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Read and translate the dialogue and the text.



The secretary of the Russian Trade Delegation in London telephones the Tavistock Hotel1 to reserve a room for Mr. Kozlov.

Receptionist: Reception-desk. Tavistock Hotel. Good morning.
Secretary: Good morning. This is the Russian Trade Delegation. We'd like to reserve a room for Mr. Kozlov for three nights2 from the 20th of October.

Receptionist: Mr. Kozlov. Could you tell me3 what accommodation Mr.Kozlov would like to have?
Secretary: Yes, certainly. A single room with a private bath.

Receptionist: Just a minute. I'll see whether we have the accommodation available.
Secretary: Thank you.

Receptionist: Yes, I can reserve a single room with a bath from the 20th ofOctober, for three nights.

Secretary: Thank you. What's the charge?

Receptionist: Eight pounds tenpence4 a night5.

Secretary: Thank you. Good-bye.

Receptionist: Good-bye.



At about I o'clock in the afternoon Mister Kozlov arrived at the Tavistock Hotel. A hotel-porter took Kozlov's suitcase and showed him to the reception-desk. Kozlov told the receptionist that the Russian Trade Delegation had reserved a room in his name6 a few days before. The receptionist checked that and said that thеу could let him have a nice room on the third floor.7 After that the receptionist gave


Mister Kozlov a form and asked him to fill it in. Mister Kozlov wrote his name, address, nationality and ccupation on the form and gave it back. Then the porter took the key to Kozlov's room and they went to the lift. In a minute they were on the third floor. The porter unlocked the door, brought in the suit-case8and asked if that was all. Kozlov thanked him, gave him a tip and the porter went out. Kozlov unpacked his suit-case and rang the bell for a chambermaid9 because he wanted to have his suit pressed.

Chambermaid: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?
Kozlov: Good afternoon. Could I have my jacket and trousers pressed?

Chambermaid: Very good, sir. I think I can do it right away.

Kozlov: Thank you. By the way, could I have an extra blanket? I'm

afraid I'll be cold at night as the weather is damp to-day.
Chambermaid: I'll attend to it, sir.
Kozlov: Thank you. I wonder if the restaurant is open now.

Chambermaid: Yes, sir. The restaurant serves breakfast from eight to ten, lunch from twelve to two thirty and dinner from six to eight.
Kozlov: Thank you very much.


1. the Tavistock Hotel [ 'taevistok] — готель "Тавісток". Перед назвами готелів завжди вживається певний артикль. 2.... for three nights —... на три|три| доби 3. Could you tell me... — Не могли б ви сказати мені... Could — форма минулого часу від дієслова сап — часто уживається в мові|промові| як ввічлива форма по відношенню до теперішнього часу.

4. eight pounds4 tenpence а night5

а pound — фунт (грошова одиниця). На письмі фунт зображається|змальовується| знаком Ј. У фунті 100 пенсів; пенс зображається|змальовується| на листі буквою|літерою| d. penny [peni] —одн.|— пенні; pennies — множ|.., вживається тільки|лише| по відношенню до окремих монет.

репсе [pens] — множ|.., вживається для виразу|вираження| грошової су-
ми і пишеться злитно з|із| числівником від twopence до elevenpence.
[ t^реns], threepence [ 'Grepens]; evro [ 'juarou]-євро,

загально-європейська одиниця валюти. '


5. eight pounds tenpence а night — 8 фунтів 10 пенсів в добу.

У англійській мові не вживається прийменник|прийменник| в поєднаннях "в день|"

"в тиждень", "в місяць" і т.д.

Не works eight hours а day. — Він працює 8 годин в день.

She reads 50 pages а week. — Вона читає 50 сторінок в тиждень.

6.... in bis name... — на його ім'я

7.... they could let him have а nice room on the third floor —... вони можуть надати йому хорошу|добру| кімнату на третьому поверсі.

8. The porter... brought in the suit-case. — Портьє вніс чемодан.

9. Kozlov... rang the bell for а chambermaid. — Козлов|цапів| подзвонив (натиснув|натискував| кнопку), щоб викликати|спричинити| покоївку.


Префікс un [^n|] вживається головним чином перед прикметниками, дієсловами і прислівником і надає їм протилежне значення.

necessary необхідний, потрібний — unnecessary непотрібний, зайвий|надмірний|

usually звичайно — unusually незвично

to pack упаковувати|пакувати| — to unpack розпаковувати

to lock закривати|зачиняти| на замок — to unlock відкривати|відчиняти|




to stay v

They stayed at the Minsk Hotel.

I stayed at home on Sunday.

How long did you stay in Petersburg?

to reserve [ri'z3:v] v

It's necessary to reserve a room for

Mr. Smith.

Trade Delegation [,deli 'geijh]

The Trade Delegation of Russia in

London is in Highgate.

receptionist [ri'sepjbnist] n

reception-desk [ri'sepjbndesk] n

Will you put me through to the reception-desk?

accommodation [s'koms'deijh] n

Yesterday we couldn't get any accommodation at this hotel.

Single room

whether [ 'weds] conj


зупинятися (у готелі), Вони зупинилися в готелі "Мінськ".

1. залишатися

2. Я залишився удома в неділю. Скільки часу ви пробули в Петербурзі?

3. замовляти (номер, квиток і т.д.) Необхідно замовити номер для пана Сміта.

4. Торгпредство Росії в Лондоні знаходиться на Хайгейті.


5. службовець, який оформляє гостей в готелі, адміністратор


6. бюро адміністратора, де оформляють гостей

7. З'єднайте мене, будь ласка, з адміністратором,

8. номер в готелі; приміщення, житло


9. Вчора ми не могли одержати номер в цьому готелі,

10.номер на одну людину

11.сполучник, який вводить непряме питання



Ask him whether he can come to-day. available [a'veitabl] adj


To be available

Mr. S. will be available in an hour.

This book is not available.

charge [tfa:d3] n

Your charge for this room is too


hotel-porter n

The hotel-porter brought in my


To show (showed, shown) v

to show... to a reception-desk

to show... into a room

Запитайте|спитайте| його, чи може він прийти сьогодні.


наявний в розпорядженні, наявний|готівковий| (уживається відносно як людей, так і речей) бути в наявності

Пан С. буде через час.

Цієї книги немає (її не можна дістати), ціна, вартість, платня|плата|

Ваша ціна за кімнату дуже|занадто| висока.


портьє (у готелі)

Портьє вніс мій чемодан.

проводити, довести, вводити|запроваджувати|

проводити... до столу адміністратора

ввести|запровадити| в кімнату

The secretary showed Mr. Bill into the room.

before adv

He said he had stayed at that hotel a year

before, to check v


When is the plane to London taking


—Just a minute. I'll check that for you.

form n

He filled in the form in English.

address [a'dres] n

Could you tell me his address, please?

nationality [, naeja' naeliti] n

—What's your nationality?

—I'm Russian (British, German...). occupation [,Dkju'peiJh] n

—What's your occupation?

—I'm a doctor.

key [ki:] n

I can't find the key to my room.

Lift л

The lift will take you to the seventh floor




Секретар ввела|запровадила| пана Біла в кімнату.

раніше, раніше; тому (у непрямій мові|промові|)


Він сказав, що він зупинявся в цьому готелі рік тому,

перевіряти (звичайно шляхом порівняння з|із| чим-небудь|.)


Коли вилітає літак до Лондона?


—Одну хвилину. Я перевірю це для вас.



Він заповнив бланк по-англійськи, адреса

Ви не могли б сказати мені його адресу?


—Хто ви за національністю?

—Я російський (англієць, німець),

рід занять, професія

—Хто ви по професії?

—Я лікар|лікарка|,



Я не можу знайти ключ|джерело| від своєї кімнати,


На ліфті ви підніметеся|підійметеся| до сьомого поверху.


Grammar Exercises



I. Розкрийте дужки, поставивши дієслово в потрібній формі:

Mr. Zotov of the Russian Trade Delegation (to receive) а fax from Moscow. It said that Mr. Losev of Machinoimport (to arrive) in London on business the next day. Mr. Zotov told the secretary that she (must, to reserve) а room for Mr. Losev at the Imperial Hotel for 5 nights.

Before Mr. Losev (to arrive) in London, the secretary (to reserve) а room his name at the Imperial Hotel. She also (to phone) the airport and (to find out) when the jet-liner from Moscow (to arrive).

At 4 p.m. Mr. Zotov (to wait) for Mr. Losev at the airport. Soon he (to hear) the announcement that the plane (to land). He (to see) Mr. Losev when the passengers (to get off) the plane. Mr. Zotov (to be) glad to see Mr. Losev in London.

After Mr. Losev (to go) through the Customs, they (to go) to the hotel.

II. Заповніть пропуски артиклями, де необхідно:

... other day Mr. Goodwill,... representative of Brighton & Co., arrived in Moscow on business. Mr. Mitin, director of our office, met him at Sheremetievo Airport and brought him to... Metropol Hotel.

Mr. Mitin had reserved accommodation for Mr. Goodwill there two days before.... hotel-porter met them at... door and showed them to reception-desk. Some people were waiting at... desk.

... receptionist gave Mr. Goodwill... form and asked him to write his name,... address... nationality and... ocupation. As Mr. Goodwill knew Russian well it didn't take him long to fill in... form. After he had done all... formalities... receptionist gave Mr. Goodwill... key to his room and... porter showed him into it. It was... nice single room on... second floor. Mr. Goodwill liked... room very much and he thanked Mr. Mitin.

They made... appointment for the next morning and Mr. Mitin left... hotel.

III. Заповніть пропуски прислівниками та прийменниками, де необхідно:

1.1 wonder what hotel they are staying.... 2. Mr. A. asked the secretary if she had reserved accommodation... him... the Grand Hotel. 3. Would you like to have а single room... а private bath? 4. He said that they would arrive... London... Sunday. 5. Will you help me to fill... the form. It is... French and I don't know this language. 6. We didn't have the key... our office and couldn't get.... 7. When we arrived... the office Mr. S. had already left. 8. Will you attend... this inquiry, please. We received it last week and haven't yet sent them our catalogues and price-lists. 9.1 looked... my watch. It was half... ten.

IV. Перекладіть|перекладіть,перекажіть| наступні|слідуючі| речення|речення|, звертаючи увагу на дієслова to
say, to speak, to tell:

1. Він сказав, що він замовив номер для мене в готелі "Україна". 2. Він сказав мені: "У|в,біля| нас немає вільних номерів зараз". 3. Я не думаю|вважаю|, що він міг сказати це. 4. Він багато говорить, але|та| мало робить|чинить|. 5. Я скажу йому щоб він зайнявся цим питанням. 6. Я не знаю, що він сказав про цей контракт. 7. Цікаво, хто з вас говорив з|із| ним про готель. 8. Ви можете сказати мені, хто сказав це? 9. Вона сказала мені, що у|в,біля| неї зайвий квиток.10. Він сказав нам, що він вчора|учора| виступав|вирушав| на зборах|зібраннях|. 11. Адміністратор уготелі сказав мені, щоб я заповнив бланк.

V. Передайте наступні|слідуючі| речення|речення| непрямою мовою|промові|:

1. "Do you always stay at the Metropol Hotel when you come to Moscow?" the secretary asked Mr. Gray. 2. "I have а single room with а bath for you", said the receptionist. 3. "I reserved accommodation at the Continental Hotel for you two days ago", she said to me. 4. "Who will attend to my suit-case, please?" I asked. 5. "When does the hotel restaurant serve dinner?" Mr. N. asked. 6. "Will you get accommodation at that hotel next week?" she asked me. 7. "Whom must I phone to have my suit pressed?" he asked the porter.

' VI. Перекладіть|перекладіть,перекажіть| наступні|слідуючі| речення|речення|:

— Цікаво, в якому готелі вони зупинилися|зупинялися|? — Я вважаю|гадаю|, щo вони зупинилися|зупинялися| в "Гранд-Готелі". Минулого разу вони теж|також| зупинялись там. 2. Директор контори попросив мене зателефонувати в ресторан «Прага» і замовити 2 столики на завтра. 3. Він запитав|спитав| мене, чи є ліфт в тій новій будівлі. 4. Адміністратор сказав, що він може запропонувати мені дужехороший|добрий| номер на одну людину з|із| окремою ванною на 5-му поверсі. 5. Цікаво, яка завтра буде погода? 6. Ми запитали|спитали| адміністратора, яка вартість номера на одну людину в їх готелі. 7. Мій друг запитав|спитав| у|в,біля| покоївки, де він може випрасувати костюм. 8. Представник|уявити| фірми повідомив нам нову адресу їх лондонської контори.




VII. Відтворіть діалог і перекажіть текст.

VIII. Складіть ситуації на основі наступних|слідуючих| речень:

1. Не went to another hotel. 2. Mr. Cook was not available at two o'clock. D. My wife couldn't unlock the door. 4. They decided not to pack the things to-lay. 5. Mr. Wood is staying at the Metropol Hotel. 6. A hotel-porter took our suit-cases and showed us to our room. 7. Last year I couldn't get accommodation то Sochi.

IX. Передайте наступний|слідуючий| діалог непрямою мовою|промові|:

AT A HOTEL (Mr. Fields, speaking to а receptionist)

"I should like а room for а week."

"Single or double?"

"Single, please.",. "Have you reserved а room?"

"I wrote you from New York last week."

"What's your name, please?"


"Yes, we received your letter, Mr. Fields. We have reserved а room for you."

"I wonder if there is а private bath in this room."

"Yes, this room has а private bath."

"Is it an inside room or an outside room?"

"And what is the charge?"

"Eleven dollars а night."

"I believe this room is quiet. I don't sleep too well."

"Yes, this room is very quiet as it is on the eighth floor, you don't hear much street noise. How long are you planning to stay, Mr. Fields?"

"For а week."

"And are you here on business, Mr. Fields?"

"It's partly business and partly pleasure. I've never been to Washington before and I'd like to see the city"

"I hope you'll like it here."

"I hope so too."

double room номер на двох; inside room кімната, вікна якої виходять в двір; outside room кімната, вікна якої виходять на вулицю; quiet тихий; to sleep (slept, slept) спати; street noise шум з вулиці; partly частково

X. Перекажіть наступну|слідуючу| розповідь|оповідання| і закінчіть її:

Once а businessman arrived in Paris. He stayed at а hotel and as soon as he had done all the formalities there he went for а walk. He asked the receptionist to tell him the way to the post-office because he wanted to send а telegram to his wife. He wrote that he had come to Paris. He also let his wife know the address and the name of his hotel.

As it was his first visit to Paris he enjoyed looking at its streets and squares, visited а museum or two and then went to а small restaurant to have lunch. In the evening he went to the theatre. After the performance was over he called а taxi to go back to the hotel, but he couldn't remember the name or the address of his hotel. So he...

once [wAns] одного разу|одного дня|; to visit ['vizit] відвідувати; а post-office [poust] пошта; а museum [mjui'zism] музей; а square [skwes] площа|майдан|; to remember [ri'memba] пам'ятати

XI. Перекажіть наступний|слідуючий| текст:

Three young men arrived in New York for а holiday. They had reserved а room at а big hotel for two nights. When they came to the hotel the receptionist told them that they could have а nice room on the 45th floor.

He gave them the key to their room after they hid filled in the forms. The porter showed them to the lift.

In the evening the three men went to the theatre. The theatre was а long way from the hotel and they came back very late.

"I'm sorry", Said the hotel clerk, "but our lifts don't work to-night. We can make beds for you in the hall."

"No, thank you", answered one of the young men. "We'll go up to our room."

Then he turned to his friends and said, "On our way to the room I'll tell you some jokes, then you, Andy, will sing some songs; then you, Peter, will tell us some sad stories. So the time will fly fast."

So they began to walk up. Tom told them а few jokes, Andy sang some songs. At last they came to the thirty-fourth floor.

"Now, Peter, it's your turn to tell us а long sad story."

"Oh, I have а very sad story to tell you. It isn't long, but it's very sad. We've left the key to our room in the hall."

|; fast [fa:st] швидко; а turn черга; а hall [ho:l] зал, вестибюль

XII. Складіть діалоги на| основі наступних|слідуючих| ситуацій:

1 Comrade Belov got instructions to go to London on business. He went to 1С booking-office to book а seat for а plane. He found out that the plane would takeoff at 11 a.m. and land in London at 2 p.m.

2 Mr Belov arrived at the hotel. The receptionist could let him have а room on the6th floor. Then he asked Mr. Belov to write down his name, address, tfionality and occupation. After that the receptionist gave Mr. Belov the key to hisroom and the porter showed him to his room.

3 Mr Belov rang the bell for а chambermaid. The chambermaid asked him whatshe could do for him. Mr. Belov wanted to have his jacket and trousers pressed. Shetold him she could do it right away. Mr. Belov wanted to have an extra pillow andthe chambermaid said she would attend to it.

а pillow ['pilou] подушка

XIII. Виконайте наступні|слідуючі| завдання|задавання|:

1 You are in London. Telephone one of the London hotels and reserve accommodation for Mr. Somov, an engineer of Avtoexport. Mr. Somov is coming Про London on business and is going to stay there for 10 days.; 2 You have an appointment with Mr. Green for tomorrow. But you haven t «eared up all the points with your people yet. Telephone Mr. Green and make an ippointment with him for some other day.

3 Your office has received an enquiry for boilers from а British firm. Meet MrButler а representative of the firm, at your office and find out how many boilers they are going to buy. Discuss the terms and the time of delivery.

XIV. Зробіть повідомлення|сполучення| на наступні|слідуючі| теми:

1. My stay at а hotel. 2. Reserving а room at а hotel. 3. Kyiv hotels.

Read and translate the text.


The General Post Office and local post offices have many duties. They not only deliver letters, telegrams, newspapers and magazines, but also pay out all kinds of pensions, subscribe for periodicals and take and deliver parcels.

Inside the post office there is a long counter divided into departments for parcels, stamps, money orders, etc. There is a post-box in all post offices where you can drop your letters and postcards. There are several collections a day and your letter will soon reach the addressee.

When we have written a letter we sign it, fold it up and put it in an envelope. We stick down the flap, write the address of both the addressee and the sender and stick on a stamp in the upper right-hand corner.

If your letter contains anything valuable, it`s a good idea to register it. You`ll pay the registration fee, the clerk will give you a receipt and the letter will be delivered to the addressee`s home. If you don`t know the addressee`s full address you may send a poste-restante letter. It`ll be kept at the Post Office until called for by the addressee.

If you have an urgent message to convey you can send an ordinary, urgent or express telegram. And don`t forget that telegrams are charged for according to the number of words, so they must be economically worded.

If you want to send a parcel or a book-parcel you must have it wrapped, tied and weighed on a parcel balance. Then the clerk will paste on the necessary stamps and obliterate them. The postmark bears the name of the city, post-office number, the date and hour of posting. You may also have your parcel insured if you want to declare its value.

The Money-order Counter handles operations for sending or cashing money-orders. To send a money order you must fill in an order form stating the name and address of the recipient and the sum of money you are sending. To cash the money order the recipient must present his passport. And if someone does it for him, he must also show a letter of attorney with the witnessed signature of the addressee.

Among other services offered by a local Post Office there is a branch savings bank. Every depositor has a savings-bank book and can deposit or withdraw a certain sum of money on presenting this book. All he has to do is to complete a paying-in or paying-out form stating the sum and signing it. Various bills may be paid by instructing the bank to draw the necessary sums from depositor’s account. Housed under the same roof with the post office there is often a municipal service counter. There you can pay the rent, electricity and gas bills and the telephone rental.

These are the principal functions of the post office.


Topical Vocabulary.

To dispatch mail

to deliver parcels

to convey mail

to collect mail

to subscribe for periodicals

to pay out old-age pensions

a long counter divided into departments

to handle operations

a collect(ordinary, registered, poste-restante) letter

an ordinary (urgent, express) telegram

to fold up the letter

to stick down the flap

to be economically worded

to have the parcel weighed on the parcel balance

to obliterate the stamp

to have the parcel insured

to declare the value

to cash money order

to fill in (complete) the form

to state the address of both the sender and the recipient

to present a letter of attorney

a witnessed signature

the branch savings bank

to deposit money

to withdraw money

a paying-in (paying-out) form

to pay the bill

to draw money from depositor’s account

municipal service counter

“Please forward” (to be forwarded)



1.Transcribe the following words:

Parcel, to convey, to subscribe, periodicals, poste-restante, ordinary, urgent, value, obliterate, ensure, witness, signature, deposit, municipal, addressee, recipient.


2.Give English equivalents of the following word combinations:

-збирати /відправляти/ доставляти пошту

-здійснювати підписку на періодику

-термінова телеграма

-звичайний /зареєстрований, до запитання/ лист

-погасити марку

-оцінити посилку

-отримати гроші по грошовому переказу

-заповнити бланк

-вказати адресу відправника і отримувача

- пред’явити доручення

-завірений підпис

- зняти гроші з рахунка / покласти на рахунок

-оплатити рахунки

-відділ оплати побутових послуг.


3. Choose the right answer:

1. Poste-restante letters are: left until called for/delivered immediately

2. They charge more for: an ordinary /an urgent telegram

3. On festive occasions we send: greetings/ordinary telegrams

4. If you get a collect letter you have: to pay postage on it/to return it to the post office.

5. To cash a money order for your friend you must have a letter of attorney/ an application.

6. When sending a registered letter you are given: a receipt/ a special form.

7. To withdraw money from your account you are to fill in: a paying in/ a paying out form.

8. There are: 2/4 deliveries and collections of mail daily.

9. At the municipal service counter you can: pay the telephone rental/ subscribe for periodicals.

10.To have your parcel insured you must: present a letter of attorney/ declare its value.


4.Match a word from the right column with its definition from the left one

- a document containing a record of customer’s account postage;

with the bank



- an official document requiring a witnessed signature of bank-book

the owner, authorizing other person`s possession of the

former`s property

- automatic machine for selling some small items pillar- box;

- the amount of money charged by Post Office for conve- registered letter

ying mail

- an official paper of stated value bought from a Post Office money-order

and sent to someone instead of money

- a letter kept at the Post Office until called for collect-letter

- a letter sent by special mail for a special charge, and

requiring a personal signature of the addressee on being poste-restante

delivered to his home

- a letter requiring double postage for sending and letter of

delivery attorney;

- a column-shaped box in the street slot-machine



5. Complete the following sentences:

1. A letter of attorney must contain…

2. People insure their parcels in order to…

3. Filling in the money order form you are to state…

4. Money order may be cashed on presenting…

5. At the municipal services counter you may pay…

6. All you need to deposit or to withdraw some money from your account is…

7. A telegram must be economically worded because…

8. Inside every Post Office there is…

9. When we`ve written a letter we…

10.When you register your letter you…

11.If you don`t know the addressee`s full address…

12.If you have an urgent message to convey…

13.To send a parcel you must have it…

14.The postmark bears…


6. Ask your fellow-students and let them answer:

…what operations Post Office handles in this country;

…where you can buy such small items as stamps, envelopes, postcards, etc;

…what kinds of letters can be sent in Ukraine;

…when it`s advisable to send your letter registered;

…when people send letters marked “post-restante”;

…how you address the envelope if you want the letter to follow the addressee to a new address;

…how many mail collections and deliveries there are daily in your town;

…if there is any weight limit for book-post;

…what one can send by book-post;

…what it is necessary to do to have your parcel insured;

…where you can get a box for your parcel;

…if there is any charge for the sender`s address in the telegram;

…what you must do if you want someone to cash a money order for you;

…what you are to fill in if you need to withdraw money from your account;

…what bills can be payed at the municipal service counter;



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