Evaggelia Ioannou, Thessaloniki 

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Evaggelia Ioannou, Thessaloniki

My idol is Rachel from S Club because I think she is really hip and she is also very fashionable. I think I first took to her when S Club had their first single, Bring It All Back. Young people have idols because if they want to do the same job they get inspiration from that person and then they gain confidence to go out and do it themselves. I think that Rachel from S Club has helped to make me confident in my singing because I like to pretend that I am like her. 5 __________ I buy her records and posters because I like to collect things that remind me of her. I think my mom's idol is Elvis Presley and my four-year-old sister likes S Club Juniors.

Jade Henderson, 16, North London

My idol is Robbie Williams because he has a fantastic voice and he has been through a lot. I have liked him for as long as I can remember -since he was in Take That, so about 12 years. On the whole young people have idols because they want someone to look up to. I buy lots of posters and calendars of him. I love him but not all my friends do because we all have different tastes. 6 __________ My parents don't have an idol but they love some of Julio Inglesias’ songs.

a) Last year I saw them in concert and I was in tears.

b) Since then he has appeared in all the Harry Potter films.

c) I have collected a lot of her posters and put them on the wall.

d) I am definitely more of a fan then they are.

e) I have been fond of him since I was young.

f) I look up to her like a big sister.

B. Find out who says the following:

a. Young people admire and have respect for idols. A_____________________
b. My friends really like her. B_____________________
c. I stopped liking her. C_____________________
d. I started to like her. D_____________________
e. he gives the impression of being nice. E_____________________
f. I want to copy him when I get older. F_____________________

C. Answer the questions:

a) Whose idol used to be in a pop group?

b) Who wanted to be like his idol when he grew up?

c) Who believes her idol has helped her in some way?

d) Whose mother isn’t happy with her room?

e) Who distrusts what the newspaper and television say about their idol?

f) Who has put posters in an unusual place in her bedroom?


Song time.

Listen to Eminem’s “Stan” and answer the questions.

a) What do the changing feelings of the fan throughout the song tell you about the way he sees his idol?

b) Do you think idols play an important role in people’s lives?

c) In what way can having an idol be positive or negative for young people?

d) Do you think idols like to be admired by the fans or do they just need fans in order to succeed?

e) Try to put yourself in a famous person’s shoes and imagine how would you feel and behave towards your fans?

Lesson 12.


Doing, playing and collecting.

Use do, play or collect with the following words:

1. …………. coins

2. ………….chess

3. ………….crosswords

4. ………….stamps

5. ………….antiques

6. ………… computer games

7. ………… jigsaws

8. ……….. cards

9. ………. postcards

10. ………. old photographs

11. ……… a musical instrument

12. ……….. an evening course

Different games

Use these words in the sentences below:

a pack of cards dominoes
chess draughts
dice backgammon

1 …………………. is a very popular game, now often played on computer. King, queen, bishop and rook are the names of some of the pieces.

2. ………………… is played on a board similar to a ….. board, but with flat round pieces. The pieces move only in very simple way.

3. You use ……………….. to play games such as bridge and poker.

4. ………………. is played with black pieces with white dots on them. You lay them end to end until you have none left.

5. ………………. is played by two people with a board, round flat pieces and a dice. It is very popular in Greece and Turkey.

6. ……………… have six sides. They are used in board games from many different countries.

Playing games.

Choose the correct ending for each sentence:

1. Come on, it’s your turn – throw/roll

2. You need to shuffle the cards

3. It’s your go. Hurry up and move

4. Did you take

a. one of my pieces just then? I wasn’t looking.

b. the dice.

c. before you deal them.

d. one of your pieces. You are taking too long.

Now answer the following questions:

5. Which of these isn’t a board game?


6. Which of these isn’t a card?


7. Which of these isn’t a chess piece?


8. Label the pictures:




Answer the questions.

1. What is a playing card which is a king, queen or jack called?

A p _ _ _ _ _ _ card.

2. What is an extra playing card, which in some games may have any value, called?

_ _ _ _ r

3. What is any card of a suit chosen to be of higher rank than the other three suits during a game called?

_ _ _ _ p

4. What do all cards together form?

A _ _ _ _ of cards.

5. What is giving a number of cards to each player called?

_ _ _ _ ing

6. What must you do with the cards before dealing?

You must s _ _ _ _ _ _ them.

7. What is a small 6-sided block of wood, etc. with 1-6 spots on each side, used in games of chance, called?

_ _ _ _

8. What is the name of a building used for playing games for money called?

_ _ _ _ _ o

9. What is the card game in which players try to make a winning combination of cards worth 21 points called?

B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or p _ _ _ _ _ n.


Put the following words and phrases into the correct column below:

brushes recipe
camera sewing machine
cake decorating pastry
material tripod
develop a film zoom lens
oil paints needle and cotton
ingredients watercolour
easel pattern


photography ……………………. ……………………. …………………….. ……………………. painting ……………………… ………………………. ……………………. ………………………..
making clothes ………………………. ………………………. ……………………….. ……………………….. cooking ……………………. …………………… ……………………. ……………………..


Complete the sentences below with these prepositions:

on into with of in (х2)

1. I’m really interested … photography.

2. I’m very keen … gardening.

3. Claire’s absolutely obsessed … horses.

4. I’m a big fan … old black and white horror films.

5. I never thought I’d get … computer games, but since my brother bought me one for Christmas I haven’t stopped playing it.

6. I like looking round secondhand bookshops … my spare time.



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