Read and translate the texts. 

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Read and translate the texts.


People of different nations have different tastes in food and different table manners. It is useful for us to know what sort of meals English people have and how they behave at table. Four meals served in English family every day may have different names: breakfast, dinner, tea and supper or breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner.

A traditional English breakfast consists of porridge, bacon and eggs, buttered toast with marmalade, tea or coffee.

About 11 in the morning some Englishmen who work have their tea or coffee break. They never call it meal as tea is brought to their working place.

Then at midday, everything is stopped for lunch. Most offices are closed and the streets are full of people on their way to cafes. The usual midday meal consists of 2 courses: first a meat course is served with plenty of vegetables. It may be potatoes, peas, beans or cabbage. This is followed by a sweet dish, perhaps fruit pudding with tea.

Those who eat at home usually call their midday meal dinner and make it the main one of the day. It consists of 3 or 4 courses and is cooked by the mother of the family.

The evening meal, when all the family gather round the table after their working day, goes under various names - tea, high tea, dinner or supper. It is usually a meat course followed by tinned fruit or cake and tea. But certainly it is not the same in every English home. Tastes differ.



Ukrainian cuisine is famous for its great variety of dishes. For example the popular Ukrainian borsch has as many as 20 ingredients. Among the 1 course dishes there are different kinds of soups. Some of them are not translated into English: «soup with galushky», «Yushka ala Kyjiv» and so on. The 1 course is usually served with sour cream, parsley and dill.

Many meat and fish dishes are fried, roasted, stewed and boiled to give them an original taste. Especially tasty are dishes with meat and vegetables, chicken, cutlets, home - made sausage, roast duck with apples and so on.

Very often meat or fish is garnished with various vegetables: potatoes, peas, beans, cabbage, tomatoes.

Ukrainian national cuisine has many dishes made from flour. The most popular are: varenyky, galushky, mlyntsi.


My working day at the office begins at 8, and ends at 5. It is simply necessary to have a bite during this time. Though I prefer to have dinner at home, sometimes I go to the canteen which is not far from my office. It is a rather wonderful place. It is a large, light clean room. There are several tables with 4 chairs round each of them. Every table is covered with a light cloth. There are also vases with napkins, salt-cellars and mustard-pots on every table.

Knives, forks and spoons are situated in a special place. Near the corner on the wall is hanging a menu-card.

Usually my dinner consists of two courses: a cup of tea or coffee, and plenty of sweet. The 1 course is soup. Best of all, I like chicken soup with homemade noodles. The 2 course is meat or fish with plenty of vegetables. It may be roast pig or stewed meat, chops or roast beef. Meat is usually garnished with potatoes, peas, beans, cabbage or tomatoes.

Sometimes for dinner I have a milk soup. At that time I am very glad because I like all the kinds of milk food such as: cheese, cottage cheese, butter and sour cream.

After all this comes my favourite dessert: tea or coffee, or stewed fruit with cakes or apple pie.

As it is a self-service canteen everybody must take away his plates after dinner to a special table.




to treat smb to smth

- What shall treat you to?

- Treat yourself to some salad.

- May I ask you for...?

- Will you pass me..?

to have smth in a milk-jug

sugar - basin

pepper - box

bread - basket

salt - cellar

- How do you find...?

to prefer smth to smth


to be tasty / delicious tender

bitter spicy

sour insipid

sweet fattening

to lack salt / sugar

to be oversalted



fried / mashed potatoes, potatoes in their jackets

to peel potatoes

soft / hard boiled eggs, fried eggs, an omelet,

scrambled eggs

clear / thick soup

vegetable soup, broth


roast chicken


smoked sausage


stewed meat




to be garnished with

stuffed turkey



to mix salad

to dress salad with mayonnaise

sunflower seed oil






whipped cream

sour - cream

cottage cheese

new milk



apple pie, cake






tinned fruit

pan – cake













egg - plant












(water) melon

pine apple





stewed fruit




dry / strong wine



to lay the table

to sit down to table

to be hungry

to cover the table with a table-cloth

self-service canteen

Institute refectory

snack - bar


to look through the menu

to be on the menu

to make an order

waiter / waitress

to choose smth to one's liking

the specialty of the house

to keep to diet

the 1st, 2nd course



1. Answer the questions:

1. Can you cook well? What dishes can you cook? What is your favourite dish?

2. What kinds of soup do you know? Which soup do you like better: cabbage or beet soup? meat soup or chicken broth?

3. What dishes can be served for the second course? Do you prefer mashed potatoes to potatoes in their jackets for the

second course?

4. What appetizers do you usually take? Is there a good choice of salads at our refectory?

5. Are you fond of sweet dishes? What do you usually have for dessert?

6. What things do you usually get out when you lay the table: for breakfast, dinner, supper?

7. How many meals do you have daily?

8. Is your breakfast light or substantial?

9. What did you have for dinner yesterday?

10. Are you poor or hearty eater?

11. Who does cooking in your family?


2. Find what word is extra and explain why:

• sorrel, peas, parsley, dill;

• cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbages, mashed potatoes;

• soda water, beer, champagne, cognac;

• salmon, hot pot, trout, herring;

• cauliflower, pepper, peach, egg - plant;

• tangerine, water melon, lobster, raspberry;

• lettuce, broth, fried fish, noodle soup;

• cottage cheese, stewed fruit, whipped cream, new milk.


3. Match the pairs of antonyms:

i sweet

i light

i strong

i spicy

i juicy

i to lay the table

i a hearty eater

i fresh

i to be oversalted

i hard boiled

i delicious

i to be undone

• weak

• stale

• to lack salt

• substantial

• sour

• insipid

• soft - boiled

• to be overdone

• a poor eater

• to clear the table

• tender

• dry

4. Name four or five kinds of:

meat dishes; soup; fruit; dishes taken for breakfast; dessert; beverages; appetizers; sweet dishes; vegetables; greens;

milk products; fruit.


5. Make up as many sentences as possible using the following table:

I My father Helen My parents My friends   prefer(s) coffee cottage cheese hot pot ham champagne mashed potatoes biscuits fresh fruit oranges cauliflower vegetable soup mayonnaise     to broth sausage cakes smoked fish potatoes in their jackets noodle soup cabbage tinned fruit tangerines tea sunflower seeds oil fresh milk


6. Agree with the following statements using the phrases bellow:

Yes, you're quite right.

It's really so.

I share your opinion.

I agree with you completely.

1. Tastes differ, don't they?

2. The cucumber salad is very tasty, isn't it?

3. Peeling potatoes takes a lot of time, doesn't it?

4. Seven cooks always spoil the meals, don't they?

5. Pears are tastier than apples, aren't they?

6. Your mother is a good cook, isn't she?

7. You're fond of pastry, aren't you?

8. Hunger is the best sauce, isn't it?

9. You are fond of having your meals at your refectory, aren't you?

10. Dinner is the most substantial meal of the day, isn't it?

11. Your friend can bake delicious cakes, can't she?

12. You prefer mineral water to lemonade, don't you?


7. Disagree with the following statements using the phrases below:

Nothing of the kind.

I'm afraid you are wrong.

I don't think so.

On the contrary.


1. Ukrainian cuisine has very few dishes made of flour.

2. A traditional English breakfast consists of soup, beef-stake and some hot-dogs with tea to follow.

3. Supper must be the most substantial meal of the day.

4. Ukrainian borsch has not more than two ingredients.

5. We have onions and caviar with tea or coffee for dessert.

6. It's impossible to get some drink in the cafe when you are thirsty.

7. Sour - cream is made from honey.

8. Garlic is a fruit sweet by taste.

9. English national dish is varenyky.

10. Smoked fish or sprats are usually served for the dessert.

11. Yorkshire pudding is eaten with forks and knives.

12. You are hungry as a hunter when you want to drink something.


8. Insert prepositions or post - verbal adverbs:

1. My dinner usually consists... three courses.

2.... the first course I usually take either cabbage or mushroom soup.

3. He prefers coffee... tea.

4. Help yourself... cake. I think it is very tasty.

5. May I trouble you... a slice... brown bread?

6. Dick treated us... stuffed turkey a few days ago.

7. Weak tea is not to my taste.

8. May offer you another cup...tea?

9. What will you take... the second course? 10. I am fond... roast chicken.


9. Ask your fellow students and let them answer the questions:

• if she is a hearty or poor eater;

• if she is fond of sweets (pastry, cookies);

• if she is fond of tangerines (oranges, bananas);

• what her favourite dish is;

• what she usually takes for the first course (the second course, dessert);

• what she usually treats her guests to when she has a party;

• if she likes her food spicy or insipid;

• what her breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper) consists of;

• at what time she has her meals;

• if she prefers strong to weak tea;

• if she likes beer (dry wine, champagne, soda water, wine);

• who lays the table in her family.



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