Justice; judicial practice; access; in accordance with; restricted; impetus; normative acts; deprived of 

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Justice; judicial practice; access; in accordance with; restricted; impetus; normative acts; deprived of

1. What would students do if they were …. their books? 2. Students must have …. to good books. 3. The treaty will give an … to trade between the two countries. 4. To do him …, we must admit that his intentions were good. 5. Is the consumption of alcohol …. by law in your country? 6. …. has a very restricted usage in the Ukrainian legislation. 7. All …. are registered at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. 8. Normative legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea are adopted …. the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, acts of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

B. mandatory; consent; affairs; appealed; binding; order; valid; conform;

1. Your behaviour should ….. to the rules of society. 2. The court decision is …. on all the parties. 3. The laws of the former Soviet Union are …. until the adoption of new legislation. 4. Nowadays, no ideology is …... 5. She ….. the judge’s decision until the case was heard in the U.S. Supreme Court. 6. When he asked me how much I earned, I told him to mind his own …. 7. He gave the …. for the work to be started at once. 8. He was chosen leader by general …..

7. Match the definitions in the right column to the words given in the left.

1. promulgation a. to make suitable for a new use, need, situation;
2. to reject b. promise, duty or condition that indicates what action ought to be taken (e.g. power of law, duty, a sense of what is right);
3. dogma c. the judges of the country collectively; the system of law courts in a country;
4. judiciary d. making public, announcing officially;
5. to adapt e. to accept a rule, recommendation, etc.;
6. to adopt f. to take away from; prevent from using or enjoying;
7. obligation g. belief, system of beliefs, put forward by some authority to be accepted as true without questions.
8. deprive of h. to put away, throw away, as not good enough to keep; refuse to offer;
9. directive i. of the Christian Church; of clergymen;
10. execution j. to be in agreement (with); comply with
11. ecclesiastic k. effective because made or done with the correct formality; having force in law;
12. to conform (to) l. oblige somebody to do something;
13. assets m. anything owned by a person, company, etc., that has money value and that may be sold to pay debts;
14. to be binding n. the carrying out or performance of a piece of work
15. to appeal o. general or detailed instructions;
16. valid p) to take a question to a higher court for rehearing and a new decision;

8. Find in the text a word or a phrase that means:

1. standard or type as representative of a group when judging other examples; 2. question that arises for discussion; 3. formal agreement made and signed between nations; 4. shared, exchanged equally, held in common with others; 5. printed sheet with official news or announcements; 6. (a) command given with authority; (b) rules usual at a public meetings; 7. in agreement or conformity with 8. legal official who prosecutes criminal cases on behalf of the State or public.

9. Look through the text again and decide whether the following sentences are true or false. Correct those, which are false.

A. 1. The Ukrainian legal system is similar to the Anglo-Saxon one. 2. The Soviet power greatly influenced the establishment of Ukrainian law. 3. They applied laws of Bolshevik Russia in the circumstances of Ukraine. 4. The only legal source of Soviet Ukraine was legislation made by the Supreme Council of the USSR. 5. The judicial precedent is the main source in judicial practice in Ukraine. 6. The main principle of the Soviet legislation was to ensure individual rights and freedoms. 7. The main purpose of the new legislation of independent Ukraine was to create the basis for the development of market economy. 8. Nowadays Ukraine is trying to adapt its legislation to the demands of the European Union.

B. 1. The Ukrainian legislative system is based on the judicial decisions. 2. The highest legal source of the Ukrainian legislation is the Constitution of Ukraine. 3. Under the Constitution of Ukraine the citizens are entitled to appeal to the court when defending their constitutional rights. 4. Ideological diversity is unacceptable in our society. 5. The legislation of the former Soviet Union is still valid on the territory of Ukraine. 6. The Verkhovna Rada is the sole body in Ukraine that has the right to adopt laws. 7. The right of legislative initiative only belongs to the National Deputies. 8. Local State Administrations are also entitled to issue normative acts. 9. International acts are not binding on the territory of Ukraine. 10. The sources of Ukrainian law also include legal textbooks, commentaries, and encyclopedias.

10. Look through the text again and say:

1. what the main sources of Ukrainian law during the years of the Soviet power were;

2. what the purposes of the current legislation are;

3. what the Ukrainian legislation is based on;

4. what the principle of the rule of law means;

5. what normative legal acts include;

6. what lawmaking activities are within the competence of the Verkhovna Rada;

7. what other bodies are entitled to issue laws;

8. what international acts and treaties are binding on the territory of Ukraine.

9. what organs supervise the observance and application of legal norms.

10. Translate into English. 1. В Україні визнається і діє принцип верховенства права. 2. Єдиним органом законодавчої влади в Україні є парламент - Верховна Рада України. 3. Конституція України має найвищу юридичну силу. 4. Закони та інші нормативно-правові акти приймаються на основі Конституції України і повинні відповідати їй. 5. Норми Конституції України є нормами прямої дії. Звернення до суду для захисту конституційних прав і свобод людини і громадянина безпосередньо гарантується на підставі Конституції України. 6. Кабінет Міністрів України – вищий орган виконавчої влади, відповідальний перед Президентом України та підконтрольний Верховній Раді України. 7. Чинні міжнародні договори, згода на обов'язковість яких надана Верховною Радою України, є частиною національного законодавства України. 8. Укладення міжнародних договорів, які суперечать Конституції України, можливе лише після внесення відповідних змін до Конституції України. 9. Статути – це нормативні акти, на основі яких здійснюється лінія управлення діяльності органів управління, наприклад, Статут органів Міністерства внутрішніх справ. 10. Накази – це акти адміністративної діяльності, які звернені на підлеглих та співробітників, і мають на меті організацію роботи підприємства. Є також накази, що тлумачать законодавчі постанови уряду для забезпечення розуміння службовцями (employees) змісту цих правових документів.

11. Write a mini-composition for or against the following statement ‘Laws are not for ordinary people, they are for lawyers’.

12. Additional text. Read and translate the text and say what the rule of law is.

The Rule of Law

For much of human history, rulers and law were synonymous -- law was simply the will of the ruler. A first step away from such tyranny was the notion of rule by law, including the notion that even a ruler is under the law and should rule by virtue of legal means. Democracies went further by establishing the rule of law. Although no society or government system is problem-free, rule of law protects fundamental political, social, and economic rights and reminds us that tyranny and lawlessness are not the only alternatives.

· Rule of law means that no individual, president or private citizen, stands above law. Democratic governments exercise authority by way of law and are themselves subject to law's constraints (примус).

· Laws should express the will of the people, not the whims (примха) of kings, dictators, military officials, religious leaders, or self-appointed political parties.

· Citizens in democracies are willing to obey the laws of their society, then, because they are submitting to (підкорятися) their own rules and regulations. Justice is best achieved when the laws are established by the very people who must obey them.

· Under the rule of law, a system of strong, independent courts should have the power and authority, resources, and the prestige to hold government officials, even top leaders, accountable (підзвітний) to the nation's laws and regulations.

· For this reason, judges should be well trained, professional, independent, and impartial [im΄pa:∫(ə)l] (неупереджений). To serve their necessary role in the legal and political system, judges must be committed (відданий) to the principles of democracy.

· The laws of a democracy may have many sources: written constitutions; statutes and regulations; religious and ethical teachings; and cultural traditions and practices. Regardless of origin the law should enshrine (плекати, надійно зберігати) certain provisions to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens:

o Under the requirement of equal protection under the law, the law may not be uniquely applicable to any single individual or group.

o Citizens must be secure from arbitrary arrest and unreasonable search (обшук) of their homes or the seizure [΄si:Зə] (конфіскація) of their personal property.

o Citizens charged with crimes are entitled to a speedy and public trial, along with the opportunity to confront (протистояти) and question their accusers. If convicted (засудити), they may not be subjected to cruel or unusual punishment.

o Citizens cannot be forced to testify (свідчити) against themselves. This principle protects citizens from coercion (застосування сили), abuse, or torture and greatly reduces the temptation of police to employ such measures.

Grammar Section


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