What Kind of Traveller Are You? 

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What Kind of Traveller Are You?

1. When you go to the institute in the morning, you:

a) use your car or get a lift in a friend’s car;

b) use public transport, even though you own a car;

c) walk or cycle.

2. When you want to go to the local supermarket, you:

a) get into your car and drive there;

b) walk to the nearest bus stop and get on a bus;

c) walk or jump on your bike.

3. If you have to catch a train and there is a delay of more than half an hour, you:

a) lose your temper and start to shout at those around you;

b) walk nervously up and down the platform;

c) sit on a bench, listen to your MP3 player and whistle (свистіти) to yourself.

4. When a bus or underground train is very crowded, you:

a) squeeze (втискаєтеся) on board but promise yourself that you will never travel by public transport again;

b) get on and try to make yourself comfortable;

c) wait for the next one to arrive.

5. When the government talks about building a new metro line, you:

a) grumble about the amount of money it will cost;

b) say that it’ll probably never happen;

c) congratulate politicians on their attempts to solve the traffic problems of the city.

6. After the party you don’t want to drive so you:

a) take a taxi, though you know the fare (платня) will be very high;

b) ask for a lift with someone going in the same direction;

c) go to the nearest bus stop and wait an hour for the bus.

7. When you go on holiday abroad, you usually:

a) book a flight through your travel agent or over the Internet;

b) travel by car or train, even though it takes a long time;

c) avoid flying because you worry about the damage caused to the environment.

8. Your idea of luxury is:

a) jumping on a plane and staying in a five star Manhattan hotel for the weekend;

b) sunbathing on the deck (палуба) of a luxury cruise ship;

c) going on a walking holiday and relaxing in a hot bath at the end of each day.

9. While on holiday you like to:

a) see the sights in style from a horse-drawn carriage;

b) take a sight-seeing bus for tourists;

c) stroll (прогулюватися) around with a guide book in your hand.

10. Your idea of having a good time is:

a) travelling at high speed in a powerful sport car;

b) feeling the wind in your hair on the back of the motorbike;

c) peering (вдивлятися) at the map in the rain on the top of the mountain.

Notes: you get a lift in a friend’s car – тебе підвозять у машині друга

to lose one’s temper – втрачати терпіння


Score 10-16

You like to be comfortable when you travel. This is more important to you than how much you pay for the journey. You also think that it is important to arrive at your destination quickly, with a minimum of fuss (метушні). However, you like to spoil (тут догоджати) yourself when you are on holiday and will sometimes spend a lot of money in order to travel in style.


Score 17-23

You are a fan of fast, clean and efficient public transport and often grumble to your friends about the traffic and pollution caused by too many cars. You like to arrive at your destination on time but you are not prepared to pay high taxi fares in order to do so. Finally you are a bit of romantic and would jump at the opportunity to travel on the Orient Express – but only if someone offered you free tickets.


Score 24-30

You would probably have been much happier living a hundred years ago, walking everywhere or riding a horse. You don’t like the way cities have changed recently and often complained about traffic jams, car exhaust fumes and noise pollution. Finally you like to keep fit and have a number of pass times which keep your body in shape. Are you a vegetarian, by the way?


Unit 6


Grammar: Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect

Learn the active vocabulary of the unit.

to blowinto pigeon contradictory exquisite
heavily amateur artist rapidly devotion
exceptional to complete to curtail to have a liking for
to suffer from amazingly contemporary charming
prominent to break the rules to join smb. come in touch with
to spoil Talent for keen traitor
to forbid (forbade, forbidden) onthe whole handsome fascinating
to involve couple distinguished draw to
to refuse to spill (spilt) remarkable known for
accidentally to sign    


1. Translate the sentences into English. Use Past Simple [-ed] or Past Continuous [was/were+-ing]. Follow the example. Mind the difference.


1. Я/ він/ вона був/була /ми, ви, вони були….

I/ he / she was a bodyguard / we, you, they were bodyguards.

1а. Я/ ти/ він/ вона/ ми /ви/ вони переїхали до Львова у 1978 році.

I/ you/ he/ she moved to Lviv in 1978.

2. Я/ ти/ він/ вона дивився/ дивилася цей фільм від 5 до 8 години вчора увечері.

I/he/ she was watching / we, you/ they were watching this movie from....

1. О чверть на сьому мій син слухав музику.

2. Моя дочка бере уроки малювання.

3. Вони друкували документи, коли приїхав директор.

4. Коли ми увійшли, гості танцювали.

5. Він був знаменитим у минулому столітті.

6. Пабло намалював свою першу картину, коли йому було 13.

7. Вони дуже любили свого єдиного сина і балували його.

8. Коли я побачив її вперше, вона несла дивовижні квіти.

9. Коли він навчався в університеті, він був залучений до участі у драматичному гуртку.

10. Він завершив роботу 3 години тому.


Make up some sentences of your own. Use the past simple or the past continuous with the verbs from the list above. Write them down.

Make the sentences from Ex. 1 or 2 interrogative and negative. Follow the example.


1. He was anamateur artist. Was he anamateur artist? He was not anamateur artist.

1a. They moved to Lviv in 1978. Did they move to …? They did not (didn’t) move to Lviv in 1978.

2. She was watching this movie from 5 till 8 in the evening yesterday.

Was she watching this movie from …? She was not (wasn’t) watching this …

Read part of a student’s diary. Find and correct eight mistakes in the use of the Past Simple.

Today in class we read a poem by Robert Frost. I really enjoy it. It was about a person who choosed between two roads in a forest. Before he made his decision, he spents a lot of time trying to decide which road to follow. Many people thought the person were Frost. In the end, he take the road that was less travelled on. He decided to be a poet. That decision change his life a lot.

Sometimes I feel a little like Frost. Two years ago I decided to come to this country. That were the biggest decision of my life.


Read the text about P. Picasso. Find the sentences with past forms. Comment on them. Translate the sentences.

Text A..

On October 1881 a little boy was born in Malaga, Spain. It was a difficult birth and to help him breathe, cigar smoke was blown into his nose! This baby grew up to be one of the 20th century’s greatest painters – Pablo Picasso.

Picasso showed his truly exceptional talent from a very young age. His first word was lápiz (Spanish for pencil) and he learned to draw before he could talk. He was the only son in the family and very good-looking, so he was very much spoilt. He hated school and often refused to go unless his loving parents allowed him to take one of his father’s pigeons with him.


Apart from pigeons, his great love was art, and when in 1891 his father, who was an amateur artist, got a job as a drawing teacher at a college, Pablo went with him to the college. He often watched his father paint and sometimes was allowed to help. One evening his father was painting a picture of their pigeons when he had to leave the room. He returned to find that Pablo had completed the picture and it was so amazingly beautiful and lifelike that he gave his son his own brushes and never painted again. Pablo was just 13.


Many people realized that Pablo was a genius but he disappointed those who wanted him to become a traditional painter. He was always breaking the rules of artistic tradition and shocked the public with his strange and powerful pictures. He is probably best known for his “Cubist” pictures. His work changed our ideas about art, and to millions of people modern art means the work of Picasso. Guernica, which he painted in 1937, is undisputedly one of the masterpieces of modern art.


Picasso created over 6,000 paintings, drawings and sculptures. Today a “Picasso” is worth several million pounds. Once, when the French Minister of Culture was visiting Picasso, the artist accidentally spilt some paint on the Minister’s trousers. Picasso apologized and wanted to pay for them to be cleaned, but the Minister said “No. Please, Monsieur Picasso, just sign my trousers!”

Picasso died of heart failure during an attack of influenza in 1973.

Notes: masterpiece – шедевр

undisputedly - безсумнівно

influenza - грип


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