The Verb “TO HAVE” in the Indefinite Tenses 

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The Verb “TO HAVE” in the Indefinite Tenses

The Verb “TO HAVE” in the Indefinite Tenses

  Affirmative (стверджувальна форма) Interrogative (питальна) Negative (заперечна)
Present I have he she has it you we have they Have I …? He Has she …? it you Have we …? they I have not (haven’t) he she has not (hasn’t) it you we have not they (haven’t)
Past   I he she it had you we they I he she Had it …? you we they   I he she it had not you (hadn’t) we they
Future I, we shall have he she it will have you they Shall I, we have. …? he she Will it have …? you they     I, we shall not have he she it will not have you (won’t) have they  


Illustrative Examples

I have a book.

Have you a book? Yes, I have. No, I have not.

I have no book.

I haven’t any book.

I have got a journal.

Have you got a journal? Yes, I have got. No, I have not got.

I have not got a journal.

He has many dictionaries.

How many dictionaries has he?

We had many classes yesterday.

Had you English or Spanish classes yesterday?/ Did you have English or Spanish classes yesterday?

We had English classes yesterday.

Who had many classes yesterday? We had.

You had an English class yesterday, hadn’t you?/ You had an English class yesterday, didn’t you?

Yes, I had. No I had not. No, I hadn’t./ Yes I did.

They will have a meeting at the library tomorrow.

Will they have a meeting tomorrow?

Yes, they will have. No, they will not (won’t) have.

When will they have a meeting?

Where will they have a meeting?


Exercise 1. Render the following sentences into the Past and the Future.


They have many good books. They had many good books. They will have many good books.


1. I have a large family.

2. He has many friends.

3. She has an elder sister.

4. They have a language laboratory.

5. We have an interesting work.

6. Have you a flat?

7. I have no bad marks.

8. We have no problems.

9. I have got many classes every day.

10. She has got a new dress.


Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with have, has, had, shall have, will have.

1. Jane …many friends.

2. … you a family?

3. I …good TV set last year.

4. We … no time to wait for him.

5. The dog … got four legs.

6. She …an English exam next year.

7. They … a friend in England.

8. What classes … you yesterday?

9. She … no brother.

10. I …got a lecture at 11 o’clock.


Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.


1. Have you got an English magazine at home?

2. Had your father a flat in Kyiv?/ Did your father have a flat in Kyiv?

3. How many books have you?

4. Have you a brother or a sister?

5. You had a vocation last summer, hadn’t you?

6. What profession will you have in future?

7. Who has no brother?

8. What flat have you got?

9. Will you have a car?

10. Have you a girl friend or a boy friend?


Exercise 4. Ask your friend all possible questions to the following sentences.


We have a language laboratory at the University. Have you a language laboratory at the University?/ Have you got a language laboratory at the University? What have you at the university? / What have you got at the university? Where have you a language laboratory? / Where have you got a language laboratory? Who has a language laboratory? Have you a language laboratory or a TV center at the University? You have a language laboratory at the University, haven’t you?  


Use the table. Form interrogative sentences in the Past with “did”.

We have two English classes in the language laboratory every week
  Have we got two English classes in the language laboratory every week
What have we got   in the language laboratory every week
Where have we got two English classes   every week
Who has   got two English classes in the language laboratory every week
How often have we got two English classes in the language laboratory  
How many English classes have we got   in the language laboratory every week
What classes have we got   in the language laboratory every week


1. Peter has a tape recorder at home.

2. The students will have a meeting tomorrow.

3. I had much time to do this work yesterday.

4. They have two children.

5. The desk has two pairs of headphones.

6. We had an English class in the laboratory last week.

7. She has relatives in Kyiv.


ІІ. Reading.

Read and translate the text.

Our Language laboratory.


This is our language laboratory. We have a very good language laboratory at our university. Every week students have an English class in this laboratory. Look at it. This is a teacher’s desk. It has two tape recorders. Those are students’ desks. Each desk has two pairs of headphones and a microphone. We have 16 desks. This is a blackboard and that is a screen. We have many slides in our language laboratory. These are shelves with the dictionaries. We have different dictionaries on the shelves. On the walls we have many pictures and tables. Students have very interesting classes in this laboratory. Students read and translate texts. We have many interesting text books. Students listen to tape recorders and repeat dialogues and monologues after the speaker. They make their own dialogues and discuss different topics. Ten years ago our University had no language laboratory. Now it has. Soon our department will have a computer class. Each student will have a personal computer on the desk. Every week the students will have an English lesson in the computer classroom.


III. Practice.

1. Ask your fellow student about the University language laboratory.

2. Describe your English classes in the language laboratory.


Unit 2 Topic:My Friends Language: The verb “to be” in the Indefinite Tenses Text: My Friends

I. Language

Illustrative Examples

I am a student.

I am not a pupil.

I was a pupil last year.

Are you a pupil now? No, I am not. Were you a pupil last year? Yes, I was.

Is he a student or a worker? He is a student.

She is a student too, isn’t she? Yes she is. No, she is not.

We shall be specialists in five years.

What shall we be in five years?

We shall be specialists in five years.

Who will be specialists in five years? We shall


II. Reading


My friends

Let me introduce myself. My name is Peter Stogov. I am 19. I’m a student of Kiev National Linguistic University. I am a first year student. I am very happy.

I have many friends. My best friend is Vladimir Petrov. He is a student too. But he is not a student of KNLU. He is a student of Kharkov Pharmacy Academy. He is 20 years old and he is a second year student.

Lena Pavlova is my girl friend. She is 18, but she is not a student. She is a secretary at the court. She is very clever and pretty.

I also have a friend in England. His name is Steven King. Is he Ukrainian? No, he is not. He’s English. Is he a student? No, he isn’t. He is a lawyer in London. He is 25. He is very busy. Steven has a family. He has a father, a mother and a sister. His father is a research worker. He was in our country last year. It was a scientific conference in Kiev. Steven’s mother is a house-wife. Several years ago she was a teacher. Now she has a little daughter. Kate is Steven’s sister. She is 5 years old. She is not a school girl. She is very small.


III. Practice

Exercise 1. Ask your fellow student about:

a) His/her family;

b) His/her friends.

Get the information about: names, surnames, ages, nationalities, relatives, occupations.


Construction there + be

The Past Indefinite Tense

Affirmative Interrogative Negative
There was a computer center at the University. Was there a computer center at the University? There was no computer center at the University.
There were computer centers at the University. Were there computer centers at the University? There were no computer centers at the University.

Indefinite Pronouns


Pronouns People Things Places
some деякий будь-який, декілька somebody someone хтось, будь-хто something що-небудь somewhere де-небудь  
any деякий, будь-який, декілька anybody anyone будь-який хтось anything все будь-що anywhere скрізь всюди  
no ніякий nobody no one ніхто nothing ніщо нічого nowhere ніде

Illustrative Examples

There is a post-graduate course at the University.

There are student hostels at the University.

Is there a post-graduate course at the University?

Yes, there is. No, there is not.

There is no post-graduate course at the University.

There are not many student hostels at the University.

Is there a post-graduate course or a designing bureau at the University?

What is there at the University?

There is a post-graduate course at the University.

How many student hostels are there at the University?

There are three student hostels at the University.

There is somebody in the laboratory.

Is there anybody in the laboratory?

There is nobody in the laboratory.

There is not anybody in the laboratory.



Unit 3 Topic:University Language:1. Construction there + be 2. Indefinite Pronouns Text:Our University
II. Language

III. Grammar

IV. Reading

Text A

V. Language

Exercises 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following:

- higher educational establishment;

- faculty of Mechanical Engineering;

- practical application;

- to take exams and get credits;

- research work;

- vacations;

- to provide;

- different subjects;

- assistant professor;

- teaching staff;

- equipment;

- out-of-class activity;

- to do one’s best.


Exercise 2. Give English equivalents for the following:

- наукове товариство;

- гуртожиток;

- аспірантура;

- денна форма навчання;

- самодіяльність;

- кафедра;

- відвідувати лекції і семінари;

- регіональний підрозділ;

- сучасні прилади;

- навчальний рік;

- курсова робота;

- стипендія;

- лінгафонний кабінет.


VI. Comprehension

Exercise 1. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. KSTU is one of the best higher educational establishments in Ukraine.

2. Now, there are two buildings and three hostels at the University.

3. About six hundred students study at the University.

4. Under the supervision of teachers students carry on research work.

5. The academic year is divided into three terms.

6. In the third year students begin to study special subjects.

7. KSTU has doctoral programs.

8. There are not many sport facilities at the University.


Exercise 2. Answer the following questions:

1. When was the University founded?

2. What forms of education are there at the University?

3. How many students study at the University?

4. What is a teaching staff?

5. What kind of laboratories, shops and classrooms are there at the University?

6. Into how many terms is the academic year divided?

7. Do students study special subjects in the first year?

8. Is there a post-graduate course at the University?

9. Does University life imply only a study?

10. What kinds of out-of-class activities are there at the University?


VII. Practice

VIII. Comprehension

Listen to the Text B. Be sure that you know the following words and word combinations:

to be situated – бути розташованим

entrance exams – вступні іспити

to be like somebody (something) – бути схожим

to fall in an exam – провалитися на екзамені

to exist – існувати

to last – продовжуватися

to allow – дозволяти

tutor – викладач, який проводить практичні заняття та слідкує за навчанням та дисципліною студентів

undergraduate – студент останнього курсу університету

residential University – університети в коледжах яких живуть студенти різних спеціальностей


Text B


The city of Oxford is like London. It is old, international and it is situated on the river Thames. Oxford is very beautiful and green city. We say that Oxford is old and historical because it was founded in 912. The University was founded in 1249. Oxford is international because people from many parts of the world come to study at this University. Every year more than one thousand students enter Oxford University. The entrance exams are difficult. It is necessary to work hard to become a student of the Oxford University. Oxford University is residential. It consists of 38 colleges and each student must belong to one of the colleges.

The academic year in England has three terms which usually last from the beginning of October till the middle of December, from the middle of January till the end of March and from the middle of April till the end of June. There are examinations at the end of each term. If a student fail in an exam, he may be allowed pass the exam again. Only two reexaminations are usually allowed.

The University of Oxford has a tutorial system of education: every student has a tutor who plans his work. Each week some students come to see him, they discuss different questions connected with their studies and research work. At Oxford University no student may call on a tutor or attend a lecture without his or her gown, therefore the students wear them in all weather or carry them over arm or shoulder.

The students at Oxford University spend a lot of time studying. Their working hours are from 9 to 1. At 9 o’clock they see the tutor or go to the library or to the lecture. From 2 to 5 they are engaged in sports and all kind of exercises. Almost all students go in for some kind of sport. The most famous kinds of sport are: boxing, running, playing football, golf and other games. From 5 to 7 they usually either work in the library or in the laboratory. At 7 o’clock the undergraduates and tutors gather in the hall and have dinner. After dinner students have club activities, debating societies etc. By 10 o’clock the students must be in the college, as most of the students live in the colleges. At 10 o’clock the students sit down to work again and work about 2 hours. At 12 o’clock p.m. the students go to bed. The life of the students at Oxford is very interesting.


IX. Practice

X. Reading

Exercise 1. Look through the Text C about the educational system of Great Britain. Be ready to answer the following questions:

1. What are the main types of British schools?

2. What is the difference between them?

3. When is secondary education compulsory for children?

4. What is the waiting list for?

5. What examinations have British pupils at16?

6. What kind of education do the British need to enter a University?

7. What are the oldest British Universities?

8. What is a usual structure of a typical British University?

9. What degrees can a person receive after graduation from a British University?

Text C

XII. Reading

Text D

XIII. Practice

Supplementary Reading

Open University

The Open University was established in 1968 to enable people to study for a best degree at home. It started its first course in 1971 with 19,580 students. Now it is Britain’s largest teaching institution, with more than 100,000 men and women taking its various courses at any given time. About 6,000 students of all ages get degrees every year. Its degrees, diplomas and other qualifications are equal to those of any other university.

Apart from the well-known degree courses there are a lot of other courses, some lasting only a few weeks, others ten or twelve months.

Courses cover a wide range of subjects – from every-day topics though traditional university disciplines – history, chemistry, electronics and so on – to the latest manufacturing techniques.

There are nearly 200 courses and in all of them (except for higher degrees) there is only one principle: they are open to everybody. You need no formal academic qualifications to enter them. You must be 18 or over, and resident of the United Kingdom. And of course, you must have the desire to learn.

The OU operates by sending its educational materials to students in their own homes or places of work. It uses not only textbooks which can be bought at bookshop or by post from the OU’s centre at the town of Milton Keynes, but also video, audio cassettes and computer programmes. Students of the OU receive their lessons and lectures in their homes by means of special TV and radio programmes, E-mail. They also work with their tutors all over the country. Students write papers on the courses and discuss them with their tutors at meetings or by correspondance.

The OU’s success os of great interest abroad and a number of countries have bough teaching materials produced at the University.


American Educational System

Education in America is largely the business of the individual State, not the Federal Government. Each of fifty states has its own system of education. There is no Ministry of Education such as exist in many countries, no national system of education. The Federal Government of the United States does not interfere in any way with public education within the states.

Americans tend to study a larger number of subjects than Europeans, in school, and particularly at the university. Seven subjects are required for a first degree (Bachelor’s degree) in many colleges. In the USA wide, and sometimes superficial, knowledge is often valued more than specialization.

There are more than two thousand institutions of higher education in the United States. Young people who want to enter higher education must have attended a high school for four years. This means that a student who wants to study at the university or college must begin by doing good work in high school. If his results in high school are satisfactory, he is enrolled to a university or college, where he may take a Bachelor’s degree after a four-year course of study.

The first two years in an American college or university differ somewhat from a similar period in a European one. These years in American college are a continuation of secondary education. During this time certain courses must be completed before a student may begin study of his special field. Among the required courses are American history or government and physical education. In addition to the subjects which the freshmen (first-year students at American university) have to take, they may choose from the following courses to complete their programs of study: history, mathematics, chemistry, physics, French, German, Latin, geography, journalism, economics etc. The courses which students select depend, of course, on the field of study in which he wants to major.

The aim of American education is to create a good citizen, rather than a scholar. That is why great emphasis is placed on the social duties and obligations, on communicating with other people, and obtaining varied information, which will be of practical use in life.

I. Language

1. Vocabulary to be learn:

Students Студенти

Unit 4 Topic:Student’s Life Language:Indefinite Tenses (Present, Past, Future) Text:Student’s Life  
first-years student / freshman (Am) — першокурсник;

to enter — поступати;

to graduate (from) — закінчувати вашій учбовий заклад;

bright / capable student — здібний студент;

steady / hard working student — старанний студент;

top student — кращий, добре встигаючий студент;

problem student — невстигаючий студент;

to loaf / loafer — байдикувати / ледачий;

commute —поїздка;

it takes me 15 minutes to get there - в мене займає 15 хвилин дістатися туди

to decide/ to make up one’s mind - вирішити

Examination / Grading Period Екзаменаційна сесія

credits / exams — заліки / екзамени;

entrance / term exams / — вступні / семестрові /

finals — випускні екзамени;

oral / written examinations — усні / письмові екзамени;

to read up for (exams) — готуватися до екзаменів;

to take / sit for exams — здавати екзамени;

to resit for an exam — перездавати екзамени;

to pass an exam — здати екзамени;

to fail (in/at) — не здавати (екзамен);

examining board — екзаменаційна комісія;

examiner (strict, demanding) — екзаменатор (суворий, вимогливий);

to give / conduct examination — проводити екзамени;

to give / to take marks — ставити / отримувати оцінки;

excellent, good — “відмінно”, “добре”

satisfactory / passing (mark) — задовільний / прохідний (бал);

bad / poor / failing mark — незадовільна оцінка;

to enter the mark in — поставити оцінку в;

a record book — залікову книжку;

an examination record — екзаменаційний лист;

honours degree — диплом з відзнакою;

Hostel Гуртожиток

room- mate — товариш по кімнаті;

group-mate — товариш по групі;

recreation hall — зал відпочинку;

students’ canteen — їдальня;

II. Grammar

Sentence patterns

Key examples to be memorized


I study hard. Do you study hard? I don’t study hard.


Illustrative Examples

He attends lectures and seminars.

Does he attend lectures and seminars?

Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

He doesn’t attend lectures and seminars.

What does he attend?

He attends lectures and seminars.

Who attends lectures and seminars?

He (she) attends lectures and seminars.


The Present Indefinite Tense
Affirmative + I (you, we, they) study V
He (she, it) studies V (es)
Interrogative ? Do I (you, we, they) study? Do …. V?
Does he (she, it) study? Does …. V(es)?
Negative I (you, we, they) do not don’t study do not V
He (she, it) does not (doesn’t) study does not V(es)


Adverbial Modifiers of Time

often — seldom

usually — sometimes

always — never

every day / — from time to time

year / month, week

ones a day(a week, a month), twice a day (a week, a month), three times a day (a week, a month)


Exersice.1Put the verbs given below in the 3rd person Singular. Mind the reading of ending (e)s ([z],[s],[iz]). Make three columns:

to become, to do well, to give a lecture, to attend a language laboratory, to miss a lecture, to make poor progress, to catch up, to graduate from, to get grant, to loaf, to enter the university, to sit for exams, to pass an exams, to fail, to resit for an exam, to take marks, to go in for sports, to play sport games, to have a good time, to make up one’s mind, to carry away the audiences, to hunger for knowledge, to learn with ease.

Exercise 2.Express your agreement with the following statements.

Use the phrases: certainly, it is really so, you are right. I agree with you as in the model:

My group-mates take notes of a lecture Certainly, my group-mates take notes of a lecture

1. He gets grants (scholarship).

  1. Sometimes she misses lectures.
  2. We often make reports and read papers.
  3. Kate lives not far from the University.
  4. His working day lasts 6 hours.

Exercise 3. Object to the sentences. Use the phrases: No, it is not so? I am afraid you are wrong I can’t agree with you;. On the contrary as in the model:

I make poor progress at the University I am afraid you are wrong. You don’t make poor progress at the University


  1. She skips lectures.
  2. Ann studies special subjects.
  3. We miss our parents.
  4. They usually go home on their days off.
  5. My brother takes a preparatory course at the University of Kherson.


Exercise 4. Express your surprise and give short affirmative (negative) answers as in the model:

My friend lives not far from the University. Does your friend really live not far from the University? Yes,he does. No,he does not.  


  1. Peter studies general and special subjects.
  2. Her friend seldom does his laboratory work.
  3. We take part in social activities.
  4. More than a thousand freshmen arrive at the University every year.
  5. Our group usually has a lot of fun together.


a)They always discuss the important questions. They always discuss the important questions, don’t they?-Oh, yes they do. b) They don’t discuss the important questions? They don’t discuss the important questions, do they? Oh no, they don’t.  
Exercise 5. Add tag-questions to the following statements and agree or disagree with them as in the model:


  1. a) Sometimes our students go to the theatre.

b) Our students don’t go to the theatre.

  1. a) The teacher usually corrects our mistakes.

b) The teacher doesn’t correct our mistakes.

  1. a) We have an English lesson once a week.

b) We don’t have an English lesson twice a week.

  1. a) My brother always works in the library.

b) My brother doesn’t work in the library

  1. a) It takes them twenty minutes to get to the University.

b) It doesn’t take them twenty minutes to get to the University.


Exercise 6.React the questions making a choice as in the model. Use the word “surely” as in the model:

Does he or she live at home? He lives at home surely.



  1. Do you take good or bad marks?
  2. Does your friend go by bus or by car to get to the University?
  3. Do they go home or to the library after lessons?
  4. Does she go to the canteen or have dinner at home?
  5. Do your lessons begin at 8 o’clock or at 8.30 o’clock?
  6. Do you work or study?
  7. Does your mother teach at school or at the University?


Exercise 7. Ask a person who questions and answer them as in the model:

His mother teaches at the University. Who teachers at the University? His mother does.


1. Some of our students study German and French.

2. Petrov always asks a lot of questions.

3. We often celebrate holidays together.

4. From time to time Ivanov skips lectures.

5. After classes I usually go to the laboratory.


Exercise 8.Ask your friend all possible questions to the following sentences

The audience always listens to the professor N. with great interest. Does the audience always listen to the professor N. with great interest? How does the audience always listen to the professor N.? Who listens to the professor N. with great interest? Does the audience always listen to the professor N. or D. with great interest? The audience always listens to the professor N. with great interest, doesn’t it?

1. Weusually have three periods a day.

  1. Most of our students like to play computer games.
  2. His friend does well at the University.
  3. Sometimes our daughter resists for tests.
  4. They like the exact sciences most of all.


Past Indefinite Tense

Affirmative + I liked Physics at school Ved He left school in 2000 V2
Interrogative ? Did you like physics at school? Did ….Ved? Did he leave school in 2000? Did…V2?
Negative - I did not(didn’t) like Physics at school Did not Ved He did not(didn’t) leave school in 2000. Did not V2

Adverbial Modifier of time

ago, yesterday, in March, in1990, last day / night /week /month / summer / year, on Monday/the day before yesterday, the other day, then, formerly, previously

Exercise 1. Put the verbs given below in the Past Indefinite Tense. Explain the reading of ending – ed([d],[t],[id]) in the regular verbs. Make 2 columns: 1 Regular Verbs, 2 Irregular Verbs.

to become, to do well, to give a lecture, to attend a language laboratory, to miss a lecture, to make poor progress, to be behind, to catch up, to graduate from, to get grant, to loaf, to enter the university, to sit for exams, to pass exams, to fail, to resit for an exam, to take marks, to go in for sports, to play sport games, to have a good time, to make up one’s mind, to carry away the audience, to learn with ease, to look forward to, to teach, to last, to listen to with great interest, to arrive, to hunger for knowledge.


Exercise 2. Complete the following:

Infinitive Past Tense Pats Tense Interrogative Past Tens Negative
To see I saw Did I see? I didn’t see
to speak to go to tell to come to take to give to write to hear to do to get up to read to know to buy to spend to leave      


Exercise 3. Express your agreement with the following statements. Use the phrases: Certainly, it is really so. You are right. I agree with you as in the model:

I left secondary school in 2000. It is really so. I left secondary school in 2000.  


1. The students played football in the afternoon.

  1. He received the telegram from their parents on Saturday.
  2. We had a get together last week.
  3. The tutor talked on current events last Friday.
  4. It took him much time to get to the University.
  5. My sister was an applicant for entry last year.


Sentence Patterns

Key examples to be memorized:

The teacher will give a lecture tomorrow. Will the teacher give a lecture tomorrow? The teacher will not (won’t) give a lecture tomorrow.

Illustrative Example

They will live in the hostel.

Will they live in the hostel?

Yes, they will. No, they won’t

They won’t live in the hostel.

Where will they live?

They will live in the hostel.

Who will live in the hostel?

They will live in the hostel.

The Future Indefinite Tense

Affirmative + I(we) shall work. I (we)shall V You (he, she, it, they) will work. You (he, she, it, they)will V
Interrogative ? Shall I (we) work? Shall I (we)V? Will you(he, she, it, they)work? Will you (he, she, it, they) V?
Negative - I (we)shall not (shan’t) work. I (we)shall not (shan’t) V You (he, she, it, they) will not (won’t) You (he, she, it, they)will not V work


Adverbial Modifiers of Time

tomorrow, next week/month/year, in the morning, on Sunday, soon, in two days, some day, the day after tomorrow, this evening, tonight, in a while, before long, right away.

Exercise 1.Express your agreement with the following statements: Use the phrases: Certainly. It is really so. You are right. I agree with you as in the model:

- My brother is going to become a University student next year. - I agree with you my brother is going to become a University student next year.  




1. She will be an applicant for entry next year.

2. They will take a preparatory course at the University of Kherson.

3. The course will last for eight months.

4. My friends will have lectures and tutorials every day.

5. We shall get scholarship tomorrow.

6. My friend will distinguish himself someday.



Exercise 2.Object to the sentences. Use the phrases: No, it is not so. I am afraid you are wrong. I can’t agree with you. On the contrary as in the model.

- We shall write a test tomorrow. - No, it is not. We shan’t write a test tomorrow


1. I shall come to the University at about 9 o’clock.

2. Lectures will be in the language laboratory the day after tomorrow.

3. My brother will stay in the library till late.

4. They will do their homework after classes.

5. We shall read a paper next week.

6. His commute will be bad next day.


Exercise 3. Express your surprise and give short affirmative (negative) answers as in the model:

I shall go to the students’ canteen for lunch after classes. Will you go to the students’ canteen for lunch after classes? Yes, I shall. No, I shan’t.  




1. We shall attend a computer center next week.

2. It will take them a few minutes to get to the University.

3. She will sit at the window in the language laboratory.

4. They will go home after classes.

5. I shall take part in research work in the senior years at the University.


Exercise 4. Add tag-questions to the following statements and agree or disagree with them as in the model:

a) The students will read up exams. The students will read up for exams, won’t they? — Oh, yes they will. b)The students won’t read up for exams. The students won’t read up for exams, will they? — Oh, no they won’t.  




1. a) My brother will enter the University next year.

b) My brother won’t enter the University next year.

2. a) We shall take part in social activities.

b) We shan’t take part in social activities.

3. a) My friends will study hard to become good specialists.

b) My friends won’t study hard to become good specialists.

4. a) My group-mates will go hiking on Sunday.

b) My group-mates won’t go hiking on Sunday.

5. a) His parents will receive a letter from him next week.

b)His parents won’t receive a letter from him next week.


Exercise 5.React to the questions making a choice as in the model:

Will you work or study? I shall study.  

1.Will they write tests or exams the day after tomorrow?

2. Will you read up or sit for exams next week?

3. Will she pass an exam or resit for it?

4. Shall we go to the canteen or to the library after classes?

5. Will your friend go in for sport or read a book on Saturday?


Text A

Student’s Life

I study at the Kherson State Technical University, the department of Cybernetics. In summer I passed all my exams successfully and my dream to become a student finally came true. But there were many young people who failed their entrance exams. My friend for example failed in mathematics. It wasn’t really his fault, it was just bad luck. He will try again next year.

And now I am going to tell you about my family. My father’s name is Sergei Petrovich, he is 47. He works as a surgeon at a hospital. He is neither old nor young. He is a good-looking man, handsome, rather thin with dark brown hair just beginning to grey. He is a very sociable person. What I don’t like about my dad is that he is always busy. Very often he works overtime. He is a bread-maker in our family. He is fond of going to the country at the weekend, because he enjoys working in the garden. My mother’s name is Galina Nickolayevna. She is 46. She works as a teacher at a nursery school. My mother is rather slim and pretty, she is always elegant and smart. She always has a lot of work to do both school and about the house. I have neither sisters nor brothers. But I have a lot of relatives-grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandparents and cousins.

I was much interested in physics at school. I studied it at the school physics circle. I was also fond of literature and used to write poems. I didn’t know what to choose: physics or literature. I finished school and began to work on the farm. Then I served in the army. After that I worked as a machine operator at an engineering plant. I worked there for two years and decided to enter the University. It took me rather long to get used to University life. To be quite honest I never knew I was so much behind the others. It will take me months of real hard work to catch up with the fellows. I think I won’t be disappointed.

My lessons usually begin at 8 o’clock and I get up very early because I live far from the University. It takes me an hour to get there in time. Those students who live in the hostel are lucky it take them only a few minutes to get there. I live with my parents in a new comfortable apartment. Our monitor and Trade Union organizer live in the hostel. Now I compare the life at home with my parents and in the hostel.

We do many subjects at the University. Here are some of them: physics, higher mathematics, foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish), history of Ukraine. I like the history of our country most of all, because there are still so many facts which I want to know. We take credits and examinations twice a year in January and in June. Our lessons end at 3 o’clock. I usually go home by bus or work in the library or in the physics laboratory. I shall study hard to get education and to become a good specialist. My group-mates and I will try to find time for some enjoyment as well. There will be a sport competition at the end of the term and I hope I shall take part in it.


IV. Practice

Exercise 1.Speak on the topic “Student’s Biography”.

Student’s Biography

The Past Indefinite Tense
The Present Indefinite Tense
The Future Indefinite Tense


(+) V2 (ed); was,were (+) V(V(e)s); am, is, are (+) will V(am, is, are going to).

(-) did not V2(ed) was not (-) do not V, (does not V(e)s) (-) won’t (am, is are going to).

were am, is, are (not)

(?) Did V2(ed), Was…,Were…. (?) Do…V.., (Does…V(e)s) (?) Will…V…(am, … going to)



To enter secondary school №… At the age of …to be interested in (smth), to finish school in


To be born in…. In the town….

After finishing school (specialized, technical school), to make up one’s mind to, to work as, to decide to enter the University, to take entrance examinations, to become a first-year student.
To be in the first-year at the University, to be a first year student, to study at the department of, to attend lectures, seminars in, to study humanities, to study special subjects, to take an active part in social life, to attend practical classes and labs, to go to the library, to study hard, to become, to live at home (in the hostel), to have three or four periods a day


Personal Information Sheet

First name ____________________

Last name ____________________

Date of birth _____________________________________________

(month) (day) (year)

Nationality ____________________

Place of Birth ______________________

Citizenship ________________________

Permanent address ________________________________________

Phone _________________

Education ______________________

Secondary school

Professional school

Technical school


Year of leaving ______


Russian Excellent Good Fair

Ukrainian Excellent Good Fair

English Excellent Good Fair

Marital status:







Date ____________________________

Signature ___________

Exercise 3. Role play the situations:

Situation 1.

1.You believe that a student must live in the hostel. Life at home with parents makes a person soft, leaves him unprepared for the difficulties of life outside home. Your friend convinces you that living at home has some advantages.


Guide words: not far from the University, a floor with a special reading –room and recreation hall, to gather in the evening, to listen to music, to dance, to enjoy oneself, to study together, to ask somebody for help, to celebrate, difficult to understand.

Situation 2.

1. Your friend thinks the examinations will be easy. You disagree with him (her) giving your reasons.


Guide words: I think this subject is your weak point,to fail in exam, to sit for an exam, to have little time, difficult to learn, difficult to remember, to study together, to study hard.


Situation 3.

1. Your friend will leave school next year. He wants to enter the same University where you study. You tell him about the student’s live.


Guide words: entrance exams, to be an applicant for entry, to take a preparatory course, tutorials, instructions, laboratories, to do well, to be good at, to go in for sports, scholarship, to have a good time, to celebrate a holiday.

Situation 4.

1.You are on practice at a foreign enterprise. The head of the enterprise is interested in your personality. Tell him about yourself.

Situation 5.

1.You,a Ukrainian student, meet at the Club of International Friendship of your city a foreign student. He asks you about your life, family, childhood.


Guide words: to be born in, to enter the University, to study at the department of, to live at home (in the hostel), parents, to work as, to go in for sport, to attend computer courses.


V. Reading

Word List

to dream of smth. ― мріяти про

to go climbing ― займатися альпінізмом

to face the problem ― зіткнутися з проблемою

leisure ― дозвілля

to spend time outdoors ― проводити час на свіжому повітрі

to have an excellent opportunity ― мати пречудову нагоду

to have a bite ― під’їсти

normally ― звичайно

in any case ― у будь-якому разі

unfortunately ― на жаль

time flies quickly ― час впливає швидко

to be looking forward to ― нетерпляче очікувати

without observing ― брутально поводячи себе за столом



Exercise 2. Complete the sentences

1. Not everybody likes ….

  1. Many people dream of ….
  2. Other people like ….
  3. We all have to face ….
  4. At our leisure time we ….
  5. At the weekend I usually….
  6. But unfortunately ….


Exercise 3. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1.Many people think about holidays in May.

  1. Not everybody likes winter holidays.
  2. At the weekend I usually prefer to rest.
  3. As a rule, we try to spend most of the time in doors.
  4. At our leisure time we go to the University.
  5. In winter we like to stay at home.
  6. In summer and spring picnics are popular with undergraduates.


Exercise 4. Ask questions to get these answers:

1.They begin to make plans.

  1. Not everybody likes winter holidays.
  2. It is important for us to have a rest after hard work.
  3. We are fond of picnics.
  4. Sometimes my friends and I go to the museum or art exhibition.
  5. Time flies very quickly at the weekend, and the next Monday morning comes.


Exercise 5. Put the sentences of the text into the logical order. Retell the text.

1. I don’t like to get up early and at the weekend I wake up late.

  1. Monday morning comes, and I’m looking forward to my next days off.
  2. I think it is important for us to rest after hard work.
  3. We are fond of picnics chiefly because we have an excellent opportunity to admire the beauty of nature and have a bite without observing table manners.
  4. Even if we all have different ideas about an ideal holiday, we all have to face two problems: time and money.
  5. Some people like to spend their holidays with a lot of other people, others prefer to go on their own.


Supplementary Reading

heir ― наследник • спадкоємець

abdication ― отречение • зречення

enthusiasm ― увлечение • захоплення

to make one’s broadcast ― выступать в радиопередаче • виступати у радіопередачі

duke ― герцог • герцог

to crown― короновать • коронувати

signify ― выражать • виражати

monarchy ― монархия • монархія

annual ― годовой • річний

widespread ― распространенный • розповсюджений

keen promoter ― ярый защитник • завзятий захисник

mass media ― средства массовой информации • засоби масової інформації

commitment ― приверженность • прихільність


The Royal Family


At preset the British royal family is headed by Queen Elizabeth. When the Queen was born on the 21st of April 1926, he grandfather, King George V, was on the throne and her uncle was his heir. The death of her grandfather and the abdication of her uncle brought her father to the throne as King George VI.

As a child she studied constitutional history and law as well as art and music. In addition she learned to ride and acquired her enthusiasm for horses. As she grew older she began to take part in public life, making her first broadcast at the age of 14.

The marriage of the young Princess Elizabeth to Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh took place in November 1947. She came to the throne after her father’s death in 1952 and was crowned in Westminster Abbey in June 1953.

Among Queen Elizabeth’s many duties are Commonwealth, whose interests and welfare are very important to her. The Queen has done much to signify the formalities of the monarchy, including allowing the BBC to take a documentary film about the day of the royal family. She also started the tradition of the “walkabout”, an informal feature of an otherwise formal royal visit, when she walks among the public crowds and stops to talk to some people.

The annual Christmas broadcast made by the Queen on radio and television has become a traditional and popular feature of the season, and there were widespread celebrations and special programmes of events in 1977to mark her Silver Jubilee.

The Queen’s husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, was born in 1926 and served in the Royal Navy. He takes a great deal of interest in industry, in the achievements of young people (he founded Duke Edinburgh’s Award Scheme in 1956) and in saving wild animals from extinction.



The Royal Family

King George VI

1895 –1952.m. Lady

Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon

(Queen Elizabeth the Queen mother)


Marie Curie

Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on 7th of November 1867. her father was a teacher of science and mathematics at school in town, and from him little Marya Sklodovska ― which was her Polish name ― learned her first lessons in science. Marya’s wish was to study at the Sorbonne in Paris and after many years of waiting she finally left her native land in 1891.

Once in Paris Marya began a course of hard study and simple living. She decided to work for two Master’s degrees ― one in Physics, the other in Mathematics. Thus she had to work twice as hard as the ordinary student. Yet she had not enough money to live on. She lived in a bare attic in the poorest quarter of Paris. Night after night, after her hard day’s works at the University, she would climb to her poorly furnished room and work at her books for hours. Her meals were poor, sometimes no more than a bag of cherries, which she ate as she studied. Though she was often weak and ill under this hard mode of life, she worked in this way for four years. She chose her course and nothing could turn her from it.


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