Make a list of specific things which you and your family could do to help protect our environment for future generations. 

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Make a list of specific things which you and your family could do to help protect our environment for future generations.

Work in pairs to see how 'green' you are. Fill in the questionnaire yourself and then compare your answers and final score with your partner

1. Do you re-use plastic carrier bags?      
2. Do you buy organically-grown vegetables?      
3. Do you buy glass (not plastic) bottles?      
4. Do you take empty bottles to a "bottle bank"?      
5. Do you buy vegetables and fruit loose rather than in plastic packets?      
6. Do you buy free-range eggs?      
7.. Do you buy rechargeable batteries?      
8. Do you buy soap and cosmetics not tested on animals?      
9. Do you try to save energy in the home?      
10. If you have a car, do you use unleaded petrol?      
11. Do you try to use public transport or ride a bicycle as much as possible?      
12. Do you try to avoid using chemicals to kill garden pests?      
13. Do you keep paper or aluminum cans for recycling?      

SCORE: Score 1 point for every YES.

More than 10 points. You obviously care about the environment and try to preserve it

5-10 points. You are beginning to show some interest in the environment.

Less than 5 points. You don't seem very interested in being 'green'.


Unit 15


Grammar: The ing- forms

Learn the active vocabulary of the unit

atrandom application billing routine
evidence to perform task long-range planning to make up
remains record-keeping credit card holder warehousing
to store to increase to order on a credit card to witness
human being software accounting supplier
to process inventory control order form to deny (+ ing)
data processing home delivery to place an order to call at
tool leasing to surf the Net to call up
to solve currently payroll fraud
сapacity accuracy   to purchase

Pre-reading task

Match the words with their definitions.

1) payroll a) regular and habitual, common

2) routine b) the maximum amount something can


3) to handle c) a list of employees, specifying the salary

or wage of each

4) capacity d) to make practical or worthwhile use of

5) integral e) to manage successfully

6) to utilize f) formed of constituent parts; united


Match the following words ending in -ly with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1) efficiently a) фактично

2) virtually b) швидко

3) rapidly с) надзвичайно, все більше

4) increasingly d) ефективно, дієво

5) currently e) рано

6) early f) тепер

Read text A and translate the sentences with the words and phrases from Exs. 1 and 2.

Text A

The Role of Computers in Business

When first developed, computers were not used in business. It was not until the late 1950s and early 1960s that computers began to be used to organize, store, process, and present vast amounts of business information. In 1954 the first business application of a computer system was made for processing of payroll. Today processing payroll is just one of many routine computer operations. There has been a rapid increase of computer usage into almost every aspect of business: factory production, inventory control, warehousing and distribution, record-keeping, and even solving and decision-making.


Computers handle large amounts of data rapidly and can efficiently categorize, process and report information for a virtually unlimited capacity for processing business data. However, since computers cannot think, their role in business is limited to those areas in which they can process information more effectively and efficiently than human beings. At the administrative level, managers decide how computers and humans can be used most effectively to perform a particular business task.


Computers have become an integral part of day-to-day business transactions as well as analytic tools for long-range research and development.


Even a small business can utilize computers by either purchasing a small unit known as a minicomputer, leasing one, or by time-sharing system, each user is regularly scheduled for time to use the computer system. A wide variety of businesses and individuals (for example, college students, engineers and lawyers) participate in a time-sharing computer system.


By performing data processing tasks such as accounting and billing, computers play an increasingly important role in business. Currently, businesses develop overall management information systems in which computers function as essential tools in problem-solving and decision making at all administrative levels.

Notes: to schedule – планувати, тут виділяти

4. Translate the following phrases with by + -ing (gerund) into Ukrainian.

Example:- by performing виконуючи

шляхом виконання

за допомогою виконання


1) by developing; 2) by utilizing; 3) by solving; 4) by making; 5) by managing; 6) purchasing.


5. Translate the following word combinations into English.

1) купуючи комп’ютери; 2) шляхом орендування складів; 3) за допомогою виконання обробки даних; 4) розвиваючи інформаційні системи; 5) обробляючи платіжні відомості; 6) прийняттям правильних рішень.


6. Form nouns from the following verbs and translate them. What noun-forming suffixes did you use?

to store, to process, to organize, to inform, to apply, to use, to assist, to compare, to perform, to transact, to utilize, to lease, to manage, to participate.


7. Substitute appropriate terms for the highlighted words or phrases in the sentences below. There is one extra word:


lease, tools, transaction, categorize, stored, routine, integral, decision-making, effectively.


1. Products are kept in warehouses until they are shipped to supermarkets or department stores to be sold.

2. When a business or an individual needs to use an expensive piece of equipment, the decision is often made to rent rather than buy it.

3. Computers perform numerous common data processing tasks in business.

4. Computers handle large amounts of data rapidly and efficiently; they classify, process, and report this information.

5. Decision-making is an essential part of the managerial process.

6. In order to operate efficiently at all administrative levels, today's managers need knowledge of computers and their business applications.

7. Each piece of business involving the transfer of money must be carefully recorded in the firm's books.

8. Computers function as useful aids in the analysis of data.


8. Determine which statements are true and which are false.

1. Although the first business application of a computer was for processing payroll, computers are now used in almost every aspect of business.

2. Computers perform only data processing functions in business.

3. When computers were first developed, they were used in business operations.

4. In performing certain data processing tasks, computers can process information more efficiently than humans.

5. A company or an individual must buy a computer system in order to be able to use one.


9. Complete the following sentences:

When first developed, computers were not used in.... In 1954 the first business application of a.... Computers have a virtually unlimited capacity for....A wide variety of business and individuals participate in.... By performing data processing tasks such as... and..., computers are playing... in business. Businesses are developing overall management information systems in which computers function as essential tools in... and... at all administrative levels.


10. Using the table compare the effectiveness of computers and human beings for the following tasks. Comment on it.

Tasks to compare Computers Human beings
Speed with which work is performed Extremely fast Fairly slow
Accuracy of work Almost perfect Somewhat inaccurate
Ability to remember and retrieve (відновлювати) data Perfect Fairly poor
Ability to perform repetitive tasks Excellent Fairly poor
Ability to continue working without pause Excellent Poor
Ability to accept and follow instruction Perfect Inconsistent
Ability to adapt and innovate None Fairly good
Ability to learn by trial and error None Fairly good
Decision-making' ability None Fairly good
Cost per unit of work High if volume is low High if volume is high

Notes: by trial and error –шляхом проб і помилок

to retrieve - відновлювати



11. Read and reproduce the following dialogue:

A: So tell us, do you use the Internet, do you like surfing it?

B: Yeah, I spend quite a bit of time on the Internet, especially Web surfing. Well, and emailing too but mainly Web surfing, that's where the time gets eaten up.

A: What are your favourite Internet sites?

B: My favourite sites at the moment are probably, the Kodak site. It is a really good one and has some fantastic pictures and the NASA site is really good.

A: And what's the most unusual site you've found?

B: The most unusual site I've found is a guided tour of an American nuclear missile silo.

A: Wow!

B: And it's these guys that have broken into this old disused missile silo in the middle of the desert, and they've gone round taking pictures of it, and they give you this map, and you go on this Internet site into different rooms of this missile silo.

A: My next question is, well in that case, how often do you stay on line, is it longer than expected on a site like that?

B: Well, with a site like that it really is because, when you hit something like that you just go, I don't believe this is real, it's fantastic.

A: How many friends, I mean if any, have you made using a chat line?

В: I don't use the chat lines. I find them really silly and a bit dull. What I do, is finding out who of my friends are on email and then ask them about sites, like astronomy sites or things which are realistic. And the Web is just brilliant.

Notes: disused nuclear missile silo підземна база запуску ядерних ракет, що вийшла з ужитку

when you hit something… – коли ти натрапляєш на щось …



Pre-reading task


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