Task 12. Complete the sentences/paragraphs by translating the phrases in brackets into English. Translate the paragraphs into Russian. 

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Task 12. Complete the sentences/paragraphs by translating the phrases in brackets into English. Translate the paragraphs into Russian.



**Has to do with the use of communication channels through known (техники убеждения и манипуляции), in an attempt (сформировать или изменить) public opinion.




- Propaganda can be called the attempt to оказать (влияние на) the personalities & to control behaviour of individuals towards ends considered unscientific or of doubtful value in a society at a particular time.


- Control of (общественного мнения) was essential to support the essence of justice and majority rule.

- Propaganda is a phenomenon of public discourse guidance or (принуждения) that is not always immediately recognised as harmful by everyone. Propaganda might (распространяться) through movies, comics, leaflets, broadcasting, or the internet.

It's used for:  



- Intent to (сформировать общественное мнение) on international issues that (влияют на) a country and its people.


- (Укреплять действия со стороны государств), or perhaps to change (восприятие страны, суждения о стране), its citizens or its reputation among individuals elsewhere in the world.


- Seek access to global communication channels in order to (пошатнуть общественное мнение) or affect public policy formation.

** All nations (проводят пропагандистскую кампанию) on both the international and domestic side.

** Highly persuasive messages are designed to support public policies, (прививать чувство патриотизма), or just convince us that certain activities, situations or products (будут полностью отвечать интересам) if engaged in, consumed or embraced.

** PR efforts, image consulting, the news and the information sharing are all synonyms - even advertising (могут считаться пропагандистскими) in nature.

** Simply put, purpose of propaganda is to persuade & convert by using (намеренно выборочную и предвзятую информацию).

Task 13. Translate the following paragraphs into Russian. Pay attention to the italicized word-combinations.

1. Music is an effective propaganda technique because it touches the emotions easily, suggests associations and past experiences, invites us to sing along, and embraces ideology in the lyrics. From stirring patriotic anthems to protest songs, music and lyrics are believed to be important propaganda techniques. Whether the exhilarating melodies and words of “La Marseillaise” or a commercial jingle advertising Tums, music is effective because it combines sound and language and is repeated until it becomes familiar. The national anthems played for the gold medal winners at the Olympic Games signify nationalist pride.

2. Even when it is obvious that a message is propaganda, people will respond favorably to it. Knowledge that communication is propagandistic does not necessarily neutralize people’s reaction to it, especially when a message produces resonance in an audience. Sometimes, it is a matter of repetition and familiarity of a message, particularly when in the form of a clever slogan or jingle. The best examples of this can be found in advertising slogans and jingles that have worked their way into our colloquial speech —for example, Nike’s “Just Do It!”

3. When considering the effect of long-range propagandistic activities, no cam­paigns have been more successful than those waged by the great proselytiz­ing religions of Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. Although each of these great religions has used different strategies to achieve its purpose, they have all relied on the use of charismatic figures, heavy symbolism, a simple and incessant moral philosophy, and an understanding of their audience’s needs. In each case, the new religion had to find a way to replace the existing reli­gious beliefs and to win over the minds and hearts of the populace.



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