Which of the following is not essential component to perform a mail merge operation? 

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Which of the following is not essential component to perform a mail merge operation?

A. Main document

B. Data source

C. Merge fields

D. Word fields *

E.Word source


33. AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace _________ words as you type.

A. short, repetitive

B. grammatically incorrect

C. misspelled *

D. none of the above

E.short misspelled


34. Home Key

A. Moves the cursor beginning of the document

B. Moves the cursor beginning of the paragraph

C. Moves the cursor beginning of the screen

D. Moves the cursor beginning of the line *

E. Moves the cursor end of the document


35. “Ctrl + Right Arrow” is used to

A. Moves the cursor one word right *

B. Moves the cursor end of the line

C. Moves the cursor end of the document

D. Moves the cursor one Paragraph down

E. Moves the cursor beginning of the screen


36. End Key

A. Moves the cursor end of the line *

B. Moves the cursor end of the document

C. Moves the cursor end of the paragraph

D. Moves the cursor end of the screen

E. Moves the cursor one screen down


37. “Ctrl + PageDown” is used to

A. Moves the cursor one Paragraph Down

B. Moves the cursor one Page Down *

C. Moves the cursor one Line Down

D. Moves the cursor one Screen Down

E. Moves the cursor end of the paragraph


Page Up Key

A. Moves the cursor one line up

B. Moves the cursor one screen up *

C. Moves the cursor one page up

D. Moves the cursor one paragraph up

E. Moves the cursor one word left


39. Ctrl + N

A. Save Document

B. Open Document

C. New Document *

D. Close Document

E. Word fields


40. Click the _____ button in any panel in the Resume Wizard dialog box.

A. Cancel

B. Back

C. Next

D. Finish *

E. Objects


41. What are inserted as cross-reference in Word?

A. Placeholders

B. Bookmarks

C. Objects

D. Word fields *

E. Next Page


42. Which of the following is not valid version of MS Office?

A. Office XP

B. Office Vista *

C. Office 2007

D. None of above

E. Word fields


43. Where can you find the horizontal split bar on MS Word screen?

A. On the left of horizontal scroll bar

B. On the right of horizontal scroll bar

C. On the top of vertical scroll bar *

D. On the bottom of vertical scroll bar

E. Open Goto Dialog box


44. Ctrl + G

A. Open Paragraph Dialog box activating Goto Tab

B. Open Page Setup Dialog box activating Goto Tab

C. Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Goto Tab *

D. Open Goto Dialog box

E. Open File Save as Dialog box


45. Ctrl + P

A. Open Paragraph Dialog Box

B. Open Page Format Dialog Box

C. Open Save Dialog Box

D. Open Print Dialog box *

E. Open Insert Hyper Link Dialog box


46. When sharing data in Office, the ________ document is the document in which the data was first entered.

A. source *

B. destination

C. original

D. primary

E. left indent


47. With which view can you see how text and graphics will appear on the printed page?

A. Normal

B. Print Layout *

C. Outline

D. Web Layout

E. All of above


Which feature helps you to inserts the contents of the Clipboard as text without any formatting

A. Paste Special *

B. Format Painter

C. Page Setup

D. Styles

E. Standard toolbar


49. Switching between portrait and landscape modes involves the:

A. header and footer toolbar *

B. print layout view

C. page setup dialog box

D. none of the above

E. Paragraph dialog box


Formatting is the process of changing the way letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols appear on the screen and in print.

A. Document *

B. Character

C. Paragraph

D. Object

E. Orientation


51. The Word Count command on the Tools menu displays the number of words as well as the number of _____ in the current document.

A. lines

B. characters *

C. paragraphs

D. all of the above

E. font size


52. Which operation you will perform if you need to move a block of text?

A. Copy and Paste *

B. Cut and Paste

C. Paste and Delete

D. Paste and Culete

E. Font size


53. The _____, or typeface, defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, and special characters.

A. font *

B. font size

C. point

D. paragraph formatting

E. all of above


54. You can detect spelling and grammar errors by

A. Press Shift + F7

B. Press Ctrl + F7

C. Press Alt+ F7

D. Press F7 *

E. Press Alt + O + C



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