Дидактичний матеріал з англійської мови 

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Дидактичний матеріал з англійської мови





Затверджено Методичною радою НТУУ “КПІ”


  Затверджено на методичному засіданні кафедри англійської мови № 2 Протокол №___ від “___”_________2006 р.  



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Цей дидактичний матеріал розрахований на студентів 1 курсу зварювального факультету і складений у відповідності з програмою, яка передбачає формування у студентів іншомовних умінь та навичок, необхідних для їх майбутньої професійної діяльності. Зокрема, студенти повинні навчитися працювати з технічними текстами, складати міні-монологи та діалоги на вказану тему, вміти розвинути комунікативну ситуацію. Це можна здійснити на основі збагачення словникового запасу студентів загальновживаною, загально-технічною лексикою, а також за допомогою формування навичок з перекладу та вживання граматичних конструкцій, найбільш характерних для загально-технічних текстів.

Учбовий матеріал відібрано та організовано з урахуванням відповідних методичних принципів. Всі тексти супроводжуються тренувальними та мовленнєвими вправами, а також варіантами мовних ситуацій. Тренувальні вправи спрямовані на формування вміння оперувати лексичним і граматичним матеріалом. Метою мовленнєвих вправ є формування у студентів навичок щодо висловлювання своїх думок іноземною мовою та користування спеціальною літературою у професійній діяльності.

Мета даного дидактичного матеріалу сприяти розширенню та закріпленню знань термінологічної лексики у студентів та надбанню ними навичок граматичних конструкцій, що дозволяє перекладати технічні тексти.

Дидактичний матеріал розрахований для роботи зі студентами в аудиторії та для самостійної роботи.




1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

to breath дихати
hemisphere півкуля
to deliver постачати
to handle витримувати
to rotate on axis крутитися навколо осі
to move through space рухатись у космосі (просторі)
the Earth average speed середня швидкість Землі
the equatorial diameter діаметр екватора
to tilt повертатися

2. Read and translate the text:

The Earth

The Earth is a planet. It rotates on its axis, revolves around the Sun and moves with the Sun through space. The Earth gets it’s warm and light from the Sun. All around the Earth is atmosphere. We breathe it, and it gives us our weather. The air is always moving. The movements of the air make our winds. Small drops of water in the air form clouds. And as the clouds move about they bring us rain and snow and storms.

The equatorial diameter of the Earth is 12,756 kilometers. The Earth is like a sphere, but flat at the poles. This makes a difference of only 43 kilometers between the Earth's diameter at the equator and the diameter at the poles. The weight of the Earth is the figure 6 followed by 21 zeros if count in tons.

The Earth rotates around once every twenty-four hours. When our part of the Earth faces the Sun, we see sunlight and have day.

When our part turns away from the Sun's light, we have night. When our part begins to turn toward the Sun and we see the first sunlight, we call it morning. When we are facing the Sun most directly, it is noon. When the Earth begins to turn away from the Sun, we have afternoon and evening, and night.

The Earth's average speed is 29, 8 kilometers per second. The small eccentricity of the orbit of the Earth does the little difference in its speed, but there is a difference in the length of the seasons because of this variation. The number of days between the beginning of spring and of autumn, in the northern hemisphereis 186, but the number of days between the beginning of autumn and the beginning of spring in the southern hemisphere is 179.

The Earth takes 365 days to travel around the Sun. This makes our year. As the Earth travels around, first one pole then the other is tilted toward the Sun. When the North Pole tilts toward the Sun, the rays of the Sun fall straighter down on the northern half of the world. It is warmer and has its summer (June, July and August). It also has longer days, because it turns to the Sun more of the time. When the South Pole is toward the Sun, the southern half of the world is warmer, and it has its summer (December, January and February). Then the northern half is getting less direct sunshine, because it tilts away from the Sun. It has shorter days. It has winter. The seasons between them we call spring and autumn.


3. Make the nouns from the adjectives and verbs:

Equal, human, active, relative, productive, thick, black, great, rough, constant, different, independent, present, efficient, dependent, to use, to pass, to break, to leak.

4. Give the synonyms to the following words:

Equal, to rotate, plane, to face, average, little, variation, quantity, to tilt.

5. Give the antonyms to the following words:

Great, small, lack, warm, light, to turn away, day, the first, evening, long, toward, direct.


6. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the Earth?

2. What is the average speed of the Earth?

3. When do we have night and day?

4. How fast does the Earth travel around the Sun?

5. What seasons does the Earth have?


7. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate article where necessary:


1. … Earth is a planet. It rotates on its axis, revolves around … Sun and moves with …Sun through …space.

2.. … movements of … air make our… winds.

3. This makes … difference of only …43 kilometers between …Earth's diameter at …equator and the diameter at …poles.

4. When …our part begins to turn toward …Sun and we see …first sunlight, we call it…morning.

5. When … North Pole tilts toward …Sun, the rays of… Sun fall straighter down on …northern half of …world.

6. When… South Pole is toward the Sun, …southern half of the world is warmer, and it has its… summer (…December, …January and …February).


1. … Soviet Union was … first country to send a man into … space.

2. What is … highest mountain in … world?

3. … Ukrainians are … very generous nation.

4. We went to … Spain for our holidays and swam in … Mediterranean.

5. …Nile is … longest river in … Africa.

6. …United Kingdom consists of …Great Britain and … Northern Ireland.


1. Would you like … apple?

2. Could you close …door, please?

3. We live in … flat near … center of the city.

4. Have you finished with … book I lent you yesterday?

5. …President of … United States is elected every four years.

6. Did …police find … person who stole your bicycle.

7. As I was walking along the street, I saw … 10$ note on … pavement.

8. We went for … meal last night. … restaurant we went to was excellent.

9. This morning I had … boiled egg for … breakfast.

10. Have you got … car?


8. Translate into English paying attention to the articles:

1. У Тома великий ніс.

2. У мене болить голова.

3. Його батько лікар, а мама вчителька англійської мови.

4. У Ганни сині очі.

5. Мені подобаються банани, помаранчі, черешні та сливи.

6. Мої друзі приїжджають до мене на вихідні.

7. У тебе є гроші? - Так, є трохи.

8. Хлопець увійшов у кімнату, в якій були найбільші вікна, які він коли-небудь бачив.

9. Учора ввечері ми дивилися фільм. Фільм був про солдата і дуже вродливу дівчину.

10. Він увійшов до кабінету і сів на стілець, вона ввійшла за ним і сіла у крісло, що було найближче до дверей.


Put the questions to the underlined words.

1. I work at an office.

2. We usually have our English in the evening.

3. They speak English in class.

4. We write a lot of sentences on the blackboard. (2)

5. We are having a dictation. (2)


10. Communicative situations:

1. You run on to an old friend and have a talk with him (her) about common friends.

2. You introduce your new boyfriend to your sister.

3. You meet your pen-friend you have never seen; you introduce yourself.


Retell the text



1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

complicated складний
vice versa навпаки
to invent винаходити, створювати
boundless безмежний
completely new branch зовсім нова галузь
revolution in science революція у науці
to require вимагати
problems of exceptional importance проблеми виняткової важливості
to remain unsolved залишатися невирішеним
carry out проводити
determine the sequence of operations визначати ланцюг операцій
measuring instruments and controlling devices вимірювальні пристрої та контролюючі прилади
man's labor людська праця

2. Read and translate the text:

Modern technologies

Computers are well known to represent a completely new branch of science, the first of them having appeared less than 50 years ago. Although still new, these machines are already bringing about a real revolution in science, technology, statistics and automatic control.

The reason for this is in the fact that a mathematical formula can be found for almost of all scientific and technical problems. They can be solved without a computer but it would require millions of arithmetical operations. No wonder that many problems of exceptional importance remained unsolved for a long time, the volume of the calculations required being above human possibilities.

With a high speed electronic computer can carry out several thousand arithmetical operations in one second. A calculation, which would have taken several years of intense human work in the past, is now done in a few minutes or hours.

A number of various complicated problems have already been solved with the help of computers.

The principle of this wonderful machine lies in counting electric impulses. Numbers are represented as a sequence of such impulses, and a radio technical scheme counts them carrying out addition, subtraction, multiplication and division all higher mathematical calculations being reduced to these four operations.

If we introduce into the scheme first one number and then another, the result will yield the sum of these two numbers. Subtraction is reduced to the addition of negative numbers. Multiplication is done by repeated addition the necessary number of times, a division - by repeated subtraction.

Electronic machines work according to a program prepared in advance, which determines the sequence of operations. They have a very efficient electronic "memory" which stores the initial date, the intermediate numbers and final results as well as working demandsgiven to the machine.

The electronic machine can also be used for controlling automatic production. Signals given by measuring instruments and controlling devices into the machine which sends the necessary commands to the control panel according to the program.

This machine can also be used to make translations from one language into another by converting words into figures and vice versa.

All the instruments invented up to now have served to save man's labor. But it is electronic computers the importance of which cannot be underestimated, that come to the help of the human brain, thus opening up boundless possibilities.


3. Form the nouns from the verbs:

To arrange, to improve, to move, to achieve, to require, to measure, to appear, to assist, to resist, to acquaint, to exist, to depend, to differ, to insist, to mean, to begin, to broadcast, to build, to draw, to coat, to break, to pass, to use, to view, to listen, to fight, to dream, to found, to drive, to boil, to burn, to contain, to convert, to condense, to direct, to act, to create, to inspect, to investigate, to resist, to conduct, to compress, to react, to accelerate, to ventilate, to require, to attract, to reflect, to discuss, to express, to indicate, to insulate, to inform, to consider, to found, to combine, to examine, to continue, to convert, to divide, to explode, to decide, to conclude.




A device that has received a great deal of publicity is the laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). This device produces a beam of light composed of waves that are both monochromatic(all of one wavelength) and coherent(all in the same phase - that is all the peaks coinciding).These properties enable the beam to be used as a source of considerable energy at a sharply defined point, for welding, eye surgery, and similar applications. Because the beam is also extremely parallel, divergingvery much less than ordinary light, it is used in space communications-a laser beam that has traveled the quarter of a million miles to the moon is still narrow enough to be useful.

The principle on which the laser works derives from an earlier device called the maser, which operates at microwave frequencies rather than optical frequencies. This principle is based on simulated emission that is, the emission of a photon by an atom in an excited state as the result of the impact of a photon from outside of exactly equal energy. In this way the stimulating photon is augmented by the photon from the excited atom.

Thus if an atom in a substance is excited it will emit a photon to bring it back to the ground state, if it is stimulated (hit) by a photon containing energy, equal to the difference between the excited and ground states. If a high proportion of the atoms in a substance is pumped to an excited state there is an avalanche effect.A stimulating photon from outside is doubled the first time it hits an excited atom, the two photons resulting then go on to double again by impacts with other excited atoms, and so on. All the photons have exactly equal energy, and are therefore associated with waves of identical wavelength.

A laser consists of a solid or gaseous active medium in which the majority of the atoms can be pumped to an excited state by exposing them to electromagnetic radiation of a different frequency to the stimulating frequency. The active medium consist of (or in the case of a gas is contained in) a transparent cylinder which acts as a resonant cavity-the stimulated waves of the same frequency making repeated passages up and down the cylinder. One end of the cylinder has a reflecting surface, and the other has a partially reflecting surface through which the laser beam emerges.

In a ruby laser, for example, the electrons in the chromium atoms of a cylindrical ruby crystal are pumped to an excited level by radiation from a flash tube, thus producing a pulsed beam. Continuous wave lasers can also be made using mixtures of inert gases.


3. Form the adjectives and the adverbs from the following words:

Adjectives: atom, electron, magnet, cosmos, realist, universe, culture, spectrum, electric,to attract, decision, to conduct, to act,to vary, to change, to approach, to achieve, to suit, to compare, to convert, compress, exhaust, success, doubt, use, wonder, peace, beauty, help, doubt, change, home, meaning; sun, hill, rain, wind, to continue, to vary, danger.


Adverbs: extreme, initial, perfect, final, excellent, rough, instant, swift, equal, simultaneous, comparative, exact, large, hard, high, short.


4. Arrange the following words according to the similar meaning:

Tremendous, predominance, use, various, a real number of, different, advantage, satellite, great, sputnik, application, of late, powerful, recently, a lot of, strong; to detect, decrease, to reduce, to spread, to resist, to propagate, to investigate, to extend, to record, to study, to increase, to catch.

5. Arrange the following words according to opposite meaning:

Inside, low, strong, vast, outside, narrow, high, weak, many, enhance, few, reduce.


6. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the principle of laser operation?

2. What is the principle of the laser based on?

3. Where can laser be used?

4. Why is laser used in space communications?

5. When can an avalanche effect be expected?

6. What does the laser consist of?

7. What is the function of a transparent cylinder in the active medium?


7. Complete the sentences using the comparatives of the words in bolds:


1. You are making too much noise. Can you be a bit…………………………..? (quite)

2. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was ……………………………….(crowded)

3. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much…………………(expensive)

4. You look …………………………………………………...Have you lost weight? (thin)

5. You are late, I expected you to be here …………………………………………...(early)


II. Complete the sentences using the comparatives of the words in brackets + than:


1. Sorry I’m late. It took me ………..to get here ……………..I expected. (long)

2. Health and happiness are ………………………………… money. (important)

3. I like the countryside. It’s …………………and…………………living in a town. (healthy\peaceful)

4. She looks about 20, but in fact she’s much ……………………she looks. (old)

5. The problem is not complicated. It’s ………………………you think. (simple)

8. Complete the sentences with superlatives and a proper preposition:


1. It’s a very cheap restaurant. It’s ……………………………………………………….the town.

2. It was a very happy day. It was …………………………………………………………my life.

3. She is a very intelligent student. She’s ………………………………………………..the school.

4. It’s a very valuable painting. It ……………………………………………………….the gallery.


II. Complete each sentence using these words: better, worse, further, older, elder. Use than where necessary:

1. We complained about the food in our hotel. But instead of improving, it got …………………………

2. Your work isn’t very good. I’m sure you can do ……………………………………………………this.

3. Ann’s younger sister is still at school. Her……………………………………………sister is a nurse.

4. Is Jim younger than Tom? No, he is……………………………………………………………………

5. You are standing too near the camera. Can you move a bit………………………………………away?

Translate into English.

1. Цей хлопець найвищій у класі.

2. Ви знаєте найстарішу людину на землі?

3. Яку їжу ви любите більш за все?

4. Вона знає англійську краще за свого брата.

5. Він на два роки старший за свого найкращого друга.

6. У тебе найгірша контрольна робота з усієї групи.

7. Чим більше ви займаєтесь спортом, тим здоровішими будите.

8. Найважливіше у житті – знати чого ви хочете.

9. Ця вправа найскладніша для мене.

10. Мені здається, що ця картина найбільш незвичайна.


10. Communicative situations:

1. Tell your friend about yourself.

2. Describe your family to your new friend.

3. Show a friend your family album and answer his entire questions.


Retell the text.





1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

important важливий
to take into consideration брати до уваги
a circuit ланцюг
to measure current and voltage вимірювати струм і напругу
the value of current сила струму
to read off the amperes and volts зчитувати показники амперметру і вольтметру
DC постійний струм
the angle of rotation кут обертання
armature coil обмотка ротора
a coil котушка
galvanometer гальванометр
a device пристрій
to send through проходити крізь
deflection відхилення
resistance опір
ammeter амперметр
voltmeter вольтметр
positive terminal позитивна клема  


2. Read and translate the text:


One of important things that an engineer should take into consideration is "how much". How much current is this circuit carrying? What is value of voltage in the circuit? What is value of resistance?Infact, to measure the current and the voltage is not difficult at all. One should connect an ammeter or a voltmeterto the circuit and read off the amperes and volts.

The ammeter is used to measure the value of current. When the ammeter is used, the circuit should be opened at one point and the terminals of the meter should be connected to it. One should take into consideration that the positive terminal of the meter is connected to the positive terminal of the source, the negative terminal - to the negative terminal of the source.

The ammeter should be connected in series. The readings on the scale show the measured value.

Common ammeters for direct current measurements are the ammeters of the magneto-electric system. In an ammeter of this type an armature coil rotates between the poles of a permanent magnet; but the coil turns only through a small angle. The greater the current in the coil, the greater is the force, and, therefore, greater the angle of rotation of the armature. The deflectionis measured by means of a pointer connected to the armature and the scale of the meter reads directly in amperes.

When the currents to be measured a very small, one should use a galvanometer. Some galvanometers detect and measure currents as small as 10" of an ampere per 1 mm of scale.

A voltmeter is a device to be used for measuring the potential difference between any two points in a circuit. The voltmeter has armatures that move when an electric current is sent through their coils. The deflection, like that of an ammeter, is proportional to the current flowing through the armature coil.

A voltmeter must have a very high resistance since it passes only very small currents, which will not disturb the rest of the circuit. An ammeter, on the other hand, must have a low resistance, since all the current must pass through it. In actual use the ammeter is placed in series with that part of the circuit where the voltage is to be measured.

In addition to instruments for measuring current and voltage, there are also devices for measuring electric power and energy.


3. Form the adjectives from the following words:

Period, meter, atmosphere, physics, nature, experiment, mathematics,value, change, measure, compare,import, resist,differ, insist,effect, act,help, wonder, use, power,base, help, power, motion, weight.


4. Give the synonyms:

Important, usage, power, motion, valuable, type, to detect, to disturb, to place, changeable, experiment, method, device.


5. Give the antonyms:

Natural, difficult, to connect, to open, positive, high, receive, long-range, to increase.


6. Answer the following questions:

1. Is it difficult to measure current and voltage?

2. What is ammeter used for?

3. What do the readings on the scale of the ammeter show?

4. What is the principle of operation of the ammeter?

5. When should a galvanometer be used?

6. What device is used to measure a difference between any points in a circuit?

7. Why must a voltmeter have a very high resistance?



Translate into English.

1. Лікаря викликали по телефону.

2. Мені сказали домашнє завдання з англійської на завтра.

3. Цей будинок був спланований одним видатним архітектором.

4. Їх запросили вчора на вечірку, яка була спланована ще місяць тому.

5. За останні роки у місті було відкрито два нових музеї.

6. Їй забули сказати, що іспит буде завтра.

7. Цей твір – літературний шедевр, написаний видатним сучасним письменником.


8. Choose the required verb and put it in the necessary tense and voice.


to house to use to make to fill to pay attention to work out to use

1. It should be noted that the first house of glass and plastics (був розроблений) by engineers of several institutes.

2. Its construction (було приділено) great attention to.

3. Everything in it (зроблено) of glass and plastics.

4. The vacuum between inner and outer walls (заповнюється) with excellent thermal and soundproof materials.

5. All the equipment (вміщується) in the technical chamber.

6. It can be said that soon plastics (будуть використані) in all branches of our industry.


10. Communicative situations:

1. Describe your friend’s appearance.

2. Discuss with your friends the appearance of your favorite film star.

3. Describe with your friend your ideals of man’s beauty.

Retell the text.




1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

are now available to science зараз доступні науці
to take over jobs виконувати роботи
maintenance догляд
to demand a certain knowledge to be of the fundamentals потребує певного знання основ
incandescent lamp лампа розжарювання
transformer трансформатор
seems to jump through space неначе проскакує у npocтopi
in the same way так само
comes out of the metal into the open виділяється (виходить) в навколишній простір
vacuum tube електронна вакуумна лампа
filament волосок розжарювання

2. Read and translate the text:

Electronic equipment

Industrial equipment of electronics is known to play a very important role today.

Hundreds of electronics equipments are now available to science and various industries to help do jobs better or more economically or to take over jobs that could not be done otherwise.

The application, use, and proper maintenance of the many electronics equipments now in industrial use demand a certain knowledge to be of the fundamentals of various standard electronics equipments.

We already know that in motors, incandescent lamps, transformers, etc., the electricity always flows in the copper wire or other metal parts. But consider lightning, where electricity seems to jump through space. The great electric pressure of lightning forces the electric current to pass through the air. In the same way, inside any radio tube, tiny electric currents are made to pass through the space separating certain parts in the tube. Such action — where electricity appears to the flow through space instead to being confined to metal conductors or circuits — is said to be electronic.

Why is it called electronic? Years ago, scientists who were trying to explain how electricity passed through space, imagined such an electric current to be a steady stream of tiny electrical particles. They called these particles electrons. Today, any electric current is believed to consist of countless number of electrons. Only when electricity passed through space, when the stream of electrons comes out of the metal into the open, is such action said to be electronic. For a device to be called electronic, electricity must flow across the space inside the device and be controlled by that device.

In ordinary air, electrons can be made be jump through space only by pressure of high voltage. But if it enclosed in a tube from which the air has been removed, the electrons flow across the space more easily. All tubes must be carefully sealed for the desired conditions to be maintained inside the tube. Most of the small tubes are vacuum tubes, the large ones usually containing mercury or other vapor.

Some electric lights are electronic. The common incandescent light bulb is not considered to be electronic even though it is enclosed like a radio tube, for the electric current flows entirely within the metal filament. In contrast, the fluorescent lamp is electronic; its light is produced by the action of electric current flowing through the space between the two ends of the lamp.

Electronics as a science is not new, for radio, sound pictures, fluorescent light, etc. are known to depend upon electronics.


3. Form the nouns from the following verbs:

To vary, to use, to define, to continue, to supply, to determine, to detect, to precise, to apply, to differ, to strengthen, to include, to limit, to conduct, to play, to maintain


4. Arrange the following words according to the similar meaning:
a) to proceed, normally, owing to, accurate, to provide, various, to switch on, energy, a lot of, large, to use, man-made, for instance, to define


b)many, power, for example, to turn on, to continue, artificial, to supply, big, to determine, precise, usually, to apply, different, due to

5. Arrange the following words according to the opposite meaning:

a) modern, regular, outer, peace, strengthen, include, like, possible, rapidly, past, powerless, efficient, unlimited, accurate, conductor


b) slowly, impossible, inefficient, war, future, limited, inner, old, inaccurate, irregular, non-conductor, dislike, weaken, powerful, exclude


6. Answer the following questions:

1. Does electronic equipment play a great role today?

2. What are the advantages of electronic equipment?

3. Which way does electricity flow in transformers and lamps?

4. What is lightning?

5. What is the particularity of the electronic action?

6. What does electric current consist of?

7. What makes the electrons flow more easily in a tube?

8. Why isn’t an incandescent lamp considered to be electronic?

9. Is a fluorescent lamp electronic?

10. What makes a device electronic?



7. Put the sentences in the plural form and translate them:

1. This man is a welder.

2. This woman is an engineer.

3. There is welding equipment in that laboratory.

4. My uncle is a famous scientist.

5. That engineer has an achievement in the field of electronics.

6. The discovery of the particle of matter is the step towards a real understanding of the secret of matter.

7. A misuse of the term may result in a misunderstanding of the text.


8. Give the plural form of the following words:

A man, a woman, a child, a tooth, a goose, a foot, a mouse, an ox, a boy, a city, a potato, a leaf, a sheep, a deer, a swine.


9. Translate into English:

1. Басейн відчиняється о 9.00 і зачиняється о 18.30 щоденно.

2. Як що тобі потрібні гроші, чому б тобі не знайти роботу?

3. Сонце сідає на Заході, а сходить на сході.

4. Уже пізно, щоб телефонувати твоїй подрузі зараз. Ти зателефонуєш їй завтра.

5. У нас зовсім нема хліба. – Я піду куплю трохи.

6. Ти можеш зайти до мене пізніше? – Добре, я завітаю до тебе ввечері.

7. Він не поголився сьогодні вранці, бо не мав часу.

8. Ми нічого не їли, бо не були голоді.

9. Нам потрібні були гроші, тому ми продали машину.

10. Джим кинув м’яча Сью, вона його зловила.


10. Communicative situations:

1. You are inviting your fellow student to have dinner at your place. You have to give him your address, to explain how to get there and to fix the day and the time.

2. Your friend was trying to get you on the phone the whole day yesterday, but failed. He’s surprised and asks you what you were doing at the time he phoned. You try to remember what you were doing at 11 a.m.; 12.30 p.m.; from 5 to 7 p.m.11


Retell the text.


Electromagnetic waves

Electronics is believed to be a rather young and a very promising science. It has become a powerful means of progress. Electronics has widened our vision and given us the chance to see the micro-world more clearly.

Electron-optical image converters using solid-state components penetrate deep into opaque2 materials, convert invisible radiations to visible, and pick up light of negligible intensity. Radio-telescopes are known to collect and to focus the radio waves emitted by celestial bodies, revealing new facts about the universe. Of course, radio waves arc not the only carries of information in space.

Modern science knows many more media, which can be employed for this purpose. These are the infrared and ultra-violet radiations, X- and gamma rays, elementary particles and fields, etc. What role electronics play in space travel? Above all, it will give deeper insight into the properties of outer space..

Radio is thought to help man to know more about the Sun's atmosphere of many planets, the location the speed of huge hydrogen clouds in space, and the processes accompanying the collisions of galaxies. Electronics is expected to enable the astronauts to locate their position in space.

Spaceships will be guided automatically just as planes arc controlled by robots today. Electronics is sure to give the space pilots easy control for soft landing on other planets. Collision-warning radars will operate automatic control if there is a danger of meteor hitting the spaceship. Before all this can be accomplished, however, many complicated problems will have to be solved. One problem is that of extending the range of radio communication in outer. With proper refinements, radio communication is likely to be set up over distances of 100 million kilometers or even more.

To ensure higher effectiveness of communication many thousands of scientific experiments were devoted to the investigations of these factors. All scientific achievements in the field of transmitting information over long distances being applied in the system of space communication, real possibilities are opened up for transmitting tremendous amount of information over distances of several hundred million kilometers.

Greater prospects for constructing even more effective systems for transmitting information in space expected to be opened with the application of methods and means of quantum electronics and especially of quantum generators.


3. Form the nouns from the following verbs:

To believe, to promise, to convert, to collect, to reveal, to travel, to help, to locate, to expect, to land, to complicate, to solve, to communicate, to ensure, to effect, to achieve, to transmit, to inform.


4. Arrange the following words according to the similar meaning:

a) several, big, hard, for example, to have, to pay attention, present-day, to write down, importance, enormous;

b) difficult, to possess, significance, a few, to give attention, modern, for instance, tremendous, to put down, large.


5. Arrange the following words according to the opposite meaning:

a) possible, significant, important, capable, rational, above, behind, into, over, before;

b) in front of, irrational, under, out of, unimportant, insignificant, incapable, after, impossible, below.


6. Answer the following questions:

1. What has electronics given to the humanity?

2. How does electro-optical image work?

3. What is the function of radio-telescope?

4. What role do electronics play in space travel?

5. Is possible for a space ship to be guided automatically?

6. How does collision-warming radar work?

7. Is it possible to set up radio communication in space?


7. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the tenses:

1. He was growing different kinds of fruit.

2. Before the War his work was being looked upon as useless.

3. The question about the new laboratory was been discussed at a special meeting.

4. We had been discussing the question for some time, when you came to the meeting.

5. Different kinds of fruit are being grown in the Polar zone.

6. By the fifth of March you will have been working in our shop for two years.

7. The work is just being finished.

8. Water containing harmful bacteria is boiled.

9. While the water is boiling all the bacteria die, as they cannot live in the boiling water. While the water is being boiled some of it is becoming steam.

10. Many new houses are built in our city.

11. A big house for the workers of our mill is built not from the mill.

12. The plan of the building was discussed several times.

13. Last time the plan of the building was discussing for several hours by the best architects of the city.

14. They discussed every detail of the building.

15. While they were discussing it, they changed some details.


8. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense:

1. I’m going to play tennis from 3.00 to 4.00 tomorrow. So at 4 o’clock I still (to play).

2. Yesterday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Jane (to read) in her room.

3. She (to watch) TV all the day, that was why she didn’t do her homework.

4. George (to fall) off the leader while he (to paint) the ceiling.

5. Ann (to wait) for me when I (to arrive).

6. I (not/ drive) very fast when the accident (to happen).

7. At this time tomorrow they (to spend) their time in the most expensive restaurant of L.A.

8. We are going to clean the flat tomorrow. It will take from 9 until 11 o’clock. So at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning we (to clean) our flat.

9. Translate into English:

1. О 2 годині завтра вони будуть пролітати над Парижем.

2. Фільм буде продовжуватися з 7 до 9 вечора, не дзвони мені у цей час, я буду дивитися фільм.

3. Мій брат буде зайнятий з 7 до 10 вечора, він не зможе вийти на вулицю о 8.30, бо буде навчатися.

4. Том мене сфотографував, коли я не дивилася на нього.

5. Учора вночі я читала в ліжку, як раптом почула сильний грім.

6. Коли я мила посуд, тарілка вислизнула (to slip out) з моїх рук і побилася.

7. Ми не входили вчора на двір, бо був сильний дощ.

8. Учора вранці з 8.45 до 9.15 Ганна мала чудовий сніданок зі своїм сином. Вони їли тістечка з варенням і пили зелений чай.


10. Communicative situations:

1. You came from the South of Ukraine and your friend came from the North. Discuss and compare the climate in these two parts of the country.

2. You’ve just got acquainted with a nice person. You want to start a conversation but you do not know how to begin it. Mention the weather and start your conversation.



1. Learn the following words and word combinations:

electric circuit електричний ланцюг
to consist of складатися з
for example наприклад
for short скорочено
with respect to the source відносно джерела
so-called так звану
both…and як…, так і
as a whole в цілому
according to this law згідно з цим законом
magnitude величина
dimension розмір


2. Read and translate the text:

Retell the text.




1. Learn the following words and word-combinations:

device пристрій
rarefied gas розріджений газ
preparatory stage підготовча стадія
profound видатний
emission випромінювання
incandescent lamp лампа розпікання
filament нитка розпікання
auxiliary electrode допоміжний електрод
two-electrode valve двоелектродний клапан
grid мережа
amplifier підсилювач
vacuum tube вакуумна лампа-трубка
oscillator випромінювач,осцилятор
mercury rectifier ртутний випрямляч
conversion перетворення
photocell фотоелемент
electron beam електронний промінь
cathode-ray tube катодна трубка
so forth і так далі
welding зварювання
a margin of error межа помілки
to increase підвищувати
cutting різання
drilling свердління
horizon кругозір, горизонт
i.e. (that is) тобто


2. Read and translate the text:



Electronics is the science that studies the principles and technology of devices based on the phenomena of electric currents in a vacuum (electronic devices) and in rarefied gases (ionic devices). It’s the basis of modern automation, because it solves the most complicated problems in automation and production processes by relatively simple means.

The preparatory stage in the development of electronic devices was laid primarily by the profound researches of the Russian physicist Stoletov who first formulated the law of electron emission by a heated body (1839-1896). Next, the discovery of the vacuum device (the electron valve) was prepared by Lodygin’s invention of the first vacuum device to be widely used – the incandescent lamp (1847-1923). The thermionic emission effect was observed in the incandescent lamp already in 1881 by T. A. Edison: when a galvanometer is connected between the filament and a special auxiliary electrode in the lamp, there passes through the galvanometer a small current from the filament to the electrode. This current is caused by the transfer of electrons from the hot filament to the cold electrode.

However, it was only the discovery of radio by A. S. Popov, that gave a powerful stimulus to the development of electronics. The first two-electrode valves (detectors for wireless communication receivers) were made in 1904 soon after this discovery. The use of a grid made it possible to use the three-electrode valve first as an amplifier and then as a vacuum tube alternating current oscillator.

The first ionic power device was the mercury rectifier – a device for economical conversion of alternating current into direct current. Especially important was the use in electronics of the photoelectric effect, i.e., the emission of electrons by a metal under the action of light. This effect was discovered by Stoletov in 1888. He made the first photocell (prototube). Photocells were first used in sound films.

The principle of an electric or magnetic field acting on the direction of an electron beam in a vacuum or rarefied gas is employed in cathode-ray tubes which found application in television sets, electron microscopes, radar (for locating objects at a distance), and so forth.

Electronic beams are successfully used for welding. It has found broad application in industry as a means of automation, control and inspection, and as a direct means of fulfilling such operations as melting, cutting of super hard materials, welding.

Scientists opened up a new field of research in electronics – quantum electronics or atomic radio engineering. Quantum electronics has made it possible to develop a clock which has a margin of error of up to one second in three thousand years. It has also been used in the development of instruments for the generation of a rather wide range of electromagnetic waves – from one-millimeter waves to waves shorter than those of light. Quantum generators can focus light in extremely narrow beams. These instruments are called lasers and they can be used for cutting, drilling, welding, and other treatment of materials.

Electronics has found its application in electronic computers and television which are now widely used in industry, science and economy. Molecular electronics opens up absolutely new horizons.


3. Translate the following groups of words into Ukrainian:

To amplify – amplifier –amplification; special – specialist – speciality – especially; current – direct current, alternating current, to rectify – rectifier – rectification; physics – physicist – physical; to mean – mean – means; list – to list; to solve – solution – to solve a problem; to heat – heat – hot; to use – use – useful – useless; power – powerful – powerless.


4. Group up the words with the same meaning (synonyms):

Because, basis, simple, modern, up-to-date, foundation, plain, as, to utilize, first, to employ, rapid, to use, quick, to solve, fast, profound, field, to find solution, to connect, deep, branch, to join, significant, important, for the first time.

5. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Electronics solves the most complicated problems in automation and production processes by relatively simple means.

2. The mercury rectifier is a device for economical conversion of alternating current into direct current.

3. A lot of problems find solution in modern electronics.

4. The development of electronic amplifiers has made it possible to utilize a number of familiar physical phenomena.

5. Photocells became widely used only in conjunction with electron valves.

6. Especially important was the use in electronics of the photoelectric effect, i.e., the emission of electrons by a metal under the action of light.

7. The first two-electrode valves were made in 1904.

8. The Russian physicist Stoletov was the first to formulate the law of electron emission by a heated body.

9. The preparatory stage in the development of electronic devices was laid primarily by the profound researches of the Russian physicist Stoletov.


6. Use the verbs in brackets in necessary tense-form:

1. Electronics (to be) the basis of modern automation.

2. It (to solve) the most complicated problems in automation.

3. It (to be) possible to use this method.

4. It (to be) necessary to solve this problem long ago.

5. The first two-electrode valves (to be made) in 1904.

6. The development of electronic amplifiers (to make) it possible to utilize a number of familiar physical phenomena.

7. The discovery of radio by A. Popov (to give) a powerful stimulus to the development of electronics.

8. The use of a grid (to make) it possible to use the three-electrode valve as an amplifier.

9. Great progress (to be achieved) in the field of electronics.

10. Photocells (to be used) in sound films.

11. The photoelectric effect (to be discovered) by Stoletov.


7. Answer the following questions:

1. What does electronics study?

2. Why is electronics the basis of modern automation?

3. Is it possible to list the industrial and scientific problems that find solution in modern electronics?

4. Who formulated the law of electron emission by a heated body?

5. What discovery gave a powerful stimulus to the development of electronics?

6. What made it possible to use the three-electrode valve as an amplifier?

7. What was the first ionic power device?

8. Who made the first photocell?

9. Where are photocells used?

10. What principle is employed in cathode-ray tubes?

11. Where are cathode-ray tubes used?


8. Write the following sentences in the Past Simple:

1. The train starts at 10 o’clock.

2. The operator will start the engine

3. The research institute of electronics designs produces electronics-mechanical table-clocks of highest precision.

4. Many workers of our plant work in the daytime and study in their spare hours.

5. The young operator of the machine will join the Culture University classes.

6. In our experiment we apply the latest instruments.

7. As the researchers work hard they achieve good results.

8. This famous newspaperman always reports very interesting news.

9. When the controller examines the machines they operate normally.


9. Put the following verbs in the Past Simple:

To be, to predict, to blow, to get, to drop, to come, to have, to know, to leave.



10. Communicative situations:

1. Make up a dialogue on the topic “The science of electronics, its help and broad application in industry”.

2. Make a short report on the topic” Electronics in the life of our society”.

Retell the text.



1. Learn the new words and word combinations:

accumulated накопичена
desalinator опріснювач
conversion обертання
photoelectric фотоелектричний
installation установка
is expedient доцільно
desert пустеля
rated capacity встановленна потужність
efficient рентабельний
phototransformers had proved their worth фотоперетворювачі виявилися доцільними
to raise піднімати
to freshen оcвіжати
well криниця
solar rays сонячні промені
rotate обертатися, повертатися

2. Read and translate the text:

Retell the text.

Retell the text.



1. What is the Earth?

2. How far does the Earth travel around the Sun?

3. What is the reason for the computer revolution?

4. What is the principle of computers?

5. Where can laser be used?

6. What does the laser consist of?

7. What is ammeter used for?

8. Is it difficult to measure current and voltage?

9. What are the advantages of electronic equipment?

10. Which way does electricity flow in transformers and lamps?

11. What has electronics given to the humanity?

12. What is the function of radiotelescope?

13. What does the simplest electric circuit consist of?

14. What is called an electric circuit?

15. What does electronics study?

16. What discovery gave a powerful stimulus to the development of electronics?

17. Where has the first photoelectric solar power station been put into operation?

18. How does the station operate?

19. What role does theoretical knowledge have in technological progress?

20. What is the role of interaction between science and technology?






1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

automation -aвтоматизаці
research -дослідження
prominent -видатний
productivity of the labour -продуктивність праці
prospects are breath taking -захоплюючі дух перспективи
replacement -заміна, перестановка
foreseeable future -передбачене майбутнє
thermonuclear reaction -термоядерна реакція
incalculable stores -незличенні запаси
century -вік
thermal and hydropower plants -теплові і гидроелектростанції
cybernetics -кiбернетика
overall effect -загальний eфект
release -звільняти,полегшувати
growth -ріст,зростання
pave the way -прокладати дорогу
in turn -в свою чергу


2. Read and translate the text:




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