Counterintelligence - контррозвідка 

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Counterintelligence - контррозвідка

In accordance with Ukrainian legislation the Security Service of Ukraine is a part of law-enforcement bodies. It composes a unified centralized system which includes:

- the central administration of the Security Service of Ukraine;

- regional organs subordinated to the central administration;

- Security Service of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;

- organs of military counterintelligence, military forces;

- educational, research and other institutions of the Security Service of Ukraine.

This system is headed by the Chief of the Security Service of Ukraine. He is subordinated to the President of Ukraine.

To work effectively the Security Service of Ukraine must 1) perform functions fixed by law; 2) act in conformity with law; 3) secure rights and freedoms of an individual and a citizen.

Legislation in force sets up the tasks and authorities of the Security Service of Ukraine. They are to protect state sovereignty; constitutional order; territorial integrity; economic, technical, scientific and defense potential of Ukraine; lawful interests of the state; rights of the citizens from intelligence subversive activity of foreign secret services; to prevent interference of separate organizations, groups and persons. Additional tasks are prevention, disclosing and exposing crimes against peace and security of mankind, acts of terrorism, corruption and organized crime in economic sphere, and other unlawful actions that threaten vital interests of Ukraine.

Operational service activity of the Security Service of Ukraine is based on principals of sole management and collegiality, conspiracy and publicity, and divided into three main directions: 1) counter intelligence activity, 2) fighting crime, 3) intelligence activity.

Work of the Security Service of Ukraine is founded on legality, respect of rights and freedoms of an individual, responsibility before Ukrainian people and on the principle of not belonging to any political party.


Tax police

Tax militia is the law-enforcement body providing economic security of Ukraine.

Its tasks are as follows: 1) the prevention, detection and investigation of tax crimes; 2) the search for evasive taxpayers; 3) the prevention and detection of corruption in the bodies of State Tax Service; 4) the safeguarding of activity of State Tax Service officers.

According to the law on State Tax Service in Ukraine (December 4, 1990 N 509-XII, Article 20.) the tax militia consists of:

Main Department of Tax Militia, Investigative Department of Tax Militia, Department for counteraction to corruption in state tax service authorities of State Tax Administration of Ukraine;

Department of Tax Militia, Investigative Divisions of Tax Militia, Divisions for counteraction to corruption in state tax service authorities of correspondent state tax administrations in Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblasts, city of Kyiv and Sevastopоl;

Divisions of Tax Militia, Investigative Subdivisions (Groups) of Tax Militia of correspondent state tax inspections in districts, cities, districts in cities, inter-district and unified state tax inspections.

Within the structure of tax militia operates special structural unit responsible for counteraction to illegal turnover of alcoholic beverages and tobacco goods.

The Tax Militia is managed by Head of Tax Militia – First Deputy Head of Sate Tax Administration of Ukraine. The Tax Militia in state tax administration in Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblasts, city of Kyiv and Sevastopоl is managed by Heads of Departments of Tax Militia – First Deputy Heads of correspondent State Tax Administration.


Active vocabulary

To carry out authority

To disclose department

To expose direction

To punish freedom

To secure legislation

To subordinate offender

To supervise security

To threaten




A. Give the definitions for the following terms and expressions or explain in other words.

1. special forces

2. interior forces

3. intelligence

4. counterintelligence

5. intelligent-subversive activity


B. Answer the following questions using the information from the text:

1. Which organ performs the main amount of law enforcing work to keep

law and order?

2. Which organ defends our state from intelligent-subversive activities of

foreign secret services?

3. What are the directions of the Security Service of Ukraine activity?

4. What kind of crimes does the Security Service of Ukraine deal with?

5. What are the tasks of the bodies of the interior affairs?

6. Who heads the bodies of the internal affairs? How is he appointed? Who is the head of the Ministry of the Interior now?

7. Would you like to work in law enforcing agencies of Ukraine? Which body would you prefer to work in? Give your own arguments.

Compare two law enforcing agencies: bodies of the interior affairs and the Security Service of Ukraine according the following points. Use the information from the text.

1. tasks;

2. structure;

3. head;

4. directions of activity;

5. crimes they deal with;

6. additional information.

Determine which part of the text the following word combination belong to. Translate them into Ukrainian.

To delimit main directions, to carry outvarious tasks, to threaten vital interests, to be subordinated to the President, to secure rights, to punish offenders, to respect rights and freedoms, public security, tasks and authorities, executive organ.



Substitute the words in italics with the words from the active vocabulary.

1. The main task of all law enforcing agencies is to provide law and order in the state.

2. The Security Service must give the citizen writing explanation as for the limitation of his rights and liberties.

3. Powers fixed in the Ukrainian legislation are the foundation for considering the Security Service as a law enforcing agency.

4. Several organs of the law-enforcement system have their own investigation offices.

5. You must not visit places where you are not sure in your safety.

6. Militia must perform such functions as: administrative activity, preventive actions, operational search actions, procedural, executive and guardian activity.


2. Choose the right preposition according to the contents of the sentences ( for, in, against, by, to ).

1. All law enforcing agencies carry out their duties …conformity with the law.

2. Regional bodies of the internal affairs are subordinated … the Ministry of the Interior.

3. Bodies of the internal affairs perform tasks as … prevention, disclosing, exposing and removal offences.

4. Tasks and authorities of the Security Service of Ukraine are provided for … the law.

5. The Security Service fights crime … peace and security of mankind.

3. Divide the words into three groups according to parts of speech. Translate them into Ukrainian:

Security, direct, supervision, punishable, freedom, free, secure, directive, direction, disclosure, punishment, punish, authorize, legislative, offence, offender, offensive, offense, authority, legislation, legislator, expose, supervise, supervisor, disclose, legislature, subordination, subordinate, subordinator.

Complete the sentences with the words from the active vocabulary. Put them in an appropriate form.

1. Workers of law-enforcement organs are called upon to … and … persons guilty in crimes.

2. Militia is a united system of organs … to the Ministry of Interior.

3. Actions that …to the territorial integrity of our state are criminal and persons who perform them must be ….

4. Bodies of the Interior are called upon to … the defense of rights and … of an individual.

5. … of law-enforcement organs are fixed in Ukrainian … and must be … strictly in conformity with the law.

6. There are many different …in our institution.


Match synonyms. Compose your own word combinations with the words of the active vocabulary.


To secureto reveal

To performto oversee

To supervise to threaten

To expose to carry out

To endanger to provide

Power office

Department liberty

Safety authority

Offender security

Freedom criminal



6. Give English equivalents for the following word combinations:

Забезпечувати права та свободи, загрожувати життєво важливим інтересам, виявляти та розкривати злочини, карати злочинців, підпорядкований Міністерству Внутрішніх Справ, виконувати різні завдання, здійснювати нагляд за захистом прав, повноваження Служби Безпеки, відповідно до Українського законодавства, громадська безпека, відділ боротьби з незаконним обігом наркотиків, напрямок діяльності.


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