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Oral tablets



should be


can be

put under the tongue
Chewable tablets swallowed along with a glass of water
Sublingual tablets easily held between the gum and cheek.
Buccal tablets bitten and chewed before they are swallowed.
Effervescent tablets sucked and held in the mouth or pharynx.
Lozenges dissolved in water and then consumed


4. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме. В рекомендациях (1-3) после модальных глаголов обратите внимание на залог смыслового глагола. В инструкциях (4) поставьте глагол на нужное место в предложениях.

1. This film-coated tablet is for oral use. Patients should (instruct) to swallow the tablet whole. It should not (break) into two, (chew) or (crush), due to the bitter taste of the active substance. The tablet should (take) with food.

2. You should (swallow) the tablet whole, with a glass of water. You should not (split), (crush) or (chew) the tablet.

3. Klor-Con tablets should (taken) with meals and with a glass of water or other liquid. An extended-release Klor-Con tablet should not (crush), (chew), (break), or (suck) on. The tablet should (swallow) whole. Breaking or crushing the tablet may (cause) too much potassium chloride to be released at one time. Sucking on a Klor-Con tablet can (irritate) your mouth or throat. Klor-Con should (take) with food or just after a meal.

4. tramadol exactly as prescribed (take). all directions on your prescription label (follow). Tramadol can (take) with or without food, but (take) it the same way each time. (not crush), (break), or (open) an extended-release tablet or capsule. it whole to avoid exposure (избегать воздействия) to a potentially fatal dose (swallow). (break) a tramadol pill to inhale the powder or mix it into a liquid to inject the drug into your vein(not crush or). If desired, you may (drink) liquid to help swallow the dissolved tablet.

Закончите предложения, поставив глагол в скобках в форму Participle II. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Tablets are drugs (to give) by mouth.

2. Ointment is a substance (to make) of oil or fat (to apply) on the skin to heal wounds.

3. Suppositories are cone-shaped objects containing medications (to insert) into the rectum.

4. Vapours or gases (to take) into the nose or mouth are absorbed into the blood stream through the walls of the air sacks in the lungs.

5. Vapours are particles of the drug (to suspend) in the air.

6. Injections (to use) in skin testing for allergic reactions are called intradermal injections.

Выпишите из текстов урока слова и выучите их.

Глоссарий 2. Dosage form

1. доза

2. дозировка

3. способ применения лекарственного препарата

4. давать лекарственные препараты в …(таблетках, капсулах…)

5. таблетки

- пероральные / жевательные / шипучие /буккальные (защечные)/ сублингвальные (подъязычные)

- таблетки, покрытые оболочкой

- таблетки, покрытые кишечнорастворимой оболочкой

6. пастилки

7. пилюля

8. суппозиторий, свеча

9. аэрозоль

10. порошок

11. капсула

12. раствор

13. мазь

14. крем

15. капли

- глазные

- назальные

- ушные

16. сироп

17. инъекция

18. ингаляция

19. растворять(ся) --растворение

20. ломать на 2 части

21. проглотить целиком

22. разжевать

23. запивать водой

24. принимать с едой / без еды, на пустой /полный желудок, до / после еды

25.  ежедневно / 3 раза в день

26. положить под язык

27. растолочь



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Administration of Drugs

Drugs may be administered by many routes. The route of administration of a drug is very important in determining the rate and completeness of its absorption into the bloodstream and the speed and duration of the drug‘s action in the body.

The enteral route, the most commonly used one, involves drug absorption through the gastrointestinal tract. There are two ways to administer drugs orally: oral and sublingual administration. In oral route drugs are given by mouth, swallowed and are slowly absorbed into the blood stream through the stomach or intestinal wall. Sublingual administration means that drugs are not swallowed but are placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve in the saliva. This method sometimes has several disadvantages. If the drug is destroyed in the digestive tract by digestive juices, or if the drug is unable to pass through the intestinal mucosa, it will be ineffective. Oral administration is also disadvantageous if time is a factor in therapy.

The parenteral route means any route other than through the digestive tract. It is usually an injection or infusion. There are several types of parenteral injections:

1. Subcutaneous injection (SC). This is also called a hypodermic injection and it is given just under the skin. The outer surface of the thigh is a usual location for this injection.

2. Intradermal injection is shallow and made into the upper layers of the skin and is used chiefly in skin testing for allergic reactions.

3. Intramuscular injection (IM). The buttock or upper arm is usually the site for this injection into muscle.

4. Intravenous injection (IV). This injection is given directly into a vein. It is used when an immediate effect from the drug is desired or when the drug cannot be safely introduced into other tissues. Good technical skill is needed to administer this injection because leakage of a drug into surrounding tissues may result in irritation and inflammation.

Inhalation. Vapours, or gases, are taken into the nose or mouth and are absorbed into the bloodstream through the thin walls of the air sacs in the lungs. Aerosols (particles of drug suspended in air) are administered by inhalation, as are many anaesthetics, and various aerosolized medicines used to treat asthma.

The epidural route involves giving a drug (usually an aesthetic or narcotic analgesic) through a catheter inserted near the spinal cord by a lumbar puncture.

The topical route includes aural, ocular, nasal and vaginal administration (ointments, creams, lotions).

Rectal administration is used when oral administration presents difficulties, such as in case of nausea or vomiting. Suppositories (cone-shaped objects containing drugs) and aqueous solutions are inserted into the rectum.



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