To be a real professional you have to seem senseless sometimes. 

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To be a real professional you have to seem senseless sometimes.

(Bill’s eyes, Emergency Ward)


Apparently, working in a hospital, especially in emergency ward is considered to be quite a difficult thing. It requires a certain kind of person to endure all the horrors that can be seen there and to be able to be confronted with people’s deaths. It is well-known that to be a real professional a doctor has to seem senseless sometimes. He/she must be ready to keep his/her feelings even when dealing with virulent diseases, besides a doctor should know how to behave promptly if the results of treatment don’t correspond to patients expectations in the end. If one is an expert doctor his or her patients will definitely drum into their heads that the results will be positive anyway. The same thing was happening to Bill, the man who lost his sight at the plant where he worked. It was an accident that led to such dismaying consequences. But frankly speaking, he wasn’t really as sanguine about the situation as he might seem. He was kept in suspense till the very last moment trying to console himself with a thought that everything would be o.k. as the doctor of such eminence performed the operation. But in spite of all his hopes the result was dismal.

Emergency ward is available 24 hours a day and it responds immediately to those people who are acutely ill or have life-threatening problems and line up to get help. As a considerable number of people attend emergency ward every day it is obvious that working on the emergency ward is an exhausting and often frustrating experience. Consequently, this demands a particular kind of person to deal with people who throng with complaints, clamouring for an audience with vexatious constancy, with people who often tend to play up their real state. These people with almost supplicating looks are waiting for ministration s and you have no right to refuse aid. In fact, working in the frantic atmosphere of the emergency ward means having constant apprehensions about other people’s lives, and a doctor cannot afford making a mistake and has to be wary when dealing with every case.

One working on the emergency ward should be a bit disinterested and unruffled not to take close to heart every death or every inevitablefatal diagnosis; otherwise one can easily go insane. A doctor in the emergency ward should be a good psychiatrist as to be able to communicate with the patients, who fidget in anticipation of having a person-to-person discussion and also with their relatives.

The atmosphere in the emergency ward is so intensive that in a day one can learn a whole approach to the making diagnoses and deal every imaginable infirmity. In every situation a doctor has to keep his feelings and be an adept in his sphere as to help people having both minute and appallingvirulent diseases.


24. How to write a good article: a guide for a beginner journalist. (Shopaholic 1)


It happens quite often that people take up a career they don’t want. The same happened to Rebecca Bloomwood. It is hard to think of a more unsuitable job for Becky than the one she does. Becky earns her living writing about rates of interest, unit trusts, equity securities and other stodgy matters. However you may not expect a windfall profit relying on Becky’s advice, she is surely not a financial whiz kid. She is disinterested in what she does and still expects someone to catch her out. Having worked on a financial magazine for three years, she is still not an adept in this sphere, for she doesn’t know anything about finance and assumes that schoolchildren know more than she does.

Albeit not relishing writing for finance magazine Becky manages to write a good article, which can easily mesmerize its readers and make them read it till the very end.

Taking into consideration Becky’s experience we can work out several recommendations on writing a good article which everyone can emulate. First of all, a journalist must be interested himself in what he is writing about, he or she should be able to immerse easily in the topic of the article. If he is himself loath to write an article, he can hardly provoke interest in other people. The article must attract people’s attention. It must be either an intriguing headline or the first two sentences. The article must be about those things which hype up the public. The facts mentioned in it should be conceivable and should have documentary proof making the article sound more persuasive. A journalist should take into consideration the audience he/she writes for. Becky’s main advantage is that she writes about such a serious thing as finance in a manner that is not too entangled for incompetent readers. Giving bright examples and using so-called layman’s terms she makes it clear what the question is about. She wrote the article and it was really good, because she was interested in the problem. Moreover, it was a kind of gimmickcontrived by Becky and Eric to write a human interest story, full of heart-wrenching details, which make people weep.

When making speech on TV, Becky used some of maneuvers mentioned above. Most of us can not sound persuasive, because they feel timid in front of the audience. Shyness is almost a universal normal human emotion. Only 7 per cent of people claim they have never experienced shyness. To make people believe you, you should not flutter, fidget and shutter, but should speak with confidence instead. That is what Becky did and made people think she is a high-powered top-notch financial journalist.

You can’t have your cake & eat it, too. (Theatre)

For some people it may be easy to turnothers round their little fingers. They veil the truth. Such people are actors, either at heart or by profession. But, as is widely acknowledged, one cannot embrace all the luring things in his life, otherwise it will evince that that person was too voracious. What is done by night appears by day.

The same thing happened to Julia in the book “Theatre”. She managed to get along with three men. She was married to a former top-notch actor Michael but she was deceiving him with Tom, while another man – Charles – wais deeply and desperately in love with her. Charles was wistful and flustered, because of what Michael said about Tom and Julia having a liason.  but he was chivalrous, and thus attractive for Julia. Besides, he was a lord, and that was quite lucrative and “Lady Charles Tamersley” also sounded dazzlingly. At the same time there was Tom, who was handsome and young, and their meetings were surreptitious and that added up to the excitement. Tom adored her flair for acting, considered her to be a stunning actress that is why she was so lenient towards him. And, of course, there was Julia’s spouse – Michael, whom she used to love, when he was young and handsome, but later on her love towards him became niggardly.

Somehow Julia managed to handle problems with all the three men in love with her, but one day she and Michael were going to the cinema with Charles and Tom and Julia relished the fact that she would archly communicate with all the three men, making them believe her. But someone evinced it to Michael that Tom was compromising his wife, and as Michael said it in the presence of Tom and Charles, the fist was startled and flustered, and Charles became even more wistful. Still, Julia was alert and was ready to brazen out. She went out of her way to make it plausible, that nothing actually happened, but the evening was still spoilt.

In the course of her conversation with Michael it transpired to her that it was Dolly – her friend – who gave Michael an inkling of Julia’s having a liason with Tom. It was Dolly who tried to interfere with Julia’s private concerns.

Oscar Wilde said, that to develop a good rapport with everyone means to develop a good rapport with no one.

The purport of the extract from that book was that “You can’t have your cake and eat it, too”. Julia strived to have the Sun at both sides, relishing her relationship with either of the three men, giving almost nothing in return. Those three men doted on her and she savoured that affection towards her. But being too voracious is imprudent, because some day one will have to pay for his behaviour.


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