Read and translate the words before the text. Mind one odd word there. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and find the odd one. You must use each word only once. 

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Read and translate the words before the text. Mind one odd word there. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and find the odd one. You must use each word only once.


admitted / aim / arranged / celebrity / criterion / extended / found / founded / holdings / illustrates / including / personalities / public / superb / used / well


The National Portrait Gallery, in London, is the na­tional collection of portraits of British men and women, including drawings, miniatures, busts, and photographs as (1) … as oil paintings. The gallery was (2) … in 1856 and opened to the (3) … in 1859 with a collection of 57 portraits. Its (4) … is to record and collect historical pictures and also to illustrate the (5)… of great men and women. The (6) … for inclusion in the gallery has always been the (7) … of the sitter rather than the merit of the artist, though many (8) … works of art are in the collection. Portraits of living persons were (9) … to the gallery only after many years of excluding them. The gallery moved to its present building, just off Trafalgar Square, in 1896 and was (10) … in the 1930s.


The collection is (11) … chronologically, beginning with the Tudors and moving on through the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries to portraits of living people. The ar­rangement of the gallery (12) …different themes in British history, and maps and other objects are (13) … to complement the pictures. Among the gallery's (14) … are portraits of the kings and queens of England, (15)... one by Hans Holbein of Henry VIII with his father and a fine portrait of Elizabeth I.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Чи є докази, що Львів було засновано у 1256 році?

2. На Хортиці є історичні місця, які відносяться до ІV тисячоліття до н.е.

3. Де знаходяться залишки старого замку у Львові?

4. Запоріжжя – відносно молоде місто, засноване у 30-х роках ХХ ст.

5. Яка частина Львова включена до “Списку світової культурної спадщини” ЮНЕСКО?

6. Київська Русь була могутньою європейською державою з високорозвиненою культурою.

7. Вони внесли свій вклад у розвиток міста.

8. На цій просторій площі ми розмістимо всі сучасні скульптури.

9. Життя коротке, мистецтво – вічне.

10.Багато видатних людей жили та працювали у Харкові.

Communication focus (asking the way).

Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue giving direction to your friend who does not know the city. Use the following expressions

Turn right

Turn left into Drukarska street

Take the second turning on the right

Go past the church

Go past the fountain

Go down / along this road as far as the traffic lights

Go to the end of the road

The building is on your right / left

Turn left / right at the post-office

The City Hall is on your right



Describe your way to different places on the map.

Give your impression of Lviv/Kharkiv and describe your favourite place in the city.


Unit 9


Grammar: Past habits – Present habits: used to – to be used to

Learn the active vocabulary of the unit

guidebook to recover from mug of tea fried
cutlery sizzling sausage to be coated with delight
lard plain pot of salt and pepper incredible
to offer sth essential on an empty stomach at least
to stare devoted followers window glass to remove
greasy to go unnoticed sticky layer
to contain to cover delicious to hurry
baked beans to run out of  

Read the following extracts from text A. What do you think the underlined words and phrases mean? Try to work out their meaning from the context (without using a dictionary).

1. These small restaurants are so common that they often go unnoticed, but if they were removed, the country would be on its knees.

To be on one’s knees means

a) to be very happy;

b) to be nearly destroyed;

c) to be very difficult to notice.

2. … there are hundreds of them, fuelling the population with bacon, egg and sausage.

To fuel in this context means

a) to feed;

b) to drive;

c) to poison.

3. In a typical greasy spoon, you will find people from different walks of life.

People from all walks of life means

a) are not very well-off;

b) come from different social groups;

c) have a lot of free time.

4. Poets, builders, hurrying businessmen, students lazing around with huge mugs of tea.

Lazing around means

a) to wander about;

b) to sit;

c) to have nothing to do.

5. If you want something less filling, there’s still a lot to choose from.

Less filling in this context means

a) not so tasty;

b) not so nutritious (поживний);

c) less delicious.

Read the text about Greasy Spoons and translate the sentences with the phrases from Ex. 1

Text A

“Greasy spoons” very rarely appear in guidebooks, but they are an essential part of life in the UK, especially for people living in the bigger cities. These small restaurants are so common that they often go unnoticed, but if they were removed, the country would be on its knees. In London there are hundreds of them, fuelling the population with bacon, eggs and sausage.


Greasy spoon cafés are so called because any cutlery that comes into contact with the food is immediately coated with a sticky, greasy layer of lard. Greasy spoons are generally found slightly away from the main streets of most towns, they usually have large glass windows, a plastic sign with the name of the café – usually containing the name of the owner, e.g. Mario’s, Bob’s Place, Rita’s café – and a huge menu offering a wide variety of delights. Inside they are generally clean and functional. You’ll see old wooden seats, tables covered with cracked linoleum and plain walls. Each table has on it a bottle of brown sauce, tomato ketchup and vinegar, and pots of salt and pepper.


In a typical greasy spoon, you will find people from all walks of life: poets, builders, hurrying businessmen, students lazing around with huge mugs of tea. Some read novels, some stare into space, and others read newspapers.


The meals here are dangerously unhealthy and absolutely delicious. All kinds of fried food can be bought for incredibly low prices. The centrepiece is usually the traditional English breakfast. You have to be really brave to eat it in the morning, because it’s huge. At least two pieces of bacon, two sizzling sausages, two fried eggs, fried mushrooms, baked beans and bread soaked in hot oil and fried. The English breakfast is full of meat and fat. If you want something less filling, there’s still a lot to choose from. There is also often a range of vegetarian sausages and burgers.

Greasy spoons have some devoted followers. If you type “greasy spoon” into an Internet search there will appear hundreds of entries. You can see pictures, reviews, menus and stories about it. But of course, it’s better to go to a greasy spoon café yourself.

Notes: vinegar – оцет;

centrepiece – основний об’єкт

entry –повідомлення

a range of – тут вибір


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