cage taking into account cross-section located power stream of a magnetic field of the Earth is let out in the form of a constant signal from "gauges" of a kernel of a cage, as the mechanism of high-grade reading.

The vector power, a magnetic field is all on all a line of pushing away of the mechanism a cross of the figurative requirement for correct reading of selective time a viscero plasma in its focus of a cage.

Razdraj- membranes located in the volume of the endoplasmic focus of the somatic cell nucleus -perfectly, are intended for the reception and amplification of streaming time signals with the dynamic absorption absorption, especially at the time of cell multiplication and contributes to the correct mechanism of cross-shaped alignment in the nucleus of this somatic cell, very important for the process correct mitosis

(The text below is for  3-4 pages)                     

Horizontally-lateral, an aether a dynamic vector of absorption of time in borders of nuclear focus of a 5. cage, under built on under a relic stream of selective absorption of time with crosswise dependence from magnetic field of the Earth

In 1951 the American histologist Porter and its colleague to a Pallada, and also the Swedish scientist Shestrand, have opened in projections of the geometrical centre of the cage, more organised law a viscero plasma to which they could none a commentator. Also it, about the help of means electronic a microscop, it was possible to fix in this place the whole network of two planimetric membranes which after joint discussion they have suggested to name a viscero plasma a network or is more clearer - system of double membranes of a cage. The old term – ergasto plasma, offered by earlier French histologist Garne, too has received a start in life.

 Appointment and mission kanals to viscera plasma a networks. Located in urgently focus of a kernel of a cage just it is necessary to us to find out in the course of perusal of this chapter, my dear reader. That is, here in this question, it is a lot of not the arrangement.

 The viscero plasma a network - it to membrane a repeating a kernel contour, as covers at a bulb, the branched out system a kanal, only conditionally limited to double membranes.The membranes forming a wall a viscero plasma of a network, are similar on the structure to an external cellular membrane.

The channels filled with a structural liquid, can change in cage division the status because of that that it starts to crystallise as though, turning from an is liquid-shaped condition to gel figurative, and we too will consecrate this fact in the natural plane connected with absorption of waves of density an aether of dynamic time by this site of a cage in the period of division.

In 1861 chemist Thomas Graham or as still it named colleagues Grem, investigated behaviour of solutions of various substances which it poured in the tubes closed from one end by slices of parchment. Tubes then fell to a vessel with pure water. Simple water the soluble substances similar to salt to sugar, passed through parchment as presence at water was demonstratively defined by simple methods of the chemical analysis.T.Grehem named them kristalloidami. However there were also such substances which did not pass through parchment on the cylinder in water, and T.Grehem named them- kolloidami.

The further development of biochemistry has proved that many коллоидные can be received solutions in the crystal form, and that a difference between kolloidami and к ristalloidami at all at presence or absence of crystals. Colloid to molecules have great the size, than kristalloid.                                     

Transformation of a liquid state of plasma (zol) in gel similar a condition (gel) creates essentially other situation with absorption an aether of dynamic time a viscera plasmatic to  focus of a sharing cage.

It is a metamorphosis about transformation a zol in gel it is characteristic for representatives under the name liquid crystals.Они represent the liquids possessing, as well as firm crystals, anisotropy (with Greek - unequal turn), not an equal direction, that is heterogeneity of the properties, connected with orderliness in orientation of molecules. Strong dependence of a liquid crystal under the name gialoplasma, promotes absorption of waves of density an aether of dynamic, selective time a design a viscero plasma to focus a cage, creating the mechanism an aether of dynamic generation of time, as real, instead of conditional physical unit of space of dwelling of the person on a planet surface - the Earth.

In 1839 Jan of E.Purkine, studying an embryo cage, has suggested to name ег endocellular substance – proto plasma.

 And Hugo Mole in 1846 has suggested to understand the substance which is in cages as protoplasm.

In 1882 ботаник Edward Strasburger has divided concept of protoplasm into two concepts according to the visual analysis of a cage: a kernel and cytoplasma.

As it has appeared cytoplasm in a kernel and in a cage different in biochemical structure therefore cytoplasm has been divided terminologically on gialoplasma (a liquid of a body of a cage) and karioplasma (a homogeneous liquid of a kernel).Но all this differentiation of concepts and terms only withdrew inquisitive thought from something main and basic in cage work. 

Membranes a viscero plasma networks can be pure, and can be about a thorn figuratively attached ribosomes - power stations of a cage. 

But the miracle of the revealed law consists that direct continuation a viscero plasma to networks lengthways on a membrane with a projection inside is the nuclear membrane, as though formally limiting kernel from cytoplasm and that direct continuation to viscero plasma a sweep lengthways on a membrane with a projection outside the cytoplasmatic a membrane located on border of this cage is.

The essence of the newly made theory consists that microscopic orbits электрона and a positron of atom of hydrogen and helium, have a trajectory with visualisation of a quantum bow. А plural characteristics of this resource with increase of number of D.I.Mendeleev (nuclear weight) have visualisation of the ornamental drawing designated in the end of the head, on an example of inert gases.


The majority is artificial the received connections not in the nature occur at the expense of alienation valency, being on an external orbit a electron, if especially it not pair alienation from atom carries in this process more an easy temper.

Why? Valency a electrons have no razdraj - memory which is directed for stable work of stability of pulsing sphere of atom.

If not valency a electrons to average and especially near orbits of atoms it is possible to name «thrifty a casac» valency a electrons external orbits of atoms especially from them not paired relationship - it «cancers eremites».There we and have approached to gradation a electrons, bearing in ourselves properties or, an aether of a dynamic field or an electro dynamic field.

Aether dynamic a electrons 100 % razdraj memory possess and participate in a steady life of atom, electro dynamic a electrons have electro dynamic memory or is easier, as spoke earlier submit to the law of Kulona. But more correctly it is necessary to speak so: they do not have aether dynamic memory.            3.



The theory of a quantum bow of atom is included into the consent of a principle of an interdiction,                                                                                                   V.Pauli who in 1925 though and "any way" postulated that in an orbit where there is the first a electrjn, is taken a place for one a electron. The life has induced it to do, so such system from two electrons and two protons represents a neutral molecule with quantum visualisation in a kind a George a cross (look drawing).

But V.Pauli has wrongly considered further in the conclusions that there is an electrostatic pushing away of two a electrons. But we know that with you that it is unique a eletrons so not valency, and mean have a razdraj - memory so participate in a razdraj-rating vacuum an impulse - "kernel" spheres so are a razdraj –electrons from it a razdraj - the mechanism from an aether of a dynamic field .                                                              Here so misters and as differently. Presence a razdraj for one a electrons and absence to razdraj to memory for others says to memory that uniform an aether the dynamic field not only exists, but also for that that it initially in relation to an electro dynamic field weak and not the basic character. Participation and not participation an aether of a dynamic field in a life of an animal and flora, is the debugged mechanism of a dynamic vector of a life in time and in space not linear character. Not linearity of space and an aether a dynamic exchange, here life pledge for the Earth and simultaneously a no to understand, this universal mechanism of work from outside a scientific world. The information an aether of a dynamic field, is primary for a steady life of atom.Energy of field character is secondary, as consequence of this live work.The resultant a component of this process also is dynamics of a life on the Earth with a strange designation at biologists under the name of unsuccessful type - evolution. Absorption or not absorption an aether of the dynamic information each section of our organism everyone a razdraj by a particle of atom from uniform and not of a dividend of a field, here most likely that moves a vector of dynamics live, twirled in the course of a life on a right to centripetel point of type.Creating the first hour hand in Russia Ivan Petrovich Kulibin knew that it should turns on солонь as it was demanded by all nature, beginning from to be line sunrise. All on a basis a left to centripetel point, became dead on a planet the Earth.

  And here this principle has well acquired V.I.Vernadskyj when the young man of soaps of a test tube in laboratory at Lui Pasteur, and has mentally erected in a rank live and not live, has as though reached thought a real situation existing in the nature.


Electro dynamic field, it most likely a merit, of our intermediate civilisation.The experiences spent by physicist Dzhej Orir to confirm the theory of a quantum bow of atom of hydrogen. Hydrogen a little to bubble the chamber was irradiated with energetically charged particles and scale - energy quanta. Experiences in little to bubble to the chamber are described in last paragraph of this chapter (chapter №3 paragraph 9)                                                                                                       4.


                                Experience the first:                                     

 So at to be curve a scale of quantum of energy primary a electron (the lead screen) not owning a razdraj memory, two are born a different t polar to particles (look a picture №2).


                     Experience of the second: 164

At to be curve the scale of quantum primary owning a razdraj memory or is even easier not valency a electron than an average cover of atom are born a razdraj to electrons. (Look a picture №1)

The counter consisted in not correct interpretation of last experience.

The visual deceit, from for a picture, made in one plane has made the dirty deed.

On a back again born «identical to twins» or simply a birth of razdraj-particles with predicted and any a spin it is possible to tell safely that the aether generation works for not valency a electron to average orbits of atom.

                       Experience the third:

, Last, demonstratively tells for spirally to cone a microscopic orbit to electron, is more true a razdraj a electron than atom (a picture №3).

Not a true resultant of experiences and not the timely birth of the theory of a quantum bow on a structure of atom of hydrogen (protii), has given vent not on heuristics when Dzhej Orir did experiences in little bobble to the chamber.

And a birth of technological conservatism a collaider to type in the physicist has delayed in time heuristics questions for 50 years if it is no more. 

The theory of a quantum bow allows to understand also why at thermonuclear reaction to the sun helium "kernel" (read four connected in rszdraj to particle work) is formed of four "kernels" of hydrogen (read 4 not connected orbital particles).

Quantum bow, it always visually designated, microscopic soliton - an orbit of razdraj-particles, with a soliton to orbital from a axle backs magnetic and backs an aether dynamic the moments.                                                      5.



Photo №2                                                        13.

Photo №3                                      


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