Ex. 2. Прочитайте і поясніть правила читання 

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Ex. 2. Прочитайте і поясніть правила читання

Gate, page, give, get, age, gin, gem, gas, jump, clog, mug, jem glee, nose, soft, music, tops, box, next, ax, pens, maps, expand, gun, grade, huge, egg, place, centre, club, crane, space, ice, came, cut, circle, carbon, code.


Урок 2

Читання голосних “і” та “y”

i + ld, nd, gn, gh ia, io ir, yr y/i + r + e
mild find sign light via ion bias dial first third myrtle thirst fire tyre wire tired


Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:

- child, wild, grind, mild, kind, find, behind, sign, design, assignment, alignmet, night, bright, fight, high, light, slide, lie, prize, giant, try, type, rely, spline

- fire, bias, dial, trial, violet, spire, wire, tire, spiral, desire, entire, admire, via

- first, third, circle, firm, birth, dirty

- symbol, system, crystal, oxygen, plenty, party, easy, energy, carry, ordinary

- yes, yet, yoke, yard, yellow, yield, yak, yank, yap, yarn, yaw, yawl, year, yearn, yearst, yelk, yellow, yelp, yen, yoke

- field, brief, chief, piece, achieve, believe



your science friend

young give live



Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова і поясніть правила читання букв “i” та “y”

Rise, lie, ride, ring, strike, reside, slight, grid, filament, combine, iron, imagine, incident, divide, velocity, shift, advice, decide, middle, quite, single, circus, final, mankind, fish, differ, bring, rye, syllable, shire, liquid.


Урок 3

Читання букви “a”

Відкритий склад Закритий склад
ai, ay a+r+e/ air a+r; a+th a+ f, s, n, + a+u; a+w a+ l+ приг. w(h) + a
pain play plait pair care fare part fast pass because August law all also talk what was warn


Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:

- sail, paint, ray, may, railway, train, way, say, mail, retain, raise, pay, lay

- hair, fair, spare, fare, bare, care, rare, air, dare, airport, prepare

- arm, alarm, past, class, market, spart, demand, as, basket, plant, draft, fast, last, France

- small, tall, ball, false, salt, stalk, befall, ward, warn, pause, fault, saw, raw, draw, dawn, lawn, call


Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова і поясніть правила читання букви “a”

Care, play, grammar, cage, pair, scare, stairs, ask, atomic, article, advantage, grain, spray, contain, away, assistant, because, besides, aircraft.


Урок 4

Читання буквосполучень sh, ch, th


Буквосполучення Звук Примітка Приклади
sh [ ]   She, ship, shine
tch [ ]   match, catch, switch
ch [ ] В словах англійського походження check, bench, much, chalk
[ ] В словах латинського і грецького походженя mechanic, chemist, school
ch [ ] В словах фрацузького походження machine
th [ ] в службових словах і між двома голосними this, these, that, with, bathe
[ ] в інших випадках thick, thin, tenth


Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:

- shame, shabby, wish, fresh, flash, fish, shade

- catch, chin, change, check, chat, chicken

- thank, fifth, third, think, three

- the, there, them, thus, than, lathe


Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова і поясніть правила читання

Cash, shame, chess, catch, ship, such, chemistry, technical, finish, push, this, that, March, thaw, those, shine, thud, shape, share, shell, shut, chain, shock, chair, shop, chapter, change, ahore, thick, shoe, short, chart, xharge, church, chemical, chose, sharp, attach.


Урок 5

Читання букви “o”

oa o + ld o+ m,n,th,v oo oi, oy ow ou our
[ ou ] [ ou ] [ ] [ u: ] [ oi ] [ ou] [ au ] [aue ]
load boat goal old cold hold love son done too good book boy joy oil grow show low power* out round sound our hour


* - в кінці слова, в інших випадках


Запам’ятайте наступі винятки:

to [ tu ] both [ bou ]

do [ du ] over [ ouv ]

country [ k ntri ] your [ jo: ]

double [ ] four [ fo: ]

group [ gru:p ] pour [ po: ]

enough [ ] move [ mu:v ]

now [ nau ] cow [ kau ]

how [ hau ] allow [ e lau ]


Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:

[ ou ] - mold, told, fold, golden, old

[ au ] - found, ground, outer, about, amount, profound

[ ou ] - flow, arrow, Moscow, fellow, narrow

[ u: ] - book, look, took, hook, rook, brook, tool, root

[ oi ] - oil, boil, point, toil, toy, boy, avoid, loyal

[ ] - glove, some, come, front, above, month

[ au ] - down, brown, tower, frown, flower


Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова і поясніть правила читання “o”

Boil, point, slow, moon, tool, work, other, above, hour, box, copper, doctor, revolve, pore, shore, choose, front, discover, ton, power, around, account, support, force, possible, common, constant, orange, noise, move, country, cool,total, load, ore, coal, road, show, now, become, grow, sound.


Урок 6

Читання буквосполучень wh, ph, gh, qu

Буквосполучення Звук Примітка Приклади
wh [ h ] перед о who, whose, whom, whole
[ w ] В інших випадках when, which, why, while
ph [ f ] зустрічається тільки в словах грецького походження phone, photo, physics
gh   Після ударної голосної не вимовляється night, daughter, taught
[ f ] В кінці слова enough, rough, tough
qu [ kw ]   quite, quick
wr [ r ]   write, wry


Запам’ятайте читання слів:

who [ hu: ]

whom [ hu:m ]

whose [ hu:z ]

what [ wot ]


Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:

Write, wreck, eight, phase, wrist, taught, caught, phonetics, high, wrote, fight, when,white, flight, whick, whether, phrase, whoop, whole, quick, quack.


Вплив букви “w” та “qu” на читання букв “a” і “o”

a після w, qu в закритому складі a після w, qu у відкритому складі ow після w
[ ] [: ] [ ei ] [: ]
want, was, quarter quake, wage, wave work, world, worth


Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова:

Watt, wash, watch, quality, quantity, warm, ward, quarter, warm, ward, quarter, worm, worse, war, quake, worth, wage, worst, warp.


Ex.3. Прочитайте словосполучення:

A quarter past five, high quality, cold war, the whole world, to watch TV, some words, was late, cold water, wash her face, to go to work, to work hard, all over the world, to work at a plant, to work at school, goods of poor quality, quantum of energy.


Урок 7

Читання букви “e”

ee, ea ie ea + d, v, th, lth В позаударному складі ear + приголосна ear, eer, e+r+ голосна ew
[ i: ] [ i: ] [ e ] [ i ] [: ] [ ] [ju:]/[u:]
feel beam meal feat piece chief field shield head heavy breath health edit enemy medical heard earth search   ear here mere sphere new few grew


Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:

[ i: ] - meet, mean, me, see, he, clean, cheese, cheap, bean, beast, need, peace, beef, believe, peak, beat, sheet, reach, shield, seem, seed, weak, we, wheel, wheat, weep, green, dean.

[ e ] - bed, beg, check, breath, bread, death, feather, dead, fresh, help, thread, heather, wealth, ready

[ ] - her, term, earth, pearl, heard, earl, earn, hearse, search, serve, stern, reserve, nerve, perch.

[ ] - fear, ear, dear, bear, here, clear, shear, sheer

[ ju: ] - new, stew, dew, screw, pew, Newton, flew, blew, drew,

[ u: ] - clew


Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова і поясніть правила читання “e”

Set, serve, heavy, Pete, be, beard, free, here, even, clear, bed, beef, head, eagle, term, egg, lest, she, complete, severe, weep, least, prefer, seem, search, mere, lead, green, get, reserve, nerve, dear, health, theme, defect, emit, heat, defense, death, bread, feel.


Урок 8

Читання буквосполучень ng, nk, kn, gn

Буквосполучення Звук Примітка Приклади  
ng [ŋg ] [ŋ] перед звуками в інших випадках single, angry sing, long, hang
nk [ŋk]   sink, sunk, ink
kn [n]   knife, know
gn [n]   gnat, gnash


Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:

[ŋg ] – English, angry, angle, single, mingle, England

[ŋk ] - ink, drink, drank, drunk, bank, thank, banker, tanker

[n ] – knife, know, knew, knock, knot, knee, knot, knobby, knob, knit, kneel, knag, knack, knick, gnaw, gnome


Ex.2. Прочитайте словосполучення:

To be angry with, to know his wife well, to knock down, to cut the knot, know-all, to get the knock, to play a good knife and fork, to give a knee to, to speak English, with a bang, bank of snow, to bring around, sharp knife, rings of tree, rings of smoke.


Урок 9

Читання буквосполучень tion, sion, ture, sure

Буквосполучення Звук Примітка Приклади
tion [ ]   station, dictation
sion [ ] після приголосної fission, tension, session
sion [ ] після голосної division, fusion
ture [ ]   fracture, lecture, future
sure [ ] [ ] після приголосної після голосної pressure, fissure measure, pleasure
sial tial cial [ ]   special, essential

Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:

[ ] – lecture, picture, nature, fracture, temperature, mixture, feature, capture

[ ] – fissure, pressure, assure, ensure, fission, session, permission, emission, special, social

[ ] – measure, pleasure, treasure, leisure, measurement, corrosion, provision, television, explosion, occasion.


Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова і поясніть правила читання

Ancient, specialist, social, socialist, appreciateee, provincial, racial, potential, technician, efficient, statistician, initial, partial, essential, militia, ratio, patient, caption, fusion.


Урок 10

Читання букви “u”

Відкритий склад після ur ur + голосна Відкритий склад Закритий склад
[ u: ] [ ] [ jue ] [ ju: ] [ ]
blue rule june burn turn burst cure pure dure tube tune due cut mud up


Запам’ятайте читання слів:

put [ put ] bush [ bu ]

pull [ pul ] sugar [ ]

push [ ] truth [ ]

full [ful ] built [ bilt ]


Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:

[ ] – up, cut, plus, judge, hundred, current, structure, subject, upper, sudden, conduct, construct, discuss, result

[ ] – fur, turn, further, furnish, surface, furniture, furnace, return, burn

[ ] – due, use, unit, rule, blue, true, suit, fruit, future,

[ ] – union, universe, produce, include, huge, duty, cube, unite, music

[ ] – pure, cure, fuel, durable, during, curious


Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова і поясніть правила читання букви “u”

Industry, consume, compute, suggest, sue, subtract, trust, thunder, suction, tutor, urgent, gulf, sunburn, sulfur, truck, lure, pule, ruction, pump, turner, lurch, puncture, purchase, purse, purpose.




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