Дополни письмо нужными формами глагола to be (am / is / are). 

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Дополни письмо нужными формами глагола to be (am / is / are).


My name ______ Brian. I ______ ten years old. I ______ from Canada.

I have got a sister. Her name _____ Kathy. She _____ twelve. Kathy _____ a very nice girl.

I have got a mother and a father. My mother ______ beautiful. Her name ______ Samantha. My father ______ very clever. His name ______ Robert.

I love my family so much! They ______ the best family ever!

Bye, Brian

Важно запомнить – глагол to be является самостоятельным, т.е. он сам может образовать все типы предложений – утвердительное (+), вопросительное (?) и отрицательное (-). Для образования вопросительной формы, мы ставим формы глагола to be (am, is, are) в начало предложения перед подлежащим: He is a pupil. -> Is he a pupil? Отрицательная форма глагола to be образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая следует после сказуемого: He is a pupil. -> He is not a pupil. В ходе разговора мы обычно используем краткие формы: I’m not / isn’t / aren’t.


Определи тип предложения. Дополни предложение знаком препинания.

The dog is brave. (+) Is she from Russia?(?) I am not from Africa. (-) Is the frog ugly () My brother is a student () I am a student too () Is your sister a doctor () Your mother is a teacher () Is your mother fine () His father is not a vet () This is a big white cat () Is it your cat () Are we happy () My sisters are teachers () Are you OK () Where is Ann from () What colour is the ball () Are his sisters students () This big dog is not clever () Is the giraffe big () They are not friends ()

Образуй вопросительную форму.

It is a giraffe. _ Is it a giraffe? _________ She is my teacher. _______________________ He is Mark. _______________________ They are good engineers. _______________________ It is a piano. _______________________ Sam is a brave pilot. _______________________ My dad is tall. _______________________ It is a classroom. _______________________ You are sad. ______________________ I am a great pupil. ______________________ We are cold. ______________________ You are great dancers. ______________________

11. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

Is / Areit yellow? Am / Is it a fat rat? Are / Am they kind? Am / Are I clever? Are / Is you fine today? Am / Are you architects? Is / Amhe a caring son? Are / Amthey hardworking? Am / Is she sad? Are / Am we friendly? Is / Are they pencils? Is / Am her daughter pretty? Are / IsBen and Sam ready? Am / Are his cousins young? Is / Amyour brother big? Are / Amthese mice hungry? Is / Are Sam and you here? Are / Am you and I sisters?

Заполни пропуски формами глагола to be (am / is / are).

The apple _____ sweet. Your mother _____ a teacher. _____ your mother fine? His father ____ not a farmer. _____ her brother a doctor? _____ your family fine? _____ the fox red? This bear _____ white. I _____ not from Africa. He _____ not brave. The boy _____ strong. _____ your sister clever? The mouse _____ not brave. My mother _____ fine. His sister _____ a pupil. His sisters _____ pupils. They _____ clowns. Sally _____ my sister. You _____ from Russia. This snake _____ big. What _____ his name? How old _____ your sister? How old _____ her granny? Where _____ he from? Where _____ you from? Where _____ his son from? How _____ your family? What colour _____ the ball? What colour _____ your cat? What colour ____ your dogs?

13. Составь предложения, поставив слова в правильном порядке. Обрати внимание на порядок слов. Укажи тип предложения (+ /? / -), выдели основу (подл-ее, сказуемое).

puppy / her / brown / is. ___________________________________ brave / his / is / dog / not. ___________________________________ not / sisters / his / pupils / are. ___________________________________ friend / is / Ann / her? ___________________________________ a worker / is / brother / my / not. ___________________________________ daughter / his / a doctor / not / is. ___________________________________ from / Tom / are / and / not / Bob / Africa. ___________________________________ the table / not / my / on / are / books. ___________________________________ and / sister / Jane / her / students / are. ___________________________________ what/ is / ball / the / colour? ___________________________________ toys / in / are / their / the box. ___________________________________ pens / your / colour / are / what? ___________________________________ cat / my / and / are / dog / hungry. ___________________________________ old / are / Tom / how / Jack / and? ___________________________________ friends / Jill / are / Jane / and? ___________________________________ tigers / the / are / strong? ___________________________________ the chair / under / not / dog / my / is. ___________________________________ brother / my / I / and/ pupils / are. ___________________________________


Вопрос, который мы задаём ко всему предложению, называется – общий. Общий вопрос начинается с самостоятельного (сильного) глагола, к примеру, глагола to be. Интонация в общем вопросе идёт вверх! На общий вопрос следует отвечать кратко (да / нет). В кратких ответах существительные заменяются личными местоимениями, после которых следуют самостоятельные глаголы. Kate is a pupil. -> Is Kate a pupil? – Yes, she is. She is a pupil. / No, she isn’t. She is a student. Запомни! В кратком утвердительном ответе, начинающемся с “Yes”, используется полная форма глагола to be.


14. Допиши краткий ответ, обращая внимание на глагол, с которого начинается вопрос. Не забудь про частицу not в отрицательном ответе. Существительные замени личными местоимениями!

Is he a pupil? - Yes, _____________. Is he a teacher? - No, _____________. Is Ann a doctor? — No, _____________. Is Ann a teacher? — Yes, _____________. Is Bob from Africa? — Yes, _____________. Is Tom from America? — No, ____________. Are they fine? — Yes, _____________. Are they hungry? — No, _____________. Are you a pupil? - Yes, _____________. Are you a driver? — No, _____________. Are they doctors? — No, _____________. Are they students? — Yes, _____________. Is she your sister? — No, _____________. Is it America? — Yes, _____________. Is it Africa? - No, _____________. Is Kate his friend? — No, _____________. Is Bill her brother? — Yes, _____________. Are you her friend? — Yes, _____________. Is the dog white? - Yes, _____________. Are the cats black? - No, _____________.


15. Сопоставь вопросы с ответами.

1. Am I clever? 2. Is she beautiful? 3. Are you a good dancer? 4. Is your puppy happy? 5. Are giraffes tall? 6. Are we ready? 7. Is he a good doctor? 8. Are you great pupils? 9. Is Yelena Yurievna a builder? 10. Are they fine? a. Yes, she is. b. No, you aren’t. c. Yes, you are. d. Yes, he is. e. Yes, they are. f. Yes, I am. g. Yes, we are. h. No, it isn’t. i. No, she isn’t. j. Yes, they are. 1 - __c__ 2 - _____ 3 - _____ 4 - _____ 5 - _____ 6 - _____ 7 - _____ 8 - _____ 9 - _____ 10 - _____


Запиши предложения, используя краткие формы. Существительные замени соответствующими личными местоимениями.

I am a clever pupil. _______________________ John is from Canada. _______________________ Ann is not twelve. She is ten. _______________________ Sam and I are great today! _______________________ I am not at school. _______________________ You are not angry. _______________________ It is a funny film on TV. _______________________ We are not lazy pupils. _______________________ You are so hungry! _______________________ Tim and Rosa are friends. _______________________ Russia is a big country. ______________________ Mr. Parker is a businessman. ______________________ My friends are very brave! ______________________ Spot is a huge black dog. ______________________ The sun is a bright star! ______________________


Заполни таблицу.

+ ? -
His parents are very tall.    
  Are you a kind teacher?  
    The box is not empty.
    These boys are not dirty.
  Is his cat sleepy?  
We are so happy today.    
I am friendly.    
  Am I ready?  
    Bob and I are not sad.


18. Дай краткие ответы на общие вопросы.

Are you American? - ___________________ Is he a hard-working engineer? - __________ Am I a good child, Mum? - _______________ Are her sisters funny? - ________________ Are we beautiful? - ____________________ Is Mrs. Davidson kind? - ________________ Is this cake tasty? - ___________________ Nick, Chris! Are you OK? - _______________



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