What is the Role of Logistics in the Organization? 

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What is the Role of Logistics in the Organization?

Logistics is critical to the success of every organization. Once considered an unimportant, behind-the-scenes operational activity, logistics is now recognized as a strategic tool for creating customer value and loyalty. The main focus of the job is to minimize expenditures on the way from the producer to the consumer.

The demand for logistics managers at all levels is excellent. Logistics is a field with more positions than graduates each year. Senior logistics management talent is also in short supply. As logistics managers’ roles and value have grown, the need for well-educated, talented professionals with a diverse array of skills has emerged.

The increasing importance of analytical, strategic, and technological activities makes logistics an attractive career to more people. Another factor which contributes to the increasing importance of logistics is the value that organizations are placing on diversity today. Successful organizations realize that diversity gives them an edge in the highly competitive global marketplace.

What is the Most Common Career Path in Logistics?

The scope of opportunities for logistics professionals is expanding. Logistics managers are involved in boundary and organization-spanning teams, strategic planning, alliance building, and a host of other activities that directly impact the success of their organizations worldwide. Because these roles are expanding, a career in logistics management can lead in many directions – including to the top of the company!

No single career path dominates logistics management. In fact there are hundreds of potential career paths. Your career path will be largely influenced by your skills, interests, and personal decisions. It will also be impacted by the size, type, geographic scope, and organizational structure of the firm that you choose to work for.

A broad base of business skills, knowledge of the logistics process, and relevant internship/work experience will give you ample opportunity to begin your career with a manufacturer, retailer, carrier, third party logistics firm, or other organization. You will likely begin as a management trainee, analyst, or first line supervisor. As you demonstrate your managerial capabilities, you can progress to logistics positions of greater responsibility. You may also decide to gain experience in other parts of the organization. One key to your success in this field is flexibility. You will work with people throughout your company – logistics, manufacturing, and marketing.

Depending on the size of your company, your initial responsibilities may deal with one or more logistics functions. Some positions will require you to specialize in a specific area of logistics. There are numerous opportunities and career paths in this field – it is up to you to seek them out and develop the appropriate skills to be successful.

Where Do New Logistics Managers Get Started?

There are many potential starting points for a successful career in logistics. You can begin your career in many types of organizations, in numerous logistics activities, and virtually any location in the world depending on your skills and interests. Manufacturers and merchandisers offer excellent employment opportunities for new logistics managers. The opportunities, training and assignments are varied. Some manufacturers and merchandisers have formal training programs while others use on-the-job training to prepare new logistics managers. Initial assignments may be in logistics operations, logistics planning and analysis, or manufacturing operations.

Quite a number of job positions in logistics require a bachelor's degree. So the way to become a prospective professional in the sphere is studying a degree at university which teaches you the fundamentals first. A specialist in logistics has to be competent in different fields of knowledge: e.g. management, economics, basics of psychology, law, means of transportation, technical documentation, etc. Besides, one has to be able to interact with different people – colleagues, clients and employers – efficiently. University is a successful way to start an attractive career.


Look through the tips and prepare your job CV and a letter of application.

Text F: Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Nowadays, employers tend to receive thousands of applications for a job as soon as it is advertised on the job market. Therefore it is vital that your letter should stand out from the thousands of CVs and letters that people are going to send.

The first impression is always the most important one, therefore you need a good and well- structured CV in order to attract the employers' attention. Here are a couple of tips about how to write a good CV when applying for a job in the UK or in Ireland.

Presentation. An employer has very little time to spend on your application. The most important thing is that your CV is clear. Your CV has to be word processed. It immediately shows that you can work on word processors. The CV should be between one or two pages long.

Don't be scared to space it out, never condense everything onto one page otherwise it will look messy. Since most employers have very little time to spend on each CV, they tend to skim read what you have written. It is therefore better to start by what is most important and work your way downwards from what is important to what is not so vital.


A Curriculum Vitae (example) Personal details Full name: PIRES, FRANCISCO Manuel Prego de Ochôa e Azevedo Nationality: Portuguese (born in Lourenzo Marques, Mozambique) DOB: 17:12:62 Marital status: Married Address: Rua Augusto Gil, 41 – 4460-211 Senhora da Hora, Porto, Portugal Mob.: (+355) 932 687 54 / (+355) 964 644718 Fax.: (+355) 220 125439 E-Mail: abcd@clix.pt Profile My career has led me to specialize increasingly in the management of complex multi-cultural projects and their staffs at international levels. I have experience in: strategic forward-planning; operating within the tight financial disciplines imposed by ambitious budgets which I have helped to plan; methodical administration to deadlines (not to speak of crisis management where necessary); and the application of modern leadership methods (through staff motivation and involvement in both decision-making and target-setting, clarity in communication, and easy personal inter-relations). My own cosmopolitan background and analytical interests in other cultures, together with a command of several European languages, have also left me confident in handling negotiations that require the reconciliation of different national approaches to otherwise common problems. Skills Base: - Familiarity with both the artistic and the commercial worlds, the culture of government, and European regulations. - Tested management techniques in both continental and British contexts. - Proven leadership and human management skills. - Budget design and monitoring. - Time-efficient, systematic working methodology. - Rapid adaptability to new problem-solving and new locations. Languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, and Italian IT: Word, Excel, Windows Clean driving license

The Letter of Application


The letter of application can be as important as the CV in that it often provides the first direct contact between a candidate and an employer. If this letter is not well written and presented, it will make a poor impression. The letter of application normally contains four paragraphs in which you should:

- confirm what you wish to apply and say where you learned the job;

- say why you are interested in the position and relate your interests to those of the company;

- show that you can contribute to the job by highlighting your most relevant skills and experience;

- indicate that your willingness to attend an interview (and possibly say when you would be free to attend).



52 Hanover Street Edingburgh EH2 5LM UK Fiona Scott Nathalie Baudoin Patagonia Gmbh Reitmorstrasse 50 8000 Munich 22 Germany   Dear Ms Baudoin,   I am writing to apply for the position which was advertised last month in The Independent. Although I am presently employed by a non-profit making organization, it has always been my intention to work in a commercial environment. I would particularly welcome the chance to work for your company as I have long admired both the quality of the products that it provides and its position as a defender of environmental causes. As you will notice on my enclosed CV, the job you are offering suits both my personal and professional interests. My work experience has familiarized me with many of the challenges involved in public relations today. I am sure that this together with my understanding of the needs and expectations of sport and mature enthusiasts would be extremely relevant to the position. Moreover, as my mother is German, I am fluent in this language and would definitely enjoy working in a German-speaking environment. I would be pleased to discuss my curriculum vitae with you in more detail at an interview. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. I look forward to hearing from you.   Yours sincerely Fiona Scott 8th January 2016



Список литературы:


1. Даниленко Л.П., Сильман Ю.Ю. Методические указания для практических занятий со студентами факультета экономики и менеджмента / Л.П. Даниленко, Ю.Ю. Сильман.. – ТГАСУ Томск, 2012.

2. Bogoroditskaya V.N, Khrustalyova L.V. The world of Britain./ V.N. Bogoroditskaya, L.V. Khrustalyova – Москва, 1998.

3. Агабенян. И.П. Английский для технических вузов/ И.П. Агабенян. – Ростов -на -Дону, 2001.

4. Конышева, А.В., Казанова. О.П. Let’s talk about Belarus. / А.В. Конышева, О.П. Казанова. – Минск, 2003

5. Батура М.П., Ильин В.Л. Хронология становления и развития. МРТИ – БГУИР / М.П. Батура, В.Л. Ильин, В.E. Борисенко и др. – Минск, 2014.

6. The facts and figures about the UK. 100 questions answered. – Printed in the UK by Dorling Print LTD.

7. Лемайкина Л.М., Данилова О.А. Методические указания и контрольные работы по английскому языку (специальность «Экономист») / Л.М. Лемайкина, О.А. Данилова, Л.В. Пузанов. – Саранск, 2009.

8. Graham Tullis. Tonya Trappe, New Insights into Business. / G. Tullis., T. Trappe – Pearson Education Limited, England, 2004

9. Site www.alleng.ru/engl.top/395.htm (Business Economics).

10. http://www.jidaw.com/certarticles/careertips.html,

11. http://www.careeroverview.com/technology-careers.html

12 http://www.exploreadultlearning.co.uk/information-technology.html

13. http://www.answers.com/Q/Role_of_information_technology_in_our_society

14. http://www.developingcareer.com/career-in-information-technology/

15. http://www.QuickCert.com

16. http://www.webcrawler.com

17. http://belarusfacts.mfa.gov.by/

18. http://belarusinside.com/about/nature.html

19. http://mfa.gov.by/en/

20. http://belarusfacts.by/en/

21. http://www.stranas.ru/europe/Belarus.html

22. http://www.belarus.by/en/about-belarus/geography/minskcity

23. http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment

24. http://www.prospects.ac.uk/cvs_and_cover_letters.htm



Св. план 2015, поз. 73


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Ладыженко Марина Владимировна

Карпик Людмила Станиславовна

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