Match the following words and word combinations from the text with their Ukrainian equivalents. 

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Match the following words and word combinations from the text with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1) with a sweet tooth a) скласти, вигадати

2) to surf the Net b) навмання

3) to make up c) відділ боротьби з


4) at random d) блукати Інтернетом

5) fraud squad e) ласий до ласощів

6) dumbfounded f) залишки

7) the remains g) підліток

8) juvenile h) приголомшений

9) offender i) правопорушник

10) charity j) благодійність


Read the text about Dublin’s First Cyber Criminal and translate the sentences with the words and phrases from Ex. 1.

Text B

A teenage boy with a sweet tooth has become Ireland’s first Internet criminal after ordering £1,600 of chocolate on the credit card of an Argentinean.


The case began in Dublin, where a 15-year-old boy was surfing the Net on his parents’ computer. He found an American company offering home deliveries of chocolate. The boy called up the order form, filled in his name and address and placed an order for $2,000 of chocolate. When asked for his credit card number, he made one up. He typed in 16 digits at random.


Four days later, while his parents were out, a courier delivered the chocolate. The boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, hid the goods in his room.

Meanwhile, the credit card holder in Argentina was distressed to discover that he had paid $2,000 to an American company supplying chocolates. He denied any knowledge of the order. The American suppliers checked the order form, realized, the order had gone to Dublin rather than to Argentina and contacted the Irish police. The Irish fraud squad began investigating its first case of Internet fraud.


Police called at the boy’s home and witnessed him eating the evidence. According to one Irish weekend newspaper, his parents were stunned at the discovery. All three cooperated fully with the police and recovered the remains of the chocolate.


As a juvenile, the boy will not be charged with obtaining goods by false pretences and the American company donated the chocolate to a children’s charity in Dublin. The offender is said to be “sick of the sight of chocolate”.

Notes: rather than to – а не до

to donate – дарувати, жертвувати

to charge with - звинувачувати у

offender - правопорушник

3. Find in the text the words that mean:

- an event that the police look into;

- relating to the law;

- the crime of tricking people to get the money using the Net;

- to try to discover the truth;

- to see something happen;

- facts or things that prove the truth;

- a young person, not yet an adult;

- a person who has committed a crime.

Ask the questions to get the following answers.

1. A teenage boy with a sweet tooth.

2. He made up a credit card number.

3. Yes, he typed them at random.

4. Because the American suppliers found out that the order had gone to Dublin rather than to Argentina.

5. Yes, they saw him eating the evidence.

6. The boy’s parents.

7. Because he was a juvenile.

8. To a children’s charity in Dublin.

5. Insert the prepositions (in, at (2), to, up, for).

1. The teacher asked her students not to answer ___ random.

2. The policeman explained that he wouldn’t tell us the name of the suspect __ legal reasons.

3. The first thing I had to do after reading the advertisement in the Internet was to call ___ the order form.

4. When Tom called ___ his friends’ place, he saw that they were surfing the Net.

5. According ___ the rules of the hotel, you’ll have to fill ___ the form.

6. Read the text and complete the blanks with the correct form of the word in capitals.

One of the reasons Internet sites enjoy so much popularity is because they are 1) ______, which means they allow users to act, choose and take part in the process. There are so many websites that it is highly 2) ____ that a person can visit all of them. Nowadays, there are 3) _____ websites that contain suggestions on how to make your life better. Whether it is advice by 4) _____ on how to wear your hair or how to decorate your house, there is something on the Net for everyone. Popular websites also include tips for a healthier life, online aerobics, dietary 5) _____ for overweight people who need to lose those extra pounds, or forums helping housewives avoid _____ household products. As the world is becoming 7) ________computer literate, more and more people feel 8) ______ on the Internet.   INTERACT     LIKELY COUNT   STYLE     SUGGEST   HARM INCREASE DEPEND


Discuss the following in the groups.

1. Did the boy commit a real crime?

2. Imagine that you are involved in this case. What would you do if you were:

a) the American company?

b) the boy’s parents?

c) the police?

d) the Argentinean?

3. Should the boy be punished by his parents or by the police?

4. At what age do you think people are responsible for their actions?

5. What do you use the computer for? The Internet? What are the most popular sites that you usually enter?

6. What are advantages and disadvantages of using the computer? (The Internet?)


Translate these sentences into English.

1. Відповідно до оголошення, ця компанія пропонує доставку додому.

2. Той IPod був вкрадений особою, ім’я якої ми не будемо називати з юридичних причин.

3. Правопорушник заперечив, що пожертвував 10 тисяч гривень на благодійність.

4. Якщо ви хочете заснувати свою компанію у нашій країні, вам треба бути дуже багатим.

5. Вона вірить, що коли набере номер телефону навмання, то знайде свою долю.

6. Комп’ютери стають надзвичайно важливим аспектом у житті кожної людини так само, як і у діяльності будь-якої компанії.

7. Він сказав, що для того, щоб зробити замовлення через Інтернет, нам необхідно заповнити бланк.

8. Тепер, комп’ютери є невід’ємною частиною бухгалтерського обліку.

9. Він попросив її не жертвувати гроші на благодійність, оскільки для нього це було надзвичайно важливо.

10.Розвиваючи інформаційні системи, ми зможемо приймати правильні рішення.


Unit 1 Life style

Learn the stories by heart to remember the models.

Peter like s cookies. In fact he eat s them all the time. His friends often tell him that he eat s too many cookies. But Peter doesn’t think so. He think s they are delicious.


Gloria likes coffee. In fact she drink s it all the time. Her doctor often tell s her that she eat s too many cookies. But Gloria doesn’t think so. She think s it is delicious.


Sally doesn’t like vegitables. In fact, she never eat s them. Her parents often tell her that vegitables are good for her. But Sally doesn’t care. She think s they taste terrible.


Michael doesn’t like yogurt. In fact, he never eat s it. His daughter often tell s him that yogurt is good for him. But Michael doesn’t care. He think s it tastes terrible.


Read the text and discuss the questions given below.

An American in Ukraine

I am teaching economics, in Kyiv. My home used to be in Washington, D.C. In America, most people live outside the cities. There are hundreds of thousands of single family houses outside the city. In America only the poor have to live close together in apartments.


To cover long distances people need cars. Almost everyone, including students, grandparents, workers, and house wives has a car. People drive everywhere. It is not the case here.


I have five brothers and no sisters. Large families were common in 1960’s. Today, most families have two, three or four children. I am surprised at the number of families with just one child here. Of course, in America houses are larger so taking care of children is easier. Many labour-saving appliances, like dishwashers, washing machines, and driers, make life easier for mothers.


In America, the apartments are classified by the number of bedrooms. I used to live in a two bedroom apartment (here it is three rooms) with a friend and his dog. Some single people live with their parents, but less than here. No married couples live with their parents.

When I visit my friends, we always do something. We don’t just sit around, smoke and drink vodka. Often we go to the gym(nasium). We go to the movies about once a week. In good weather we go roller skating.


We go out to eat about once a day. Most of my friends and I do not know how to cook. That is no problem. We just eat out or buy frozen food or canned food.

I am thirty years old. Here in Kyiv, people often ask “Why aren’t you married?” No one, except my Mum, asked me that in America. It seems like everyone gets married young here. In America, most people spend their twenties having fun, trying to make money, or taking post-graduate courses.


· Do you think the American likes our way of life? Prove your point.

· Does he often try to find excuses (знаходити оправдання) for what he sees in Ukraine?

· The man stayed in Kyiv in the early nineties. Has anything changed since then? Are his impressions always true? Discuss it.

Unit 2 Countries


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