Annex 62 The Libyan Steel Iron and Steel Company LISCO 

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Annex 62 The Libyan Steel Iron and Steel Company LISCO

1. In its last report, the Panel reported on armed groups from Misrata using the Libyan Steel Iron and Steel Company’s (LISCO) port to load weapons from Misrata to Benghazi (S/2017/466, paragraph 51 and annex 14). The Panel mentioned that the LISCO plant was a key hub in the supply route of the Benghazi Revolutionaries Shura Council (BRSC). A summary of the details contained in Annex 14 of that report is below:

· A square “military zone” in which arms and ammunition are stored.

· Gathering and starting point for fighters joining armed groups in Benghazi.

· LISCO plant is a key hub for military support provided to BRSC.

· Ammunition transported by land from Hun to LISCO plant. Stored in containers in LISCO military compound.

· From there, loaded onto vessels at LISCO port terminal for onward movement to Benghazi.

· On way back to Misrata, speedboats transport injured fighters.

2. On 30 August 2017, the Panel met the LISCO Chairman, Mohamed el-Feghy. He denied being in control of the LISCO port or organizing the support from the plant to armed groups fighting in Benghazi. He explained that the LISCO management were required to provide land to an armed brigade near the LISCO port, but that this land was not within the LISCO plant premises.

3. The company did not have complete control of the port, it had access for business purposes and to provide technical maintenance. The port gate was under the control of the investigation wing of the Municipal Council of Misrata. He also clarified that the Municipal Council did not directly control this wing. It was under the Ministry of Interior. Earlier, the Council had formed a Committee that was responsible for everything that went in and out of Misrata and LISCO ports. This was no longer the case since the beginning of 2017.

4. Mr. el-Feghy witnessed the arrival of wounded fighters from Benghazi to the LISCO port a number of years ago. There may have been movement of weapons through the port, but he has never seen this. It was only hearsay. Mr. El Feghy was requested to provide a map of the plant premises highlighting the points used for military purposes and excluded from his management responsibilities. This has not yet been provided.

5. In a letter dated 21 June 2018 to the United Nations addressed to Chair of the 1970 subcommittee, the Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Libya reported that since the release of the Panel’s report, LISCO “face[s] international dealings problems in addition to the reluctance of some foreign companies to hold business dealings with it”. Libya denies the Panel’s statements and states that the company operated the port technically for business purposes only. The role of the company was limited to operate the port technically in terms of receiving iron ore ships and the exports of the company’s products. The security aspects were usually managed exclusively by the security authorities of the Libyan state.

6. Consequently, the Panel continues its investigation on the role of the security bodies who used to operate in the plant and at the port.

* Приложения распространяются только на том языке, на котором они были представлены, и публикуются без официального редактирования. В связи с ограничениями в отношении объема докладов контрольных механизмов Группа представила дополнительную информацию в отношении ряда расследований в приложениях к настоящему документу. Список сокращений приводится в приложении 1.

[1] Gunmen attack a member of the Board of the National Oil Corporation to force it to make a deal with a Canadian company, Libya Al-Akhbar, 25 February 2018. Available atمسلحون-يعتدون-على-عضو-بمجلس-إدارة-الوط/.

[2] The Benghazi Defence Brigades show readiness to disband voluntarily, Al-Arab, 24 June 2017. Available atسرايا-الدفاع-عن-بنغازي-تعلن-استعدادها-لحل-نفسها-طوعا.

[3] «Ансар эш-Шариа» в Бенгази (QDe.146); «Аль-Каида» (QDe.004).

[4] Confirmation of the killing of Ahmad Al-Tajuri and Shikku, Akhbar Libya, 16 June 2018. Available at

[5] Согласно источникам Правительства национального согласия состоялась встреча с целью «оттеснить суданских и чадских боевиков в продолжающейся борьбе в районе “нефтяного полумесяца”».

[6] Беседа с одним из командиров Движения за справедливость и равенство, июнь 2018 года; беседа с одним из командиров Фронта за политическую преемственность и согласие в Чаде, апрель 2018 года.

[7] Al-Fallah talks about what happened to money transferred from Benghazi, Al-Akhbar, 15 December 2017. Available at

[8] 218TV, interview with Ali al-Hibri, video, 10 June 2018. Available at

[9] Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), “Abuse behind bars: arbitrary and unlawful detention in Libya” (OHCHR, April 2018).

[10] Available atعادل-مخدة-يهدد-بإسقاط-القيا/1666301516771140/.

[11] OHCHR and UNSMIL, “Abuse behind bars”.

[12] Seeقوة-الردع-الخاصة-1021745154586317/.

[13] International Organization for Migration (IOM), “Libya’s migrant report: round 19” (April 2018). Available at

[14] Беседа с представителями отделения Управления Верховного комиссара Организации Объединенных Наций по делам беженцев, Ниамея, 17 февраля 2018 года.

[15] Беседы с нигерийскими жертвами торговли людьми, которые были незаконно вывезены из Нигерии в Италию через Ливию в период между 2015 и 2017 годами. Эти беседы были организованы при содействии отделений МОМ в Ниамее и Палермо, Италия, 1 и 16 февраля 2018 года.

[16] Kingsley Obiejesi, “CNN investigation unveils the ease of human trafficking from Edo to Libya”, International Centre for Investigative Reporting, 27 February 2018. Available at

[17] Этого человека опрошенные называли «вуду-клерком».

[18] В среднем 4 млн найр (примерно 11 000 долл. США)

[19] Беседы с генеральным прокурором и начальником национальной жандармерии Нигера, 16 февраля 2018 года.

[20] Uli Rauss, Mirco Keilberth and Francesca Manocchi, “Aus dem Elend in die Sklaverei”, Stern, 26 August 2017. Available at

[21] Название «мальчики асма» происходит от арабского слова «асма», означающего «слушай». До создания сетей «мальчики асма» были посредниками, помогавшими скитающимся мигрантам добраться до порта отправки, и были известны тем, что, обращаясь к мигрантам на улице, выкрикивали «асма».

[22] Беседа с прокурором по делам о торговле людьми в Катании, Италия, 2 февраля 2018 года.

[23] Ливийский закон № 19 от 2010 года о борьбе с незаконной миграцией, статья 11. Согласно этому закону, иностранные граждане считаются нелегальными мигрантами, если они не легализуют свое положение в течение двух месяцев после вступления закона в силу.

[24] Four air strikes against Jadran forces and Chadian opposition withdrawing from Sidadah, Al-Marsad, 24 June 2018. Available atأربعة-غارات-جوية-تستهدف-قوات-جضران-وال/.

[25] Беседа с эритрейскими беженцами при содействии отделения Управления Верховного комиссара Организации Объединенных Наций по делам беженцев в Ниамее 17 февраля 2018 года. Средняя сумма.

[26] Этот район известен как место нахождения бывшего завода по изготовлению боеприпасов, который якобы разбомбила в 2011 году коалиция, возглавляемая Организацией Североатлантического договора.

[27] Беседа с конфиденциальным источником, 5 мая 2018 года.

[28] Hani Amara, “Truck packed with migrants crashes in Libya, killing at least 19”, Reuters, 14 February 2018. Available at

[29] IOM, “UN migration agency assists survivors as migrants perish in Libya truck accident”, press release, 15 February 2018. Available at

[30] “East African migrants escape from captors in Libyan smuggling hub”, Reuters, 25 May 2018. Available at

[31] Беседы в Париже и Тунисе в период с февраля по май 2018 года.

[32] Беседа с Халедом аш-Шарифом, Стамбул, 23 июня 2018 года.

[33] Jeremy Binnie, “Libyan National Army takes delivery of ex-Irish OPV”, IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly, 21 May 2018. Available at


[34] See

[35] “Libya-bound ship loaded with explosive materials seized in Greek waters”, World Maritime News, 11 January 2018. Available at

[36] Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control, “M/V ‘ANDROMEDA’ IMO 7614666 refused access to the Paris MoU region”, 31 August 2017. Available at

[37] “Riccardo Mortara boosts Haftar’s air power from Fujairah”, Maghreb Confidential, No. 1293 (Paris), 17 May 2018.

[38] See

[39] “Egyptian air strikes hit 12 vehicles crossing from Libya: military”, Reuters, 27 June 2017, available at; “Egyptian air force says strikes arms convoy at Libya border”, Reuters, 23 October 2017, available at; and “US Central Command hails Egyptian airstrikes in Wahat”, Egypt Today, 31 October 2017, available at

[40] “US conducts precision strikes in Libya”, United States Africa Command, 14 June 2018, available at; “US Conducts precision strikes in Libya”, United States Africa Command, 24 September 2017, available at; and “US conducts airstrikes in coordination with Libyan Government of National Accord”, United States Africa Command, 21 November 2017, available at

[41] Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, “Statement by President Donald J Trump on the apprehension of Mustafa al-Imam for his alleged role in the September 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, resulting in the deaths of four Americans”, 30 October 2017. Available at


[42] See

[43] “Avioane de război”, Rise Moldova, 30 November 2017. Available at

[44] “Le Niger s’apprête à extrader le rebelle tchadien Mahamat Hassan Boulmaye”, RFI Africa, 20 October 2017. Available at

[45] Созданное в 2014 году Временное правительство Ливии в Байде было одобрено Палатой представителей, базирующейся в Тобруке. После создания в Триполи в 2016 году Правительства национального согласия Временное правительство лишилось международного признания, но продолжает отстаивать свою легитимность и осуществляет свою деятельность в основном в восточной части Ливии.

[46] “Haftar hands oil terminals to parallel National Oil Corporation in east Libya”, Libya Observer, 25 June 2018. Available at

[47] Беседа с председателем Национальной нефтяной корпорации Мустафой Саналлой, Триполи, май 2018 года.

[48] “East Libya to ship more oil when UN slams sales as illegal”, Bloomberg, 27 April 2016. Available at

[49] Sami Zaptia, “$750 m worth of Libyan fuel is stolen: Sanalla”, Libya Herald, 19 April 2018. Available at

[50] Ibid.

[51] Sami Zaptia, “Libyan economic reform plan agreed at US-brokered Tunis meeting”, Libya Herald, 6 June 2018. Available at

[52] Sami Zaptia, “Libyan illegal migration trafficking and fuel ‘king of smuggling’ arrested”, Libya Herald, 25 August 2017. Available at

[53] ‘Matthew Vella, “Italians arrest ex-Malta football player Darren Debono in Lampedusa on fuel smuggling suspicions”, Malta Today, 21 October 2017. Available at

[54] Abdulkader Assad, “Anti-crime operation launched in west Libya”, Libya Observer, 4 January 2018. Available at

[55] Беседа с должностными лицами Национальной нефтяной корпорации, Триполи, май 2018 года.

[56] Ими являются «Шарара ойл сервисиз», «Либиа ойл», «Аль-Рахила» и «Турек Сариа».

[57] Sami Zaptia, “Fuel and Gas Crisis Committee concludes survey of southern smuggling sites”, Libya Herald, 8 May 2018. Available at

[58] Safa Alharathy, “Brega Oil Marketing Company cuts fuel supplies to 20 petrol stations in western Libya”, Libya Observer, 15 May 2018. Available at

[59] Основана в 2017 году бывшим лидером Всемирного конгресса амазиов Фатхи бен Халифой (см.

[60] “Tunisian army captures seven fuel smugglers in Libyan border firefight”, Libya Herald, 16 August 2017. Available at

[61] См.

[62] См.


[63] Abed Sattar Hatita and Jamal Johar, “Gaddafi’s son confirmed to remain in confinement”, Asharq Al-Awsat, 23 December 2017. Available at

[64] Беседа с членом муниципального совета Мисраты, который подтвердил, что муниципальный совет просил г‑на бен Исмаила оказать финансовую поддержку, апрель 2018 года

[65] Libya, Decision No. 4 (2011) appointing the board of directors of the Authority for the Care of the Wounded (12 December 2011). Available at

[66] Available under


[68] Christopher Miller, “Smugglers use social media to lure migrants in the Mediterranean”, Mashable, 25 April 2015. Available from

[69] N.R. Jenzen-Jones and Graeme Rice, “The Online Trade of Light Weapons in Libya”, Small Arms Survey, Security assessment in North Africa, Dispatch No. 6, April 2016, Available from

[70] Ibid.



[73] Ibid.

[74] أنقاذ عائلة في عملية نوعية محكمة قامت بها القوات المسلحة في درنه,, 26 June 2018.


[76] Rise Moldova, “Avioane De Razboi”, 30 November 2017,

[77] Kapeks company website presenting type of detonation chord:,22,22.

[78] Video available at Media Office channel:

[79] The Coastguard stop a fuel tanker with 5 Russians on board, al Wasat, 30 June 2017,



[81] Morgan Navigation Co SA. 7th Floor, Bouri E1 Marfa Building, Port Street, Beirut, Lebanon. +96170247696, +96170985586, +96170995227.

[82] Alfamarine Shipping Co Ltd. 1 st Floor, Hamka Building, BP 119720, Labban Street Beirut, Lebanon. +9611876169.


[84] (website under construction).

[85] Case number 19269/2014 R.G.N.R., pages 6 to 9.

[86] (website under construction).


14 October 2016.


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