Exercise 4 Поставте речення у минулому та майбутньому часі 

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Exercise 4 Поставте речення у минулому та майбутньому часі

Example: I must go there at once.— I had to go there at once.— I shall have to go there at once.

1. I must catch up with my class. 2. The man must sell his house. 3. She must turn off the radio. 4. You must be there at nine. 5. The girl must water flowers. 6. They must get up at six. 7. His sister must go shopping. 8. We must work in the reading-hall. 9. They must stay at home. 10. You must pay for it.

Exercise 5 Дайте відповіді на запитання

1. What time do you get up? 2. What time do you get up on Sunday? 3. What time must you come to college? 4. What time must children go to bed? 5. What must you do in the morning? 6. What must you do in the evening? 7. What must you do in the afternoon? 8. What must you do to know English well?

Exercise 6 Перекладіть реченняї англійською мовою.

1. Учні повинні виконувати домашні завдання. 2. Вона загубила ручку і мусила писати олівцем.3.Тобі не можна їсти морозива. 4. Я мусив вимкнути телевізор. 5. Ми повинні приходити до школи вчасно. 6. Коли я маю повернути книжку? 7. Нам треба вивчити цей вірш напам'ять? 8. На екзамені вам не можна користуватися словником. 9. Вона сказала, що ми повинні полити квіти. 10. Йому доведеться складати екзамени у серпні.

Модальне дієслово need

Модальне дієслово need - "треба, потрібно" вживається, в основному, у заперечних реченнях. You needn't do it now. Вам не треба робити це зараз.

Exercise 1 Складіть речення

I He/She We You They needn't do this exercise in written form. have learned this poem by heart. be afraid. have called the doctor. lock the door.


Need I he/she we you they do this exercise in written form. have learned this poem by heart. be afraid. have called the doctor. lock the door


Exercise 2 Перефразуйте речення, використовуючи дієслово need.

Example: You learned the text by heart but it was unnecessary.You needn't have learned the text by heart.

1. The woman sent for the doctor but it was unnecessary. 2. He went to the post-office but it was unnecessary. 3. She bought the tickets beforehand though it was unnecessary.4. The pupils copied the text though it was unnecessary.5. I bought a stamp but it was unnecessary.

Exercise 3 Дайте заперечні відповіді на запитання

Example: Must we do this exercise at home?No, you needn't. You needn't do this exercise at home.

1. Must we come to school on Sunday? 2. Must I bring my dictionary tomorrow? 3. Must Nick rewrite his homework? 4. Must I wait for you? 5. Must she go there herself?



Таблиця часових форм дієслова

Час Простий Indefinite (Simple) Тривалий Continuous Завершений Perfect
Теперішній Present I write Я пишу (взагалі, зазвичай) I am writing Я пишу (зараз) I have written Я (вже) написав  
Минулий Past I wrote Я (на) писав (учора) I was writing Я писав (в той момент) I had written Я написав (вже до того моменту)
Майбутній Future I shall/will write Я напишу, писатиму (завтра) I shall/will be writing Я писатиму (в той момент) I shall/will have written Я напишу (вже до того моменту)


Форми дієслова в Present Indefinite

Число Стверджувальна форма Питальна форма Заперечна форма
Одн. I (you) write. Не (she, it) writes. Do I (you) write? Does he (she, it) write? I (you) do not write. He (she, it) does not write.
Мн. We (you, they) write. Do we (you, they) write? We (you, they) do not write


Дієслова у формах Indefinite (Simple) описують звичайні дії як факт, що повторюються, - безвідносно до їх тривалості або до результату дії:

I go to school every day. - Я ходжу в школу щодня. У цьому висловлюванні цікавить не час, витрачений на дорогу, не процес руху, не результат руху, а сам факт: я ходжу в школу, а не на роботу. Те ж саме відноситься до минулого часу або до майбутнього:

I went to school when I was a boy. - Я ходив в школу, коли був хлопчиком.

I shall go to school when I grow up. - Я ходитиму в школу, коли виросту.

Для вказівки на повторний характер дії часто вживаються слова

every day / week, month, year (щодня / кожного тижня, місяць, рік),

often (часто), seldom (рідко), always (завжди), usually (зазвичай), never (ніколи).

Прислівники often, seldom, always, never, usually зазвичай ставляться перед дієсловом.

У реченнях з дієсловом to be ці прислівники зазвичай ставиться після дієслова.

Не is never late for the lessons. - Він ніколи не запізнюється на уроки.

Заперечна і питальна форми в Indefinite утворюються за допомогою допоміжних дієслів do, does з часткою not, коротка форма: don't, doesn't. Порядок слів прямий. Питальні речення утворюються, як правило, простою перестановкою підмета і допоміжного дієслова.

Exercise 1 Поставте речення у множину

Example: The boy goes to school.The boys go to school.

1. The girl learns English. 2. My friend gets up early. 3. The worker comes home at six. 4. My brother works at a factory. 5. His uncle lives in Poltava. 6. The bus runs quickly.


Exercise 2 Поставте речення в однину

Example: The pupils work hard.The pupil works hard.

1. The engineers go to the plant. 2. The pupils do their homework. 3. The trees grow well. 4. The boys go in for sports. 5. My friends study English. 6. The girls sing very well.


Exercise 3 Складіть речення

I He She We You They goes to school play basket-ball gets up swim in the river take a bus skate every day. in the morning. at eight o'clock. in winter. on Sundays. once a week.


Do Does I he she we you they speak English? play the piano? work at school? teach history? live in that house? learn French?


I He She We You They do not (don't) does not (doesn't) learn German. go to school on Sunday. play hockey in summer. like this film. read that newspaper. work here.


Exercise 4 Поставте питання та заперечення до наступних речень

1. The children drink coffee in the evening. 2. Her sister dances very well. 3. Our grandmother grows potatoes. 4. The pupils remember this rule. 5. Nick goes to bed at ten.6. They listen to the radio in the morning. 7. You meet him every day. 8. It often snows in November. 9. You want to play chess with him. 10. His mother teaches geography at school. 11. My cousin wants to become a doctor. 12. She takes a bus.

Exercise 5 Складіть речення

Where do does I he she we you they live? work? study? buy milk? play tennis? skate?


When At what time do does I he she we you they go shopping? come home from school? play basket-ball? get up? go to bed? watch television?


How do does I he she we you they speak English? play the piano? dance? sing? get to school? study?


Who Whose sister Which of you Which of these girls What Whose bag lies on the table? studies at the university? hangs on the wall? works at that plant? knows French well? lives there?


Exercise 6 Поставте питання про час дії

Example: They skate in winter.When do they skate?

Nick gets up at six.At what time does Nick get up?

1. The pupils plant trees in autumn. 2. The teacher corrects our dictations in the evening. 3. Peter comes to school at eight. 4. Our family go to the Crimea in July. 5. His father usually comes home at five. 6. They discuss films after classes. 7. We listen to the news at ten o'clock. 8. Her parents gather mushrooms in summer.

Exercise 7 Поставте питання про місце дії

Example: His son works in Kiev.Where does his son work?

1. Her brother studies in Rivne. 2. The wolf lives in the forest. 3. They spend their holidays in the country. 4. Her mother works at a textile factory. 5. Many birds fly to the south in autumn. 6. Her parents live in a village. 7. My friends go to the theatre in the evening. 8. They read newspapers in the reading-room.


Exercise 8 Поставте питання до виділених слів

1. The children go to bed at ten o'clock. 2. His son knows English well. 3. My father reads newspapers in the evening. 4. Her aunt lives in Lutsk. 5. Our parents grow wheat. 6. This man works at a machine-building plant. 7. It snows in winter. 8. We buy bread at this shop. 9. My sister learns many poems by heart. 10. Ann helps her mother about the house. 11. At the lessons we read and speak English.12. Her mother teaches Ukrainian.


Exercise 9 Дайте відповіді на запитання

1. At what time do you get up? 2. What do you do in the morning? 3. Do you do your morning exercises every morning? 4. Do you go to college in the morning or in the afternoon? 5. At what time do classes begin at your college? 6. At what time do you come home from college? 7. When do you usually do your homework? 8. When do you help your mother about the house? 9. Do you go shopping every day? 10. What do you do in the evening?



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