З розвитку комунікативного спілкування 

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З розвитку комунікативного спілкування



для спеціальностей

5.05020203 “Монтаж, обслуговування та ремонт автоматизованих систем керування рухом на залізничному транспорті”,

5.05020204 ”Обслуговування та ремонт пристроїв електрозв’язку на транспорті “,

5.05070103 “Електропостачання“

5. 07010501 ” Технічне обслуговування, ремонт та експлуатація тягового рухомого складу “

Викладача Макаренко Т.А.



Київський електромеханічний технікум залізничного транспорту

ім. М.Островського



РОЗГЛЯНУТО ТА УХВАЛЕНО цикловою комісією _______________________ _______________________ “____” _________ 20___р. ЗАТВЕРДЖУЮ Заступник директора з НР ___________(Марченко О. І.) “___”______________20___р.



Макаренко Т. А.

Пояснювальна записка

Дана методична розробка призначена для студентів 1-го курсу всіх спеціальностей та викладачів англійської мови.

Мета розробки – забезпечити розвиток навичок усного мовлення на теми, передбачені програмою з іноземних мов. Відповідає календарно-тематичному плану.

Розробка складається з 2 частин: 1частина – 10 уроків, 2 частина – 15 уроків. Розробка містить лексичні теми, завдання до тексту та скоромовки.

Дана методична розробка може бути корисною для широкого кола осіб, що вдосконалюють свої знання з англійської мови.

Тексти підібрано із сучасних публікацій в англомовній та українській періодиці.


Part 1

Lesson1. My family

Lesson 2.Family, parent-child problems, generation gap

Lesson3.Person’s character and appearance

Lesson4. My friend

Lesson5. Teenagers’ life

Lesson6..Leasure time and hobby

Lesson 7. What I think about sport

Lesson 8. Man and environment.


Lesson10. Computers.

Part 2

Lesson1. The rules of dressing

Lesson 2. Bad habits: smoking

Lesson3. Drugs in sport

Lesson4. Ukrainian and British cuisine

Lesson 5. Learning, earning and spending….

Lesson 6. Graffiti: art or vandalism

Lesson 7. Ukrainian painting

Lesson 8. English paining: Galleries of art in London.

Lesson 9. British artists

Lesson 10. Music in our life

Lesson 11. Learn tolerance: terrorism

Lesson 12. Mass Media: Radio/ Television

Lesson 13 Mass Media: Newspapers/Magazines

Lesson 14 Communication

Lesson 15 Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?

Tongue twisters

Список посилань




Read and memorize the following words:


BY BIRTH aunt, cousin, children, daughter, father, grandmother, grandfather, grandparents, grandmother, great-grandfather, nephew, niece, mother, parents, uncle BY MARRIAGE brother (sister)-in-law, father-in- law, stepchildren, fiance, fiancee, husband, stepfather, mother-in-law, stepmother, stepsister (brother, son, daughter), wife
P EOPLE'S AGE How old are you? What's your age? I’m under (over) 17. I’m your age. He is in his twenties. He is in his early (late) fifties. She is a teenager. She is a middle-aged person. They have a baby (a new born baby, a small child, a baby in arms, an infant, a toddler). At an early age. OCCUPATION (PROFESSION) architect, artist, actress, actor, bank manager, banker, beautician, builder, composer, chemist, computer programmer, circus clown, doctor, dentist, driver, engineer, freelance translator, journalist, lawyer, librarian, musician, mechanic officer, pilot, police, physicist, painter, plumber, shop assistant, sportsman, surgeon, soldier, sailor, scientific worker, secretary, taxi driver, teacher, typist, waitress, waiter, worker, writer

Read and retell the text


First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Victor Popovych. I am 15 years old. I study at the Kyiv Electro-mechanical technical school. I am in the first year. My family lives in Kyiv in one of the residential areas. My parents have two more kids besides me. Thus I have got an elder brother Olexandr and a younger sister Olga. My sister is a schoolgirl. She is fourteen. My brother is five years my senior. So he is twenty-four already. He is a designer by profession. He is married. His wife Is a telephone-operator. They are four in the family. He has two children — a son and a daughter. They are twins. They are lovely little kids with golden hair and dark blue eyes.

My parents are not old at all. Daddy is forty and my Mum is three years his junior. My grandparents are already pensioners, but they are still full of life and energy. I have many relatives — aunts, uncles, cousins.

My father is an architect and my mother is a hairdresser. They like their work very much.

1 am fond of reading books on history and science fiction. 1 go in for sports. I like playing football, basketball, chess. Especially I'm good at chess.



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