Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian and state the form and function of the Infinitive. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian and state the form and function of the Infinitive.

1. To do it accurately was the main problem.

2. This is a prestigious company to work in.

3. It was kind of your boss to have offered it to you.

4. Our plan was to finish this work by the end of the month.

5. I was lucky to have been chosen for this job.

6. This is very good hotel to stay in.

7. There is a lot of work to be done today.

8. She was the first to be given a rise.

9. It’s nice to be working right now.

10. He hopes to be chosen for this position.

11. Our boss doesn’t like to be interrupted while he is working.

12. Do you him well enough to ask him for some money?

13. I only want to be understood.

14. All the necessary changes may be made any moment.

15. I hope to find a job in accounting.

16. I’m sorry not to have kept my promise.

17. It was a big mistake for them not to keep him as accountant.


Exercise 2. Put «to» where necessary before the infinitive in brackets:

1. We made him (do) it all over again.

2. I recommended him (learn) the laws of our country.

3. The boss made the secretary (repeat) the message.

4. They won’t let you (leave) the Customs area till your luggage has been examined.

5. Will you help me (fill in) this application form?

6. Please let us (know) about his decision as soon as it possible.

7. I don’t want anybody (use) the results of my experiments.

8. He made me (sign) this paper.

9. I saw him (leave) the office.

10. Nobody noticed him (come) in.

11. I don’t want anybody (know) about our plans.

12. I’d like him (accept) this invitation.

13. She knew him (be) a good marketer.

14. I believe this (be) the only way out.

Exercise 3. Translate into English:

1. Він не хотів щоб касир перераховував гроші.

2. Це змусить менеджерів компанії подумати, як вирішити проблему захисту свого виробника.

3. Це змусило уряд підвищити ціни.

4. Я сподівався, що ця новина змусить його підвищити тобі заробітну платню.

5. Я не хочу, щоб ви контролювали мою діяльність.

6. Він не сподівався, що це питання розглянуть так швидко.

7. Ніхто не сподівався, що ця перспективна компанія стане банкрутом.

8. Ніхто не знав, що примусило їх змінити їхні плани.

9. Я хочу, щоб ви переглянули цей звіт.

10. Що змусило його зробити цей крок?

11. Дозвольте мені дати вам пораду.

12. Мені б не хотілося, щоб ти так погано думав про нього.

13. Вони не сподівалися, що ми закінчимо цей звіт без їхньої допомоги.

Unit 14. Complex Subject


Complex Subject consists of a noun in the common case (загальний відмінок) or a pronoun (займенник). We use Complex Subject: - in statement some facts: to know, to think, to state, to report; - in suspection: to expect, to suppose, to believe, to consider; - in perception: to see, to hear; and such verbs as: - to be (not) likely to – скоріш за всього (наврядчи); - appear – здаватися; - happen – сталось; - turn out – виявилось; перекладається на українську мову як: говорять, бачили, думали, чули, виявилось і т.д. Grammar structure:
smb. is heard, seen, expected to do smth. was ordered, asked, allowed to be done will be likely to, appear, happen to have done smth.


e. g. She is thought to have done mistake.

Думали, що вона зробила помилку.


Exercise 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

  1. This exhibition is said to be finished soon.
  2. He is considered to be most successful business in the town.
  3. Picasso is known to have lived most part of his life n France.
  4. The director is believed to be working at new project.
  5. The documents were considered to have been lost.
  6. The girl was not likely to have taken documents by mistake.
  7. She seemed to have noticed something interesting on the shore.
  8. She is likely to succeed.
  9. The Eurovision will expected to take place in May next year.
  10. The conference is hear to be ruled by Chairman.
  11. She was happen to be such countries.
  12. He is appeared to have invested a lot of money in business.
  13. He is turned out pretended to another man.

Exercise 2. Open the brackets:

  1. She (expect) (operate) today.
  2. Just look at his hand! He (sure) (work) in the garage.
  3. She (seem) (recognize) me.
  4. She (seem) (forget) the little English she knew.
  5. A young woman (suppose) (write) this book.
  6. You (not likely) (miss) your train if you are in a hurry.
  7. Economic (know) (focus on) production of the goods and on the income.
  8. The price (say) (change).
  9. They (order) (leave) the hall.
  10. The situation (appear) more difficult than we thought.


Exercise 3. Translate into English:

  1. Навряд чи, щоб ви застали його дома о цій порі.
  2. Здавалося, що він про щось думає.
  3. Виявилося, що він знає три іноземні мови.
  4. Ніколи не бачили, щоб він сердився.
  5. Він, здається багато знає.
  6. Його підхід до вирішення цієї проблеми виявився дуже простим.
  7. Навряд чи, він стане ризикувати.
  8. Здається, фірма підписала контракт.
  9. Очікують, що ціни скоро підвищаться.

10. Кажуть, що покупці купують товар по ціні зафіксованій в договорі.



Unit 15. Gerund


The gerund has the following forms:

  Active Passive
Indefinite Ing being +3. /ed
Perfect having + 3/ed Having+ been+ 3/ed


We use the gerund:

- as the subject of a sentence: Exporting will be our main objective next year;

- as the object of a sentence: I’ve always enjoyed reading;

- after verbs:

admit, mind, appreciate, avoid, consider, can’t stand, can’t help, delay, enjoy, finish, imagine, involve, postpone, propose, risk, stop, suggest, to be worth;

- after prepositions:

after, before, by, when, while, without;

- after verbs and expressions followed by prepositions:

be interested in; be good at smth., be fond of, be for/against, be used to, instead of, feel like, think of/about, look forward to, succeed in, approve of, insist on, object to, it’s no use;

e. g. It’s no use asking him.

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the gerund. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Stop (argue) and start (work).

2. The boss is against (make) any complaints.

3. I’m thinking of (retire) and (go) to Ukraine.

4. If he puts his money into that business he risks (lose) everything.

5. If a thing is worth (do) at all it is worth (do) well.

6. He hates (borrow) money.

7. I can’t stand their (waste) so much time.

8. I thanked him for (solve) the problem quickly.

9. I suggest (postpone) the meeting.

10. It’s no good (complain). Nothing can be done.

11. I can’t help (think) about the interview.

12. We avoid (keep) late hours. Our working day begins very early.

13. The secretary admitted (steal) the money.

14. I believe he is capable of (solve) this problem.

Exercise 2. Finish these sentences using a gerund:

1. My favorite activity is ….

2. He can’t stand ….

3. He is good at ….

4. Some people just can’t help ….

5. We are used to ….

6. I am interested in ….

7. This company is worth ….

8. The customer wants to know who was responsible for ….

9. I feel like ….

10. He admitted ….

11. I am thinking of ….

12. … was the key to the company’s success.

13. It’s no use of ….

14. Avoid ….


Exercise 3. Complete these sentences using the gerund form of one of the verbs below:

give, get, make, have, lose, help, work, discuss, get, worry, meet, analyze, cry, buy, reduce;

1. He is interested in … the shares of this company.

2. It’s no use … over split milk.

3. This job involves … our international transactions.

4. We are looking forward to … the new Sales Manger.

5. It isn’t worth … about it.

6. You risk … bad results.

7. As we don’t agree about company policy we avoid … this subject.

8. We don’t mind … overtime, if it help the company.

9. You mustn’t insist on … him.

10. By delaying we risk … this contract.

11. I can’t imagine not … a computer in my office.

12. He apologized for … this serious mistake.

13. He is very pleased with … the job he wanted.

14. It’s no good … her advice, as she never listens.

15. Overstaffing should be solved by … the workforce.

Unit 16 Participle



The Participle has the following forms:

  Active Passive
Present Participle I дієслово + ing being + 3ф.д./ed
Past Participle 3f.v./ ed -----------------
Perfect Participle II having + 3ф.д./ed having + been+ 3ф.д. /ed


We use Participle:

- Participle I:

- as adjective:

e.g. I saw smiling girl;

- Present Participle I is used in function of Adverbial Modifier (обставини):

e.g. Walking home she didn’t hurry;

- Present Participle I Passive:

e.g. The music being performed was quite new.

- Past Participle: verb+3f.v./ed = adjective:

discussed – обговорений;

e.g. Written letter is on the table;

- Perfect Participle II:

e.g. Having written the letter he left.

Написавши листа, він вийшов;

- Perfect Participle Passive II:

e.g. Having been written the letter, he left.

Після того як листа написали, він вийшов.


Exercise 1. Insert Participle I of the verbs in brackets:

1. We spent about an hour (take) our papers to the office.

2. Generally (speak), this problem is rather difficult.

3. (Work) a year in Germany he returned to Ukraine.

4. He sat in his arm-chair (smoke) a cigarette.

5. Our new manager is a young man (wear) glasses.

6. The Japanese businessman bowed low and (take) my hand kissed it.

7. Saying this, he left the room.

8. (Be) busy, he postponed his trip to Italy.

9. I stood (watch) the people who were entering the office.

10. He went to work, (leave) the letter on the dressing table.

11. The conference (take) place at the University is devoted to the problems of green tourism.

12. While (wait) for you I have translated this article.

Exercise 2. Inset Perfect Participle II of the verbs in brackets:

1. The work (do) we received high salary.

2. (Live) in that town all his life, he knew it very well.

3. When he (invite) he always takes part in our discussions.

4. (Find) nobody in the office, he left the room.

5. When (ask) to help them she refused without hesitating.

6. (Complete) their tests, the students handed them.

7. (Finish) our work we went for a walk.

8. (Understand) his mistake he stopped arguing.

9. (Explain) everything he sat at his place.

10. (Know) that he had enough time he wasn’t in a hurry.


Exercise 3. Translate into English:

1. Коли все було готове, ми почали проект.

2. Коли роботу було закінчено, ми отримали підвищення в зарплатні.

3. Обговорені деталі контракту всі зрозуміли.

4. Зрозумівши прохання, він почав діяти.

5. Вона мені дала звіт посміхаючись.

6. Роботу було зроблено, і ми пішли додому.

7. Так як ключ було загублено, вона не змогла зайти в квартиру.

8. Так як питання було складним, ніхто не міг відповісти.

9. Бувши дуже стомленим, він залишився дома.

10. Так як квитки всі продали, ми пішли додому.



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