III. Complete the sentences by choosing appropriate prepositions from those in brackets. 

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III. Complete the sentences by choosing appropriate prepositions from those in brackets.

· Big Ben is the nickname (for/by) the great bell (to/of) the clock (at/above) the north end (in/of) the Palace of Westminster (on/in) London. It is the third-tallest free-standing clock tower (at/in) the world. It celebrated its 150th anniversary (at/on) the 31st of May, 2009. The clock tower has become one (after/of) the most prominent symbols (of/at) both London and England.

· Poets’ Corner is the name traditionally given (by/to) a section (under/of) the South Transept of Westminster Abbey (because of/besides from) the number (in/of) poets, playwrights, and writers buried and commemorated there.

· A wax museum Madame Tussauds was founded (with/by) wax sculptor Marie Tussaud.

· The Globe Theatre was a theatre (in/at) London associated (from/with) William Shakespeare. It was built (on/in) 1599 (of/by) Shakespeare’s playing company, and was destroyed (into/by) fire (in/on) the 29th of June 1613. A modern reconstruction (with/of) the Globe, named “Shakespeare’s Globe”, opened (on/in) 1997 approximately 750 feet (from/since) the site of the original theatre.

IV. Dramatize the following dialogue.

A: Oh, what’s that, my dear?

B: That big column with a statue on top of it? It’s a memorial to Admiral Nelson.

A: Oh, I see. It’s very impressive. And what are those birds all over the square?

B: They are pigeons. The pigeons are one of the sights of London.

A: And what’s that long building in front of us?

B: That’s the National Gallery.

A: Let’s go and see it.

B: All right. The Gallery is open now.


V. Complete the following dialogue.

A: Excuse me. I am a stranger in London. Is it possible to see anything of London in a day or two?


A: What do you think I ought to see first?


A: How long will it take me to get there?


A: Thank you very much.


Grammar Exercises

  Should / Ought to Дієслова should і ought to майже не відрізняються за значенням. Вони виражають моральний обов’язок, пораду, рекомендацію. Вживаються із різними формами інфінітива. You should have visited the National Portrait Gallery. You oughtn’t to be going to London by plane. Дієслово should вживається в риторичних запитаннях з питальним словом why для вираження подиву, сильного здивування, обурення. Why shouldn’t I stay at this hotel in the West End of London?  

I. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verbs should and ought to.

1. I advise you to watch the weekly ceremony of the Changing of the Guard.

2. I advise you to read more information about the City of London.

3. I don’t advise you to buy a flat in the East End. It’s the poorest district in London.

4. I think you mustn’t pay so much money for this London souvenir.

5. I think you must visit Buckingham Palace.

6. I think you must take an umbrella. It often rains in London.


  To be to Дієслово to be to як модальне вживається лише в Present i Past Indefinite і виражає: · обов’язок, що випливає з попередньої домовленості, плану, розкладу, графіка; We are to meet at Nelson’s column. · наказ або інструкцію. The visitors are not to take photographs in the British Museum.


II. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb to be.

1. We agreed to spend summer in London.

2. It was arranged that we should get to the Tube station as soon as possible.

3. The excursion is supposed to be finished in 25 minutes.

4. You are ordered to come at eight sharp.

5. The visitors are not allowed to pick flowers in St. James’s park.

6. We agreed to meet near the Westminster Palace.

7. It was arranged that I should go to London by plane.

8. The conference was supposed to be held in London.

9. You were not allowed to enter that room in the Library.


III. Choose the most appropriate modal verb from those in the brackets.

1. In six months he (can, must, will be able, should) to read English newspapers.

2. No matter how hard he tried, the tourist (can’t, mustn’t, couldn’t, may not) catch the train.

3. We (can, must, can’t, should) wait for the bus any longer.

4. (May, Will be able, Have, Am) I ask you to do me a favour?

5. He (must, should, need, has) be a Londoner.

6. The visitors (need, should, mustn’t, hasn’t) touch the displays in the National Portrait Gallery.

7. She (has, must, is, was) to see Big Ben yesterday.

8. I (could, can’t, can, couldn’t) believe it’s finally happening, can you?


IV. Read the following proverbs and sayings, analyze the form of the verb in them. Find Ukrainian equivalents or translate them.

· Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

· Men may meet, but mountains never.

· An open door may tempt a saint.

· A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.

· Children and fools must not play with edged tools.

· If we can’t as we would, we must do as we can.

· What must be, must be.

· Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Lesson 4

Outstanding People of Great Britain


Text: James Watt

Grammar: Participle; Participle I


Active Vocabulary


research innovation science to suffer from headache to be fond of passion creation to install observatory brilliantly steam engine to improve invention predecessor typewriter rotative to retire workshop to erect [rI'sE:C] ["InqV'veISqn] ['saIqns] ['sAfq] ['hedeIk]   ['pxS(q)n] [krI'eIS(q)n] [In'stLl] [qb'zE:vqt(q)rI] ['brIljqntlI] [stJm] ['enGIn] [Im'prHv] [In'venSqn] ['prJdIsesq] ['taIp"raItq] ['rqVtqtIv] [rI'taIq] ['wE:kSPp] [I'rekt] наукове дослідження; дослідницька робота нововведення, інновація наука страждати від головний біль захоплюватися пристрасть, пристрасне захоплення витвір, творіння встановлювати, монтувати обсерваторія, спостережний пункт блискуче парá двигун; мотор покращити; вдосконалити винахід; вигадка попередник; предок друкарська машинка обертальний піти на пенсію, йти у відставку майстерня встановлювати



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