Answer the question to the text. 

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Answer the question to the text.

1. Was Roger happy when he lost his job?

2. What sort of job was it?

3. Does Roger get up late? Why?

4. Does he use his van to carry his dog?

5. What does he carry in his van?

6. What kind of work does Roger do every autumn?

7. Is he married?

8. What is the only problem with his job?

9. Is he earning much at the moment? Why?

10. Why does he think he is happy?

4. Imagine you have a chance to speak to Roger. Ask him:

1) what his hobby is; 2) when he leaves home in summer 3) what season it is at the moment and what he is doing; 4) if he likes working outside; 5) what he does after work; 6) where he has his flat; 7) what Fiona does; 8) why he is not earning much at the moment; 9) if they are eating at the restaurant right now; 10) what he collects.

Tell your friend about Roger’s life style. Would you like it?

Translate the following sentences into English. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1. Іван переважно встає о 7 годині ранку. Зараз він встає о 5.30, бо має дуже багато роботи.

2. Він часто цілком не снідає. Марія зараз їсть багато. Вона хоче поправитися (to put on some weight).

3. Що ти робиш сьогодні увечері? Я прибираю квартиру і варю їсти.

4. Що робить Фіона? Вона дизайнер.

5. Переважно Роджер готує вечерю, але зараз він не готує вечерю, він розмовляє з нами.

6. Кожної весни Роджер садить квіти. Зараз осінь і Роджер не садить квіти, він прибирає в садах.

7. Вони не дивляться телевізор, бо вони не мають телевізора. Який фільм ви дивитися? Він вам подобається?

8. Завтра вони їдуть (to drive) на село.

Comment on three situations the Present Continuous is used.



What do you think is the happiest time of a person’s life: when you are a child or an adult? Why? Give your reasons.

Here are the results of some survey done in Britain. Study them. At what time in their lives are British people happiest? When are they least happy? Why do you think this is? What about Ukrainian people? Would the results of a similar survey in Ukraine be different? What would be different?

The words and phrases below may help you.

the survey shows that the bar chart shows that atthe age of people in their thirties/forties they are older/younger happier than… the happiest the least happy more/less independent than… regular job take care of a sharp rise to be inlove



Unit 2


Grammar: The Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

Learn the active vocabulary of the unit.

to manage to do sth when it comes to violent the same as
to behave as for subway /underground whereas
a bill frequently complain about casual clothes
to cost difference in on the whole according to
accommodation to conduct a survey compulsory in addition to
poison pollution besides existence
to be pleased with impression of to provide to accumulate
immediately to save money similar to reserved
  living standard    

Text A

First Impressions

Diana Weston from Brooklyn, New York

“My first impression of Britain is that people are much more formal. For example, in the States we use first names almost immediately but here I have to be more careful. And British people are generally more polite. A New Yorker says: “Give me the check, will you!” when he finishes a meal but here in Britain they say: “Excuse me. Do you think you could give me the bill?”


I don’t find a lot of difference in prices. They are about the same as in the States, I guess. It’s the same with accommodation. I think it’s a bit cheaper in London than in New York but there is not a lot of difference. One thing is certain, though, London is not as violent as New York. Some friends of mine who live in the Bronx have four locks on their door! I also prefer the subway here. It’s cleaner and quieter, although the service isn’t as efficient. On the whole, though, London is more polluted than New York because everyone there has to use lead-free petrol but in Britain it’s not compulsory.


When it comes to work and business, my impression is that the British are much less hard-working than Americans. Sometimes I think the British don’t know what a day’s work means.”

Mr Yama from Osaka

“The prices here are about the same as in Japan, except for accommodation. In Japan the cost of accommodation is very high, much higher than in Britain. You also get more for your money here. For example, the houses, flats and the gardens are much bigger. There is more open space here, too. In London there are lots of parks and the city isn’t as polluted as Tokyo. However, I think society here is more violent. You read every day in the newspapers about some violence on the streets.


As for the people, I think the British are less formal, not only in the way they behave, but also in the way they dress. People wear much more casual clothes here than in Japan.


When it comes to business, the Japanese work longer hours than the British, often twelve hours a day. But the amusing thing for us is that the British change jobs much more frequently than we do. In Japan you usually stay in the same company for your whole working life.

Notes: lead-free petrol - неетильований бензин


1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is Diana’s first impression of Britain?

2. Are the British more polite than the Americans?

3. Why is London more polluted than New York?

4. What does Diana Weston think about work and business in both countries?

5. The prices and accommodation in Great Britain are about the same as in the USA, aren’t they?

6. How does Mr. Yama compare the cost of accommodation in Japan and Great Britain?

7. What does he think about the violence on the streets in Great Britain?

8. In what way are the British less formal than the Japanese?

9. Do the Japanese work longer hours than the British?

10. What is the most amusing thing for Japanese people when they visit Great Britain?

2. Choose the correct answer to continue the sentences:

1. In the USA people use first names

a) at once after being introduced;

b) in 15 minutes;

c) in two days.

2. British people are more polite because when they

a) start a meal;

b) leave a restaurant;

c) finish their meal

they say: “Excuse me. Do you think you could give me a bill?”

3. London is not as violent as New York because some of Diana’s friends who live in the Bronx, USA

a) have four locks on their door;

b) don’t have locks on their door;

c) must have locks on their door.

4. In Japan the cost of accommodation is

a) much higher;

b) cheaper; than in Great Britain.

c) expensive

5. People in Great Britain wear more casual clothes

a) than in Japan;

b) than in the USA;

c) than in Ukraine.

6. Mr. Yama says that in Japan you usually work for the same company

a) for 10 years;

b) for 20 years;

c) for the whole working life.

Grammar spot


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