Speak about Ukrainian cuisine using the ideas from the text. What can you add to this information? 

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Speak about Ukrainian cuisine using the ideas from the text. What can you add to this information?

If your foreign pen-friend has come to visit you, what Ukrainian dishes would you like to offer him/her? And why?

3. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. Mind—there are some odd words:

Raw, fillings, baked, sour cream, pickled, stuffed, roasted, vegetables, divine blessings, cabbage and beets

а) Different types of … are used in “varenyky”.

a) Potato pancakes are served with ….

b) Cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, beets are … for winter.

c) Bread in Ukraine is used to bring ….

d) Some vegetables such as onions, garlic, turnips, carrots are eaten ….

e) Borsch is made of ….

Scan for details and circle the correct letters.

1) Since ancient times Ukrainians …

a) have travelled a lot.

b) have led a settled way of life.

c) have moved to a lot of countries.

2) They have led the way of life based on …

a) developing industry.

b) travelling.

c) farming.

As a sign of hospitality, guests of honour in Ukraine are greeted with

а) sweets and cookies.

в) bread and salt.

с) Ukrainian pancakes.

4) The favorite first course dish is …

a) borsch.

b) pea soup.

c) chicken broth.

5) Cabbage rolls are cooked with the filling of …

a) tomatoes and meat.

b) barley and meat.

c) rice and meat.

6) Some fruit and vegetables are prepared for winter by …

a) pickling.

b) drying.

c) preserving.

7) Fruit and berries when in season are eaten …

a) pickled.

b) dried and preserved.

c) fresh.




Topic: Food and Meals.

Read and translate the following text:

Meals in Britain


A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal – sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms … But nowadays many people just have cereal with milk and sugar, or toast with marmalade, jam or honey. Marmalade and jam are not the same! Marmalade is made of oranges, and jam is made of other fruit. The traditional breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Some people have coffee, which is made of just hot water.

Round about 11a.m. some Englishmen who work have their tea or coffee break. They never call it a meal, of course, as they drink their tea or coffee at the office desk or factory bench.

Then, between 12 and 2 there comes lunch time. Most offices and small shops are closed for an hour and the city pavements are full of people on their way to cafes. For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office workers can choose the kind of bread they want – brown, white or roll – and then all sorts of salads and meat or fish to go in the sandwich. Pubs often serve good cheap food, both hot and cold. Schoolchildren can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a snack from home – a sandwich, a drink and some fruit.

Those who eat at home usually call their mid-day meal “dinner” and it is the biggest meal of the day for them. It consists of three or four courses. The first course is soup, though Englishmen are not very fond of soup, as it doesn’t leave enough room for the more important meat course. For the second course they have meat or fish with various vegetables, for a change they sometimes eat chicken or duck. Then dessert comes. This is jelly or fruit – apples, pears, oranges, plums, and nuts.

At about 5 p.m. they have afternoon tea. “Tea” means two things. It is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes and, of course, a cup of tea. The tea is very strong with sugar or cream but never with lemon. The Englishmen always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses.

The evening meal is the main meal of the day for many people. They usually have it between 6:00 and 8:00, and often the whole family eats together. On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat, either beef, lamb, chicken or pork with potatoes, vegetables and gravy. Gravy is sauce made of the meat juices.

The British like food from other countries too, especially Italian, French, Chinese and Indian. People often get takeaway meals – you buy the food at the restaurant and then bring it home to eat. Eating in Britain is quite international.


II. Insert these words and expressions in the sentences:

Breakfast, packed lunch, take-away, ready-made meal, snacks.

1) These days people usually eat cereal and milk or toast and marmalade for ….

2) … is a meal that you can buy and take away or you can phone the restaurant and ask to deliver it to you.

3) The most popular … in Britain are crisps and chocolates.

4) A typical … might be sandwiches, a packet of crisps, a yoghurt, an apple.

5) … are frozen meals, which can be prepared in minutes in microwave.


III. Put the words in correct order and make sentences.

1) coffee/ you/ like/ some/ Would?

2) order /to/ ice-cream/ you/ like/ some/ Would?

3) table / two / a / We’d / for / like.

4) bill / have / Can / the / we / please?

5) May / pay / card / I / by / credit?

6) menu/ have / we / the / Could?

7) included/ service / the / Is?

8) First /salad / I’d / like / the.

9) vegetables / you / What / would / like?


IV. Role-play.

a) Discuss in pairs what your favorite dish is. What do you like most/least?

Possible answers:

Soft drinks soup

ice-cream pizza

vegetables salad

breakfast dish dessert

pie or cake fruit

chocolate sandwiches


b) You are at the café. It’s teatime. Discuss in pairs what you are going to have.

Samples of the dialogues:

A: Would you care for a cup of tea?

B: Only if you are having one.

A: Do you take milk and sugar?

B: A dash of milk and two lumps, please.


A: What about a cup of tea?

B: I’d rather have a cup of coffee, if you don’t mind.

A: Milk and sugar?

B: A milky one without sugar, please.


A: How about a nice cup of tea before you go?

B: Yes, I’d love one.

A: How do you like it?

B: A strong one with three spoons of sugar for me.


A: Would you like a cup of tea?

B: Only if it’s not too much trouble.

A: Do you like it with milk?

B: Not too much milk.




Topic: Food and Meals,

How Americans Eat

Meal times. In the U.S. meals are usually served at the following times: breakfast: 6:30-10:00 a.m., lunch: 11:30-2:00 p.m., dinner: 5:00p.m.-8:00. Breakfast meals can vary from cereal and milk to eggs and pancakes or French toasts (slices of bread dipped in an egg and milk batter and fried).

Lunch tends to be a lighter meal – a sandwich, yogurt or a light entree. Dinner includes a main course of meat, poultry or fish, accompanied by side dishes such as soup, salad and vegetables. Brunch, a common Sunday meal served between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., is really a combination of br eakfast and l unch.

Common dishes. There are a wide variety of foods, depending upon which type of restaurant you go to. Some American-style restaurants have a typical menu.

Restaurants. Americans eat out often. Fast food restaurants have wide popularity. There are two types of restaurants in the U.S.: fast food and full-service restaurants. The style of fast food restaurants is much like than of cafeteria. Patrons go up to a counter to order their meal: hamburgers, hot chicken sandwiches and pizza. It is then placed on a plastic tray which patron brings to a table. A typical dinner costs from $3.00 to $6.00. It is expected that patrons will finish within 30-45 minutes. In full-service restaurants a waiter comes to take the patrons’ order. Dinner can vary from $10.00 to $50.00. It is expected that patrons will finish eating and leave restaurant within an hour. To express satisfaction with service patrons will give a tip of 20% of the bill. Small tips are given to coat check attendants (up to $1.00), rest room and car park attendants (50 cents).

Water and ice. Most people in the U.S. drink tap water. Any cold beverage you order will be served to you with ice unless you request otherwise.

How Canadians Eat

What Canadians eat often depends on where they live. Traditionally, most Canadians would have at least one daily meal of meat, potatoes and vegetables. Improved transportation and the influence of immigrants have changed the Canadian diet. Grocery stores today stock foods from around the world. Pizza, pasta and spicy rice or noodle dishes are now favourites. Increasing numbers of Canadians are vegetarians.

Canadians eat three meals a day. In some households, breakfast includes pancakes, eggs and bacon and hot cereal. People in a hurry are more likely to eat cold cereal, toast or a muffin with coffee or tea. Lunch is usually a light meal. Most people eat soup, a sandwich or a salad. Dinner, also called supper, is the largest meal, and is usually eaten early in the evening. The biggest family meals

are those served at Thanksgiving and Christmas, when turkey is usually served with cranberries and stuffing. At Thanksgiving the traditional dessert is a pumpkin pie; at Christmas many people serve a Christmas cake.

For some Canadians, life is too hectic for daily family meals around a table. Grocery stores carry prepared dinners that are quickly warmed and eaten. Fast food restaurants also cater to people in a hurry. Meals can also be ordered over the phone and delivered to the door. Most large cities have restaurants that serve food from around the world.


мuffin гаряча здоба

сranberry журавлина

stuffing начинка

pumpkin pie пиріг із гарбуза

hectic гарячковий (дуже швидкий)


III. Answer the following questions:

1. Do you like cooking?

2. What is cooking for you: an art or a dull everyday duty?

3. Are you conservative in cooking or do you prefer different innovations?

4. Who are better cooks: men or women?

5. Would you like to learn to cook any exotic dish?

6. Would you like to open any exotic restaurant in your town? Do you think it will prosper?


Lesson 14


Topic: Food and Meals.


Read and translate some additional texts and discuss them:


Eating well

One of the most important components of our health is food we eat. Human organism needs a lot of vitamins and mineral salts to function well. It’s

impossible to give a universal advice because we all are different. But still there are some recommendations that would be useful for everybody. The most wholesome food is vegetables, fruit, cereals. We need to eat them every day. It’s good to eat some meat and fish from time to time, but not much. One should avoid eating too much salt and sugar. It’s better to use honey instead of sweets and cakes. But the main thing is not to eat too much. There is an old rule: one must feel a little bit hungry after dinner.

Different food does different jobs in your body, so you need to eat a good balance of all the different types. Eating the right amount is important too: neither too much nor too little.

Protein food makes you grow and help repair your body. Meat, fish, eggs and nuts contain protein.

Milk, cheese and yogurt contain calcium, which makes your bones and teeth strong. They also contain protein.

Carbohydrates give you energy. Bread, cereals, rice, pasta and potatoes are good energy foods.

Fruit and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals. You need these to keep your body working efficiently.

Fiber is a carbohydrate that your body cannot digest. It is good for your digestive system, though. It prevents constipation and may protect against some serious illnesses. Fiber is found in whole meal bread and pasta, wholegrain cereals, brown rice, fruit and vegetables.

Water is important to your blood. Drink lots of water every day.

Foods to cut down on

Sugar gives you energy but has no other benefits; it rots your teeth and too much of it makes you overweight.

Too much fat can make you overweight. Animal fat, which is found in foods such as meat and butter, contains a substance called cholesterol. Over time, this can cause your arteries to get blocked and lead to heart disease.

Some foods, for example milk shakes, ice cream and cookies are mostly fat and sugary.

Some people are allergic to additives, such as food dyes and preservatives, which are put into many foods.


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