Выберите причастие, соответствующее по форме и содержанию русским группам слов 

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Выберите причастие, соответствующее по форме и содержанию русским группам слов


1. разработав прибор

a) having developed the device;

b) having been developed the device;

c) developing the device.

2. используя этот метод

a) having been used this method;

b) using this method;

c) having used this method.


Укажите причастие в форме Participle I Active


a) having read; b) reading; c) being read.


Укажите причастие в форме Participle I Passive


a) translating; b) being translated; c) having translated.

Укажите причастие в форме Perfect Participle Active


a) writing; b) having written; c) having been written.


Укажите причастие в форме Perfect Participle Passive


a) being done; b) having been done; c) having done.


9. Определите причастие в функции определения


a) an operating machine;

b) when operating the machine;

c) the machine is operating.


Определите функцию причастия


1. We could not see the sun covered by the clouds.

a) определение; b) часть сказуемого; c) обстоятельство.

2. Nobody saw the things kept in that box.

a) обстоятельство; b) определение; c) часть сказуемого.

3. Having done his homework, he went for a walk.

a) определение; b) часть сказуемого; c) обстоятельство.


Version 2


Выберите нужную форму причастия


1. Everything …here is quite right.

a) writing; b) written.

2. Do you know the girl … in the garden?

a) playing; b) played.

3. Translate the words … on the blackboard.

a) writing; b) written.


Укажите предложение с независимым причастным оборотом


a) Having written this exercise, I began to doubt whether it was correct.

b) While listening to the lecturer, students should always be attentive.

c) The dinner being over, the old lady asked Barbara to come and sit down on the sofa near her.


Укажите причастие в функции обстоятельства

a) Answering these questions he made some mistakes.

b) The tree struck by the lightning was all black and leafless.

c) After studying the theory we can make experiments.

Выберите причастие, соответствующее по форме и содержанию русским группам слов


1. после того, как статью написали

a) writing the article …;

b) having been written the article …;

c) the written article ….

2. потерянная книга

a) having lost the book;

b) the lost book;

c) having been lost the book.


Укажите причастие в форме Participle I Active


a) playing; b) being played; c) having been played.


Укажите причастие в форме Participle I Passive


a) building; b) being built; c) having built.


Укажите причастие в форме Perfect Participle Active


a) having been known; b) known; c) having known.


Укажите причастие в форме Participle II Passive


a) developed; b) being developed; c) having been developed.


9. Определите причастие в функции определения


a) some playing children;

b) the children are playing;

c) when playing in the garden, the children.


Определите функцию причастия


1. I think that the boy standing there is his brother.

a) обстоятельство; b) определение; c) часть сказуемого.

2. He was doing his homework.

a) определение; b) часть сказуемого; c) обстоятельство.

3. Read the translated sentences once more.

a) определение; b) часть сказуемого; c) обстоятельство.

Version 3


Выберите нужную форму причастия


1. The article … by this scientist is very interesting.

a) writing; b) written.

2. We could not see the sun …by dark clouds.

a) covering; b) covered.

3. The … book was found at last.

a) losing; b) lost.


Укажите предложение с независимым причастным оборотом


a) The weather being cold, he put on his coat.

b) Being translated by a good specialist, the story preserved all the sparkling humor of the original.

c) When arriving at the railway station, he bought a ticket.


Укажите причастие в функции обстоятельства


a) The dress bought at the department store was very beautiful.

b) While reading this book the student found out many interesting things.

c) On returning to his native country he worked as an architect for several years.


Выберите причастие, соответствующее по форме и содержанию русским группам слов


1. читая книгу

a) having read the book;

b) reading the book;

c) the book read by my friend.

2. закончив работу

a) finished work;

b) having finished the work;

c) having been finished the work.


Укажите причастие в форме Participle I Active


a) using; b) being used; c) used.


Укажите причастие в форме Participle I Passive


a) having been asked; b) being asked; c) asked.

Укажите причастие в форме Perfect Participle Active


a) being taken; b) having been taken; c) having taken.


Укажите причастие в форме Participle II Passive


a) examined; b) being examined; c) having been examined.


9. Определите причастие в функции определения


a) the only tested device;

b) the device is being tested;

c) being tested the device.


Определите функцию причастия


1. He is painting a picture now.

a) часть сказуемого; b) определение; c) обстоятельство.

2. Having tested the device they continued the experiment.

a) обстоятельство; b) определение; c) часть сказуемого.

3. She was reading the book bought the day before.

a) определение; b) часть сказуемого; c) обстоятельство



Version 1


Укажите герундий в форме Indefinite Active


a) writing; b) being written; c) having written.


Укажите герундий в форме Perfect Passive


a) being told; b) having been told; c) having told.


Укажите герундий в форме Perfect Active


a) having been used; b) being used; c) having used.


Укажите герундий в форме Indefinite Passive


a) being proved; b) proving; c) having proved.

Определите функцию герундия


1. After being corrected by the teacher, the students’ papers were returned to them.

a) определение; b) обстоятельство; c) подлежащее.

2. I had the pleasure of dancing with her.

a) обстоятельство; b) определение; c) предложное дополнение.

3. Playing chess is his hobby.

a) обстоятельство; b) подлежащее; c) определение.


Укажите предложение со сложным герундиальным оборотом


a) His being sent to Moscow was quite unexpected.

b) After reading the article I made notes.

c) It was no use talking about it any longer.


Подберите правильный перевод для сложного герундиального оборота


I know of his having passed the examination.

a) Я знаю о том, что он сдаёт экзамен.

b) Я знаю о том, что он сдаст экзамен.

c) Я знаю о том, что он сдал экзамен.


Укажите герундий в функции обстоятельства


a) Entering the room, I saw my friends.

b) On entering the room, I saw my friends.

c) Having entered the room I didn’t see anybody there.


Укажите герундий в функции именной части составного сказуемого


a) He is listening to music now.

b) His hobby is listening to music.

c) Listening to music, he enjoyed it.


10. Укажите герундий в функции определения


a) We are interested in the test being carried out repeatedly.

b) They rely on the experiment having been conducted correctly.

c) The students collected the material for reading.


Соотнесите правильный перевод с формой герундия


1. She likes being read.

a) Ей нравится, что она читает.

b) Ей нравится, что она будет читать.

c) Ей нравится, что ей читают.

2. I remember having helped my friend.

a) Я помню, что помог моему другу.

b) Я помню, что мой друг помог мне.

c) Я помню, что необходимо помочь моему другу.

3. She likes being met at the station.

a) Ей нравится, что её встретят на станции.

b) Ей нравится, что она будет встречать на станции.

c) Ей нравится, что её встретили на станции.


Определите герундий по формальным признакам


a) entering the room; b) on entering the room; c) while entering the room.


Version 2


Укажите герундий в форме Indefinite Active


a) being finished; b) finishing; c) having finished.


Укажите герундий в форме Perfect Passive


a) being spoken; b) having been spoken; c) having spoken.


Укажите герундий в форме Perfect Active


a) having read; b) having been read; c) reading.


Укажите герундий в форме Indefinite Passive


a) being considered; b) having been considered; c) considering.


Определите функцию герундия


1. Returning home after a good holiday is always pleasant.

a) обстоятельство; b) определение; c) подлежащее.

2. You can learn what the new words mean by looking them up in the dictionary.

a) обстоятельство; b) определение; c) часть глагольного составного


3. We have every chance of passing our examinations well.

a) обстоятельство; b) дополнение; c) определение.


Укажите предложение со сложным герундиальным оборотом


a) Working in the garden is very good for the health of people.

b) She praised herself for having come.

c) He insisted on my being examined by the doctor.



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