XI. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue about your rights and duties. 

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XI. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue about your rights and duties.


Text for Supplementary Reading.


The boy of thirteen scratches around the roadside. Sometimes he begs. Since he was eleven Krishna has been alone because people avoided him. He has a family, a big one and they love and miss him. Krishna has leprosy, a curable disease, but one which in some countries still shocks. The shame is so great that for Krishna's family its impossible to keep him home.

His father would have lost his job and his brothers and sisters would have been asked to leave school and his mother could not have gone to market to buy food.

Not far away there is a colony for people with leprosy. These people have lost their hands or feet and facial features.

There are about 15 million people mostly in the developing world, who have leprosy, five million of them under the age of 15.

A lot of them don't receive any treatment. The main problems are fear and misunderstanding. Despite wide - spread education programmes - the World Health Organization refused to use the world "leper" in the 1940s because of its negative sense - leprosy sufferers are still hidden away and prejudiced against. Many are afraid to seek treatment and suffer permanent disability as a result.

But leprosy is not confined to the developing world. There are about 30000 sufferers in Europe. Despite of fear many people have of disease, and the effect it has on sufferers, leprosy rarely kills. It is often overlooked as governments fight diseases such as malaria, cholera and TV.


Choose the correct answer or way of finishing:

1. Krishna lives alone because:

a) his family no longer wants him;

b) his family cannot let him stay with them;

c) his father hasn't enough money to keep him;

d) he has more chance of survival this way.

2. What do we learn about leprosy from this extract?

a) it mainly affects young people;

b) it only occurs in developing countries;

c) the disease kills quickly;

d) people are unnecessarily afraid of it;

3. The best way to help sufferers would be:

a) ask the World Health Organization to help;

b) change peoples attitude;

c) provide long - term support;

d) make the cure cheaper.

4. One problem of dealing with leprosy sufferers is that:

a) governments refuse to help them;

b) too many sufferers come asking for help;

c) it's a difficult disease to cure;

d) the sufferers don't turn for help in time.

5. Where does this extract come from?

a) a magazine article;

b) an advertisement for the World Health Organization;

c) an educational book for nurses;

d) a short story.


Present Simple

I Open the brackets. Put the verbs in the Present Simple Tense.

1. This student (live) in Shostka.

2. My teacher (come) to college at 8 o'clock.

3. We (learn) many subjects.

4. Farmers (work) hard all the year round.

5. This mechanic (know) everything about different machines.

6. Our students (speak) Ukrainian.

7. These students (want) to be accountants.

8. Our college (train) a lot of good specialists.

9. Students (have) some examinations every year.
10. He (use) a computer when he (do) his homework.

II Put these sentences into interrogative and negative forms.

1. My friends know a lot of foreign languages.

2. A computer is a specific kind of a counting machine.

3. The builders of our town build a lot of houses every year.

4. We have a library and a reading room in our college.

5. Future electricians learn many special and general subjects.

6. They want to be good specialists.

7. You usually use a dictionary when you translate different texts.

8. Our graduates work in different branches of agriculture.

9. We use a lot of reference literature at our lessons.

10. My friend studies very well.

III. Transform these sentences according to the model. Give short answer to the questions.

He often watches TV on Friday.

Does he often -watch TV on Friday? Yes, he does.

1. He studies English.

2. My friends travel every year.

3. We always obey our parents.

4. She has a lot of rights.

5. Farmers grow fruit and vegetables.

6. Students always want to get good knowledge.

7. My friend likes to play computer games.

IV. Translate these sentences into English.

1. Ми хочемо бути хорошими спеціалістами.

2. Уряд захищає дітей від експлуатації і небезпечної роботи.

3. Кожна дитина має право відпочивати, вчитися та гратися.

4. Діти беруть участь у багатьох організаціях.

5. Ця країна турбується про своїх дітей.

V. Answer the questions:

1. What century do we live in? 2. Which season do you like best? 3. When does nature awaken after winter sleep? 4. When do trees turn green? 5. Does grass become green in spring? 6. When does it often rain? 7. Why do people spend more time indoors in winter than in summer? 8. When do leaves begin to turn yellow? 9. Does nature awaken in spring? 10. At what time must you leave home so as not to be late for the lesson? 11. On what days do you get up later than usual?


VI. Make interrogative sentences.

1. The sun rises in the east. 2. The sun shines during the day. 3. The stars shine during the night. 4. Water freezes at 0˚C. 5. My friend speaks English well. 6. His brother works at an office. 7. They know many interesting stories. 8. It often rains in summer. 9. John is my friend. 10. He has three children. 11. She has fifteen books.

Unit IV.



I. Listen and read. [ d ].

joy large agent huge

joke bridge major jar

juror edge jam stage

jam badge page judge

job age Jack Johnson

junior barge jet

June is a prodigy of energy.

Meet John Jones junior.

John arranged your journey to Japan.

June marriage is lucky.

Just imagine Jim learning the German language.

Be just before you are generous.


II. Useful proverbs and quotations.

- The first wealth is health.


- Doctors are men who prescribe medicine of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing.


- Health is better than wealth.

- There are a lot of people in the world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven’t time to enjoy it.



III. Practice reading the following sentences.

What's the matter with you?

I am feeling fit for nothing. I have a bad cough.

I have got a headache. I have a cold.

I have got a stomachache. I have a cold in my head.

I am sick. I have a running nose.

I am sea –sick. I have a sore throat.

I am air – sick. I have a toothache.

I feel bad. I have pain in my back

I feel ill. I have a high temperature.


IV. Work in a chain, asking the question " What is the matter with you?" and each time giving a different answer.

V. Complete the following phrases:

I have … hospital

It hurts… to move

I have broken… well

I have a bad pain in my… knee

Something has got into my… eye

Do I have to go to a … a heartache

I can't sleep here

It's hard for me my leg


VI. Complete the dialogue. Imagine that you hear the following conversation. Guess the answers of the other speaker.

A.: Hello. This is S. speaking. Can I speak to N.?

B.: …

A.: What's her temperature?

B.: …

A.: Can she walk?

B.: … neither …

A.: Have you called the doctor?

B.: …

A.: What did the doctor say?

B.: …

A.: What a pity. Give her my best wishes, please. Good bye!


VII. Why do we get diseases? Read the text and try to answer this question.

For achieving success in future life you must be healthy both physically and mentally. You are big enough to feel responsibility for your health, for your future. You should know what is good and what is bad.

People become ill because of pollution. Pollution is bad for our environment and for our bodies.

Many people pollute themselves. Some do it with drugs, alcohol and smoking.

We catch diseases from other people, our own bodies develop them, we inherit them from our parents and grandparents.

For many people bad health begins with a bad diet. Some people eat too much, others eat too little. A human body is a machine – it needs the right kind of fuel to work properly.

Modern life is full of problems. Some people can control this. They sleep well, enjoy their life and don’t worry very much. Others sleep badly, worry all the time. They suffer from stress. Stress is a kind of illness. It can lead to many illnesses.

Thousands of accidents happen at home and at work every day. As a result some people die and many become ill.

Too little exercises are one of the reasons of becoming ill.

It's up to you to decide what to do with your life. To waste it on drugs or smoking or to live it in a healthy and interesting way.

fresh air


no bad habits HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE physical exercises


healthy food


VIII. The reasons of smoking.

Children and many teenagers start smoking not because they like the taste of cigarettes. They want to look more grown – up than they really are. They feel that it makes them more independent, many girls smoke because it is all some sort of fashion.

Some teenagers smoke because they have problems in their families.

Some fat people think that it will make them thinner.

Some of their friends smoke.

Some people think that smoking adds something to their image. They say: " I am classy".

Do you smoke? Why or why not?

How to solve this problem?

n It's necessary to launch a campaign against children smoking.

n Parents and teachers must fight against this problem together.

n Much can be done by explaining to the children that they ruin their health by smoking.

n Cigarette advertising should be banned.

n " No smoking" sign must be put on the porch of every school.

n Smoking should be banned in public places. What can you add to this?


IX. What piece of advice can you give to a smoker who has made up his mind to give up this bad habit?

n You must realize that this habit is health ruining.

n You must be strong – willed because it's very difficult to get rid of this habit.

n Find a hobby.

n Go for a walk.

n Go in for sports.

n Take a lollipop every time when you want to smoke.

n Try to make new friends who don’t smoke.

n Ask your friends to help you.

X. Draw funny cartoons on smokers. Add some more sentences to help your friends to give up smoking.

XI. We are often "passive smokers" when we are in the company of those who smoke. So, we have to face this problem too. Let's make an anti – smoking poster. Try to warn about the danger of smoking. The heading of the poster will be " The truth about smoking will just kill you." These sentences will help you.

XII. Match the English sentences with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. It impairs your vision. a)ви втрачаєте сексуальну при вабливість

2.It takes your breath away б) воно забруднює повітря та відштовхує від

and gives you emphysema. вас друзів, котрі не палять;.

3.It cause lung cancer and в) воно ослаблює ваш зір;

cancer of the throat.

4. It turns your teeth and fingers г) ваші зуби, пальці жовтіють шкіра

yellow and gives you ugly skin виглядає жахливо;

5. It makes your breath stink and д) це пусте марнування часу та грошей;

your hair and clothes smell awful. е)воно викликає рак легенів і рак горла;

6. It wastes your time and empties є)від вас тхне, як від старої попільниці;

your pockets.

7. It pollutes the air around you ж) ви набуваєте смердючого запаху

and makes your non –smoking з рота, а ваші речі жахливо

8. Friends avoid you. смердять;

9. It ruins you sex appeal. з) воно викликає задишку та призводить до емфіземи.

10.It makes you smell like

an old ask tray.

XIII. One of the most serious problems is drugs. Thousands of drug addicts die every year. Some die from drugs themselves. Others die from AIDS. This is because they use dirty needles or share them. Drugs are the second biggest business in the world. Only the arm industry is bigger. Is there a solution to this problem?

Two possible solutions:

1) Advertising campaigns.

Their messages can be: " Say no to Drugs" " Just say No!", " Stop the Madness", "Don’t Use Drugs", " Choose life not drugs", " Be all you can be".

Think about your own message.

2) Education.

Grown – ups must tell teenagers everything about drugs and give them drug – education lessons. They must tell them how addicts live.

How they steal money

lose their friends

hurt their families

are cheated by dealers

destroy their health

Remember these words:

" I don’t take drugs because I want to be in control of my life".



XIV. Read these quotations and fill the table.

  Did they have diseases Smoking Drinking The main health problems for them
Kate Nolan        
Ciaran Mitchel        
Mayssa Daye        

Kate Nolan, 15.

I don't smoke and I never will; I'm sure of that. I'm not paranoiac about drinking. I have a glass of wine now and then, but I'm not very keen on it I've never been actually drunk. I get bad headaches sometimes, if I'm very tired or stressed Then I take paracetamol and have a rest and that normally does the trick.


Oaran Mitchel, 18.

I smoke about twenty a day. I know it's bad for me but I tried to give up a couple of times and I just failed miserably. I find that I don't really have will-power. I play football, American football and volleyball. I find I have more energy since I've been playing. But it's not always good for your health — at the moment I've got two cracked ribs from playing American football. I broke all the bones in my left arm. I've had three operations and a year of physiotherapy. My arm will never be the same again. But I'm right-handed

AIDS scares me a lot I've known two people who have died of it They didn't realize the risk and they just ended up dying

Mayssa Daye, 17.

I get colds quite often. Mainly, I just carry on as normal with a cold But if it gets too bad, I go to the doctor, and see what he gives me — cough medicine and antibiotics, mainly.

I was bitten by a dog once, I was at my ex-boyfriend's house, and we went out to the park I was on the swings and the dog didn't like swings. So it decided to take a chunk out of my leg. I didn't go to the hospital. J went to the doctor, and he gave me an injection. It wasn't too bad, but I won't forget it!

I don't smoke, but I do drink occasionally. The main health problem 1 worry about is AIDS.


Which of these young people smoke?

What disease does each of them have?

Who was bitten by a dog?

Who broke all the bones in his left hand?

What is the main problem (which) these young people worry\about?

XV. Food plays a very important part in our life. Read the text and learn how it all happens. Then retell the text.

How it Happens.

I like to eat, I like bread and pears and celery. I like carrots and chicken and potatoes and hamburgers. I like orange juice and milk and tomato juice. What do you like? Good food makes you strong and healthy. It gives you energy and helps you grow. Your body uses some kinds of food to make strong bones and hard teeth. It turns other food into solid muscles. It uses some of the food you eat to keep you warm. In the morning you may eat scrambled eggs or cereal. You may drink orange juice or hot chocolate. In a few hours your body has digested the food. Then your blood begins to carry the tiny food molecules to your muscles to make them stronger, to your bones to make them harder, to every part of your body to give you energy and help you grow.


XVI. What should people do if they don’t want to be fat? Read the text and write a letter to your friend who likes to eat fast food.

Fat Farmers.

A lot of people are fat. Many of them are teenagers. In the USA some young people go to special summer camps called "fat farms". The campers are not allowed to chocolate, hamburgers, hot dogs or the snack food. They eat fresh fruit, vegetables, fish and brown bread. But why are these teenagers fat? All over the world, young people are eating more and more snacks and fast food and fewer traditional meals. It isn't good to eat a lot of fast food. It is high in salt, sugar and fat. Some chips, for example, have 40% fat. This extra, fat can make you fat. Of course, our bodies need some fat and sugar, and a little fast food won't hurt us. But a lot of fast food is bad for you.



VXII. Read the text " Healthy Henry".

" Healthy Henry".

Henry is a clerk in an office in town. He's also a health freak. He wants to live to be a hundred, so health is very important to him. He gets up at five o'clock in the morning and lifts weights for thirty minutes. For breakfast he eats spinach and a raw egg with garlic and chili pepper. It tastes disgusting, but he thinks it's good for him. Then he runs for an hour in the park, even if the weather is bad. He leaves for work at seven o'clock. He never goes by bus or by train and he thinks that cars are extremely dangerous. So he walks everywhere - with a mask over his nose and mouth. He also wears a uniform which he designed to protect himself from dust and dirt. At the office he washes his hands ten times a day and he wears gloves to pick up the telephone in case it's dirty. He takes his lunch to work with him. He eats fifteen sunflower seeds and one onion. He is sure that the lunch which the firm provider, isn't good for him. After work he rushes home to water the plants. He has hundreds of plants, because they provide oxygen. In the evening he sometimes listens to the radio, but he never watches television because it might damage his eyesight.

On Monday he goes to a deep breathing class and on Thursday he goes to a vegetarian cookery class. He rarely goes to the cinema or to the theatre - there are far too many germs. He goes to bed early. In summer he sleeps in a tent in the garden. At the weekend he goes camping in the country, but he never sits in the sun. On the first day of every month he goes to the doctor's, just to make sure that he isn't ill. After all, he doesn't want to find himself in hospital.

health freak - person who thinks only of his / her health

raw – uncooked

disgusting – horrible

germs - tiny living things which can make you ill.

XVIII. What quotation illustrates this text best of all?

XIX. Are you healthy?

How often do you:

1. …do exercises?

A. Less than an hour a day.

B. Five hours a week.

C. More than five hours a week.

2. … eat cakes, biscuits, and sweets?

A. Six times a day.

B. Three times a day.

C. Less than once a day.

3. … eat fresh fruit and vegetables?

A. Never.

B. Once a week.

C. Everyday.

4. … clean your teeth?

A. Never.

B. Three times a week.

C. Twice a day.

5. … sleep?

A. Less than five hours a night.

B. Seven hours a night.

C. Ten hours a night.

6. … watch TV?

A. More than four hours a day.

B. Two hours a day.

C. An hour a day.



Count how many As, Bs, and Cs you have.

Mostly As:

You are not very healthy at all. You need to do more exercise, watch less television, and eat better food. Think about it!

Mostly Bs:

Not bad, but you can do a lot to improve your health. Think about what you eat and the exercise you do and try to improve!

Mostly Cs:

You are a very, very healthy person. Congratulations!


XX. Remember some good rules:

1. Get up early and go to bed in time.

2. Take a cool shower.

3. Eat healthy food.

4. Never smoke, never use drugs.

5. Don’t eat too much.

6. Don’t eat too little.

7. Don’t eat fat food.

8. Clean your teeth twice a day.

9. Wash your hands before you eat.

10. Spend a lot of time outdoors.

11. Don’t watch too much TV.

12. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.

13. Dairy products will be very useful.

14. Do to the dentist at least twice a year.

15. Smile and the world will smile with you.


Grammar Exercises.

The Past Simple.

I. Form the Past Indefinite Tense of the following verbs:

to be, to respect, to help, to allow, to say, to become, to find, to get, can, to criticize, to have, to do, to make, to want, to come, to change, to leave.


II. Put the Indefinite in brackets in the necessary tense form:

1. There (to be) good relations in his family last year.

2. Mother (to be) happy yesterday.

3. The girl (to have) some problem last summer.

4. Teenagers (to spend) a lot of money on their clothes some days ago.

5. She (to ask) her mother for advice three hours ago.

6. Parents (to want) their children to have a good rest last winter.

7. She (to help) her mother when she was 5 years old.



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