Task 12. Translate the words and word combinations. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Task 12. Translate the words and word combinations.


The bailiff, секретар суду, a resident, common law, присяга, a house­holder, судовий процес, venirman, цивільні та кримінальні справи, склад присяжних, to gather testimony, обговорювати рішення, to challenge the jurisdiction, обвинувальний акт, attorney, заперечення, testimony of the witnesses, речові докази, a just verdict, укладач збірника судових рішень, exhibit.


Task 13. You have learnt a lot about different types of legal professions. Now test yourself matching the following extracts with the law professional titles in the box:

Barristers, Clerks, High Court Judges, Magistrates, Solicitors, Bailiffs, Attorneys


1. English lawyers who judge cases in the lower courts. They’re usually unpaid and have no legal qualifications, but they’re respectable people who are given some training.

2. Lawyers who can act for somebody in a court of law.

3. Officials who keep order in a court of law, take people to their seats, watch prisoners.

4. They make up the largest branch of the legal profession in England and Wales. They are found in every town where they deal with all the day-to-day work of preparing legal documents for buying and selling houses, making wills, etc. These lawyers also work on court cases for their clients, prepare cases for other lawyers to present in the higher courts, and may represent their client in a Magistrates’ Court.

5. Only a small proportion of these lawyers doesn’t preside in Magistrates’ Courts. They deal with the most serious crimes, such as those for which the criminal might be sent to prison for more than a year. They are paid salaries be the State and have considerable legal training.

6. They defend or prosecute in the English higher courts. They specialize in representing clients in court. In court, these lawyers wear wigs and gowns in keeping with the extreme formality of the proceedings. The highest level of them have the title QC (Queens Counsel).

7. Officials in charge of the records of a council, court, etc.

Task 14. Translate the telephone conversation:

Секретар суду: Це номер 441521? Чи можу я поговорити з місіс Вайт?

Місіс Вайт: Говорить Місіс Вайт. Слухаю вас.

Секретар суду: Ми щойно надіслали вам повістку про явку до суду як свідка (subpoena for attendance of witness). Адвокати обох сторін воліють задати вам декілька питань. Не могли б ви з’явитися у суді завтра зранку або післязавтра?

Місіс Вайт: Повістку я ще не отримала і завтра прийти не зможу. Якщо вас влаштовує, я зможу післязавтра об одинадцятій ранку.

Секретар суду: Домовились. Чекаємо на вас післязавтра об 11-ій. Дякую, до побачення!

Місіс Вайт: До побачення!


Task 15. Translate the sentences into English:


1. Ретельна підготовка з боку (on the part) державного обвинувачення і захисту передує судовому процесу.

2. Захист може спочатку виступити з пропозицією, що заперечує юрисдикцію суду за певним порушенням у справі або стосовно певного відповідача.

3. Готуючись до судового засідання адвокати обох сторін опитають наявних свідків і, якщо необхідно, отримають висновок експерта і зберуть дані щодо балістики, хімічної експертизи, збитків та іншу подібну інформацію.

4. Присяжні засідають у суді і слухають свідків перед тим як вирішити чи винний засуджений.

5. Судді – це підготовлені юристи. Вони слідкують, щоб суд відбувався згідно закону.

6. Якщо присяжні знаходять звинуваченого винним, суддя виносить вирок.

7. Щоб стати барістером потрібно досягти певного освітнього рівня, здати екзамен встановлений Радою юридичної освіти.

8. Солісітер пояснює спірні питання, що пов’язані з законом, готує справу та докази до захисту, діє від імені клієнта.

9. Магістрати – це судді, які не мають юридичної кваліфікації, і обираються серед поважних місцевих людей. Магістратські суди існують у багатьох містах.

10. Барістери мають право публічного виступу перед судом.


Task 16. Answer the questions:

1. When does the process of criminal justice begin?

2. Whom do usually people meet when they need legal help?

3. What does the solicitor do?

4. What is the main function of a barrister?

5. Is the division of the legal profession justifiable and necessary today?

6. What is the main judges’ function in the UK?

7. What does the venireman do?

8. What is the role of the attorney?

9. Who is the court reporter?


Task 17. Describe and compare the duties performed by each of the following:

- a barrister;

- a solicitor;

- a Queen’s Counsel;

- a judge;

- a juror;

- a bailiff;

- an attorney.


Task 18. The information about the process of jurors’ choice is given below. Your task is to translate it.

Якщо судовий розгляд відбуватиметься за участю присяжних, першим кроком буде їх вибір. Перш ніж розпочати судовий процес по даній справі, секретар суду викличе до суду потенційних присяжних на співбесіду. Вони обираються навмання із списку законослухняних громадян, і 12 з них будуть викликані на лаву присяжних для перевірки на неупередженість. Сучасне законодавство в окремих країнах допускає участь присяжних при розгляді деяких справ. Таке законодавство визнане Верховним судом. Слід відмітити, що деякі нові закони не вимагають одностайного голосування присяжних за вердиктом.

Перевірка на неупередженість є методом, за допомогою якого суд та адвокати з кожної сторони перевіряють кваліфікаційну придатність потенційних присяжних на справедливість та неупередженість. Кожна сторона конфлікту може відхилити певну кандидатуру присяжного через його упередженість або через підозру у зв’язку із іншою стороною. Крім цього, кожна сторона має право заявити певну кількість відхилів без повідомлення причини (“peremptory challenges”). Кожна сторона має можливість задати питання потенційному присяжному та приймати або відхиляти їх кандидатури поки кількість відхилів не буде вичерпано. Потенційні присяжні зобов’язуються давати правдиві відповіді під час перевірки на неупередженість. Процес продовжується аж поки не буде обрано суд присяжних у повному складі.

Після вибору присяжних адвокати виголошують вступну промову, щоб ознайомити їх із основними фактами по даній справі, які кожна із сторін намагається довести, щоб суд присяжних міг зрозуміти загальну картину даної справи. Після вступних промов позивач подає свої докази.

Докази та свідчення подаються у відкритому суді у вигляді опитування свідків і ознайомлення присутніх із речовими доказами.


Task 19. Retell the text:


How does someone become a lawyer?

In some countries in order to practise as a lawyer it is necessary to get a university degree in law. However, in others, a degree may be insufficient; professional examinations must be passed. In Britain, it is not in fact necessary to have a degree, although nowadays most people entering the profession do. The main requirement is to pass the Bar Final examination (for barristers) or the Law Society Final examination (for solicitor). Someone with university degree in a subject other than law needs first to take a preparatory course. Someone without a degree at all may also prepare for the final examination, but this will take several years. In most countries, lawyers will tell you that the time they spend studying for their law finals was one of the worst periods of their life! This is because an enormous number of procedural rules covering a wide area of law must be memorized. In Japan, where there are relatively few lawyers, the examinations are supposed to be particularly hard: less than 5 % of candidates pass. Even after passing the examination, though, a lawyer is not necessarily qualified. A solicitor in England, for example, must then spend two years as an articled clerk, during this time his work is closely supervised by an experienced lawyer, and he must take further courses. A barrister must spend a similar year as a pupil.

The rate at which the legal profession grows is terrific. In 21st century the number of lawyers will probably outpace the rate of population growth.


Vocabulary notes

the Bar Final examination іспит, що складають при вступі в Колегію Адвокатів
the Law Society Final examination іспит, що дає право бути членом Товариства юристів (професійного союзу солісітерів)
articled clerk клерк-стартер (без платні)
finals випускні іспити

Task 20. Circle a), b) or c) to complete the sentence:

1. The British lawyers are required …

a) to pass professional exams;

b) to work as a clerk for 5 years after graduating from a university;

c) wear black suits

2. The requirements for barristers and solicitors are …

a) identical;

b) partially identical;

c) different

3. In Japan the professional law exams are …

a) difficult to pass;

b) not practiced;

c) easy to pass

4. A barrister must work for years as …

b) an articled clerk;

c) a pupil;

d) an attorney

5. The average salary of an experienced lawyer is …

a) very low;

b) ridiculous;

c) much higher than those of other professionals


Task 21. Match the words with their definitions:


1) insufficient 2) supervise 3) strengthen 4) outpace 5) requirement 6) salary 7) pass a) make or become stronger b) not enough c) walk, move very quickly d) watch and direct work e) payment f) to reach a high enough standard to succeed in an examination or test g) something which is needed or obligatory, necessary

Task 22. Translate the text into English:

Якщо ви вирішили стати юристом, то вам необхідно бути терплячим та працьовитим. Одного університетського ступеню не достатньо. Ви повинні скласти багато професійних іспитів та отримати досвід. Важливо вирішити в якій галузі права ви хотіли б працювати. Когось цікавить адвокатська практика. Це дає право представляти інтереси клієнта в суді. Солісітер за звичай має справу з менш серйозними злочинами, справами про розлучення, дає поради щодо складання заповіту та повернення боргів. Але жодні іспити не допоможуть вам стати прокурором округу США. Ці юристи мають достатню свободу дій та вирішують питання про переслідування судовим порядком.

Вимоги до майбутніх юристів досить високі. Проте, в майбутньому столітті збільшення кількості юристів, можливо, перевищить темпи росту населення.


Task 23. Role play.


Hearing the case in a Civil Court


Situation: The case of establishing affiliation (встановлення батьківства) and paying maintenance (сплачення аліментів) is heard in the county court of Lancashire.

Two women accidentally found out that they were simultaneously in the common-law marriage (у цивільному шлюбі) with one and the same man, Mr. Peter Bradly, a well-to-do banker. As they state, both of them have a child from him.

The court considers claims/suits (позови) of both women.

The first woman’s claim is to make their marriage legal (узаконити шлюб) in court order, to admit Mr. Bradly’s paternity (визнати батьківство) of his child.

The other woman’s claim is to admit Mr. Bradly’s paternity of her child and to prescribe paying proper maintenance of £ 1500 per month...

Play participants: Peter Darby, country judge

Dr Frank Stevens, the plaintiffs’ barrister

Ted Carter, the defendant’s barrister

Mary Graham and Dora West, plaintiffs

Mr. Peter Bradly, defendant

Mr. Brick, Court magistrate (from the community)


Taking part in the play as acting characters of a civil case, give proof of your point of view, in particular:

a) Barrister Ted Carter insists on complete satisfying his clients’ demands and also insists on Mr. Bradly’s moral public blame (осуд)/possibly some other kind of responsibility. Ted Carter gives his arguments...

b) Plaintiff Mary Graham is not so aggressive and she thinks her claim may be satisfied with admitting the paternity by the defendant. She is ready to forgive him and even register officially their matrimony in future...

c) Plaintiff Dora West is in an aggressive mood and, in addition to legal claims, she insists on punishing the defendant... mainly, prescribing paying maintenance of £ 1500 per month...

d) Defendant Mr. Peter Bradly agrees/does not agree to satisfy the material claims of the plaintiffs (or of one of them). He admits/denies the paternity of Mary Graham’s daughter. He denies Dora West’s claim/suit and demands a medical examination (експертиза) concerning establishing his paternity of Dora West’s daughter...

e) Ted Carter, the defendant’s barrister, insists on his client’s behalf on a medical examination in order to identify the paternity according to Dora West’s suit. His arguments are the following: some new facts have been found out that Dora West was intimate with several men, including an employee of the National Bank, where Mr. Bradly works... Taking into account a number of facts, Ted Carter agrees to satisfy Mary Graham’s claim, but as to Dora West’s suit, the barrister asks the court to hold an extra inquiry (додаткове розслідування) …

f) Country judge Peter Darby asks the plaintiffs, the defendant, the barristers a number of questions and makes a decision:

1. to satisfy/not to satisfy Mary Graham’s claim...;

2. not to satisfy Dora West’ suit and to make an extra medical examination in order to establish paternity of her daughter by Mr. Bradly/to hold an extra hearing in a month/to satisfy the suit partially...

g) Mr. Brick held a press conference after the court sitting and stated his general approval of the decision of the country court and also marked Mr. Bradly’s behaviour was morally wrong...


Task 24. Write down the annotation to the following:

The personnel of the law



Judges are normally appointed from practising barristers, (advocates in Scotland) or solicitors.

High Court judges, circuit judges and recorders are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor. District judges are appointed by the Lord Chancellor. Circuit judges and district judges are appointed through a competitive procedure including an interview before a panel which makes recommendations to the Lord Chancellor. Over the next few years, this procedure for making appointments is to be extended to all judicial posts below the level of the High Court.

Circuit judges, who preside in county courts and the Crown Court, are appointed from barristers or solicitors who have held a right of audience in the Crown Court or county courts for at least ten years or from recorders with at least two years’ experience. Recorders are part-time judges in the Crown Court and county courts and are appointed from among those barristers or solicitors who have held a right of audience in the Crown Court or county courts for at least ten years; they are expected to sit for at least 20 days a year but no more than 50. High Court judges are appointed from practitioners who have held a right of audience in the High Court for at least ten years, or for among circuit judges who have served for at least two years.

Court of Appeal judges are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, usually from among High Court judges. The Law Lords (in the House of Lords) are usually appointed from among Court of Appeal judges or the Scottish equivalent.

In Scotland, Supreme Court judges, sheriffs principal and sheriffs are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Secretary of State for Scotland. They are chosen from advocates or solicitors who have had many years experience as practitioners in the Supreme or sheriff courts.

Lay magistrates in England and Wales need no legal qualifications but are trained to have sufficient knowledge of the law, including the rules of evidence, and of the nature and purpose of sentencing.

The Scottish district court justices of the peace need no legal qualifications, but they too must take part in training. Stipendiary magistrates are legally qualified.

In Northern Ireland all full-time judges and resident magistrates are appointed by the Queen and are drawn from the legal profession. Members of a lay panel who serve in juvenile courts undertake training courses.


The legal profession


The legal profession is divided into two branches: barristers (advocates in Scotland) and solicitors. Barristers and advocates advise on legal problems submitted through solicitors or other recognized professional bodies and present cases in all courts. Solicitors undertake legal business for individual and corporate clients; they can also, after appropriate training, present cases in all courts. Although people are free to conduct their own cases, most people prefer to be legally represented, especially in more serious cases.

Barristers belong to one of the four Inns of Court in England and Wales – Lincoln’s Inn, Gray’s Inn, the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple – or the Inn of Court of Northern Ireland. Students study in the Inns of Court School of Law and must complete satisfactorily the skills-based course before being called to the Bar. They must then serve an apprenticeship with a qualified barrister for one year. Barristers must be members of the General Council of the Bar, which upholds professional standards and has certain disciplinary powers. The corresponding body in Scotland is the Faculty of Advocates.

Professional examinations must also be passed before anyone can become a solicitor. After that, a two-year period of work experience, called a training contract, is served in a solicitor’s office. Once qualified in this way, a newly admitted solicitor is supervised for a period of three years. The Law Society in England and Wales is the governing body of the profession and has disciplinary powers over practicing solicitors. It also regulates admission, education and training. A solicitor is bound contractually to his or her client and can be sued for negligence. In Scotland the Law Society of Scotland represents solicitors. The governing body in Northern Ireland.



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