Theory and practice in the modern world 

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Theory and practice in the modern world

Today technological progress is unthinkable without theoretical knowledge. Nevertheless it would be wrong to speak about the independent role of science in the modern world, and about the decreasing role of technology. First of all many problems facing science today relate to the field of technology. This is most important.

Secondly, technology uses the knowledge gained by science to give the latter technical tools, unique equipment, instruments and installations for intricate scientific research.

For example, modern biology owes its success to the optical microscope which helped to discover the living cell and many microorganisms, and to the electron microscope which is responsible for the latest achievements of biology, such as the discovery of the molecular structure of the living cell, the making of the simplest artificial gene, the synthesizing of new physiologically active substances – in short, for everything that has added up to produce the youngest and the most progressive branch of biology, molecular biology. The same applies to one of the oldest sciences – astronomy. This branch has made tremendous leap forward thanks firstly to the optical and, later, to the radio telescope. Space exploration and the solution of many fundamental problems of modern astronomy and geophysics are obviously impossible without rocket engines, earth satellites, spaceships, radio communication, and so on.

Modern science and technology show an ever more pronounced trend towards mutual cooperation. Previously engineering and production depended largely on practical experience. There was no theory of machines, the machines were built and operated on the basis of empirical knowledge. People referred to the art of engineering, the art of construction, etc.

Apart from the interaction between sciences, on the one hand, and the interaction between sciences, on the one hand, and the interaction between science and technology, on the other, there is a trend toward increasing the mutual enrichment of various branches of technology.

Another clearly expressed tendency of modern scientific and technological progress is a much swifter realization of scientific discoveries. The rates of a steadily accelerating scientific and technological progress are at their highest stage today.


3. Combine the following words to receive word-combinations:

- decreasing realization

- facing enrichment

- technical progress

- unique knowledge

- intricate role

- living science

- artificial tools

- synthesizing cell

- progressive substances

- tremendous equipment

- earth research

- pronounced gene

- mutual branch

- empirical trend

- increasing leap

- swift satellites

- accelerating cooperation


4. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences from the text:

1. Today technological progress is….without theoretical knowledge.

2. Secondly, technology uses….to give the latter technical tools, unique equipment, instruments and installations for…..

3. For example, modern biology….to the optical microscope which helped to discover…. and many microorganisms.

4. The same….to one of the oldest sciences – astronomy.

5. Modern science and technology show an even more….towards……

6. Apart from the …..between sciences, on the one hand, and the interaction between science and technology, on the other, there is….toward…. the mutual enrichment of various branches of technology.

7. Another clearly expressed tendency of modern scientific and technological progress is…of scientific discoveries.


5. Answer the following questions:

1. What role does theoretical knowledge have in technological progress?

2. What kind of knowledge does technology use?

3. What are some biological achievements?

4. What can you say about some achievements in astronomy?

5. Do the modern science and technology go towards mutual cooperation?

6. What is the role of interaction between science and technology?

7. What is another tendency of modern scientific and technological progress?


6. Write the following sentences in the Future Continuous Tense:

1. I (to do) my homework at six o’clock tomorrow.

2. When I come home tomorrow, my family (to have) supper.

3. Don’t come to my place tomorrow. I (to write) a composition the whole evening.

4. What you (to do) at eight o’clock tomorrow?

5. I (to watch) TV from three till six.


7. Translate into English the first part of the following sentences:

1. Вони вечерятимуть, when you come back.

2. Ви говоритимете по телефону, when your friend comes.

3. Вони слухатимуть радіо at this time tomorrow.

4. Ми працюватимемо тут all day long.

5. Ми обговорюватимемо це питання at 3 p.m. tomorrow.

6. Діти вже спатимуть, when you come home.

8. Communicative situations:

1. Speak with your group mate about: “The role of theory and practice in the modern world”.

2. Make a report on the topic: “Theoretical knowledge and its application in technological progress”.


Retell the text.



1. What is the Earth?

2. How far does the Earth travel around the Sun?

3. What is the reason for the computer revolution?

4. What is the principle of computers?

5. Where can laser be used?

6. What does the laser consist of?

7. What is ammeter used for?

8. Is it difficult to measure current and voltage?

9. What are the advantages of electronic equipment?

10. Which way does electricity flow in transformers and lamps?

11. What has electronics given to the humanity?

12. What is the function of radiotelescope?

13. What does the simplest electric circuit consist of?

14. What is called an electric circuit?

15. What does electronics study?

16. What discovery gave a powerful stimulus to the development of electronics?

17. Where has the first photoelectric solar power station been put into operation?

18. How does the station operate?

19. What role does theoretical knowledge have in technological progress?

20. What is the role of interaction between science and technology?






1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

automation -aвтоматизаці
research -дослідження
prominent -видатний
productivity of the labour -продуктивність праці
prospects are breath taking -захоплюючі дух перспективи
replacement -заміна, перестановка
foreseeable future -передбачене майбутнє
thermonuclear reaction -термоядерна реакція
incalculable stores -незличенні запаси
century -вік
thermal and hydropower plants -теплові і гидроелектростанції
cybernetics -кiбернетика
overall effect -загальний eфект
release -звільняти,полегшувати
growth -ріст,зростання
pave the way -прокладати дорогу
in turn -в свою чергу


2. Read and translate the text:



We live in the age of very interesting achievements of science and engineering. This is the age of space researches, the age of atomic energy, the age when electronics and automation occupy the most prominent place.

Automation reached the highest stage in the development of technology.

Modern man comes less and less in contact with nature. He lives more and more in an artificial world of his own making – the world of technological devices that greatly increase the productivity of his labour. And the prospects ahead are more breath-taking still. Transplantation of the organs of the human body and their replacement with artificial organs, general use of teaching machines and flights of earthlings to other planets are a matter of the foreseeable future. It is believed that controlled thermonuclear reaction which will release incalculable stores of energy will become possible before the century is out.

Now the automated machines can do work of hundreds of individual workers. Automation is very effective in continuous cycle production and operation of thermal and hydropower plants.

Application of automation and cybernetics to production increases greatly the labour productivity, makes it possible to release vast amounts of labour power from inefficient small-scale production branches. Automation not only makes labour productive but radically changes its nature.

The mechanization of house work is also important. The overall effect of the process is the release of millions of women for highly productive labour. Automatic equipment frees man from a number of difficult and dangerous production processes.

By accelerating the growth of labour productivity, automation paves the way to shorter working hours, and this in turn provides conditions stimulating the creative activity and intellectual development of the individual.

3. Give three forms of the following verbs:

to research, to occupy, to come, to live, to make, to be, to believe, to become, to do, to increase, to release, to grow, to pave, to provide, to stimulate.


4. Translate from Ukrainian into English:

1. Ми живемо в вік дуже цікавих досягнень науки і техніки

2. Сучасна людина все меньше і меньше контактує з природою.

3. Зараз автоматизовані машини можуть виконувати роботу сотень окремих працівників.

4. Автоматизація не тільки робить працю продуктивною, але і радикально змінює її суть.

5. Механізація домашньої праці також важлива.


5. Insert the proper preposition (in, of, for):

1. We live … the age…very interesting achievements…science and engineering.

2. Automation reached the highest stage…the development…technology.

3. Modern man comes less and less…contact with nature.

4. Automation is very effective…continuous cycle production and operation…thermal and hydropower plants.

5. The overall effect…the process is the release…millions…women…highly productive labour.


6. Answer the following questions:

1. What age do we live in?

2. Which stage did the automation reach in the development of technology?

3. How does the modern man live today?

4. What are some prospects of the foreseeable future?

5. How effective the automation is?

6. What does the application of automation give us?

7. What role does mechanization of house work play in the process of automation?

8. What does automation pave the way to?


7. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense-form: Past Indefinite or Past Perfect:

1. He (to study) French before he (to enter) the university.

2. Lanny (to say) that he (to get) his education in Cape Town.

3. The boy (to want) to act the main part in the play because he (to organize) the theatre.

4. During the holidays my friend (to visit) the village where he (to live) in his childhood.

5. All my friends (to be) glad to hear that I (to pass) all the examinations successfully.

6. She (to think) that Gert and Lanny (to quarrel).

7. All the passengers (to see) at once that the old man (to travel) a great deal in his life.


8. Answer the questions, using Past Perfect Tense:

Example: Why didn’t you want to translate the article?-I didn’t want to translate the article because I had translated it.

1. Why didn’t you make notes on the lecture?

2. Why did you refuse to see this new film?

3. Why didn’t you present your course paper in time?

4. Why didn’t you make a report?

5. Why didn’t you speak with her?

6. Why didn’t you do your homework?

9. Choose the correct form of the verb:

1. I (did, had done) the research by 3 o’clock yesterday.

2. He (had received, received) the telegram by that time.

3. She (looked, had looked) at the girl when she recognized her.

4. We (had gone out, went out) of the building when it was closed for a


5. They (studied, had studied) Spanish before they came to Madrid.


10. Communicative situations:

1. Make up a dialogue on the topic” The application of automation in industry”.

2. Make a report on the topic: “The role of mechanization in the process of automation”.


Retell the text.



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