Irish President to pay UK state visit 

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Irish President to pay UK state visit

The Irish President has described his planned state visit to the UK as "significant". He is to become the first Irish head of state to make a state visit to the UK. The president and his wife have accepted an invitation from the Queen for a three-day visit in April. In May 2011 the Queen became the first British monarch to visit the Republic of Ireland. The British Ambassador to Ireland, Dominick Chilcott said it showed how close the relationship was between the two countries. "A state visit is the highest mark of respect and esteem that one country can pay to another in the diplomatic parlance so the fact that the president of Ireland is paying the first state visit by an Irish president to the UK next year is extremely meaningful, it's a very significant thing to do," he said. "The fact that is happening only three years after Her Majesty the Queen paid her state visit to Ireland, so two state visits within a very short period of time, I think that also tells you a lot about how interested we all are in investing in this relationship and what a good state of affairs it is in at the moment."


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ADJ + visit example
(in)formal ~ The President’s plane touched down on the U.S. island state of Hawaii, where he is expected to spend two days before arriving in Washington late Tuesday afternoon. It will be the first formal visit to the nation's capital by a Chinese president in 12 years.
state ~ Queen Elizabeth II makes the first state visit by a sitting British monarch to Ireland in 100 years.
official ~ The president of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) paid anofficial visit to Europe last week to explore opportunities for cooperation in support of the United Nations development agenda.
working ~ The US President will host the Indonesian President for a working visit on Sept. 19 to discuss support for political and economic reforms following her assumption of power, the White House said on Wednesday.
presidential ~ It took almost three years, the absence of the Israeli former Foreign Minister, and a presidential visit from the American leader to resolve differences between Israel and Turkey.
friendly ~ The French President is paying a friendly state visit to Israel next week.
forthcoming ~ The Bulgarian President told Xinhua in a recent interview that he wanted his forthcoming visit to China to open new doors between the two countries and expand bilateral cooperation.
brief/short ~ The Turkish prime minister arrived in Egypt on Monday for a brief official visit, as twin diplomatic crises are shaking the foundations of several critical Middle Eastern alliances.
unannounced/ unexpected ~ The administration of the US President took a step in its attempt to repair a badly damaged relationship with Egypt on Sunday, as the Secretary of State paid an unannounced visit to the violence-torn country.
NOUN + visit example
high-level/top-level ~ The Turkish Foreign Minister made Turkey's first high-level visit to Armenia in nearly five years on Thursday, raising the prospect of a revival in peace efforts between the historical rivals which stalled in 2010.
two-day ~ The U.S. Secretary of State is in the Philippines on Tuesday, seeking to modernize economic and political ties with one of America's oldest allies in South East Asia. This two-day visit take s him to the capital, Manila, for talks with government officials and the business community.
return/exchange ~ The Chinese leader is making a return visit to Moscow. An exchange visit is a complex affair from many points of view, and participants will have to face a bewildering number of situations that are not familiar and may be unexpected.
goodwill ~ During his goodwill visit to Kuwait, the Secretary-General said he was encouraged by the country’s recent progress in relations with Iraq, adding the two nations have a “historic” opportunity to begin a new era of cooperation.
VERB + visit example
to make ~ The British Prime Minister made a surprise visit to British troops in Afghanistan on Saturday, his office said.
to pay ~ The IMF representatives will continue to pay regular visits to Dublin until 75% of the bailout funds have been paid back.
to arrive/ come on~ The Russian President has come on a visit to India and signed a wide range of documents aimed at strengthening and deepening bilateral cooperation.
to call off ~ cancel ~ An Israeli Cabinet minister has called off a visit to Britain because of concerns he could be arrested on suspicion of committing war crimes.
to put off ~ postpone ~ Amidst recent allegations that the US National Security Agency (NSA) spied on Brazil, many view the decision by the Brazil's President on Tuesday to postpone her visit to the US as a setback to US-Brazilian diplomatic relations.
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