Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the vocabulary list of Unit 2. 

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Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the vocabulary list of Unit 2.

1. Как правило, трудно избежать пробок в городских условиях.

2. В часы-пик многие дороги неспособны выдерживать высокий уровень интенсивности движения.

3. Увеличение пропускной способности произойдет благодаря организации непрерывного потока движения.

4. Установка дорожных указателей является неотъемлемым компонентом для обеспечения безопасности на дороге.

5. Пробки становятся основной причиной временных задержек.

6. Подземный переход способствует решению проблем безопасности пешеходов.

7. Если потоки движения не будут пересекаться, то транспортные средства смогут передвигаться быстрее и легче.

8. В зависимости от условий и обстоятельств движение может быть односторонним и двусторонним.

9. Основной функцией одностороннего движения является устранение пересекающихся потоков движения.

10. Многие несчастные случаи можно избежать при помощи строительства транспортных развязок.


Form several groups and prepare presentations about the problem of congestion in different countries and the ways of its solution.


1. Before you start. · Are Russian roads safe? · Do road signs help to increase road safety?

Read the words and learn them by heart.

1. road traffic safety – дорожная безопасность

2. to injure – ранить, причинить травму

3. public transport – общественный транспорт

4. prevention – предотвращение, предупреждение

5. to prevent – предотвращать

6. crash – авария, катастрофа

7. fallibility – погрешность

8. human tolerance – допустимая для человека нагрузка

9. urban road – городская дорога

10. vulnerable – незащищенный, уязвимый

11. road user – участник дорожного движения

12. traffic calming – ограничение скорости движения путем установки различных препятствий

13. tool – инструмент

14. traffic circle – кольцевая развязка

15. to implant – внедрять

16. collision – авария, столкновение

17. shared space – общее пространство

18. safety barrier – защитное ограждение

19. to absorb impact energy – поглощать энергию удара

20. a bystander – свидетель, наблюдатель

21. vicinity – окрестность, близость, соседство

22. oncoming traffic – встречное движение, встречные автомобили

23. head-on collision – лобовое столкновение

24. countermeasure – контрмера, противодействие

25. grade separated junctions – развязка дорог на разных уровнях

26. obstacle – препятствие

27. prohibition – запрет


Read the text and learn more about road safety.

Road safety

Road traffic safety refers to methods and measures for reducing the risk of a person using the road network being killed or seriously injured. The users of a road include pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, their passengers, and passengers of on-road public transport, mainly buses and trams. Best-practice road safety strategies focus upon the prevention of serious injury and death crashes in spite of human fallibility. Safe road design is now about providing a road environment which ensures vehicle speeds will be within the human tolerances for serious injury and death wherever conflict points exist.
On existing urban roads where many vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and bicyclists can be found, traffic calming can be a tool for road safety. Though not strictly a traffic calming measure, mini-traffic circles implanted in existing, normal intersections of urban streets, have been shown to reduce collisions at intersections dramatically. Shared space schemes, which rely on human instincts and interactions, such as eye contact, for their effectiveness, and are characterised by the removal of traditional traffic signals and signs, and even by the removal of the distinction between roadway and footway, are also becoming increasingly popular. Both approaches can be shown to be effective.

Major highways are designed for safer high-speed operation and generally have lower levels of injury per vehicle km than other roads.

Safety features include:

· Limited access from properties and local roads.

· Grade separated junctions

· Median dividers between opposite-direction traffic to reduce likelihood of head-on collisions

· Removing roadside obstacles.

Prohibition of more vulnerable road users and slower vehicles.

Modern safety barriers are designed to absorb impact energy and minimize the risk to the occupants of cars, and bystanders. For example some road fixtures such as road signs and fire hydrants are designed to collapse on impact. Highway authorities have also removed trees in the vicinity of roads; while the idea of “dangerous trees” has attracted a certain amount of skepticism, unforgiving objects such as trees can cause severe damage and injury to any road users.



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