The simple past and the past continuous 

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The simple past and the past continuous

10. Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past or the past continuous tense.

1. I lit the fire at 6.00 and it (burn) brightly when Tom came in at 7.00.

2. When I arrived the lecture had already started and the professor (write) on the overhead projector.

3. I (make) a cake when the light went out. I had to finish it in the dark.

4. Unfortunately when I arrived Ann just (leave), so we only had time for a few words.

5. He (watch) TV when the phone rang. Very unwillingly he (turn) down the sound and (go) to answer it.

6. He was very polite. Whenever his wife entered the room he (stand) up.

7. My dog (walk) along quietly when Mr Pitt's Pekinese attacked him.

8. What you (think) of his last book? ~ I (like) it very much.

9. He suddenly (realize) that he (travel) in the wrong direction.

10. He (play) the guitar outside her house when someone opened the window and (throw) out a bucket of water.

11. I just (open) the letter when the wind (blow) it out of my hand.

12. When I (look) for my passport I (find) this old photograph.

13. The boys (play) cards when they (hear) their father's step. They immediately (hide) the cards and (take) out their lesson books.

14. He (clean) his gun when it accidentally (go) off and (kill) him.

15. As I (cross) the road I (step) on a banana skin and (fall) heavily.

16. I still (lie) on the road when I (see) a lorry approaching.

17. Luckily the driver (see) me and (stop) the lorry in time.

18. When I (hear) his knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not recognize) him at first because I (not wear) my glasses.

19. While the guests (dance) thieves (break) into the house and (steal) a lot of fur coats.

20. The next day, as they (know) that the police (look) for them, they (hide) the coats in a wood and (go) off in different directions.

The future continuous and the future simple

11. Put the verbs in brackets into the future continuous tense.

1. This time next month I (sit) on a beach.

2. When you arrive I probably (pick) fruit.

3. I'll call for her at eight. - No, don't; she still (have) breakfast then.

4. I (wait) for you when you come out.

5. When you next see me I (wear) my new dress.

6. I'll give Jack your message. I can do it easily because I (see) him tomorrow. We go to work on the same train.

7. You (do) geometry next term.

8. I'll look out for you at the parade. - Do, but I (wear) uniform so you may find it hard to recognize me.

9. We have to do night duty here. I (do) mine next week.

10. In a hundred years' time people (go) to Mars for their holidays.

11. He (use) the car this afternoon.

12. I (see) you again.

13. It's a serious injury but he (walk) again in six weeks.

14. I'll come at three o'clock. - Good, I (expect) you.

15. You'd better go back now; your mother (wonder) where you are.

16. In fifty years" time we (live) entirely on pills.

17. What do you think the children (do) when we get home? - I expect they (have) their supper.

18. The garden (look) its best next month.

19. I've just remembered that I left the bathroom taps on. I expect the water (flow) down the stairs by now.

20. You (need) your camera tomorrow or can I borrow it?

21. We've just got to the top in time. The sun (rise) in a minute.

22. Air hostess: We (take off) in a few minutes. Please fasten your safety belts.

23. We'd better go out tomorrow because Mary (practise) the piano all day.

24. Don't ring her up at 6.00; she (put) the children to bed. Ring later.

25. When I get home my dog (sit) at the door waiting for me.

12. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate future form (continuous or simple)

1. There is going to be a bus strike. Everyone (walk) to work next week.

2. You've just missed the last train! – Never mind, I (walk).

3. I'll ring you tomorrow at six. – No, don't ring at six; I (bath) the baby then. Ring later.

4. Mother: Your face is dirty. – Child: All right, I (wash) it.

5. Will you have lunch with me on the 24th? – I'd love to, but I'm afraid I (do) my exam then.

6. I (work) for Mr Pitt next week as his own secretary will be away.

7. You (have) something to drink, won't you?

8. Why did you take his razor? He (look) for it everywhere tomorrow.

9. I hope you'll do well in the race tomorrow. I (think) of you.

10. Notice on board ship: In the event of an emergency all passengers (assemble) on the boat deck.

11. I don't feel well enough to go to the station to meet him. ~ I (meet) him for you. But how I (recognize) him? – He's small and fair, and he (wear) a black and white school cap.

12. I (leave) these flowers at the hospital for you. I (go) there anyway to visit my cousin.

13. You ought to try to get a ticket for the Spectators' Gallery next week; they (debate) international fishing rights.

14. You've left the light on. – Oh, so I have. I (go) and turn it off.

15. I've just been appointed assistant at the local library. – Then you (work) under my sister. She is head librarian there.

16. I want to post this letter but I don't want to go out in the rain. - I (post) it for you. I (go) out anyway as I have to take the dog for a walk.

17. The prima ballerina is ill so I expect her understudy (dance) instead.

18. This time next Monday I (sit) in a Paris cafe reading Le Figaro. – You (not read). You'll be looking at all the pretty girls.

19. Wages have gone up, so I suppose prices (go up) too.

20. It is nearly autumn; soon the leaves (change) colour.

21. Mother (on phone): My son has just burnt his hand very badly. – Doctor: I (come) at once.

22. Customer in restaurant: Waiter, this plate is dirty. – Waiter: I'm sorry, sir, I (bring) you another.

23. In a few years' time we all (live) in houses heated by solar energy.

24. It's beginning to get dark; the street lights (go on) in a few minutes.

25. We (not play) poker at the party tonight; our hostess doesn't approve of cards.

26. Let's wait here; the swing bridge (open) in a minute to let that ship through.

27. Guest: May I use your phone to ring for a taxi? - Hostess: Oh, there's no need for that; my son (drive) you home.

28. Are you nearly ready? Our guests (arrive) any minute.

29. Now that the parking regulations have become stricter, more people (use) public transport and (leave) their cars at home.

30. I'm afraid I've just broken your goldfish bowl. - Never mind, I (put) the goldfish in the bath.


The present perfect tense

13. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect tense, and fill the spaces by repeating the auxiliary.

1. Where you (be)? ~ I (be) to the dentist.

2. You (have) breakfast? ~ Yes, I …

3. The post (come)? ~ Yes, it …

4. You (see) my watch anywhere? ~ No, I'm afraid I …

5. I (not finish) my letter yet.

6. He just (go) out.

7. Someone (take) my bicycle.

8. The phone (stop) ringing.

9. You (hear) from her lately? - No, I …

10. I just (wash) that floor.

11. The cat (steal) the fish.

12. There aren't any buses because the drivers (go) on strike.

13. Charles (pass) his exam? ~ Yes, he …

14. How many bottles the milkman (leave)? ~ He (leave) six.

15. I (live) here for ten years.

16. How long you (know) Mr Pitt? ~ I (know) him for ten years.

17. Would you like some coffee? I just (make) some.

18. Mary (water) the tomatoes? ~ Yes, I think she …

19. You ever (leave) a restaurant without paying the bill? ~ No, I …

20. I (ask) him to dinner several times.

21. He always (refuse).

22. You ever (ride) a camel?

23. I (buy) a new carpet. Come and look at it.

24. He (post) the letter?

25. I often (see) him but I never (speak) to him.

26. You ever (eat) caviar? ~ No, I …

27. We just (hear) the most extraordinary news.

28. I (not pay) the telephone bill yet.


The present perfect and the simple past

14.Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the simple past tense.

1. This is my house. ~ How long you (live) here? ~ I (live) here since 1990.

2. He (live) in London for two years and then (go) to Edinburgh.

3. Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays.

4. My brother (write) several plays. He just (finish) his second tragedy.

5. I (fly) over Loch Ness last week. ~ You (see) the Loch Ness monster?

6. I (not see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.

7. He (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.

8. When he (arrive)? ~ He (arrive) at 2.00.

9. I can't go out because I (not finish) my work.

10. I never (drink) whisky. ~ Well, have some now.

11. I (write) the letter but I can't find a stamp.

12. The clock is slow. ~ It isn't slow, it (stop).

13. Here are your shoes; I just (clean) them.

14. I (leave) home at 8.00 and (get) here at twelve.

15. I (do) this sort of work when I (be) an apprentice.

16. He just (go) out.

17. He (go) out ten minutes ago.

18. You (have) breakfast yet? ~ Yes, I (have) it at 8.00.

19. I (meet) him last June.

20. You (see) the moon last night?

21. The play just (begin). You are a little late.

22. The newspaper (come)? ~ Yes, Ann is reading it.

23. We (miss) the bus. Now we'll have to walk.

24. Mr Pound is the bank manager. He (be) here for five years.

25. Mr Count (work) as a cashier for twenty-five years. Then he (retire) and (go) to live in the country.


The future perfect tense

15. Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect tense.

1. In a fortnight's time we (take) our exam.

2. I (finish) this book by tomorrow evening.

3. By this time tomorrow we (have) our injections.

4. By the end of next year I (be) here twenty-five years.

5. I'll still be here next summer but Tom (leave).

6. I (finish) this job in twenty minutes.

7. By next winter they (build) four houses in that field.

8. At the rate he is going he (spend) all his money by the time he is twenty-one.

9. By this time next year I (save) £250.

10. By the time we get to the party everything (be) eaten.

11. The train (leave) before we reach the station.

12. If I continue with my diet I (lose) 10 kilos by the end of the month.

13. By the end of my university course I (attend) 1,200 lectures.

14. By the end of this week my illness (cost) me £100.

15. By the time that he leaves school his parents (spend) £25,000 on his education.

16. By the end of the term I (read) all twelve volumes.

17. When you come back I (finish) all the housework.

18. The police (hear) of the theft by this time.

19. We (drink) all that wine by the end of the year.

20. On the fourth of next month he (be) in prison for ten years.

21. At this rate you (break) all the wine glasses by the end of the month.

22. If we don't hurry the sun (rise) before we reach the top.

23. I'm going to Hyde Park to hear the people making speeches. ~ You'll be too late. By the time you get there they (finish) their speeches and everybody (go) home.

24. By midnight he (be) unconscious for forty-eight hours.

25. By the end of the month 5,000 people (see) this exhibition.

26. I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all these old houses (be) pulled down.

27. On 21 October they (be) married for twenty-five years.

28. After this performance I (see) Hamlet twenty-two times.

29. The strike leader said, 'By midnight 500 men (come) out on strike.'

30. At your present rate you (burn) all that coal by the end of the month,

31. The treasurer said, 'By the end of the year all our debts (be paid) off.'

32. Tourist: We've only got five hours in Rome; we are leaving but I'm sure that we (see) everything of importance by then.

33. Householder to Zoo official: One of your elephants is in my garden eating my tomatoes.

34. Zoo official: The elephant keeper will be with you in half an hour.

35. Householder: Your elephant (eat) all my tomatoes by then.

Future forms


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