State power, square, flat, all over the world, border, arts, mountains, mineral resources, ancient, agricultural, independence 

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State power, square, flat, all over the world, border, arts, mountains, mineral resources, ancient, agricultural, independence


1. Ukraine… on Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.

2. Ukraine has an…history. It has its own culture and…

3. The territory of Ukraine is 603.700…kilometres.

4. Ukraine is rich in oil, iron, ore, coal, natural gas and other…

5. As a sovereign state, Ukraine has its own territory and government, higher and local bodies of…(the Supreme Council and local Council), a national emblem, state flag and anthem.

6. 95% of the Ukrainian territory is…and the rest of it is mountainous.

7. August 24th is a national holiday in Ukraine - … Day.

8. Ukraine is a well – developed industrial and… country.

9. The Carpathian…are situated not far from Lviv.

10. Ukrainian scientists are well – known…

Topic: Kyiv - the capital of Ukraine

Active Vocabulary:

On both sides – по обидва боки

Ancient – стародавній

On the high hills – на високих пагорбах

A well-developed industry – добре розвинута промисловість

To produce – виробляти

The Academy of Sciences – академія наук

Research institutes – науково-дослідні інститути

Pride – гордість

Glory – слава

A transport vessel – транспортне судно

Consumer goods – споживчі товари

A chestnut – каштан


Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and one of the biggest cities in Europe. It lies on both sides of the river Dnieper. Darnytsya is on the left side of the Dnieper and ancient Kyiv is on the high hills on the right side of the Dnieper.

Kyiv is а lаrge administrative, economic, scientific, cultural and educational center of Ukraine. Its population is over three million people.

The city has a well-developed industry. Its factories and plants produce sea and river transport vessels, air liners, computers, machine tools, instruments, motorcycles, building materials, consumer goods.

Kyiv is also one of the largest scientific and educational centres of our country. The Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and many research institutes are located in the capital. There are over 20 higher and hundreds of secondary educational establishments in Kyiv. Famous Kyivo-Mohylyanska Academy, which is one of the first scientific establishments in Eastern Europe, is also situated here.

Kyiv is the centre of political life in Ukraine. All major political events take place here.

Kyiv is the largest ancient centre of national Ukrainian culture. There are many monuments, libraries, churches, squares and beautiful parks in it.

Kyiv is also known as a city of museums. One of the most interesting is the State Historical Museum of Ukraine.

Тhere are many theatres in Kyiv. Kyiv Shevchenko Opera and Ballet House and Kyiv Ivan Franko Drama Theatre are well-known all over the country.

Kyiv is one of the oldest cities of Europe and there are many ancient relics in it. Among the most famous places of the city is the St. Sophia’s Cathedral (1017–31), the Golden Gate (1017–24), Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra (1051), the Andriivska Church (1754), the monuments to Prince Volodymyr, Taras Shevchenko, Bohdan Khmelnytsky and many others.

Kyiv is famous for its chestnuts. The Dnieper makes Kyiv wonderful. The main street of Kyiv is certainly Khreshchatyk. It is a very beautiful street with high modern buildings. Day by day the city of Kyiv becomes more and more attractive. It is the pride and glory of Ukraine.

Vocabulary exercises

I.Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations

· день за днем

· найцікавіший

· бути відомим по всій країні

· навчальні заклади

· науковий центр

· серед них

· звичайно

· бути розташованим

· собор

· центр української культури

· згідно з

· головні політичні події

II. Answer the following questions

1. What kind of city is Kyiv?

2. Where does Kyiv lie?

3. What’s the population of Kyiv?

4. Is Kyiv is a large political, industrial, scientific and cultural center? Why do you think so?

5. What goods are produced in Kyiv?

6. Why is Kyiv known as the city of museums?

7. What ancient relics can be found in Kyiv?

8. What is Kyiv famous for?

III. Arrange the words in the sentences using the correctword order

1. founded, brothers, sister, ancient, three, according, the, Kyiv, by, and, their, legend, was, to.

2. our, a, architectural, there, lot, capital, monuments, are, of, in.

3. Kyiv, are, centres, and, of, office, a, there, banks, lot, in, new.

4. was, by,city, Slavic, founded, of, Kyiv, the, people.

5. was, Academy, in, the, Kyivo, founded, Mohylyanska, 1632.

6. Kyiv, is, three, people, the, of, about, population, million.

7. St. Sophia, is, masterpiece, Cathedral, the, of, the, people, unique, Ukrainian.

8. attracts, tourists, Kyiv, every, thousands, of, year.

9. Kyiv, scientific, and, is, of, a, cultural, important, industrial, centre, Europe.

10. a, lot, of, are, in, Kyiv, research, institutes, located.

IV. Give the corresponding nouns to the following verbs

To declare, to know, to populate, to develop, to produce, to cooperate, to locate, to build, to educate, to manage, to govern, to form, to found, to equip, to establish, to invent.

V.Complete the following sentences

1. Kyiv lies on ….

2. Kyiv is a producer of ….

3. Kyiv is famous for ….

4. The population of Kyiv is ….

5. The Academy of Sciences of Ukraine ….

6. Among the most famous relics of Kyiv is ….

7. The main street ….

8. The main professional theatres are ….

9. The State Historical Museum of Ukraine is one of ….

VI. Ask questions indicated in brackets

1. Kyiv is a leading industrial and commercial centre of Ukraine. (What?)

2. Various universities and science academies can be found in Kyiv. (Where?)

3. The development of Ukrainian economy gave impulse to business activity of the city. (To what?)

4. Many famous artists, poets and writers estimated the unique beauty of this city. (Who?)

5. Theatre-lovers will visit theatres of the capital any time. (When?)

6. Kyiv is distinguished for its rich cultural life. (For what?)


VII. M atch each term in Column A with its definition in Column B


1. a relic a. things that are produced to be sold

2. to found b. connected with the trade, industry, and

development of wealth of a country

3. a producer c. a large institution

4. economic d. to be located in a particular place

5. an establishment e. the main church of a district

6. a cathedral f. an object, that has survived from the past

7. goods g. a country that grows or makes food, goods or


8. to lie h. to be the first to start building and living in a

town or country


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