Congregational Development 131 

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Congregational Development 131

15.1 Significance 131

15.2 Guidelines 131

15.2.1 Encouraging the Congregation: The Siksa Ceremony 131 Accepting the Sacred Order of Lord Caitanya

(Sat-sangi, or Sraddhavan) 132 Krsna (or Gauranga) Sevaka 132 Krsna (or Gauranga) Sadhaka 132 Srila Prabhupada Asraya 132 Sri Guru Carana Asraya 132

15.2.2 Annual Doubling of the Congregation 132

15.3 ISKCON Leaders' Duties In Regard to

Congregational Preaching 133

15.3.1 GBC Zonal Secretary 133

15.3.2 Responsibility of ISKCON Leaders to

Conduct Congregational Preaching 133

15.4 Regulations 134

15.4.1 Initiation of Congregational Devotees 134

15.4.2 The Congregational Preaching Directorate 134 Duties of a Congregational Preaching Branch Director 134 Location 134 Cooperation with the Temple President 135

Prasadam Distribution 137

16.1 Hare Krsna Food For Life 137

16.1.1 GBC Recognition of Hare Krsna Food For Life Program 137

16.1.2 Duties 137

16.1.3 Regulations 137

Justice 139

17.1 Appealing a Decision 139

17.1.1 The Principle 139

17.1.2 Procedure 139

Fund Development and Life Patron Membership 141

18.1 General Regulations 141

18.2 General Guidelines 141

Devotee Health and Welfare 143

19.1 The Principle of Welfare of Each ISKCON Member 143

19.2 Protection of Women 143

19.2.1 Principles 143

19.2.2 Sannyasa Widows 143

19.3 Child Protection 144

Farm Communities 147

20.1 Regulations 147

International Projects 149

21.1 Regulations 149

21.1.1 Board of Directors 149

21.2 Obligation of GBC Members In Relation to

International Projects 149

21.3 Special Projects in India 149

21.3.1 Sri Mayapur Project 150 Construction of the Temple of Vedic Planetarium 150 Significance 150 Guidelines 150 Sri Mayapur Project Development Committee 150 Definition 150 Duties 150 Powers 151 Regulations 152 Mayapur Project Fund Raising Committee 152 Definition 152 Duties 152 Research institute 152

21.3.2 Vrndavana International Project 153 Focus of the Vrndavana Project 153 Save Vrndavana Campaign 153

21.3.3 Jagannatha Puri Bhaktivedanta Asrama 153

Sri Mayapur-Vrndavana Gaura-purnima Festival 155

22.1 Mayapur-Vrndavana Festival Committee 155

22.1.1 Definition 155

22.1.2 Membership of the Festival Committee 155

22.1.3 Duties 155 General Duties 155 Regarding Finances 156 Regarding Management 156

22.1.4 Guidelines 156

22.2 General Regulations 157

22.3 General Guidelines 157

ISKCON Related Organizations 159

23.1 General Regulations 159

23.2 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust 159

23.2.1 General Regulations 159

23.2.2 Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa-puja Book 160

23.2.3 Back to Godhead Magazine 161

23.3 Bhaktivedanta Institute 161

23.4 Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust (MVT) 161

23.5 ISKCON Television, Inc. 161

Appendices 163

1 Miscellaneous 163

2 Position Papers 163

2.1 "On My Order" Understood 163

2.1.1 Notes 165

2.2 Devotees Initiating Before Their Guru's Physical Departure 172

2.2.1 Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's View 172 Srila Bhaktisiddhanta's Instructions 172

2.2.2 Vedic View 173

2.2.3 Srila Prabhupada's Views 174

2.2.4 Notes 176

2.3 ISKCON's Position Statement on the Environment 176

2.4 Official Position Statement on ISKCON's Relationship with Hinduism 177

3 Sample Recommendation Forms for Initiations 178

3.1 First Initiation 178

3.2 Second Initiation 179

4 Sample Letter of Censure 180



This volume marks the revival of a resolution that directs the GBC to publish an annual up-to-date corpus of the Society's laws. It is also a significant step on the way to the drafting of a constitution for ISKCON, which Srila Prabhupada asked the GBC to put together in the early seventies. Finally, this volume will serve the GBC, ISKCON Leaders and all devotees as a useful source book of information in the practical affairs of executing devotional service within our institution. It is the hope of the GBC Body that the Vaisnavas in Srila Prabhupada's great movement will be satisfied with this compilation of ISKCON Law.

There may be laws that are obsolete, redundant, contradictory or poorly composed. And there are undoubtedly areas that our laws do not cover sufficiently. But in general, these laws are well thought out, each one representing many hours of deliberation on the part of many of the most experienced devotees in ISKCON. To get us from this corpus to a constitution, the help of all interested devotees throughout the movement is welcome.

-H.H. Suhotra Swami (GBC 2nd Vice Chairman 1997-98)

Readers may put their comments, suggestions and questions to the 1997-98 Chair of the GBC, His Grace Madhusevita Das, at his address:

His Grace Madhusevita Das

Villaggio Hare Krsna

Da Medolago Strada Per Terno D'Isola

Chignolo D'Isola



Fax: [39](35)4940705, 490945


or to the editor of this volume,

H.H. Jayapataka Swami

P.O. Box 16108

Circus Avenue

Calcutta 700017


Fax: +91-3472-45238


International Society for

Krishna Consciousness


The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is the spiritual institution founded by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in July 1966 as a continuation of the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya. ISKCON was personally directed by its Founder-Acarya Srila Prabhupada until his departure on November 14, 1977. According to Srila Prabhupada's will, ISKCON continued thereafter under the ultimate managing authority of the Governing Body Commission (GBC).

Accordingly, ISKCON is that institution founded by Srila Prabhupada and originally directed by him, which continues to be directed after his departure by the GBC.

1.2 Principles\: The Seven Purposes of ISKCON

1. To systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large and to educate all peoples in the techniques of spiritual life in order to check the imbalance of values in life, and to achieve real unity and peace in the world.

2. To propagate consciousness of Krsna as it is revealed in the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam.

3. To bring the members of the Society together with each other and nearer to Krsna, the prime entity, and thus develop the idea within the members and humanity at large that each soul is part and parcel of the quality of Godhead (Krsna).

4. To teach and encourage the sankirtana movement of congregational chanting of the holy name of God as revealed in the teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

5. To erect for the members, and for society at large, a holy place of transcendental pastimes, dedicated to the Personality of Krsna.

6. To bring the members closer together for the purpose of teaching a simpler and more natural way of life.

7. With a view towards achieving the aforementioned purposes, to publish and distribute periodicals, magazines, books, and other writings.

Srila Prabhupada,


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