II. Find the English in the right-hand column for the following 

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II. Find the English in the right-hand column for the following

1. вищий навчальний заклад 1. commodity and market relations

2. у сфері промисловості і торгівлі 2. accounting and statistics

3. різні галузі 3. in the field of industry and trade

4. фінанси та банківська справа 4. higher educational establish­ment

5. облік та статистика 5. various branches

6. товарно-ринкові відносини 6. finance and banking system

7. обчислювальний центр 7. international relations

8. переважна більшість 8. management of enterprises

9. йти у ногу з прогресом 9. to take into account

10. програма економічних дисциплін 10. labour resources

11. міжнародні відносини 11. computing center

12. трудові ресурси 12. acurriculum of economic subjects

13. управління підприємством 13. overwhelming majority

14. брати до уваги 14. to keep up with progress

III. Complete the following sentences

1. And in 1996 it was charted.... 2. There are four departments....3. The purpose of the Institute.... 4. The students have free access.... 5. Many young people prefer.... 6. The students have an examination session.... 7. The Institute offers.... 8. The instructors and professors of our Institute take into account....

IV. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary

1. These economists graduated... the Institute for Economics and Finance a year ago. 2. Our Institute trains... specialists... high qualification. 3. The graduates will work... industry. 4. My friend will work... a plant... graduating... the Institute. 5. The students... the extra-mural department combine their work with... studies. 6. Many students of our Institute are provided... hostel accommodation. 7. The students of our Institute have free access... the libraries and labora­tories. 8. The excellent students keep...... progress and are capable to solve the most important problems... science.

V. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Моя сестра працює в промисловості. Вона спеціаліст в галузі управління підприємством. 2. Мій товариш поєднує роботу з навчанням. Наступного року він буде захищати диплом в галузі трудових ресурсів. 3. Вони відмінно вчаться і можуть брати активну участь в розв’язанні важливих економічних задач.

VI. Answer the following questions

1. When our educational establishment was founded? 2. What is the history of the Academy? 3. What is the purpose of the Academy? 4. Where do the graduates from the Academy serve? 5. What are the majority of the students provided with? 6. Where do the students have free access to? 7. What departments are there at our Academy? 8. How long does the course of studies at the Institute last? 9. When do the students have an examination session? 10. What do the students have to submit at the end of their studies? 11. What do the instructors and professors take into account?

VII. Speak about State TAX Service Academy


VIII. Learn the dialogue by heart

L.: Hello, Peter? Where to?

P.: To the Library.

L.: Is the library open till late in the evening.

P.: Oh, yes. I believe it’s open till half past nine. But I never stay at the library so long. I usually read some books and journals, make notes and look through newspapers and magazines.

L.: What about your English Lessons?

P.: I generally do them at home as I have all the necessary books and text books.

L.: What classes are you going to have today?

P.: Today we have a lecture in political economy, a seminar in economic history and an English class.

L.: And how many examinations are you going to have at the end of this term?

P.: We are going to have three examinations: in mathematics, economic history and political economy, and two credit-test: in English and computers.

L.: What is a credit-test? Isn’t it the same as an examination?

P.: No,it isn’t quite the same in form, and we don’t get any marks for credit-tests.

L.: Oh, sorry, Peter. Here is my bus. See you tomorrow. Bye-bye!

P.: Bye-bye!

Grammar Exercises

I. Insert in each blank the form of pronouns which you consider correct (I-me; we-us; you-you; he-him; she-her; it-it; they-them)

1. It was... who helped me most.

2. They invited you and... to the party.

3. Very few could do it faster than....

4. This book was intended for you and....

5. My friend,... are mistaken.

6. They came to see....

7. She told... about her life.

8. When we make mistakes, our teacher corrects....

9. It takes... only 10 minutes to go home.

II. Fill in the blanks with proper possessive pronouns

1. She has come to see... mother.

2. Put on... coat and go for a walk.

3. Tell him not to forget... note-book.

4. If they inquire about me, tell... that I am well.

5. Economics, like any other social science, has... own vocabulary.

6. Students work hard to perfect... language.

7. She has no children of... own.

8. A friend of... told me this.

9. The dog broke... leg.

III. Translate into English using personal and possessive pronouns in the appropriate form

1. Дай мені на хвилинку свій словник. 2. Скажи це йому, а не мені. 3. Де вона? Я її не бачу. 4. Що з нею? Вона хвора. 5. Їй сьогодні краще. Скажи про це лікарю. 6. Я прочитав його статтю минулого тижня. 7. Я не бачив його вчора. 8. Ми запитали його: ”Як ваше прізвище?”. 9. Погода була хороша, і діти попросили свою сестру повести їх в парк. 10. Я візьму ці журнали і прочитаю їх вдома.

IV. Fill in the blanks with some or any

1. Do you know... of these girls? 2. There are... foreign visitors in the park. 3.... of my friends live in this house. 4. We haven’t... time. 5. Do you like... of these animals? Yes, I like... of them. 6. Give me... water. 7. There are... cups on the table, but these aren’t... glasses. 8. I have... questions to ask. 9. There isn’t... tea in the tea-pot. 10. Please add... more tea in my cup.

V. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. He says nothing. 2. He does not say anything. 3. No man can do this. 4. Nobody can do this. 5. I do nothing in the evening. 6. Do you go anywhere? 7. I do not know anybody in this city. 8. I know nobody in this city. 9. He sees nothing on the hill. 10. He does not see anything on the hill.

VI. Choose the proper word:

1. It gives me... pleasure to see you again. (much, many)

2. How... English lessons have you a week? (much, many)

3. He can read English.... (a little, a few)

4. Let him think....(few, little)

5. There is... hope to get the railway station in time.

6. Did you have... difficulties in translating this article? (much, many)

7. There was... snow last winter. (much, many)

8. The students work... during examination session. (much, many)

VII. Use ”many” and ”much” instead of expressions such as lots of..., a lot of..., a great deal of..., plenty of...

1. There were lots of interesting books in the book-case. 2. I have a lot of work today. 3. There was a lot of water in rivers last spring. 4. My friend gets a great deal of enjoyment from a home computer. 5. We spent plenty of time on our translation. 6. Lots of trees were damaged by the storm. 7. He picked up a great deal of information during the afternoon.

VIII. Form the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives

Old, bad, cold, yellow, loud, clean, large, comfortable, practical, modern, good, small, careful, interesting, difficult, weak, important, easy, fat, low.

IX. Put the adjectives in brackets into the required degrees of comparison

1. The twenty second of December is the (short) day of the year. 2. His plan is (practical) than yours. 3. You are much (well) today. 4. I have (little) experience than you. 5. Oleg is the (good) of my friend. 6. This book is (interesting) than the last one I read. 7. Why do you take the (far) way home? 8. London is the (large) city in England. 9. There is (much) snow today. 10. This student speaks English (good) than you.

X. Compare the objects according to the given example

Example: A lemon – an apple (sour).

A lemon is sourer than an apple.

An apple is not so sour as a lemon.

An apple is not as sour as a lemon.

1. The Black Sea – the White Sea (warm). 2. Oil – water (light). 3. Butter – caviar (cheap). 4. Stone – wood (heavy). 5. Carrots – cucumbers (useful). 6. China – Japan (large). 7. Meat – vegetables (expensive). 8. Japanese – Spanish (difficult). 9. The Indian Ocean – The Arctic Ocean (warm).

XI. Write the sentences of your own with the most frequency used comparisons


as easy as: The teacher says that to learn to swim is as easy as ABC.

as hungry as: He comes from school as hungry as hunter.

as white as snow, as hot as fire, as clear as day, as green as grass, as cold as ice.

XII. Memorize these proverbs with comparison and find Ukrainian equivalents

1. The devil is not so black as he is.

2. East or west home is the best.

3. Better a glorious death than a shameful life.

4. Better late than never.

5. Four eyes see morethan two.


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